5,394 research outputs found

    Airfoil shape and thickness effects on transonic airloads and flutter

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    A transient pulse technique is used to obtain harmonic forces from a time-marching solution of the complete unsteady transonic small perturbation potential equation. The unsteady pressures and forces acting on a model of the NACA 64A010 conventional airfoil and the MBB A-3 supercritical airfoil over a range of Mach numbers are examined in detail. Flutter calculations at constant angle of attack show a similar flutter behavior for both airfoils, except for a boundary shift in Mach number associated with corresponding Mach number shift in the unsteady aerodynamic forces. Differences in the static aeroelastic twist behavior for the two airfoils are significant

    A Technique for Narrowband Time Series Photometry: the X-ray Star V2116 Oph

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    We have used innovative features of the Taurus Tunable Filter instrument on the 3.9-m Anglo-Australian Telescope to obtain nearly-continuous, high-throughput, linear photometry of V2116 Oph in a 7 Angstrom bandpass at the center of the O I 8446 emission line. This instrumental technique shows promise for applications requiring precise, rapid, narrowband photometry of faint objects. The spectrum of V2116 Oph, the counterpart of GX 1+4 (=X1728-247), is exotic, even among the unusual spectra of other optical counterparts of compact Galactic X-ray sources. The second strongest emission line is an unusual one, namely extremely prominent O I 8446, which is likely to result from pumping by an intense Ly beta radiation field. As the X-radiation from GX 1+4 is steadily pulsed, with typical pulsed fractions of 0.4, the O I 8446 emission in V2116 Oph may also be strongly modulated with the current 127 s period of the X-ray source. If so, this may well allow us to obtain high signal-to-noise radial velocity measurements and thus to determine the system parameters. However, no such pulsations are detected, and we set an upper limit of ~1% (full-amplitude) on periodic 8446 oscillations at the X-ray frequency. This value is comparable to the amplitude of continuum oscillations observed on some nights by other workers. Thus we rule out an enhancement of the pulsation amplitude in O I emission, at least at the time of our observations.Comment: 9 pages including 4 figures and no tables. Accepted for publication in PASP; to appear in Volume 110, August 199

    Flow instabilities in transonic small disturbance theory

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    The dynamics of unsteady transonic small disturbance flows about two-dimensional airfoils is examined, with emphasis on the behavior in the region where the steady state flow is nonunique. It is shown that nonuniqueness results from an extremely long time scale instability which occurs in a finite Mach number and angle of attack range. The similarity scaling rules for the instability are presented and the possibility of similar behavior in the Euler equations is discussed

    Experience with transonic unsteady aerodynamic calculations

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    Comparisons of calculated and experimental transonic unsteady pressures and airloads for four of the AGARD Two Dimensional Aeroelastic Configurations and for a rectangular supercritical wing are presented. The two dimensional computer code, XTRAN2L, implementing the transonic small perturbation equation was used to obtain results for: (1) pitching oscillations of the NACA 64A010A; NLR 7301 and NACA 0012 airfoils; (2) flap oscillations for the NACA 64A006 and NRL 7301 airfoils; and (3) transient ramping motions for the NACA 0012 airfoils. Results from the three dimensional code XTRAN3S are compared with data from a rectangular supercritical wing oscillating in pitch. These cases illustrate the conditions under which the transonic inviscid small perturbation equation provides reasonable predictions

    Tuning grid storage resources for LHC data analysis

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    Grid Storage Resource Management (SRM) and local file-system solutions are facing significant challenges to support efficient analysis of the data now being produced at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). We compare the performance of different storage technologies at UK grid sites examining the effects of tuning and recent improvements in the I/O patterns of experiment software. Results are presented for both live production systems and technologies not currently in widespread use. Performance is studied using tests, including real LHC data analysis, which can be used to aid sites in deploying or optimising their storage configuration

    Tunable-filter imaging of quasar fields at z ~ 1. II. The star-forming galaxy environments of radio-loud quasars

