158 research outputs found

    Integral potential method for a transmission problem with Lipschitz interface in R^3 for the Stokes and Darcy–Forchheimer–Brinkman PDE systems

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    The purpose of this paper is to obtain existence and uniqueness results in weighted Sobolev spaces for transmission problems for the non-linear Darcy-Forchheimer-Brinkman system and the linear Stokes system in two complementary Lipschitz domains in R3, one of them is a bounded Lipschitz domain with connected boundary, and the other one is the exterior Lipschitz domain R3 n. We exploit a layer potential method for the Stokes and Brinkman systems combined with a fixed point theorem in order to show the desired existence and uniqueness results, whenever the given data are suitably small in some weighted Sobolev spaces and boundary Sobolev spaces

    Actin/alpha-actinin-dependent transport of AMPA receptors in dendritic spines: role of the PDZ-LIM protein RIL

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    The efficacy of excitatory transmission in the brain depends to a large extent on synaptic AMPA receptors, hence the importance of understanding the delivery and recycling of the receptors at the synaptic sites. Here we report a novel regulation of the AMPA receptor transport by a PDZ (postsynaptic density-95/Drosophila disc large tumor suppressor zona occludens 1) and LIM (Lin11/rat Isl-1/Mec3) domain-containing protein, RIL (reversion-induced LIM protein). We show that RIL binds to the AMPA glutamate receptor subunit GluR-A C-terminal peptide via its LIM domain and to alpha-actinin via its PDZ domain. RIL is enriched in the postsynaptic density fraction isolated from rat forebrain, strongly localizes to dendritic spines in cultured neurons, and coprecipitates, together with alpha-actinin, in a protein complex isolated by immunoprecipitation of AMPA receptors from forebrain synaptosomes. Functionally, in heterologous cells, RIL links AMPA receptors to the alpha-actinin/actin cytoskeleton, an effect that appears to apply selectively to the endosomal surface-internalized population of the receptors. In cultured neurons, an overexpression of recombinant RIL increases the accumulation of AMPA receptors in dendritic spines, both at the total level, as assessed by immunodetection of endogenous GluR-A-containing receptors, and at the synaptic surface, as assessed by recording of miniature EPSCs. Our results thus indicate that RIL directs the transport of GluR-A-containing AMPA receptors to and/or within dendritic spines, in an alpha-actinin/actin-dependent manner, and that such trafficking function promotes the synaptic accumulation of the receptors

    Worker remittances and the global preconditions of ‘smart development’

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    With the growing environmental crisis affecting our globe, ideas to weigh economic or social progress by the ‘energy input’ necessary to achieve it are increasingly gaining acceptance. This question is intriguing and is being dealt with by a growing number of studies, focusing on the environmental price of human progress. Even more intriguing, however, is the question of which factors of social organization contribute to a responsible use of the resources of our planet to achieve a given social result (‘smart development’). In this essay, we present the first systematic study on how migration – or rather, more concretely, received worker remittances per GDP – helps the nations of our globe to enjoy social and economic progress at a relatively small environmental price. We look at the effects of migration on the balance sheets of societal accounting, based on the ‘ecological price’ of the combined performance of democracy, economic growth, gender equality, human development, research and development, and social cohesion. Feminism in power, economic freedom, population density, the UNDP education index as well as the receipt of worker remittances all significantly contribute towards a ‘smart overall development’, while high military expenditures and a high world economic openness are a bottleneck for ‘smart overall development’

    Splenic peliosis with spontaneous splenic rupture: report of two cases

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    BACKGROUND: Peliosis is a rare condition characterised by multiple cyst-like, blood-filled cavities within the parenchyma of solid organs. Most commonly affecting the liver, isolated splenic peliosis is an even more unique phenomenon. Patients with the condition are often asymptomatic. However, this potentially lethal condition can present with spontaneous organ rupture. We present two such cases, discuss their management and review what is currently known in the existing literature. CASE PRESENTATION: A previously well twenty-six year old woman presented with abdominal pain following a trivial episode of coughing. A diagnosis of spontaneous splenic rupture was made following clinical and radiological examination. She underwent emergency splenectomy and made a full, uneventful recovery. Histopathological examination confirmed splenic peliosis. The second case describes an eighty six year old lady who sustained a trivial fall and developed pain in her left side. A CT confirmed splenic rupture. She became haemodynamically unstable during her admission and underwent emergency splenectomy. Histopathological examination revealed splenic peliosis. She went on to make an uneventful recovery. CONCLUSION: Splenic peliosis is very rare. It has a number of associations including immunosuppression, drug therapy and infection. Although patients are often asymptomatic, life-threatening spontaneous organ rupture may occur. If the diagnosis of peliosis is confirmed, additional investigations should be considered to detect its presence in other organs. Furthermore, the presence of the condition may be relevant if further medical or surgical intervention is planned

    Contribution of Cystine-Glutamate Antiporters to the Psychotomimetic Effects of Phencyclidine

