36 research outputs found

    Spillover Effect Perekonomian Provinsi DKI Jakarta Dan Sumatera Selatan Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Provinsi Lampung

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    This study was based on 23-year period time series data from 1983 to 2005. An OLS method was applied to test the hypothesis that economic variables such as private investments, local government spending, prices of domestic goods, prices of goods and income of the adjacent regions (Jakarta and South Sumatera Province) have effects on the economic growth of Lampung Province. The results of this study show that the independent economic variables have significant effects on the economic growth of Lampung Province. It is found that the interregional linkage is important. A comparison of the two neighbor provinces shows that the linkage of Lampung\u27s economy with Jakarta\u27s economy is relatively stronger than that with South Sumatera Province. The implication of this study is that the provincial and local governments of Lampung as well as the people of Lampung should make better use of the spatial spillover effect of DKI Jakarta and South Sumatera Province

    Hubungan Tingkat Pendapatan dan Kepuasan Peternak dengan Loyalitas sebagai Plasma pada Kemitraan Ayam Broiler di Kabupaten Tabanan

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    Pola kemitraan ayam broiler yang dilaksanakan, belum memenuhi harapan peternak plasma dan pihakperusahaan inti. Penelitian dilaksanakan di wilayah Kabupaten Tabanan. Pemilihan lokasi ditentukan secarapurposive. Penentuan sampel responden dilakukan secara kuota random sampling dari semua peternak plasmayang berada di Kabupaten Tabanan. Dipilih dua Perusahaan inti besar dan dua Perusahaan inti kecil. Masing–masing Perusahaan dipilih 17 peternak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan kemitraan,menganalisis pendapatan peternak plasma, menganalisis tingkat kepuasan peternak plasma, serta menganalisishubungan tingkat pendapatan dan kepuasan peternak dengan loyalitas sebagai plasma pada kemitraan ayambroiler di Kabupaten Tabanan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (a) pelaksanaan kemitraan di KabupatenTabanan secara umum berlangsung dengan baik namun memiliki kelemahan seperti pendapatan peternak kecildan kualitas sapronak yang kurang baik, (b) rata-rata pendapatan peternak adalah Rp 3.750,00 per ekor per tahunatau termasuk kategori rendah, (c) tingkat kepuasan peternak termasuk kategori memuaskan, dan (d) tingkatpendapatan dan tingkat kepuasan berhubungan signifikan (P<0,05) dengan loyalitas peternak sebagai plasma.Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah bahwa pelaksanaan kemitraan ayam broiler dapat dilanjutkan dengan perbaikanperbaikanpada aspek kualitas sapronak dan manajemen agar dapat meningkatkan pendapatan dan kepuasanpeternak sehingga loyalitas peternak terhadap Perusahaan inti dapat meningkat

    Pollution with Saprobic Index and Nutrition Value Coefficient of Fish

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    Buyan Lake located in the village of Pancasari, District Sukasada, Buleleng, Bali. Lake area of 301.84 hectares located at an altitude of about 1,000 meters above sea level is one of three twin lake that forms in a large caldera. Buyan Lake is flanked by two other lakes, namely Lake Tamblingan in the west and Lake Beratan in the east. Depth Buyan alone is estimated at around 80 meters, where the depth of the lake is never reached 140 meters before the bottom of the lake due to the silting of Buyan Lake erosion. Water resource who physically looks have undergone significant environmental stress due to things like the level of the lake by the plant closure especially Eichhornia crassipes plants and other aquatic plants, Chlorophyta class consisting of 4 species, Cyanophyta class consisting of six species, one species. Pyrrophyta class at Buyan Lake has included the category of lightly polluted with saprobic coefficient ranges from 0.594 to 0.777 which is well within the range of ?-mesosaprobic saprobic phase. The results of the analysis of nutritional status (NVC) fish that include tilapia, fish Zebra, and Fish Nilem are as follows: Tilapia value status is nutrient is an average of 1,944 which shows the waters of Buyan Lake is still classified as clean fish Zebra average of 1.828, which means the waters Buyan Lake is still in the net category. Fish Nilem to the average value of nutritional status (NVC) is 1.376 which shows the deep waters contaminated state. At each station showed a different saprobic coefficient, the difference is still in a phase of ?-mesosaprobic

    Analysis of Student Errors in Learning Circle Based on the Watson Error Category

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    Error analysis is a process of reviewing students' answers to identify patterns of understanding. Errors in mathematics are considered as deviations from the actual solution of a problem. The aim of the study is to analyze student errors based on the Watson error category learning circle. In this study students were given 5 essay mathematical problems, and then analyzed their errors based on 8 Watson error categories and continued by interviewing 1 student for each category of error. This study was conducted at SMP PGRI 3 Denpasar in a class on IX grade with 40 students. The results show that the percentage of student errors categories obtained from this study as follows: comprehension errors 54%, transformation errors 18%, process skills errors 15%, encoding errors 7%. Students are interviewed to find out carelessness and motivation that affect students' mistakes. While for question form category we found no errors.

    Development of a solar charged laboratory bench power supply

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    This product is an improvement on available DC laboratory bench power supply. It is capable of delivering low voltage Alternating Current (AC) and Direct Current (DC) to carry out basic laboratory experiment for both secondary schools and also at higher education institutions. The power supply is capable of delivering fixed DC voltages of 5V, 9V, 12V, the variable voltage of between 1.25–30V and a 12V AC voltage. Also Incorporated is a USB port that allows for charging cell phones and other mobile devices, and a dedicated 12V DC output to power 5-7 Watt LED bulb to provide illumination in the laboratory for the instructor who may need to work at night in the absence of utility power