791 research outputs found

    Electron-hole spectra created by adsorption on metals from density-functional theory

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    Non-adiabaticity in adsorption on metal surfaces gives rise to a number of measurable effects, such as chemicurrents and exo-electron emission. Here we present a quantitative theory of chemicurrents on the basis of ground-state density-functional theory (DFT) calculations of the effective electronic potential and the Kohn-Sham band structure. Excitation probabilities are calculated both for electron-hole pairs and for electrons and holes separately from first-order time-dependent perturbation theory. This is accomplished by evaluating the matrix elements (between Kohn-Sham states) of the rate of change of the effective electronic potential between subsequent (static) DFT calculations. Our approach is related to the theory of electronic friction, but allows for direct access to the excitation spectra. The method is applied to adsorption of atomic hydrogen isotopes on the Al(111) surface. The results are compatible with the available experimental data (for noble metal surfaces); in particular, the observed isotope effect in H versus D adsorption is described by the present theory. Moreover, the results are in qualitative agreement with computationally elaborate calculations of the full dynamics within time-dependent density-functional theory, with the notable exception of effects due to the spin dynamics. Being a perturbational approach, the method proposed here is simple enough to be applied to a wide class of adsorbates and surfaces, while at the same time allowing us to extract system-specific information.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B, http://prb.aps.org/, v2: some major improvements, plus correction of minor error

    Flame retardant polyphosphazenes

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    Six polyphosphazene compositions were prepared by reaction of three bis-tertiary phosphines with two phenyl-s-triazine derived diazides. All six polyphosphazenes produced were completely characterized, four of them were furthermore subjected to isothermal gravimetric analysis, smoke density measurements, flammability and oxidative thermal degradation testing. The results of the characterization studies indicate that only low molecular weight oligomers, possibly of a cyclic structure, were obtained in the polymerization reactions. Despite this, however, two of the materials showed no weight loss after 96 hr at 200 C, one did not autoignite at 500 C in air, and all four self extinguished when exposed to a flame as soon as contact between flame and resin was lost. The only toxic decomposition products to be concerned about were found to be hydrogen cyanide and benzene. Under the conditions employed it was proven, however, that the quantities of toxic products are greatly reduced if no ignition takes place, e.g., if thermal decomposition proceeds at a sufficiently low rate

    Flame retardant polyphosphazenes

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    Three processes for the preparation of polyphosphazenes were investigated: (1) the reaction of bisphosphines with diazides, (2) the condensation of bisdichlorophosphoranes with diamines; and (3) the treatment of bisphosphines with diamines in the presence of carbon tetrachloride followed by base dehydrohalogenation. All products obtained were of low molecular weight; the degree of polymerization did not exceed twelve repeating units. However, several compositions exhibited good thermal stability. No weight loss was observed up to 390 C when heated in air at 5 C/min. Treatment of bisphosphines with either an excess of a diazide or an excess of a diamine in the presence of carbon tetrachloride resulted in the production of difunctional phosphazenes which were respectively, azido and amino terminated. The reaction of these azido terminated extended monomers with bisphosphines did not produce high molecular weight materials. The bis-aminophosphazene prepared for the first time under this contract was successfully incorporated into a polyimide

    Density-functional theory study of half-metallic heterostructures: interstitial Mn in Si

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    Using density-functional theory within the generalized gradient approximation, we show that Si-based heterostructures with 1/4 layer δ\delta-doping of {\em interstitial} Mn (Mnint_{\mathrm int}) are half-metallic. For Mnint_{\mathrm int} concentrations of 1/2 or 1 layer, the states induced in the band gap of δ\delta-doped heterostructures still display high spin polarization, about 85% and 60%, respectively. The proposed heterostructures are more stable than previously assumed δ\delta-layers of {\em substitutional} Mn. Contrary to wide-spread belief, the present study demonstrates that {\em interstitial} Mn can be utilized to tune the magnetic properties of Si, and thus provides a new clue for Si-based spintronics materials.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, PRL accepte

    Flame resistant nontoxic polymer development

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    A number of homopolymers, copolymers, and terpolymers were synthesized employing styrene and four derivatives of diphenyl-p-styrylphosphine. The various polymeric compositions were prepared by two processes, (1) monomer bulk polymerizations and (2) substitution of preformed polydiphenyl-p-styrylphosphine. Results indicate that the majority of the compositions exhibit superior melting and flame retardant characteristics as compared to polystyrene, but are inferior in molding and film forming capability. Terpolymerization appears to result in the materials with the best overall combination of properties. Toxicological evaluation of three representative basic compositions in the form of molded washers showed that no mortalities occurred among the test animals exposed to the products of the oxidative thermal decomposition of the three materials