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    We have scanned the fields of six radio-loud quasars using the Taurus Tunable Filter to detect redshifted [OII] 3727 line-emitting galaxies at redshifts 0.8 < z < 1.3. Forty-seven new emission-line galaxy (ELG) candidates are found. This number corresponds to an average space density about 100 times that found locally and, at L([OII]) < 10^{42} erg s^{-1} cm^{-2}, is 2 - 5 times greater than the field ELG density at similar redshifts, implying that radio-loud quasars inhabit sites of above-average star formation activity. The implied star-formation rates are consistent with surveys of field galaxies at z ~ 1. However, the variation in candidate density between fields is large and indicative of a range of environments, from the field to rich clusters. The ELG candidates also cluster -- both spatially and in terms of velocity -- about the radio sources. In fields known to contain rich galaxy clusters, the ELGs lie at the edges and outside the concentrated cores of red, evolved galaxies, consistent with the morphology-density relation seen in low-redshift clusters. This work, combined with other studies, suggests that the ELG environments of powerful AGN look very much the same from moderate to high redshifts, i.e. 0.8 < z < 4.Comment: 18 pages, 18 figures, uses emulateapj.cls. Accepted for publication in A

    Characterization of hexabundles: Initial results

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    New multi-core imaging fibre bundles -- hexabundles -- being developed at the University of Sydney will provide simultaneous integral field spectroscopy for hundreds of celestial sources across a wide angular field. These are a natural progression from the use of single fibres in existing galaxy surveys. Hexabundles will allow us to address fundamental questions in astronomy without the biases introduced by a fixed entrance aperture. We have begun to consider instrument concepts that exploit hundreds of hexabundles over the widest possible field of view. To this end, we have compared the performance of a 61-core fully-fused hexabundle and 5 lightly-fused bundles with 7 cores each. All fibres in the bundles have 100 micron cores. In the fully-fused bundle, the cores are distorted from a circular shape in order to achieve a higher fill fraction. The lightly-fused bundles have circular cores and five different cladding thicknesses which affect the fill fraction. We compare the optical performance of all 6 bundles and find that the advantage of smaller interstitial holes (higher fill fraction) is outweighed by the increase in modal coupling, cross-talk and the poor optical performance caused by the deformation of the fibre cores. Uniformly high throughput and low cross-talk are essential for imaging faint astronomical targets with sufficient resolution to disentangle the dynamical structure. Devices already under development will have between 100 and 200 lightly-fused cores, although larger formats are feasible. The light-weight packaging of hexabundles is sufficiently flexible to allow existing robotic positioners to make use of them.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. See also a complimentary paper on the development of hexabundles - Bland-Hawthorn et al. 2011, Optics Express, vol. 19, p. 2649 (http://www.opticsinfobase.org/abstract.cfm?URI=oe-19-3-2649

    Tunable-filter imaging of quasar fields at z~1. I. A cluster around MRC B0450-221

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    Using a combination of multicolour broad- and narrow-band imaging techniques and follow-up spectroscopy, we have detected an overdensity of galaxies in the field of quasar MRC B0450-221, whose properties are consistent with a cluster at the quasar redshift z=0.9. An excess of red galaxies (V-I>2.2, I-K'>3.8) is evident within 1' of the quasar, with the colours expected for galaxies at z=0.9 that have evolved passively for 3 Gyr or more. A number of line-emitting galaxies (nine candidates with equivalent widths EW>70A) are also detected in the field using the TAURUS Tunable Filter (TTF). Three have been confirmed spectroscopically to indeed lie at z=0.9. The TTF candidates with the strongest [O II] line emission cluster in a group which lies 200-700 kpc away from the quasar and the red galaxy excess, and therefore most likely on the outskirts of the cluster. These observations are the first in a series probing quasar environments at z~1 with TTF.Comment: Accepted for publication in AJ. 25 pages, 24 figs (large files in jpg or gif format), uses emulateapj.st