14 research outputs found


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    Kaffir lime (Citrus hystrix) is a native plant of Indonesia. Nowadays the use of plants is limited as ingredients in Indonesia cuisine and aromatherapy oils for industry. Leaves of C. hystrix contain of polyphenols and essential oils thus they were possibly cytotoxic to cancer cell line. The objective of this research was to determine the cytotoxicity effect and apoptosis induced by leaves extract C. hystrix to cervical cancer cell line (HeLa cells). Methods used in this study included sampling of kaffir lime leaves, extractionusing three different solvents (ethanol, ethyl acetate, and hexane), detection of metabolite secondary compound (alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenoids, saponins, and tannins) using thin layer chromatography (TLC), cytotoxicity assay via MTT assay, and apoptosis test with double staining method (ethidium bromide-acrydine orange). Result showed kaffir lime crude extract dose dependently inhibitHeLa cells proliferation. lC50of ethanolicand ethyl acetate extract was 82,034 µg/mL and 57,845 µg/mL, respectively means cytotoxic to HeLa cells. On the other hand lC50 of hexane extract was 203,992 µg/mL which was not cytotoxic. Furthermore ethanolic and ethyl acetate extract were able to induce apoptosis of HeLa cells by increasing the number of apoptotic cells. In conclusion, kaffir lime leaves extract had cytotoxic effect and induced apoptosis. Moreover ethyl acetate extractof kaffir lime was the most potential to induce apoptosis in HeLa cells.Keywords: kaffir lime leaves (Citrus hystrix), HeLa, MTT, cytotoxicity, apoptosis


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    Susu merupakan salah satu minuman yang banyak mengandung protein dan vitamin, dan oleh karena itu banyak dikonsumsi oleh hampir semua golongan umur. Salah satu syarat mutu susu yang baik adalah kadar protein minimal 3%. Susu dapat dibuat dari jenis tanaman kacang-kacangan karena di dalamnya terkandung protein yang cukup besar, contohnya kedelai. Selain kedelai, terdapat beberapa jenis tanaman kacang-kacangan yang memiliki potensi kandungan protein cukup besar, sala satunya buah Saga. Pembuatan susu dari biji buah Saga diharapkan dapat menjadi alternatif pengganti nutrisi protein susu sapi dan susu kedelai. Pada penelitian ini akan ditentukan pengaruh suhu perebusan dan rasio volume solvent dengan berat biji saga terhadap kadar protein dan volume susu yang dihasilkan. Protein merupakan senyawa organik yang molekulnya sangat besar dan susunannya kompleks, yang berfungsi sebagai zat pembangun, zat pengemulsi, buffer, pembentuk enzyme dan penghasil energi. Salah satu analisa protein kuantitatif yang dapat dilakukan adalah metode Kjedahl. Variabel tetap yang digunakan adalah waktu perebusan 5 menit, waktu penggilingan 2 menit, dan berat bahan 50gr. Sedangkan variabel berubahnya suhu perebusan (70oC,90oC) dan volume solvent (50,100,150,200,250 ml). Pertama timbang bahan, rendam dalam NaHCO3 0,5%, cuci biji saga, giling, tambahkan air hingga terbentuk bubur. Masak bubur tersebut pada susu sesuai variabel dan suhu dijaga konstan. Ukur jumlah filtrat, ambil ampas. Ampas dikeringkan dalam oven kemudian dianalisa kadar proteinnya. Dari percobaan diperoleh hubungan kadar protein susu saga dan volume susu saga yang dihasilkan dengan volume solvent. Semakin banyak volume solvent yang ditambahkan maka kadar protein susu yang terukur semakin kecil dan volume susu yang dihasilkan semakin banyak. Kadar protein terbaik dicapai adalah pada suhu 70oC dengan perbandingan antara volume air dengan berat saga 1 : 1


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    Background: Hospital service quality is strongly associated with human resources performance. Employees performance will be improved if they have commitment to organization. A way to enhance organizational commitment is internal marketing. Internal marketing is a method to motivate, develop, and retain the employees in order to achieve quality of service and fulfill customers expectations. As the biggest private hospital in Kota Metro (Lampung), RS Mardi Waluyo is overcoming the challenge of increasing patients number followed by increasing employees work load, especially for doctors and nurses. In other hand, there are only few doctors and RS Mardi Waluyo has a regulation for their employees not to work in other places. In this situtation, organizational commitment from doctors and nurses is required. Human resources management through internal marketing can be a solution for creating capable, efficient, and committed employees, so that qualified services delivered with affection could be achieved as stated in the mission of RS Mardi Waluyo. Objective: The purpose of the study is to measure the relationship between internal marketing and organizational commitment of doctors and nurses in RS Mardi Waluyo and to explore internal marketing efforts applied by RS Mardi Waluyo. Method: This is an analytical study using mixed-method. The quantitative subjects were 105 doctors and nurses in RS Mardi Waluyo, while the qualitative subjects were the hospital managers, and representative of Yayasan Kristen untuk Kesehatan Umum (YAKKUM). The measurement instruments were interview manual and questionnaires. To describe the relation between dependent and independent variables, linear regression analysis was performed. Result: The finding reveals that vision, reward, and development, together as one concept of internal marketing are significantly (p<0,05) had positive (R=0.471) relation with organizational commitment of doctors and nurses in RS Mardi Waluyo. The contribution of internal marketing in explaining the variance of organizational commitment was 22.1%. Conclusion: Internal marketing is significantly has positive relation with organizational commitment of doctors and nurses in RS Mardi Waluyo Lampung. Therefore, the application of internal marketing should be emphazised to help creating better organizational commitment and service quality. Keywords: internal marketing, organizational commitment, service quality, human resources management, hospita

    Cytotoxicity and Apoptosis Induction by Kaffir Lime Leaves Extract (Citrus Hystrix Dc.) in Hela Cells Culture (Human Cervical Cancer Cell Line)

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    Kaffir lime (Citrus hystrix) is a native plant of Indonesia. Nowadays the use of plants is limited as ingredients in Indonesia cuisine and aromatherapy oils for industry. Leaves of C. hystrix contain of polyphenols and essential oils thus they were possibly cytotoxic to cancer cell line. The objective of this research was to determine the cytotoxicity effect and apoptosis induced by leaves extract C. hystrix to cervical cancer cell line (HeLa cells). Methods used in this study included sampling of kaffir lime leaves, extractionusing three different solvents (ethanol, ethyl acetate, and hexane), detection of metabolite secondary compound (alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenoids, saponins, and tannins) using thin layer chromatography (TLC), cytotoxicity assay via MTT assay, and apoptosis test with double staining method (ethidium bromide-acrydine orange). Result showed kaffir lime crude extract dose dependently inhibitHeLa cells proliferation. lC50of ethanolicand ethyl acetate extract was 82,034 µg/mL and 57,845 µg/mL, respectively means cytotoxic to HeLa cells. On the other hand lC50 of hexane extract was 203,992 µg/mL which was not cytotoxic. Furthermore ethanolic and ethyl acetate extract were able to induce apoptosis of HeLa cells by increasing the number of apoptotic cells. In conclusion, kaffir lime leaves extract had cytotoxic effect and induced apoptosis. Moreover ethyl acetate extractof kaffir lime was the most potential to induce apoptosis in HeLa cells