1,229 research outputs found

    Electron localisation in static and time-dependent one-dimensional model systems

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    Electron localization is the tendency of an electron in a many-body system to exclude other electrons from its vicinity. Using a new natural measure of localization based on the exact manyelectron wavefunction, we find that localization can vary considerably between different ground-state systems, and can also be strongly disrupted, as a function of time, when a system is driven by an applied electric field. We use our new measure to assess the well-known electron localization function (ELF), both in its approximate single-particle form (often applied within density-functional theory) and its full many-particle form. The full ELF always gives an excellent description of localization, but the approximate ELF fails in time-dependent situations, even when the exact Kohn-Sham orbitals are employed.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    The distribution and taxonomy of Kangaroo rats (genus dipodomys) of Utah

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    journal articleThe first comprehensive work on the mammals of Utah was published by Barnes in 1922. In this work (Barnes 1922:86-87) only two kangaroo rats were known from the confines of the state. They were known at that time as Perodipus montcmus utahensis and Perodipus longipes. In Barnes revised edition (1927:107-108) these same two forms were still the only ones recognized for the state. They were now named Dipodomys ordii utahensis and Dipodomys ordii longipes. Grinnell (1919:203) had synonymized perodipus under the older name Dipodomys. Goldman (1917:109) placed these two Utah forms under Dipodomys ordii

    Energy versus electron transfer in organic solar cells: a comparison of the photophysics of two indenofluorene: fullerene blend films

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    In this paper, we compare the photophysics and photovoltaic device performance of two indenofluorene based polymers: poly[2,8-(6,6,12,12-tetraoctylindenofluorene)-co-4,7-(2,1,3-benzothiodiazole] (IF8BT) and poly[2,8-(6,6,12,12-tetraoctylindenofluorene)-co-5,5-(40,70-di-2-thienyl-20,10,30-benzothiodiazole] (IF8TBTT) blended with [6,6]-phenyl C61 butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM). Photovoltaic devices made with IF8TBTT exhibit greatly superior photocurrent generation and photovoltaic efficiency compared to those made with IF8BT. The poor device efficiency of IF8BT/PCBM devices is shown to result from efficient, ultrafast singlet F€orster energy transfer from IF8BT to PCBM, with the resultant PCBM singlet exciton lacking sufficient energy to drive charge photogeneration. The higher photocurrent generation observed for IF8TBTT/PCBM devices is shown to result from IF8TBTT’s relatively weak, red-shifted photoluminescence characteristics, which switches off the polymer to fullerene singlet energy transfer pathway. As a consequence, IF8TBTT singlet excitons are able to drive charge separation at the polymer/fullerene interface, resulting in efficient photocurrent generation. These results are discussed in terms of the impact of donor/acceptor energy transfer upon photophysics and energetics of charge photogeneration in organic photovoltaic\ud devices. The relevance of these results to the design of polymers for organic photovoltaic applications is also discussed, particularly with regard to explaining why highly luminescent polymers developed for organic light emitting diode applications often give relatively poor performance in organic photovoltaic devices

    Mentored Service Learning and Rigorous Academics: Keys to Successful International Study Abroad Programs

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    Using broad analyses of data for international study programs at Brigham Young University as well as a specific case study, we illustrate how the core concepts of service learning-experiences and involvement; mentoring and reflection; and linking service experiences with academic concepts-are key to successful international academic experiences for students. By using data from over 1,200 student post-program evaluations, 16 faculty director interviews, and a specific case study on a service learning course in Southeast Asia, we illustrate the importance of closely mentored service­ learning opportunities and rigorous academic expectations as keys to students\u27 self assessed academic growth and over all satisfaction with their international experience. We conclude that well-developed international service learning programs create unique opportunities for students to become better world citizens

    Solar reforming of biomass with homogeneous carbon dots

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    A sunlight-powered process is reported that employs carbon dots (CDs) as light absorber for the conversion of lignocellulose into sustainable H2 fuel and organics. This photocatalytic system operates in pure and untreated sea water using a benign pH (2-8) at ambient temperature and pressure. The CDs can be produced in a scalable synthesis directly from biomass itself and their solubility allows for good interactions with the insoluble biomass substrates. They also display excellent photophysical properties with a high fraction of long-lived charge carriers and the availability of a reductive and an oxidative quenching pathway. The presented CD-based biomass photoconversion system opens new avenues for sustainable, practical, and renewable fuel production through biomass valorization

    Ferromagnetic resonance of patterned chromium dioxide thin films grown by selective area chemical vapour deposition

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from the American Institute of Physics via the DOI in this record.A selective area chemical vapour deposition technique has been used to fabricate continuous and patterned epitaxial CrO2 thin films on (100)-oriented TiO2 substrates. Precessional magnetization dynamics were stimulated both electrically and optically, and probed by means of time-resolved Kerr microscopy and vector network analyser ferromagnetic resonance techniques. The dependence of the precession frequency and the effective damping parameter upon the static applied magnetic field were investigated. All films exhibited a large in-plane uniaxial anisotropy. The effective damping parameter was found to exhibit strong field dependence in the vicinity of the hard axis saturation field. However, continuous and patterned films were found to possess generally similar dynamic properties, confirming the suitability of the deposition technique for fabrication of future spintronic devices

    Current-induced picosecond magnetization dynamics in a Ta/CoFeB/MgO Hall Bar (article)

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from IOP Publishing via the DOI in this record.The dataset associated with this article is located in ORE at: https://doi.org/10.24378/exe.1443Time-resolved Kerr microscopy (TRSKM) has been used to explore the small amplitude picosecond magnetization dynamics induced by spin-orbit torques in a Ta(4 nm)/Co40Fe40B20(1 nm)/MgO(1.6 nm)/Ta(1 nm) Hall bar structure. The time dependent polar magneto optical Kerr e ect was recorded following injection of a current pulse of 70 ps duration. Macrospin simulations provide a reasonable description of the precession and a transient background response as the eld strength and current polarity are varied, while con rming that the in-plane spin-orbit torque is dominant within this system. Increasing the current density within the simulations leads to coherent magnetization reversal. Inclusion of a modest in-plane bias eld is found to reduce both the switching current and the time required for switching. The orientation of the in-plane eld relative to the direction of the current determines whether the magnetization can be switched backwards and forwards by current pulses of the same or opposite polarity.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC
