280 research outputs found

    Thin-disk laser pump schemes for large number of passes and moderate pump source quality

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    Novel thin-disk laser pump layouts are proposed yielding an increased number of passes for a given pump module size and pump source quality. These novel layouts result from a general scheme which bases on merging two simpler pump optics arrangements. Some peculiar examples can be realized by adapting standard commercially available pump optics simply by intro ducing an additional mirror-pair. More pump passes yield better efficiency, opening the way for usage of active materials with low absorption. In a standard multi-pass pump design, scaling of the number of beam passes brings ab out an increase of the overall size of the optical arrangement or an increase of the pump source quality requirements. Such increases are minimized in our scheme, making them eligible for industrial applicationsComment: 16 pages, 9 figure

    MetaBar - a tool for consistent contextual data acquisition and standards compliant submission

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    Background: Environmental sequence datasets are increasing at an exponential rate; however, the vast majority of them lack appropriate descriptors like sampling location, time and depth/altitude: generally referred to as metadata or contextual data. The consistent capture and structured submission of these data is crucial for integrated data analysis and ecosystems modeling. The application MetaBar has been developed, to support consistent contextual data acquisition. Results: MetaBar is a spreadsheet and web-based software tool designed to assist users in the consistent acquisition, electronic storage, and submission of contextual data associated to their samples. A preconfigured Microsoft Excel spreadsheet is used to initiate structured contextual data storage in the field or laboratory. Each sample is given a unique identifier and at any stage the sheets can be uploaded to the MetaBar database server. To label samples, identifiers can be printed as barcodes. An intuitive web interface provides quick access to the contextual data in the MetaBar database as well as user and project management capabilities. Export functions facilitate contextual and sequence data submission to the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC), comprising of the DNA DataBase of Japan (DDBJ), the European Molecular Biology Laboratory database (EMBL) and GenBank. MetaBar requests and stores contextual data in compliance to the Genomic Standards Consortium specifications. The MetaBar open source code base for local installation is available under the GNU General Public License version 3 (GNU GPL3). Conclusion: The MetaBar software supports the typical workflow from data acquisition and field-sampling to contextual data enriched sequence submission to an INSDC database. The integration with the megx.net marine Ecological Genomics database and portal facilitates georeferenced data integration and metadata-based comparisons of sampling sites as well as interactive data visualization. The ample export functionalities and the INSDC submission support enable exchange of data across disciplines and safeguarding contextual data

    Ecogenomic Perspectives on Domains of Unknown Function: Correlation-Based Exploration of Marine Metagenomes

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    Background: The proportion of conserved DNA sequences with no clear function is steadily growing in bioinformatics databases. Studies of sequence and structural homology have indicated that many uncharacterized protein domain sequences are variants of functionally described domains. If these variants promote an organism's ecological fitness, they are likely to be conserved in the genome of its progeny and the population at large. The genetic composition of microbial communities in their native ecosystems is accessible through metagenomics. We hypothesize the co-variation of protein domain sequences across metagenomes from similar ecosystems will provide insights into their potential roles and aid further investigation. Methodology/Principal findings: We calculated the correlation of Pfam protein domain sequences across the Global Ocean Sampling metagenome collection, employing conservative detection and correlation thresholds to limit results to well-supported hits and associations. We then examined intercorrelations between domains of unknown function (DUFs) and domains involved in known metabolic pathways using network visualization and cluster-detection tools. We used a cautious "guilty-by-association'' approach, referencing knowledge-level resources to identify and discuss associations that offer insight into DUF function. We observed numerous DUFs associated to photobiologically active domains and prevalent in the Cyanobacteria. Other clusters included DUFs associated with DNA maintenance and repair, inorganic nutrient metabolism, and sodium-translocating transport domains. We also observed a number of clusters reflecting known metabolic associations and cases that predicted functional reclassification of DUFs. Conclusion/Significance: Critically examining domain covariation across metagenomic datasets can grant new perspectives on the roles and associations of DUFs in an ecological setting. Targeted attempts at DUF characterization in the laboratory or in silico may draw from these insights and opportunities to discover new associations and corroborate existing ones will arise as more large-scale metagenomic datasets emerge

