1,760 research outputs found

    Counting statistics of coherent population trapping in quantum dots

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    Destructive interference of single-electron tunneling between three quantum dots can trap an electron in a coherent superposition of charge on two of the dots. Coupling to external charges causes decoherence of this superposition, and in the presence of a large bias voltage each decoherence event transfers a certain number of electrons through the device. We calculate the counting statistics of the transferred charges, finding a crossover from sub-Poissonian to super-Poissonian statistics with increasing ratio of tunnel and decoherence rates.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Flight/ground sample comparison relating to flight experiment M552, exothermic brazing

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    Comparisons were made between Skylab and ground-based specimens of nickel and stainless steel which were vacuum brazed using silver-copper-lithium alloy with various joint configurations. It was established that the absence of gravity greatly extends the scope of brazing since capillary flow can proceed without gravity interference. There was also evidence of enhanced transport, primarily in that liquid silver copper alloy dissolves nickel to a much greater extent in the zero gravity environment

    Schadebegroting, bewijs en waardering

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    Er zijn weinig terreinen in het civiele recht waar bewijs en waardering zozeer samenkomen als bij de begroting van schade. De oorzaak daarvan ligt in het feit dat bij de vaststelling van de omvang van schade bij uitstek een slag wordt gemaakt van het recht naar de feiten (of zo men wil: andersom). Om dit te illustreren wordt hierna eerst kort iets gezegd over wat schade is en hoe deze wordt begroot. Daarna worden de vertrekpunten voor het bewijs van schade verkend. Vervolgens zal aan de hand van een voorbeeld van bewijs van schade en de waardering hiervan worden geïllustreerd hoe de vertaalslag van het recht naar de feiten vorm krijgt en hoe complex dat proces in feite is

    Propagation of Coherent Light Pulses with PHASE

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    The current status of the software package PHASE for the propagation of coherent light pulses along a synchrotron radiation beamline is presented. PHASE is based on an asymptotic expansion of the Fresnel Kirchhoff integral stationary phase approximation which is usually truncated at the 2nd order. The limits of this approximation as well as possible extensions to higher orders are discussed. The accuracy is benchmarked against a direct integration of the Fresnel Kirchhoff integral. Long range slope errors of optical elements can be included by means of 8th order polynomials in the optical element coordinates w and l. Only recently, a method for the description of short range slope errors has been implemented. The accuracy of this method is evaluated and examples for realistic slope errors are given. PHASE can be run either from a built in graphical user interface or from any script language. The latter method provides substantial flexibility. Optical elements including apertures can be combined. Complete wave packages can be propagated, as well. Fourier propagators are included in the package, thus, the user may choose between a variety of propagators. Several means to speed up the computation time were tested among them are the parallelization in a multi core environment and the parallelization on a cluste

    Epidemiologie des Bauchtraumas

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    Lava channel formation during the 2001 eruption on Mount Etna: evidence for mechanical erosion

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    We report the direct observation of a peculiar lava channel that was formed near the base of a parasitic cone during the 2001 eruption on Mount Etna. Erosive processes by flowing lava are commonly attributed to thermal erosion. However, field evidence strongly suggests that models of thermal erosion cannot explain the formation of this channel. Here, we put forward the idea that the essential erosion mechanism was abrasive wear. By applying a simple model from tribology we demonstrate that the available data agree favorably with our hypothesis. Consequently, we propose that erosional processes resembling the wear phenomena in glacial erosion are possible in a volcanic environment.Comment: accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Paper Session I-A - In-Space Welding Visions & Realities

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    This paper establishes the value of having an in-space welding capability and identifies its applications, both near-term for Shuttle-Spacelab missions and Space Station Freedom, and longer-term for the First Lunar Outpost and Manned Mission to Mars. The leading candidate technologies, consisting of Electron Beam, Gas Tungsten Arc, Plasma Arc, and Laser Beam, are examined against the criteria for an in-space welding system. Research and development work to date, striving to achieve an in-space welding capability, is reviewed. Finally, a series of strategic NASA flight experiments is discussed as the remaining development required for achieving a complete in-space welding capability, which can fully serve the Space Exploration Initiative. This paper summarizes the visions and realities associated with in-space welding

    Robustness of adiabatic passage trough a quantum phase transition

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    We analyze the crossing of a quantum critical point based on exact results for the transverse XY model. In dependence of the change rate of the driving field, the evolution of the ground state is studied while the transverse magnetic field is tuned through the critical point with a linear ramping. The excitation probability is obtained exactly and is compared to previous studies and to the Landau-Zener formula, a long time solution for non-adiabatic transitions in two-level systems. The exact time dependence of the excitations density in the system allows to identify the adiabatic and diabatic regions during the sweep and to study the mesoscopic fluctuations of the excitations. The effect of white noise is investigated, where the critical point transmutes into a non-hermitian ``degenerate region''. Besides an overall increase of the excitations during and at the end of the sweep, the most destructive effect of the noise is the decay of the state purity that is enhanced by the passage through the degenerate region.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figure

    Coacervate formation studied by explicit solvent coarse-grain molecular dynamics with the Martini model

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    Complex coacervates are liquid-liquid phase separated systems, typically containing oppositely charged polyelectrolytes. They are widely studied for their functional properties as well as their potential involvement in cellular compartmentalization as biomolecular condensates. Diffusion and partitioning of solutes into a coacervate phase are important to address because their highly dynamic nature is one of their most important functional characteristics in real-world systems, but are difficult to study experimentally or even theoretically without an explicit representation of every molecule in the system. Here, we present an explicit-solvent, molecular dynamics coarse-grain model of complex coacervates, based on the Martini 3.0 force field. We demonstrate the accuracy of the model by reproducing the salt dependent coacervation of poly-lysine and poly-glutamate systems, and show the potential of the model by simulating the partitioning of ions and small nucleotides between the condensate and surrounding solvent phase. Our model paves the way for simulating coacervates and biomolecular condensates in a wide range of conditions, with near-atomic resolution

    Spatial stochastic resonance in 1D Ising systems

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    The 1D Ising model is analytically studied in a spatially periodic and oscillatory external magnetic field using the transfer-matrix method. For low enough magnetic field intensities the correlation between the external magnetic field and the response in magnetization presents a maximum for a given temperature. The phenomenon can be interpreted as a resonance phenomenon induced by the stochastic heatbath. This novel "spatial stochastic resonance" has a different origin from the classical stochastic resonance phenomenon.Comment: REVTex, 5 pages, 3 figure