5,420 research outputs found

    External and internal noise surveys of London primary schools

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    Internal and external noise surveys have been carried out around schools in London, UK, to provide information on typical levels and sources to which children are exposed while at school. Noise levels were measured outside 142 schools, in areas away from flightpaths into major airports. 86% of the schools surveyed were exposed to noise from road traffic, the average external noise level outside a school being 57 dB LAeq. Detailed internal noise surveys have been carried out in 140 classrooms in 16 schools, together with classroom observations. It was found that noise levels inside classrooms depend upon the activities in which the children are engaged, with a difference of 20 dB LAeq between the 'quietest' and 'noisiest' activities. The average background noise level in classrooms exceeds the level recommended in current standards. The number of children in the classroom was found to affect noise levels. External noise influenced internal noise levels only when children were engaged in the quietest classroom activities. The effects of the age of the school buildings and types of window upon internal noise were examined but results were inconclusive

    Burst dynamics during drainage displacements in porous media: Simulations and experiments

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    We investigate the burst dynamics during drainage going from low to high injection rate at various fluid viscosities. The bursts are identified as pressure drops in the pressure signal across the system. We find that the statistical distribution of pressure drops scales according to other systems exhibiting self-organized criticality. The pressure signal was calculated by a network model that properly simulates drainage displacements. We compare our results with corresponding experiments.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to Europhys. Let

    Leveraging Identity-by-Descent for Accurate Genotype Inference in Family Sequencing Data

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    Sequencing family DNA samples provides an attractive alternative to population based designs to identify rare variants associated with human disease due to the enrichment of causal variants in pedigrees. Previous studies showed that genotype calling accuracy can be improved by modeling family relatedness compared to standard calling algorithms. Current family-based variant calling methods use sequencing data on single variants and ignore the identity-by-descent (IBD) sharing along the genome. In this study we describe a new computational framework to accurately estimate the IBD sharing from the sequencing data, and to utilize the inferred IBD among family members to jointly call genotypes in pedigrees. Through simulations and application to real data, we showed that IBD can be reliably estimated across the genome, even at very low coverage (e.g. 2X), and genotype accuracy can be dramatically improved. Moreover, the improvement is more pronounced for variants with low frequencies, especially at low to intermediate coverage (e.g. 10X to 20X), making our approach effective in studying rare variants in cost-effective whole genome sequencing in pedigrees. We hope that our tool is useful to the research community for identifying rare variants for human disease through family-based sequencing

    Auto-calibration of ultrasonic lubricant-film thickness measurements

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    The measurement of oil film thickness in a lubricated component is essential information for performance monitoring and design. It is well established that such measurements can be made ultrasonically if the lubricant film is modelled as a collection of small springs. The ultrasonic method requires that component faces are separated and a reference reflection recorded in order to obtain a reflection coefficient value from which film thickness is calculated. The novel and practically useful approach put forward in this paper and validated experimentally allows reflection coefficient measurement without the requirement for a reference. This involves simultaneously measuring the amplitude and phase of an ultrasonic pulse reflected from a layer. Provided that the acoustic properties of the substrate are known, the theoretical relationship between the two can be fitted to the data in order to yield reflection coefficient amplitude and phase for an infinitely thick layer. This is equivalent to measuring a reference signal directly, but importantly does not require the materials to be separated. The further valuable aspect of this approach, which is demonstrated experimentally, is its ability to be used as a self-calibrating routine, inherently compensating for temperature effects. This is due to the relationship between the amplitude and phase being unaffected by changes in temperature which cause unwanted changes to the incident pulse. Finally, error analysis is performed showing how the accuracy of the results can be optimized. A finding of particular significance is the strong dependence of the accuracy of the technique on the amplitude of reflection coefficient input data used. This places some limitations on the applicability of the technique. © 2008 IOP Publishing Ltd

    X-point collapse and saturation in the nonlinear tearing mode reconnection

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    We study the nonlinear evolution of the resistive tearing mode in slab geometry in two dimensions. We show that, in the strongly driven regime (large Delta'), a collapse of the X-point occurs once the island width exceeds a certain critical value ~1/Delta'. A current sheet is formed and the reconnection is exponential in time with a growth rate ~eta^1/2, where eta is the resistivity. If the aspect ratio of the current sheet is sufficiently large, the sheet can itself become tearing-mode unstable, giving rise to secondary islands, which then coalesce with the original island. The saturated state depends on the value of Delta'. For small Delta', the saturation amplitude is ~Delta' and quantitatively agrees with the theoretical prediction. If Delta' is large enough for the X-point collapse to have occured, the saturation amplitude increases noticeably and becomes independent of Delta'.Comment: revtex4, 4 pages, 18 figure