    Preparation of perfluorinated 1,2,4-oxadiazoles

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    Fluorinated alkyl or alkylether 1,2,4 oxadiazole compounds are prepared by cyclizing the corresponding alkyl or alkylether imidoyl amidoximes in vacuo or in an inert atmosphere at a temperature within the range of 40 C to 100 C. for a period of 8 to 144 hours in the presence of an acid compound which can accept ammonia to form a salt. The imidoyl amidoximes usable in this process are either polymeric or nonpolymeric. The products, when polymeric, have excellent heat, chemical and solvent resistance

    Determination of Traveltime in the Delaware River, Hancock, New York, to the Delaware Water Gap by Use of a Conservative Dye Tracer

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    Traveltime of a soluble substance was determined for a 120-mile reach of the Delaware River from the confluence of the East Branch Delaware River and the West Branch Delaware River at Hancock, N.Y. to the Delaware Water Gap. Dye studies were conducted at the 85-95 percent and the 25-30 percent flow durations. Discharges ranged from 500-1,740 cubic feet per second during the 85-95 percent flow duration and 3,070-7,500 cubic feet per second for the 25-30 percent flow duration. The data were used to develop a set of time-concentration curves that would enable estimation of the traveltime of a spill at any point in the river within the study reach for 10 flow durations. The leading edge of a contaminant spill at Buckingham Access would take about 70 hours to reach the Delaware Water Gap when flows are at the 30-percent flow duration. The trailing edge (location of the dye cloud when concentrations would decrease to 10 percent of the peak concentration) would take about 50 hours after the arrival of the leading edge

    Improved perfluoroalkylether fluid development

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    The feasibility of transforming a commercial linear perfluoroalkylether fluid into a material stable in the presence of metals and metal alloys in oxidizing atmospheres at 300 C without the loss of the desirable viscosity temperature characteristics was determined. The approach consisted of thermal oxidative treatment in the presence of catalyst to remove weak links, followed by transformation of the created functional groups into phospha-s-triazine linkages. It it found that the experimental material obtained in 66% yield from the commercial fluid exhibits, over an 8 hr period at 300 C in the presence of Ti(4Al, 4Mn) alloy, thermal oxidative stability better by a factor of 2.6x1000 based on volatiles evolved than the commercial product. The viscosity and molecular weight of the developed fluid are unchanged and are essentially identical with the commercial material. No metal corrosion occurs with the experimental fluid at 300 C

    Thermal oxidative degradation reactions of linear perfluoroalky lethers

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    Thermal and thermal oxidative stability studies were performed on linear perfluoro alkyl ether fluids. The effect on degradation by metal catalysts and degradation inhibitors are reported. The liner perfluoro alkylethers are inherently unstable at 316 C in an oxidizing atmosphere. The metal catalysts greatly increased the rate of degradation in oxidizing atmospheres. In the presence of these metals in an oxidizing atmosphere, the degradation inhibitors were highly effective in arresting degradation at 288 C. However, the inhibitors had only limited effectiveness at 316 C. The metals promote degradation by chain scission. Based on elemental analysis and oxygen consumption data, the linear perfluoro alkylether fluids have a structural arrangement based on difluoroformyl and tetrafluoroethylene oxide units, with the former predominating

    Selection of highly specific and sensitive mRNA biomarkers for the identification of blood

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    In the present work, we have evaluated eight reportedly blood-specific mRNA markers (HBB, HBA, ALAS2, CD3G, ANK1, PBGD, SPTB, AQP9) in an attempt to determine the most suitable ones for use in forensic applications based on their sensitivities, specificities and performance with casework samples. While varying levels of expression were observed, all markers were relatively sensitive requiring as little as 1 ng of RNA input into the reverse transcription (RT) reaction. In singleplex reactions, seven of the eight analyzed blood markers (all except AQP9) demonstrated a high degree of specificity for blood. In multiplex reactions, non-reproducible cross-reactivity was observed for several of the mRNA markers, which was reduced and, in most cases, eliminated when less input total RNA was used. Additionally, some cross-reactivity was observed with tissue and animal samples. Despite differences in the observed sensitivity and specificity of the blood markers examined in this study, a number of the candidates appear to be suitable for inclusion in appropriately validated multiplex mRNA-based body fluid identification systems
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