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    Altered glutamate signaling contributes to a myriad of neural disorders, including schizophrenia. While synaptic levels are intensely studied, nonvesicular release mechanisms, including cystine–glutamate exchange, maintain high steady-state glutamate levels in the extrasynaptic space. The existence of extrasynaptic receptors, including metabotropic group II glutamate receptors (mGluR), pose nonvesicular release mechanisms as unrecognized targets capable of contributing to pathological glutamate signaling. We tested the hypothesis that activation of cystine–glutamate antiporters using the cysteine prodrug N-acetylcysteine would blunt psychotomimetic effects in the rodent phencyclidine (PCP) model of schizophrenia. First, we demonstrate that PCP elevates extracellular glutamate in the prefrontal cortex, an effect that is blocked by N-acetylcysteine pretreatment. To determine the relevance of the above finding, we assessed social interaction and found that N-acetylcysteine reverses social withdrawal produced by repeated PCP. In a separate paradigm, acute PCP resulted in working memory deficits assessed using a discrete trial t-maze task, and this effect was also reversed by N-acetylcysteine pretreatment. The capacity of N-acetylcysteine to restore working memory was blocked by infusion of the cystine–glutamate antiporter inhibitor (S)-4-carboxyphenylglycine into the prefrontal cortex or systemic administration of the group II mGluR antagonist LY341495 indicating that the effects of N-acetylcysteine requires cystine–glutamate exchange and group II mGluR activation. Finally, protein levels from postmortem tissue obtained from schizophrenic patients revealed significant changes in the level of xCT, the active subunit for cystine–glutamate exchange, in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. These data advance cystine–glutamate antiporters as novel targets capable of reversing the psychotomimetic effects of PCP

    Influence of phosphodiesterases and cGMP on cAMP generation and on phosphorylation of phospholamban and troponin I by 5-HT4 receptor activation in porcine left atrium

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    Our objective was to investigate the role of phosphodiesterase (PDE)3 and PDE4 and cGMP in the control of cAMP metabolism and of phosphorylation of troponin I (TnI) and phospholamban (PLB) when 5-HT4 receptors are activated in pig left atrium. Electrically paced porcine left atrial muscles, mounted in organ baths, received stimulators of particulate guanylyl cyclase (pGC) or soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) and/or specific PDE inhibitors followed by 5-HT or the 5-HT4 receptor agonist prucalopride. Muscles were freeze-clamped at different moments of exposure to measure phosphorylation of the cAMP/protein kinase A targets TnI and PLB by immunoblotting and cAMP levels by enzyme immunoassay. Corresponding with the functional results, 5-HT only transiently increased cAMP content, but caused a less quickly declining phosphorylation of PLB and did not significantly change TnI phosphorylation. Under combined PDE3 and PDE4 inhibition, the 5-HT-induced increase in cAMP levels and PLB phosphorylation was enhanced and sustained, and TnI phosphorylation was now also increased. Responses to prucalopride per se and the influence thereupon of PDE3 and PDE4 inhibition were similar except that responses were generally smaller. Stimulation of pGC together with PDE4 inhibition increased 5-HT-induced PLB phosphorylation compared to 5-HT alone, consistent with functional responses. sGC stimulation hastened the fade of inotropic responses to 5-HT, while cAMP levels were not altered. PDE3 and PDE4 control the cAMP response to 5-HT4 receptor activation, causing a dampening of downstream signalling. Stimulation of pGC is able to enhance inotropic responses to 5-HT by increasing cAMP levels, while sGC stimulation decreases contraction to 5-HT cAMP independently

    Forebrain NR2B Overexpression Facilitating the Prefrontal Cortex Long-Term Potentiation and Enhancing Working Memory Function in Mice

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    Prefrontal cortex plays an important role in working memory, attention regulation and behavioral inhibition. Its functions are associated with NMDA receptors. However, there is little information regarding the roles of NMDA receptor NR2B subunit in prefrontal cortical synaptic plasticity and prefrontal cortex-related working memory. Whether the up-regulation of NR2B subunit influences prefrontal cortical synaptic plasticity and working memory is not yet clear. In the present study, we measured prefrontal cortical synaptic plasticity and working memory function in NR2B overexpressing transgenic mice. In vitro electrophysiological data showed that overexpression of NR2B specifically in the forebrain region resulted in enhancement of prefrontal cortical long-term potentiation (LTP) but did not alter long-term depression (LTD). The enhanced LTP was completely abolished by a NR2B subunit selective antagonist, Ro25-6981, indicating that overexpression of NR2B subunit is responsible for enhanced LTP. In addition, NR2B transgenic mice exhibited better performance in a set of working memory paradigms including delay no-match-to-place T-maze, working memory version of water maze and odor span task. Our study provides evidence that NR2B subunit of NMDA receptor in prefrontal cortex is critical for prefrontal cortex LTP and prefrontal cortex-related working memory