32 research outputs found

    Compatibility of Millet and Legume under Relay Cropping Condition

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    Double-cropping millet and legumes is a popular cropping system in the Upper East region (UER) of Ghana. For improved production efficiency, suitable millet-legume combinations with short life cycles that permit extension of the growing season to facilitate double-cropping need to be explored. The objective of this study was therefore to use performance data to identify millet-legume combinations compatible for relay cropping within the UER. Three early millet cultivars (Bongo Shorthead, Arrow Millet and Bristled Millet) were factorially relayed by three legumes namely cowpea, groundnut and soybean. Bongo Shorthead followed by cowpea in a relay cropping system has the greatest prospect of accounting for superiority in grain and stover/straw yield while Bongo Shorthead followed by groundnut in a relay will provide the least suitable combination for relay cropping within the Upper East Region of Ghana. Keywords: double cropping, millet, legumes, compatible combination, savannah zone

    Syndrome Keratitis-Ichtyosis-Deafness (KID) chez un enfant togolais issu d’un mariage consanguin

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    Le syndrome KID est une affection génétique rare associant kératite, ichtyose et surdité. Nous rapportons un cas dont la surdité s'est compliquée de mutisme chez un enfant togolais issu d'un mariage consanguin.Il s'agissait d'une fillette de 9 ans admise en dermatologie pour une peau sÚche et une kératodermie palmoplantaire évoluant depuis l'enfance, une surdité sévÚre et un mutisme total évoluant depuis la naissance. Il n'y avait pas d'histoire familiale connue de syndrome KID. Les parents de cet enfant sont des cousins germains. A l'examen, on notait une kératodermie palmoplantaire typique en cuir grossier, une peau sÚche ichtyosiforme finement squameuse avec un aspect pachydermique aux genoux et un aspect arlequin aux jambes. L'examen ophtalmologique avait noté une blépharo-conjonctivite, une xérophtalmie, une photophobie et une absence de sourcils. L'examen ORL avait objectivé une hypotrophie des pavillons des oreilles, une surdité sévÚre et un mutisme total. La particularité de cette observation réside dans la sévérité de l'atteinte auditive qui s'est compliquée de mutisme. Notre enfant étant née de parents consanguins sains, sans histoire familiale de KID, nous pensons que le mode de transmission est probablement sporadique. Une étude moléculaire du cas index et de ses parents, non réalisée à cause de notre plateau technique limité aurait pu le confirmer

    Second T = 3/2 state in 9^9B and the isobaric multiplet mass equation

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    Recent high-precision mass measurements and shell model calculations~[Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 108}, 212501 (2012)] have challenged a longstanding explanation for the requirement of a cubic isobaric multiplet mass equation for the lowest A=9A = 9 isospin quartet. The conclusions relied upon the choice of the excitation energy for the second T=3/2T = 3/2 state in 9^9B, which had two conflicting measurements prior to this work. We remeasured the energy of the state using the 9Be(3He,t)^9{\rm Be}(^3{\rm He},t) reaction and significantly disagree with the most recent measurement. Our result supports the contention that continuum coupling in the most proton-rich member of the quartet is not the predominant reason for the large cubic term required for A=9A = 9 nuclei

    Prevalence of and Predictive Factors for Burnout Among French Urologists in Training

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    The burnout rate among young doctors currently seems to be increasing [1]. It is essential to be able to diagnose and prevent this condition to better take care of young caregivers. Burnout is defined as a “feeling of intense exhaustion, loss of control and inability to achieve concrete results at work” according to the World Health Organisation. The assessment questionnaire used most often is the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), which covers (1) emotional exhaustion, (2) depersonalisation, and (3) personal accomplishment [2]

    Profil des dermatoses de la grossesse et du nouveau-ne en milieu hospitalier a Lome (Togo)

