2,977 research outputs found

    Multidisciplinary Development of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Fleet

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    Eco-Dolphin – Cooperative Fleet for Surveillance Mission SIAM, Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics, members have been working for two years on the design, construction and testing of three highly integrated and streamlined autonomous underwater vehicles called Eco-Dolphins. This project is being developed at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s Daytona Beach campus. The Leverage lab is used to create detailed mathematical models and conduct preliminary research for both electrical and mechanical systems. The campus Composites lab is used for the fabrication of structural and aesthetic components used by the high adaptable platform. The Autonomous Underwater Vehicle testing is conducted in the Universities Nonlinear Waves lab. The first phase of design, production and assembly of the yellow Eco-Dolphin prototype has been done in twelve months. The design includes an internal attitude control system, combined with internal propulsion from brushless direct current thrusters, thus allowing the vehicle to ascend and descend. The Eco-Dolphins promise is to be a unique, highly optimized and a competitive underwater vehicle fleet. The team has also successfully completed the second phase of the program, which involved tracking the Eco-Dolphins while submerged underwater. Work has been conducted to add a GPS system for surface tracking. Converting the acoustic system from tethered to wireless to make the ground station more robust. The Eco-Dolphin is configured with recently developed control system software that utilizes a relay combination of Wireless, Sonar and GPS radio wave communication. The current progress on the blue Eco-dolphin will be completed by the summer of 2014, for testing in littoral waters of central Florida. Through the addition of three sequential (yellow, blue, red) vehicles, therefore allows for better position and orientation data to be sent to the teams buoy network. The three vehicles, three buoy communication structure, multiply the data points collected for surveillance and underwater mapping purposes. This additional complexity improves the reliability and increases the application of the product through error elimination software. The team gives hands on research experience to SIAM members through applied mathematics. The outcome of the research goals, results in the application of many fields of study beyond mathematics. When combined the fleet can cooperatively fulfill multitask missions, advanced surveillance and environmental monitoring can be conducted. This opportunity opens the way for better balance between sustainable developments of the coastline

    A monte-carlo floating-point unit for self-validating arithmetic

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    Monte-Carlo arithmetic is a form of self-validating arith-metic that accounts for the effect of rounding errors. We have implemented a floating point unit that can perform ei-ther IEEE 754 or Monte-Carlo floating point computation, allowing hardware accelerated validation of results during execution. Experiments show that our approach has a mod-est hardware overhead and allows the propagation of round-ing error to be accurately estimated

    Emerging links between surface nanotechnology and endocytosis: Impact on nonviral gene delivery

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    Summary Significant effort continues to be exerted toward the improvement of transfection mediated by nonviral vectors. These endeavors are often focused on the design of particulate carriers with properties that encourage efficient accumulation at the membrane surface, particle uptake, and endosomal escape. Despite its demonstrated importance in successful nonviral transfection, relatively little investigation has been done to understand the pressures driving internalized vectors into favorable nondegradative endocytic pathways. Improvements in transfection efficiency have been noted for complexes delivered with a substrate-mediated approach, but the reasons behind such enhancements remain unclear. The phenotypic changes exhibited by cells interacting with nano-and micro-featured substrates offer hints that may explain these effects. This review describes nanoscale particulate and substrate parameters that influence both the uptake of nonviral gene carriers and the endocytic phenotype of interacting cells, and explores the molecular links that may mediate these interactions. Substrate-mediated control of endocytosis represents an exciting new design parameter that will guide the creation of efficient transgene carriers

    Bandwidth Widening Strategies for Piezoelectric Based Energy Harvesting from Ambient Vibration Sources

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    Due to the fact that the ambient vibration sources are random and unpredictable, therefore a vibration based energy harvesting device is desirable to be able to operate at wider bandwidth in an envelop of frequency range to generate maximum electrical output. In this paper, various ambient vibration from household appliances, machineries, vehicle and moving vehicle were measured and investigated. The second part of the paper will discuss the strategies to harvest these ambient vibration sources. An array of piezoelectric multi-cantilever is proposed to address the issue of single piezoelectric cantilever with high Q-factor. Two configurations of multi-cantilever were fabricated in a form that elevated from the substrate as freestanding structures. One with six cantilevers of constant width but different lengths and another with five cantilevers of constant length but different widths. The measurement and experimental results show a frequency band of 200 Hz to 300 Hz as a common bandwith between the vibration sources and the capability of miniature piezoelectric energy harvester in harvesting maximum electrical energy

