43 research outputs found

    Supersymmetric Randall-Sundrum Scenario

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    We present the supersymmetric version of the minimal Randall-Sundrum model with two opposite tension branes.Comment: Latex, 9 pages. Published versio

    Supersymmetry Breaking in Warped Geometry

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    We examine the soft supersymmetry breaking parameters in supersymmetric theories on a slice of AdS_5 which generate the hierarchical Yukawa couplings by dynamically localizing the bulk matter fields in extra dimension. Such models can be regarded as the AdS dual of the recently studied 4-dimensional models which contain a supersymmetric CFT to generate the hierarchical Yukawa couplings. In such models, if supersymmetry breaking is mediated by the bulk radion superfield and/or some brane chiral superfields, potentially dangerous flavor-violating soft parameters can be naturally suppressed, thereby avoiding the SUSY flavor problem. We present some models of radion-dominated supersymmetry breaking which yield a highly predictive form of soft parameters in this framework.Comment: 17 pages, no figures, uses JHEP clas

    Mediation of supersymmetry breaking in extra dimensions

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    We review the mechanisms of supersymmetry breaking mediation that occur in sequestered models, where the visible and the hidden sectors are separated by an extra dimension and communicate only via gravitational interactions. By locality, soft breaking terms are forbidden at the classical level and reliably computable within an effective field theory approach at the quantum level. We present a self-contained discussion of these radiative gravitational effects and the resulting pattern of soft masses, and give an overview of realistic model building based on this set-up. We consider both flat and warped extra dimensions, as well as the possibility that there be localized kinetic terms for the gravitational fields.Comment: LaTex, 15 pages; brief review prepared for MPLA. v2: minor correction

    One loop gauge couplings in AdS5

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    We calculate the full 1-loop corrections to the low energy coupling of bulk gauge boson in a slice of AdS5 which are induced by generic 5-dimensional scalar, Dirac fermion, and vector fields with arbitrary Z_2 times Z_2' orbifold boundary conditions. In supersymmetric limit, our results correctly reproduce the results obtained by an independent method based on 4-dimensional effective supergravity. This provides a nontrivial check of our results and assures the regularization scheme-independence of the results.Comment: RevTeX, 22 pages, 2 figures, some typos corrected and notations change

    Interesting consequences of brane cosmology

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    We discuss cosmology in four dimensions within a context of brane-world scenario.Such models can predict chaotic inflation with very low reheat temperature depending on the brane tension. We notice that the gravitino abundance is different in the brane-world cosmology and by tuning the brane tension it is possible to get extremely low abundance. We also study Affleck-Dine baryogenesis in our toy model.Comment: 5 pages, Trivial changes to match the published versio

    The supermultiplet of boundary conditions in supergravity

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    Boundary conditions in supergravity on a manifold with boundary relate the bulk gravitino to the boundary supercurrent, and the normal derivative of the bulk metric to the boundary energy-momentum tensor. In the 3D N=1 setting, we show that these boundary conditions can be stated in a manifestly supersymmetric form. We identify the Extrinsic Curvature Tensor Multiplet, and show that boundary conditions set it equal to (a conjugate of) the boundary supercurrent multiplet. Extension of our results to higher-dimensional models (including the Randall-Sundrum and Horava-Witten scenarios) is discussed.Comment: 22 pages. JHEP format; references added; published versio

    Torsion Constraints in the Randall--Sundrum Scenario

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    Torsion appears due to fermions coupled to gravity and leads to the strongest particle physics bounds on flat extra dimensions. In this work, we consider torsion constraints in the case of a warped extra dimension with brane and bulk fermions. From current data we obtain a 3-sigma bound on the TeV--brane mass scale scale \Lambda_\pi > 2.2 (10) TeV for the AdS curvature k=1 (0.01) in (reduced) Planck units. If Dirac or light sterile neutrinos reside on the brane, the bound increases to 17 (78) TeV.Comment: typos corrected, matches the Phys. Rev. D versio

    Universal contributions to scalar masses from five dimensional supergravity

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    We compute the effective Kahler potential for matter fields in warped compactifications, starting from five dimensional gauged supergravity, as a function of the matter fields localization. We show that truncation to zero modes is inconsistent and the tree-level exchange of the massive gravitational multiplet is needed for consistency of the four-dimensional theory. In addition to the standard Kahler coming from dimensional reduction, we find the quartic correction coming from integrating out the gravity multiplet. We apply our result to the computation of scalar masses, by assuming that the SUSY breaking field is a bulk hypermultiplet. In the limit of extreme opposite localization of the matter and the spurion fields, we find zero scalar masses, consistent with sequestering arguments. Surprisingly enough, for all the other cases the scalar masses are tachyonic. This suggests the holographic interpretation that a CFT sector always generates operators contributing in a tachyonic way to scalar masses. Viability of warped su- persymmetric compactifications necessarily asks then for additional contributions. We discuss the case of additional bulk vector multiplets with mixed boundary conditions, which is a partic- ularly simple and attractive way to generate large positive scalar masses. We show that in this case successful fermion mass matrices implies highly degenerate scalar masses for the first two generations of squarks and sleptons.Comment: 23 pages. v2: References added, new section on effect of additional bulk vector multiplets and phenomenolog

    Flavour Violation in SUSY SU(5) GUT at Large tan beta

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    We study flavour violation in the minimal SUSY SU(5) GUT assuming all the third generation Yukawa couplings to be due to the renormalizable physics above GUT scale. At large tanβ,\tan\beta, as suggested by Yukawa unification in SU(5), sizable flavour violation in the left (right) slepton (down squark) sector is induced due to renormalization effects of down type Yukawa couplings between GUT and Planck scales in addition to the flavour violation in the right slepton sector. The new flavour physics contribution to KKˉ,K-\bar K, BBˉB-\bar B mixing is small but might be of phenomenological interest in the case of bsγ.b\to s\gamma. The sign of the latter contribution is the same as the sign of the dominant chargino contribution, thus making the constraints on SUSY scale coming from bsγb\to s\gamma somewhat more restrictive. The most important feature of the considered scenario is the large rate of lepton flavour violation. Given the present experimental constraints, the μeγ\mu\to e\gamma and μe\mu-e conversion branching ratios are above the sensitivity of the planned experiments unless the SUSY scale is pushed above one TeV.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Cosmological Solutions on Compactified AdS_5 with a Thermal Bulk

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    This paper is an investigation of the effects of a thermal bulk fluid in brane world models compactified on AdS_5. Our primary purpose is to study how such a fluid changes the bulk dynamics and to compare these effects with those generated by matter localized to the branes. We find an exact cosmological solution for a thermally excited massless bulk field, as well as perturbative solutions with matter on the brane and in the bulk. We then perturb around these solutions to find solutions for a massive bulk mode in the limit where the bulk mass (m_B) is small compared to the AdS curvature scale and T< m_B. We find that without a stabilizing potential there are no physical solutions for a thermal bulk fluid. We then include a stabilizing potential and calculate the shift in the radion as well as the time dependence of the weak scale as a function of the bulk mass. It is shown that, as opposed to a brane fluid, the bulk fluid contribution to the bulk dynamics is controlled by the bulk mass.Comment: 20 pages LATE