25 research outputs found

    The impact of anthropogenically induced degradation on the vegetation and biochemistry of South African palmiet wetlands

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    There are many different anthropogenic causes of wetland degradation, such as disturbances which affect the physical structure of wetlands, resulting in erosion (altered fire regimes, road and railway building through wetlands, channelization of wetlands), pollution, land-cover change, and climate change. These different types of degradation have various impacts, depending on the type of wetland, soils, biochemistry and other factors. We researched a poorly-studied South African valley-bottom peatland that is dominated by the ecosystem engineer Palmiet: Prionium serratum. We ask the question: what is the impact of degradation by gully erosion, pollution and alien tree invasion on biochemistry and plant community composition of palmiet wetlands? In 39 plots from three palmiet wetlands situated approximately 200 km apart we found that channel erosion, through a loss of alluvium, has probably resulted in leached soils with lower soil organic matter and water content, less able to retain nutrients and cations. Soil leaching is a possible explanation for the groundwater of degraded wetlands having higher electrical conductivity and pH than that of pristine wetlands and a lower soil cation exchange capacity (21.3 ± 5.80–7.7 ± 4.91 meq/100 g). The loss of alluvium typically resulted in a completely new plant community, composed mostly of pioneer species and several alien species. The increase in base saturation (17.5 ± 8.46–30.2 ± 17.85%) and soil pH (4.8 ± 0.51–5.1 ± 0.50) with degradation was hypothesized to be the result of liming practices. Once extremely degraded, i.e. all the alluvium is lost, it is unlikely that these sensitive palmiet wetlands will recover original vegetation communities and lost functions, except on long timescales. We recommend conservation of the few pristine wetlands that remain, and rehabilitation of those that still retain some of their original function

    Data from: Restoration of endangered fen communities: the ambiguity of iron-phosphorus binding and phosphorus limitation

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    Item does not contain fulltext1.Low phosphorus (P) availability limits plant biomass production in fens, which is a prerequisite for the persistence of many endangered plant species. We hypothesized that P limitation is linked to soil iron (Fe) content and soil Fe:P ratios as iron compounds provide binding sites for dissolved P, presumably reducing P availability to plants. 2.We sampled 30 fens in a trans-European field survey to determine how soil Fe pools relate to pools of P and Fe-bound P, and we measured vegetation P uptake and N:P ratio to assess where P limitation occurs. Next, we determined P uptake by Carex rostrata in experimental fen mesocosms to investigate interactive effects of soil Fe- and P pools (and -NDASH-fractions) and water levels (drained or rewetted). 3.The field survey revealed that soil P pools correlate positively with soil Fe pools, regardless of fen degradation level, location, or sampling depth. Moreover, soil Fe- and P pools correlated positively with P uptake by the vegetation and negatively with vegetation N:P ratios. Generally, N:P ratios dropped below 10 g g−1 whenever thresholds of 15 mmol Fe L−1 soil and 3.3 mmol P L−1 soil were exceeded. Endangered fen species mainly thrived in Fe- (and thus P-) poor fens. 4.The mesocosm experiment further showed that interactions between water levels and P pools determined plant P uptake: although fen rewetting led to an overall increase in P uptake, plants that had grown on drained Fe-rich soils with large acid-extractable P pools (>1.6 mmol Pacid L−1) could still sequester large quantities of P. Soil Fe:P ratio had no effect on P uptake. 5.Synthesis and applications. Our findings have important implications for the management and restoration of endangered fen communities. We demonstrated the existence of an iron-phosphorus (Fe-P) binding ambiguity in fens: large Fe pools “trap” mobile P, thereby enhancing overall P availability to plants rather than diminishing it. For P limitation we suggest an empirical threshold of < 3.3 mmol P L−1 soil, which is mainly found in Fe-poor fens. Restoring fens by rewetting increases the relative availability of P and may not always result in favourable conditions for endangered fen communities. Rewetting of drained fens is most likely to be successful if soil P and Fe pools are well below 3.3 mmol L−1 and 15 mmol L−1 respectively

    Mineralogical associations with soil carbon in managed wetland soils

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    Carbon (C)-rich wetland soils are often drained for agriculture due to their capacity to support high net primary productivity. Increased drainage is expected this century to meet the agricultural demands of a growing population. Wetland drainage can result in large soil C losses and the concentration of residual soil minerals such as iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al). In upland soils, reactive Fe and Al minerals can contribute to soil C accumulation through sorption to poorly crystalline minerals and coprecipitation of organo-metal complexes, as well as C loss via anaerobic respiration by Fe-reducing bacteria. The role of these minerals in soil C dynamics is often overlooked in managed wetland soils and may be particularly important in both drained and reflooded systems with elevated mineral concentrations. Reflooding drained soils have been proposed as a means to sequester C for climate change mitigation, yet little is known about how reactive Fe and Al minerals affect C cycling in restored wetlands. We explored the interactions among soil C and reactive Fe and Al minerals in drained and reflooded wetland soils. In reflooded soils, soil C was negatively associated with reactive Fe and reduced Fe(II), a proxy for anaerobic conditions (reactive Fe: R2 &nbsp;=&nbsp;.54-.79; Fe(II): R2 &nbsp;=&nbsp;.59-.89). In drained soils, organo-Al complexes were positively associated with soil C and Fe(II) (Al R2 &nbsp;=&nbsp;.91; Fe(II): R2 &nbsp;=&nbsp;.54-.60). Soil moisture, organo-Al, and reactive Fe explained most of the variation observed in soil C concentrations across all sites (p&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;.01). Reactive Fe was negatively correlated to soil C concentrations across sites, suggesting these Fe pools may drive additional C losses in drained soils and limit C sequestration with reflooding. In contrast, reactive organo-Al in drained soils facilitates C storage via aggregation and/or formation of anaerobic (micro)sites that protect residual soil C from oxidation and may at least partially offset C losses