    Os «quadros» como agentes estratégicos de desenvolvimento das organizações: contributos para uma análise das funções dos quadros superiores

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    O presente artigo pretende reflectir sobre os «quadros» enquanto agentes estratégicos de desenvolvimento das organizações. A partir desta abordagem poder-se-á, por um lado, compreender melhor a importância das funções e, por inerência, dos saberes e/ou das competências dos quadros superiores na actualidade, por outro lado, responder à questão: de que falamos quando nos referimos aos quadros? As técnicas de investigação utilizadas foram a análise documental e o inquérito por questionário. A amostra é constituída por 72 empresas do sector de componentes para automóvel. Estruturalmente, começamos por realizar uma reflexão teórica baseada na análise dos quadros enquanto processo societal, na análise das propostas de objectivação e representação dos quadros em Portugal (Classificação Nacional das Profissões e Estruturas Sindicais Representativas) e na análise dos quadros como constructo dos modos de gestão das organizações. Empiricamente analisam-se as funções dos quadros superiores à luz dos resultados do inquérito por questionário aplicado às empresas do sector de componentes para automóvel. Conclui-se que os quadros superiores das empresas do sector de componentes para automóvel representam uma fonte de vantagem competitiva para as organizações. As funções, as competências e a possibilidade de identificar procedimentos adequados às directrizes estratégicas das empresas são, entre outros, fundamentos do prestígio social associado aos quadros superiores no sector de componentes para automóvel

    Mast Cell–Derived Particles Deliver Peripheral Signals to Remote Lymph Nodes

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    During infection, signals from the periphery are known to reach draining lymph nodes (DLNs), but how these molecules, such as inflammatory cytokines, traverse the significant distances involved without dilution or degradation remains unclear. We show that peripheral mast cells, upon activation, release stable submicrometer heparin-based particles containing tumor necrosis factor and other proteins. These complexes enter lymphatic vessels and rapidly traffic to the DLNs. This physiological drug delivery system facilitates communication between peripheral sites of inflammation and remote secondary lymphoid tissues

    Androgenic and Estrogenic Response of Green Mussel Extracts from Singapore’s Coastal Environment Using a Human Cell-Based Bioassay

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    In the last decade, evidence of endocrine disruption in biota exposed to environmental pollutants has raised serious concern. Human cell-based bioassays have been developed to evaluate induced androgenic and estrogenic activities of chemical compounds. However, bioassays have been sparsely applied to environmental samples. In this study we present data on sex hormone activities in the green mussel, Perna viridis, in Singapore’s coastal waters. P. viridis is a common bioindicator of marine contamination, and this study is a follow-up to an earlier investigation that reported the presence of sex hormone activities in seawater samples from Singapore’s coastal environment. Specimens were collected from eight locations around the Singapore coastline and analyzed for persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and heavy metals. Tissue extracts were then screened for activities on androgen receptors (ARs) and estrogen receptors (ER-α and ER-β) using a reporter gene bio-assay based on a HeLa human cell line. Mussel extracts alone did not exhibit AR activity, but in the presence of the reference androgenic hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), activities were up to 340% higher than those observed for DHT alone. Peak activities were observed in locations adjacent to industrial and shipping activities. Estrogenic activities of the mussel extract both alone and in the presence of reference hormone were positive. Correlations were statistically investigated between sex hormone activities, levels of pollutants in the mussel tissues, and various biological parameters (specimen size, sex ratio, lipid and moisture content). Significant correlations exist between AR activities, in the presence of DHT, and total concentration of POPs (r = 0.725, p < 0.05)

    Elucidation of single atom catalysts for energy and sustainable chemical production: Synthesis, characterization and frontier science

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    The emergence of single atom sites as a frontier research area in catalysis has sparked extensive academic and industrial interest, especially for energy, environmental and chemicals production processes. Single atom catalysts (SACs) have shown remarkable performance in a variety of catalytic reactions, demonstrating high selectivity to the products of interest, long lifespan, high stability and more importantly high atomic metal utilization efficiency. In this review, we unveil in depth insights on development and achievements of SACs, including (a) Chronological progress on SACs development, (b) Recent advances in SACs synthesis, (c) Spatial and temporal SACs characterization techniques, (d) Application of SACs in different energy and chemical production, (e) Environmental and economic aspects of SACs, and (f) Current challenges, promising ideas and future prospects for SACs. On a whole, this review serves to enlighten scientists and engineers in developing fundamental catalytic understanding that can be applied into the future, both for academia or valorizing chemical processes