6,363 research outputs found

    Antenna and radome loss measurements for MFMR and PMIS with appendix on MFMR/PMIS computer programs

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    The NMSU/PSL radiometer antenna calibration facility is described, and the antenna and radome loss measurements made on the passive microwave imaging system and the multifrequency microwave radiometer are summarized. Antenna/radome data reduction techniques, estimation of sky brightness temperatures, and bucket performance tests are presented along with radiometer computer programs

    Architecture of a prediction economy

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2008.Includes bibliographical references.A design and implementation of a Prediction Economy is presented and compared to alternative designs. A Prediction Economy is composed of prediction markets, market managers, information brokers and automated trading agents. Two important goals of a Prediction Economy are to improve liquidity and information dispersal. Market managers automatically open and close appropriate markets, quickly giving traders access to the latest claims. Information brokers deliver parsed data to the trading agents. The agents execute trades on markets that might not otherwise have much trading action. Some preliminary results from a running Prediction Economy are presented, with binary markets based on football plays during a college football game. The most accurate agent chose to enter 8 of 32 markets, and was able to predict 7 of the 8 football play attempts correctly. Source code for the newly implemented tools is available, as are references to the existing open source tools used.by Jason W. Carver.M.Eng

    Exercise-induced asthma: critical analysis of the protective role of montelukast

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    Exercise-induced asthma/exercise-induced bronchospasm (EIA/EIB) is a prevalent and clinically important disease affecting young children through older adulthood. These terms are often used interchangeably and the differences are not clearly defined in the literature. The pathogenesis of EIA/EIB may be different in those with persistent asthma compared to those with exercise-induced symptoms only. The natural history of EIA is unclear and may be different for elite athletes. Leukotriene biology has helped the understanding of EIB. The type and intensity of exercise are important factors for EIB. Exercise participation is necessary for proper development and control of EIA is recommended. Symptoms of EIB should be confirmed by proper testing. Biologic markers may also be helpful in diagnosis. Not all exercise symptoms are from EIB. Many medication and nonpharmacologic treatments are available. Asthma education is an important component of managing EIA. Many medications have been tested and the comparisons are complicated. Montelukast is a US Food and Drug Administration-approved asthma and EIB controller and has a number of potential advantages to other asthma medications including short onset of action, ease of use, and lack of tolerance. Not all patients improve with montelukast and rescue medication should be available

    Our window gardens.

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    The increasing interest shown by the ladies of our state in floriculture, has suggested to Prof. Wilson an article on that subject, which he asks me to write. And as the floral feature of our greenhouse experiments have been made with a view of ascertaining not only the best varieties of plants for ordinary window gardening, but their treatment as well, we take pleasure in submitting in detail the following plants which are grown by every one and are the most frequently mismanaged. We found the geranium of course to be the standard all-purpose plant for flowers. Little need be said concerning its treatment, good garden loam containing about one-fourth sand, and the plants given a sunny place in the window, with just water enough to warrant good growth in the garden are all that is necessary for a wealth of flowers the entire winter months

    Best ferns for the north and northwest.

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    Owing to the great beauty and usefulness of the ferns in decorative lines,and the difficulties with which they are grown in the North and Northwest, numerous inquiries have come to us from time to time as to the best varieties. This led us to make some experiments in this direction. A large number of ferns have been subjected to very rigid tests for several years, and the results have indeed been gratifying, as we have proven beyond doubt that many of the most beautiful ones will thrive and soon make handsome specimens with a little care

    Some Cercosporae of Macon Co., Alabama

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    The wide distribution and the economic importance of the Cercospora in this county has prompted the writing of this paper. This list by no means represents all of the species of this county, as no special effort has been made to collect Cercospora only. These collections were made while passing hurriedly to and from other duties. With few exceptions, the species were collected in the immediate vicinity of Tuskeegee

    Global Assimilation of Loon Stratospheric Balloon Observations and Their Trajectories Relative to Tropical Waves

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    Project Loon has an overall goal of providing worldwide internet coverage using a network of long-duration super-pressure balloons. Beginning in 2013, Loon has launched over 1600 balloons from multiple tropical and middle latitude locations. These GPS tracked balloon trajectories provide lower stratospheric wind information over the oceans and remote land areas where traditional radiosonde soundings are sparse, thus providing unique coverage of lower stratospheric winds. To fully investigate these Loon winds we: 1) compare the Loon winds to winds produced by a global data assimilation system (DAS: NASA GEOS) and 2) assimilate the Loon winds into the same comprehensive DAS. During May through December 2016 Loon balloons were often able to remain near the equator by selectively adjusting the Loon altitude. Our results based on global wind analyses show that the expected mean poleward motion from the Brewer-Dobson circulation can be circumvented by vertically adjusting the Loon altitudes with the phasing with the meridional wind of equatorial Rossby waves, allowing the Loon balloons to remain in the tropics

    Treatment of currants and cherries to prevent spot diseases.

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    In former bulletins of the Experiment Station, this subject has been treated. The experiments reported show quite conclusively that these diseases can be prevented by treating with Bordeaux mixture. The experiments were however repeated because Mr. D. G. Fairchild* put the currant disease in the doubtful column of those to be treated

    Analyzing and Modeling the Performance of the HemeLB Lattice-Boltzmann Simulation Environment

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    We investigate the performance of the HemeLB lattice-Boltzmann simulator for cerebrovascular blood flow, aimed at providing timely and clinically relevant assistance to neurosurgeons. HemeLB is optimised for sparse geometries, supports interactive use, and scales well to 32,768 cores for problems with ~81 million lattice sites. We obtain a maximum performance of 29.5 billion site updates per second, with only an 11% slowdown for highly sparse problems (5% fluid fraction). We present steering and visualisation performance measurements and provide a model which allows users to predict the performance, thereby determining how to run simulations with maximum accuracy within time constraints.Comment: Accepted by the Journal of Computational Science. 33 pages, 16 figures, 7 table
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