    Factors Associated with Increased Analgesic Use in German Women with Endometriosis during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    (1) Background: Endometriosis is a frequent chronic pain condition in women of fertile age. Pain management with analgesics is frequently used by women with endometriosis. During the COVID-19 pandemic, access to health services was temporarily restricted in various countries for persons without serious conditions, resulting in increased physical and mental health issues. The present study was conducted in order to assess the risk factors predicting increased analgesic intake by women with endometriosis during the COVID-19 pandemic. (2) Methods: The increased intake of over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription-only (PO) analgesics was assessed with an anonymous online questionnaire, along with demographic, pandemic-specific, disease-specific, and mental health characteristics. Anxiety and depression were assessed with the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-2) and the Patient Health Questionnaire for Depression (PHQ-2), respectively. Pain-induced disability was assessed with the pain-induced disability index (PDI). (3) Results: A high educational level (OR 2.719; 95% CI 1.137–6.501; p = 0.025) and being at higher risk for depressive disorders, as measured by PHQ-2 ≥ 3 (OR 2.398; 95% CI 1.055–5.450; p = 0.037), were independent risk factors for an increased intake of OTC analgesics. Current global pain-induced disability (OR 1.030; 95% CI 1.007–1.054; p = 0.010) was identified as a risk factor for an increased intake of PO pain medication. The degree of reduction in social support and in social networks were independent predictors of an increased intake of PO analgesics in a univariate logistic regression analysis, but lost significance when adjusted for additional possible influencing factors. (4) Conclusions: In this population, an increased intake of OTC analgesics was related to a higher educational level and having a depressive disorder, while a higher pain-induced disability was an independent risk factor for an increased intake of PO analgesics. Pandemic-specific factors did not significantly and independently influence an increased intake of analgesics in women with endometriosis during the first wave of the COVID19 pandemic in Germany. Healthcare providers should be aware of the possible factors related to increased analgesic use in women with endometriosis in order to identify persons at risk for the misuse of pain medication and to prevent potential adverse effects

    Determinants of Pain-Induced Disability in German Women with Endometriosis during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    (1) Background: The main aim of this research was to examine the factors leading to pain induced disability by assessing the impact of demographic, endometriosis-specific, pandemic-specific, and mental health factors. (2) Methods: Women with endometriosis who attended online support groups were invited to respond to an online survey during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany. The Pain Disability Index (PDI) was employed to assess disability-related daily functioning. Independent predictors of pain-induced disability were determined using univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses. (3) Results: The mean PDI score of the study population was 31.61 (SD = 15.82), which was significantly higher (p < 0.001) than that reported in a previously published normative study of the German population. In the present study, a high level of pain-induced disability, as defined by scores equal to or higher than the median of the study population, older age (OR 1.063, 95% CI 1.010–1.120, p = 0.020), dysmenorrhea (OR 1.015, 95% CI 1.005–1.026, p = 0.005), dysuria (OR 1.014; 95% CI 1.001–1.027, p = 0.029), lower back pain (OR 1.018, 95% CI 1.007–1.029, p = 0.001), and impaired mental health (OR 1.271, 95% CI 1.134–1.425, p < 0.001) were found to be independent risk factors. Pandemic-specific factors did not significantly influence the pain-induced disability of the participants in this study. (4) Conclusions: The level of pain-induced disability was significantly higher among the women with endometriosis than among women in the normative German validation study. Our findings identified risk factors for experiencing a high level of pain induced disability, such as demographic and specific pain characteristics. Pandemic-specific factors did not significantly and independently influence the pain-induced disability during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany. Impaired mental health negatively influenced functioning during daily activities. Thus, women with endometriosis should be managed by a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals to prevent negative effects of pain-induced disability on their quality of life