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    Objectifs: Le but de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait de documenter le profil des dermatoses de la grossesse et du nouveau-nĂ© en milieu hospitalier Ă  LomĂ©.MatĂ©riels et MĂ©thode: Il s'est agi d'une Ă©tude prospective transversale menĂ©e du 1ier mars au 30 juin 2017 chez les femmes enceintes vues en consultation prĂ©natale et le nouveau-nĂ© de la maternitĂ© et du service des prĂ©maturĂ©s.RĂ©sultats: Durant la pĂ©riode d’étude, 293 gestantes et 310 nouveau-nĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© examinĂ©s. L’ñge moyen des patientes Ă©tait de 29±5,5 ans et celui des nouveau-nĂ©s de 6,9 jours avec une prĂ©dominance masculine (sex-ratio de 1,2). Au cours de la grossesse, 25 gestantes (85,7%) avaient prĂ©sentĂ© une dermatose, dont le nombre augmentait en fonction du terme de la grossesse (p=0,0011). Les troubles pigmentaires (78,5%) venaient en tĂȘte des modifications physiologiques, suivis de l’hyperpigmentation arĂ©olaire (58,4%). Les vergetures augmentaient avec le terme de la grossesse (p=0,0001), de mĂȘme que la linea nigra (p= 0,0000). Dix-neuf gestantes (6,4%) avaient une dermatose spĂ©cifique de la grossesse dominĂ©es par le prurigo gravidique (11 cas). Quant aux dermatoses nĂ©onatales, elles Ă©taient observĂ©es chez 262 nouveau-nĂ©s (84,5%) et dominĂ©es par la desquamation nĂ©onatale (44,8%) et la miliaire sudorale (37%).Conclusion: Cette Ă©tude confirme une frĂ©quence Ă©levĂ©e des dermatoses transitoires et des modifications dermatologiques physiologiques respectivement, chez le nouveau-nĂ© et au cours de la grossesse Ă  LomĂ©.Mots clĂ©s: Dermatoses, grossesse, nouveau-nĂ©, LomĂ©English Title: Profile of dermatosis of pregnancy and the newborn in teaching hospital in Lome (Togo)English AbstractObjective: The purpose of this study was to list the dermatosis profile in pregnancy and newborns in Lome.Patients and Method: This was a prospective study conducted from March to June 2017 among pregnant women seen in prenatal consultations and newborns from the maternity  ward.Results: During the study period, 293 pregnant women and 310 newborns were examined. The mean age of the patients was 29 ± 5.5 years and that of the newborns was 6.9 days with a male predominance (sex ratio of 1.23). During pregnancy, 251 pregnant women (85.7%) had a dermatosis, these different dermatoses increased significantly according to the term of the pregnancy (p = 0.0011). The pigmentation disorders (78.5%) came at the top of the physiological modifications Stretch marks increased significantly with the term of pregnancy (p = 0.0001), as did linea nigra (p = 0.0000). Nineteen pregnant women (6.4%) had a pregnancy specific dermatitis including of prurigo pregnancy (11 cases). For the neonatal dermatosis, they were observed with 262 newsborns (84.5%) and dominated by neonatal desquamation (44.8%) and sweat miliary (37%).Conclusion: This study confirms a high frequency of transient dermatoses and physiological dermatological changes respectively in the newborn and during pregnancy in Lome.Keywords: Dermatosis, pregnancy, newborn, Lom

    BiothĂ©rapies pour les troubles de l’érection et la maladie de la Peyronie : ou en est-on ?

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    International audienceIntroduction: Clinical trials of cell therapy for erectile dysfunction (ED) and Peyronie's disease (PD) were recently conducted after preclinical studies.Aims: The aims of this study are to give an update on biotherapy for ED and PD and to describe the regulatory framework for these therapies.Materials and methods: A literature review was performed through PubMed and Clinical.trials.gov addressing cell therapy for ED and PD and using following keywords "erectile dysfunction", "Peyronie's disease", "stem cell", and "platelet-rich plasma".Results: Preclinical studies in rodent models have shown the potential benefit of cell therapy for ED after radical prostatectomy or caused by metabolic diseases, and PD. The tissues used to obtain the therapeutic product were bone marrow, adipose tissue and blood (PRP, platelet-rich plasma). Mechanism of action was shown to be temporary and mainly paracrine. Four clinical trials were published concerning ED after radical prostatectomy and in diabetic patients and one for PD. Eleven clinical trials including three randomized trials are currently going on. Preclinical and preliminary clinical results suggested the possibility to improve spontaneous erectile function and response to pharmaceutical treatment in initially non-responder patients. This effect is mediated by an improvement of penile vascularization. A reduction of penile curvature without side effect was noted after injections into the plaque of PD patients. Most of these therapeutic strategies using autologous cells were considered as "Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products" with strict regulatory frameworks imposing heavy constraints, in particular in case of "substantial" modification of the cells. The regulatory framework remains unclear and more permissive for PRP and cell therapy processes with extemporaneous preparation/injection and no "substantial" modifications.Conclusions: First results on cell therapy for ED and PD are promising. The regulatory framework can significantly change according to cell preparations and origins leading to various constraints. This regulatory framework is crucial to consider for the choice of the procedure