32,375 research outputs found

    Analysis of Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking (SST) and altimetry data from GEOS-C

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    Radar altimetry and satellite-to-satellite (SST) range and range rate tracking measurements were used to infer the exterior gravitational field of the earth and the structure of the geoid from GEOS-C metric data. Under the SST analysis, a direct point-by-point estimate of gravity disturbance by means of a recursive filter with backward smoothing was attempted but had to be forsaken because of poor convergence. The adopted representation consists of a more or less uniform grid of discrete masses at a depth of approximately 400 km from the earth's surface. The layer is superimposed on a spherical harmonics model. The procedure for smoothing the altimetry and inferring the fine-structured gravity field over the Atlantic test area is described. The local disturbances are represented by means of a density layer. The altimeter height biases were first estimated by a least squares adjustment at orbital crossover points. After taking out the bias, long wavelength contributions from GEM-6 as well as a calibration correction were subtracted. The residual heights were then represented by a mass distribution beneath the earth's surface

    LDEF Space Plasma-High Voltage Drainage Experiment post-flight results

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    The Space Plasma-High Voltage Drainage Experiment (SP-HVDE) was comprised of two identical experimental trays. With one tray located on the leading (ram facing, B10) edge and the other located on the trailing (wake facing, D4) edge of the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF), it was possible to directly compare the effects of ram and wake spacecraft environments on charged dielectric materials. Six arrays of Kapton dielectric samples of 2 mil, 3 mil, and 5 mil thicknesses maintained at +/- 300, +/- 500, and +/- 1000 voltage bias formed the experimental matrix of each tray. In addition, each tray carried two solar cell strings, one biased at +300 volts and the other at -300 volts, to study current leakage from High Voltage Solar Arrays (HVSA). The SP-HVDE provides the first direct, long-term, in-flight measurements of average leakage current through dielectric materials under electric stress. The experiment also yields information on the long term stability of the bulk dielectric properties of such materials. Data and findings of the SP-HVDE are an extension of those from shorter term flight experiments such as the PIX-1 (Plasma Interaction Experiment) and PIX-2 and are therefore valuable in the design and evaluation of long-lived space systems with high voltage systems exposed to the low earth orbital environment. A summary of the SP-HVDE post flight analysis final report delivered to the LDEF Project Office under contract to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration is presented

    Generalized Advanced Propeller Analysis System (GAPAS). Volume 2: Computer program user manual

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    The Generalized Advanced Propeller Analysis System (GAPAS) computer code is described. GAPAS was developed to analyze advanced technology multi-bladed propellers which operate on aircraft with speeds up to Mach 0.8 and altitudes up to 40,000 feet. GAPAS includes technology for analyzing aerodynamic, structural, and acoustic performance of propellers. The computer code was developed for the CDC 7600 computer and is currently available for industrial use on the NASA Langley computer. A description of all the analytical models incorporated in GAPAS is included. Sample calculations are also described as well as users requirements for modifying the analysis system. Computer system core requirements and running times are also discussed

    Klein-Gordon Equation in Hydrodynamical Form

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    We follow and modify the Feshbach-Villars formalism by separating the Klein-Gordon equation into two coupled time-dependent Schroedinger equations for particle and antiparticle wave function components with positive probability densities. We find that the equation of motion for the probability densities is in the form of relativistic hydrodynamics where various forces have their classical counterparts, with the additional element of the quantum stress tensor that depends on the derivatives of the amplitude of the wave function. We derive the equation of motion for the Wigner function and we find that its approximate classical weak-field limit coincides with the equation of motion for the distribution function in the collisionless kinetic theory.Comment: 13 page

    Relativistic Modification of the Gamow Factor

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    In processes involving Coulomb-type initial- and final-state interactions, the Gamow factor has been traditionally used to take into account these additional interactions. The Gamow factor needs to be modified when the magnitude of the effective coupling constant increases or when the velocity increases. For the production of a pair of particles under their mutual Coulomb-type interaction, we obtain the modification of the Gamow factor in terms of the overlap of the Feynman amplitude with the relativistic wave function of the two particles. As a first example, we study the modification of the Gamow factor for the production of two bosons. The modification is substantial when the coupling constant is large.Comment: 13 pages, in LaTe

    Effect of Bio-Oss® Collagen and Collagen Matrix on Bone Formation

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    Objective: to compare the amount of new bone produced by Bio-Oss ® Collagen to that produced by collagen matrix in vivo. Method: eighteen bone defects, 5mm by 10mm were created in the parietal bone of 9 New Zealand White rabbits. 6 defects were grafted with Bio-Oss ® Collagen. 6 defects were grafted with collagen matrix alone (positive control) and 6 were left empty (negative control). Animals were killed on day 14 and the defects were dissected and prepared for histological assessment. Quantitative analysis of new bone formation was made on 100 sections (50 sections for each group) using image analysis. Results: A total of 339% more new bone was present in defects grafted with Bio-Oss ® Collagen than those grafted with collagen matrix (positive control). No bone was formed in the negative control group. Conclusion: Bio-Oss ® Collagen has the effect of stimulating new bone formation locally compared with collagen matrix in vivo. Bio-Oss ® Collagen may be utilized as a bone graft material. © Wong and Rabie; Licensee Bentham Open.published_or_final_versio

    A different view of the quantum Hall plateau-to-plateau transitions

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    We demonstrate experimentally that the transitions between adjacent integer quantum Hall (QH) states are equivalent to a QH-to-insulator transition occurring in the top Landau level, in the presence of an inert background of the other completely filled Landau levels, each contributing a single unit of quantum conductance, e2/he^{2}/h, to the total Hall conductance of the system.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, Revtex 3.

    Lens Galaxy Properties of SBS1520+530: Insights from Keck Spectroscopy and AO Imaging

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    We report on an investigation of the SBS 1520+530 gravitational lens system and its environment using archival HST imaging, Keck spectroscopic data, and Keck adaptive-optics imaging. The AO imaging has allowed us to fix the lens galaxy properties with a high degree of precision when performing the lens modeling, and the data indicate that the lens has an elliptical morphology and perhaps a disk. The new spectroscopic data suggest that previous determinations of the lens redshift may be incorrect, and we report an updated, though inconclusive, value z_lens = 0.761. We have also spectroscopically confirmed the existence of several galaxy groups at approximately the redshift of the lens system. We create new models of the lens system that explicitly account for the environment of the lens, and we also include improved constraints on the lensing galaxy from our adaptive-optics imaging. Lens models created with these new data can be well-fit with a steeper than isothermal mass slope (alpha = 2.29, with the density proportional to r^-alpha) if H_0 is fixed at 72 km/s/Mpc; isothermal models require H_0 ~ 50 km/s/Mpc. The steepened profile may indicate that the lens is in a transient perturbed state caused by interactions with a nearby galaxy.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Ap

    Optimally adapted multi-state neural networks trained with noise

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    The principle of adaptation in a noisy retrieval environment is extended here to a diluted attractor neural network of Q-state neurons trained with noisy data. The network is adapted to an appropriate noisy training overlap and training activity which are determined self-consistently by the optimized retrieval attractor overlap and activity. The optimized storage capacity and the corresponding retriever overlap are considerably enhanced by an adequate threshold in the states. Explicit results for improved optimal performance and new retriever phase diagrams are obtained for Q=3 and Q=4, with coexisting phases over a wide range of thresholds. Most of the interesting results are stable to replica-symmetry-breaking fluctuations.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in PR
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