    The fertilizers requirements of sugar beet

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    The paper describes the results of over 300 factorial experiments carried out in each factory area in the years 1934–49 for the Sugar Beet Research and Education Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture as a result of co-operation between Rothamsted workers and the agriculturists and fieldmen attached to the beet factories. All the experiments tested the effects of levels of nitrogen, phosphate and potash, and rather more than half tested the effect of salt also. Except on fen soils, nitrogen gave substantial responses in all factory areas, especially in the presence of high levels of potash or salt. Large variations in response from season to season were closely associated with the rainfall of the preceding winter months, responses being greater after wet winters than dry ones. In spite of some selection of sites in favour of greater responses, the average net returns from phosphate were relatively small. The effect of potash was closely linked with the amount of nitrogen applied; in the presence of nitrogen, dressings well above the level of 1·2 cwt. K2O per acre tested in the experiments are likely to give a useful net return. Soils derived from the Chalky Boulder Clay seem to be exceptional in showing no response. Apart from this, there were only small variations in responses to nitrogen and potash between factory areas. The application of 5 cwt. salt gave substantial responses in almost all parts of the country, whether or not potash was also applied; on the other hand, responses to potash were usually small when salt was also applied. Whilst there was a general relationship between soil analysis for phosphate and potash (citric acid method) and crop response, adjustments to the optimal dressings according to soil analysis were not of sufficient reliability to be of much practical value. RESP-375

    Soluble organic and inorganic nutrient fluxes in clearcut and mature deciduous forests

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    ABSTRACT The mechanisms by which forest ecosystems retain or lose soluble inorganic nutrients after disturbance are well known, but substantial amounts of soluble organic nutrients may also be released from cut vegetation. Our objective was to compare the leaching of dissolved organic and inorganic nutrients in cut and mature forest stands and to develop hypotheses about factors controlling the retention of soluble organic nutrients after disturbance. Solution chemistry was measured for 2 yr after clearcutting a small area in the surrounding undisturbed deciduous forest on a reference watershed at the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory in the Appalachian Mountains. Concentrations of dissolved organic C (DOC) and N (DON) in slash leachate were 2.6 to 3.2 times the concentrations in throughfall from undisturbed forest Concentrations in forest floor, A horizon, and B horizon solutions from cut plots were 1.2 to 3.8 times those from undisturbed forest. Dissolved organic P (DOP) concentrations in cut plots were 3.1 and 3.6 times those of uncut plots in solutions from slash and forest floor, respectively, but did not differ in mineral soil. Fluxes of DOC, DON, and DOP in all strata were greater in cut plots than uncut plots. Fluxes of DON were greater than those of ammonium plus nitrate N in all strata of both cut and uncut plots. We hypothesize that the wellrecognized retention mechanisms for inorganic nutrients combine with equilibrium adsorption of dissolved organic matter to efficiently buffer against leaching of both soluble inorganic and organic nutrients after clearcutting

    Viscous stabilization of 2D drainage displacements with trapping

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    We investigate the stabilization mechanisms due to viscous forces in the invasion front during drainage displacement in two-dimensional porous media using a network simulator. We find that in horizontal displacement the capillary pressure difference between two different points along the front varies almost linearly as function of height separation in the direction of the displacement. The numerical result supports arguments taking into account the loopless displacement pattern where nonwetting fluid flow in separate strands (paths). As a consequence, we show that existing theories developed for viscous stabilization, are not compatible with drainage when loopless strands dominate the displacement process.Comment: The manuscript has been substantially revised. Accepted in Phys. Rev. Let

    A Survey of the Northern Sky for TeV Point Sources

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    A search for steady TeV point sources anywhere in the northern sky has been made with data from the Milagrito air-shower-particle detector. Over 3 x 10**9 events collected from 1997 February to 1998 May have been used in this study. No statistically significant excess above the background from the isotropic flux of cosmic rays was found for any direction of the sky with declination between -5 degrees and 71.7 degrees. Upper limits are derived for the photon flux above 1 TeV from any steady point source in the northern sky.Comment: 2 Figure

    Evidence for TeV Emission from GRB 970417a

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    Milagrito, a detector sensitive to very high energy gamma rays, monitored the northern sky from February 1997 through May 1998. With a large field of view and a high duty cycle, this instrument was well suited to perform a search for TeV gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). We report on a search made for TeV counterparts to GRBs observed by BATSE. BATSE detected 54 GRBs within the field of view of Milagrito during this period. An excess of events coincident in time and space with one of these bursts, GRB 970417a, was observed by Milagrito. The excess has a chance probability of 2.8×10−52.8 \times 10^{-5} of being a fluctuation of the background. The probability for observing an excess at least this large from any of the 54 bursts is 1.5×10−31.5 \times 10^{-3}. No significant correlations were detected from the other bursts.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure
