226 research outputs found

    The Tulczyjew triple for classical fields

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    The geometrical structure known as the Tulczyjew triple has proved to be very useful in describing mechanical systems, even those with singular Lagrangians or subject to constraints. Starting from basic concepts of variational calculus, we construct the Tulczyjew triple for first-order Field Theory. The important feature of our approach is that we do not postulate {\it ad hoc} the ingredients of the theory, but obtain them as unavoidable consequences of the variational calculus. This picture of Field Theory is covariant and complete, containing not only the Lagrangian formalism and Euler-Lagrange equations but also the phase space, the phase dynamics and the Hamiltonian formalism. Since the configuration space turns out to be an affine bundle, we have to use affine geometry, in particular the notion of the affine duality. In our formulation, the two maps α\alpha and β\beta which constitute the Tulczyjew triple are morphisms of double structures of affine-vector bundles. We discuss also the Legendre transformation, i.e. the transition between the Lagrangian and the Hamiltonian formulation of the first-order field theor

    A Canonical Decomposition in Collective and Relative Variables of a Klein-Gordon Field in the Rest-Frame Wigner-Covariant Instant Form

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    The canonical decomposition of a real Klein-Gordon field in collective and relative variables proposed by Longhi and Materassi is reformulated on spacelike hypersurfaces. This allows to obtain the complete canonical reduction of the system on Wigner hyperplanes, namely in the rest-frame Wigner-covariant instant form of dynamics. From the study of Dixon's multipoles for the energy-momentum tensor on the Wigner hyperplanes we derive the definition of the canonical center-of-mass variable for a Klein-Gordon field configuration: it turns out that the Longhi-Materassi global variable should be interpreted as a center of phase of the field configuration. A detailed study of the kinematical "external" and "internal" properties of the field configuration on the Wigner hyperplanes is done. The construction is then extended to charged Klein-Gordon fields: the centers of phase of the two real components can be combined to define a global center of phase and a collective relative variable describing the action-reaction between the two Feshbach-Villars components of the field with definite sign of energy and charge. The Dixon multipoles for both the energy-momentum and the electromagnetic current are given. Also the coupling of the Klein-Gordon field to scalar relativistic particles is studied and it is shown that in the reduced phase space, besides the particle and field relative variables, there is also a collective relative variable describing the relative motion of the particle subsytem with respect to the field one.Comment: 86 pages, no figure

    Tail-induced spin-orbit effect in the gravitational radiation of compact binaries

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    Gravitational waves contain tail effects which are due to the back-scattering of linear waves in the curved space-time geometry around the source. In this paper we improve the knowledge and accuracy of the two-body inspiraling post-Newtonian (PN) dynamics and gravitational-wave signal by computing the spin-orbit terms induced by tail effects. Notably, we derive those terms at 3PN order in the gravitational-wave energy flux, and 2.5PN and 3PN orders in the wave polarizations. This is then used to derive the spin-orbit tail effects in the phasing through 3PN order. Our results can be employed to carry out more accurate comparisons with numerical-relativity simulations and to improve the accuracy of analytical templates aimed at describing the whole process of inspiral, merger and ringdown.Comment: Minor corrections. To be published in Physical Review

    Time-dependent Mechanics and Lagrangian submanifolds of Dirac manifolds

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    A description of time-dependent Mechanics in terms of Lagrangian submanifolds of Dirac manifolds (in particular, presymplectic and Poisson manifolds) is presented. Two new Tulczyjew triples are discussed. The first one is adapted to the restricted Hamiltonian formalism and the second one is adapted to the extended Hamiltonian formalism

    Higher-order spin effects in the dynamics of compact binaries I. Equations of motion

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    We derive the equations of motion of spinning compact binaries including the spin-orbit (SO) coupling terms one post-Newtonian (PN) order beyond the leading-order effect. For black holes maximally spinning this corresponds to 2.5PN order. Our result for the equations of motion essentially confirms the previous result by Tagoshi, Ohashi and Owen. We also compute the spin-orbit effects up to 2.5PN order in the conserved (Noetherian) integrals of motion, namely the energy, the total angular momentum, the linear momentum and the center-of-mass integral. We obtain the spin precession equations at 1PN order beyond the leading term, as well. Those results will be used in a future paper to derive the time evolution of the binary orbital phase, providing more accurate templates for LIGO-Virgo-LISA type interferometric detectors.Comment: transcription error in Eqs. (2.17) correcte

    Motion of a Vector Particle in a Curved Spacetime. I. Lagrangian Approach

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    From the simple Lagrangian the equations of motion for the particle with spin are derived. The spin is shown to be conserved on the particle world-line. In the absence of a spin the equation coincides with that of a geodesic. The equations of motion are valid for massless particles as well, since mass does not enter the equations explicitely.Comment: 6 pages, uses mpla1.sty, published in MPLA, replaced with corrected typo

    Dynamics of test bodies with spin in de Sitter spacetime

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    We study the motion of spinning test bodies in the de Sitter spacetime of constant positive curvature. With the help of the 10 Killing vectors, we derive the 4-momentum and the tensor of spin explicitly in terms of the spacetime coordinates. However, in order to find the actual trajectories, one needs to impose the so-called supplementary condition. We discuss the dynamics of spinning test bodies for the cases of the Frenkel and Tulczyjew conditions.Comment: 11 pages, RevTex forma

    Motion of test bodies in theories with nonminimal coupling

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    We derive the equations of motion of test bodies for a theory with nonminimal coupling by means of a multipole method. The propagation equations for pole-dipole particles are worked out for a gravity theory with a very general coupling between the curvature scalar and the matter fields. Our results allow for a systematic comparison with the equations of motion of general relativity and other gravity theories.Comment: 5 pages, RevTex forma

    Spin-squared Hamiltonian of next-to-leading order gravitational interaction

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    The static, i.e., linear momentum independent, part of the next-to-leading order (NLO) gravitational spin(1)-spin(1) interaction Hamiltonian within the post-Newtonian (PN) approximation is calculated from a 3-dim. covariant ansatz for the Hamilton constraint. All coefficients in this ansatz can be uniquely fixed for black holes. The resulting Hamiltonian fits into the canonical formalism of Arnowitt, Deser, and Misner (ADM) and is given in their transverse-traceless (ADMTT) gauge. This completes the recent result for the momentum dependent part of the NLO spin(1)-spin(1) ADM Hamiltonian for binary black holes (BBH). Thus, all PN NLO effects up to quadratic order in spin for BBH are now given in Hamiltonian form in the ADMTT gauge. The equations of motion resulting from this Hamiltonian are an important step toward more accurate calculations of templates for gravitational waves.Comment: REVTeX4, 10 pages, v2: minor improvements in the presentation, v3: added omission in Eq. (4) and corrected coefficients in the result, Eq. (9); version to appear in Phys. Rev.