    Muonic hydrogen cascade time and lifetime of the short-lived 2S2S state

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    Metastable 2S{2S} muonic-hydrogen atoms undergo collisional 2S{2S}-quenching, with rates which depend strongly on whether the μp\mu p kinetic energy is above or below the 2S2P{2S}\to {2P} energy threshold. Above threshold, collisional 2S2P{2S} \to {2P} excitation followed by fast radiative 2P1S{2P} \to {1S} deexcitation is allowed. The corresponding short-lived μp(2S)\mu p ({2S}) component was measured at 0.6 hPa H2\mathrm{H}_2 room temperature gas pressure, with lifetime τ2Sshort=16529+38\tau_{2S}^\mathrm{short} = 165 ^{+38}_{-29} ns (i.e., λ2Squench=7.91.6+1.8×1012s1\lambda_{2S}^\mathrm{quench} = 7.9 ^{+1.8}_{-1.6} \times 10^{12} \mathrm{s}^{-1} at liquid-hydrogen density) and population ϵ2Sshort=1.700.56+0.80\epsilon_{2S}^\mathrm{short} = 1.70^{+0.80}_{-0.56} % (per μp\mu p atom). In addition, a value of the μp\mu p cascade time, Tcasμp=(37±5)T_\mathrm{cas}^{\mu p} = (37\pm5) ns, was found.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    MADNESS: A Multiresolution, Adaptive Numerical Environment for Scientific Simulation

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    MADNESS (multiresolution adaptive numerical environment for scientific simulation) is a high-level software environment for solving integral and differential equations in many dimensions that uses adaptive and fast harmonic analysis methods with guaranteed precision based on multiresolution analysis and separated representations. Underpinning the numerical capabilities is a powerful petascale parallel programming environment that aims to increase both programmer productivity and code scalability. This paper describes the features and capabilities of MADNESS and briefly discusses some current applications in chemistry and several areas of physics

    X-ray emission during the muonic cascade in hydrogen

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    We report our investigations of X rays emitted during the muonic cascade in hydrogen employing charge coupled devices as X-ray detectors. The density dependence of the relative X-ray yields for the muonic hydrogen lines (K_alpha, K_beta, K_gamma) has been measured at densities between 0.00115 and 0.97 of liquid hydrogen density. In this density region collisional processes dominate the cascade down to low energy levels. A comparison with recent calculations is given in order to demonstrate the influence of Coulomb deexcitation.Comment: 5 pages, Tex, 4 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Система навигации автономного мобильного робота для работы на Крайнем Севере

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    Объектом исследования является способ корректировки местоположения, при инерциальной навигации мобильного робота на местности в условиях отсутствия/искажения сигнала ГЛОНАСС/GPS, для работы на Крайнем Севере. Цель работы–разработка способа наземной корректировки навигации мобильного робота в условиях Крайнего Севера. В процессе исследования была изучена литература по тематике навигации мобильных роботов, в частности SLAM, судовой навигации, построения маршрутов, и видам алгоритмов, библиотек компьютерного зрения. В результате исследования была разработана структурная схема, был сделан подбор устройств в соответствии с необходимым функционалом, был разработан алгоритм работы системы и написаны соответствующие программы. Область применения: дорожные эксплуатационные предприятия.The object of the study is a way to correct the location, with inertial navigation of a mobile robot on the ground in the absence / distortion of the GLONASS / GPS signal, to work in the Far North. The purpose of the work is to develop a method for ground-based navigation correction of a mobile robot in the Far North. During the study, literature was studied on the topics of navigation of mobile robots, in particular SLAM, ship navigation, route building, and types of algorithms, computer vision libraries. As a result of the study, a block diagram was developed, a selection of devices was made in accordance with the necessary functionality, an algorithm for the operation of the system was developed, and corresponding programs were written. Scope: road operating enterprises