260 research outputs found

    Herschel observations of gamma-ray burst host galaxies: implications for the topology of the dusty interstellar medium

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    Long-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are indisputably related to star formation, and their vast luminosity in gamma rays pin-points regions of star formation independent of galaxy mass. As such, GRBs provide a unique tool for studying star forming galaxies out to high-z independent of luminosity. Most of our understanding of the properties of GRB hosts (GRBHs) comes from optical and near-infrared (NIR) follow-up observations, and we therefore have relatively little knowledge of the fraction of dust-enshrouded star formation that resides within GRBHs. Currently ~20% of GRBs show evidence of significant amounts of dust along the line of sight to the afterglow through the host galaxy, and these GRBs tend to reside within redder and more massive galaxies than GRBs with optically bright afterglows. In this paper we present Herschel observations of five GRBHs with evidence of being dust-rich, targeted to understand the dust attenuation properties within GRBs better. Despite the sensitivity of our Herschel observations, only one galaxy in our sample was detected (GRBH 070306), for which we measure a total star formation rate (SFR) of ~100Mstar/yr, and which had a relatively high stellar mass (log[Mstar]=10.34+0.09/-0.04). Nevertheless, when considering a larger sample of GRBHs observed with Herschel, it is clear that stellar mass is not the only factor contributing to a Herschel detection, and significant dust extinction along the GRB sightline (A_{V,GRB}>1.5~mag) appears to be a considerably better tracer of GRBHs with high dust mass. This suggests that the extinguishing dust along the GRB line of sight lies predominantly within the host galaxy ISM, and thus those GRBs with A_{V,GRB}>1~mag but with no host galaxy Herschel detections are likely to have been predominantly extinguished by dust within an intervening dense cloud.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    The 50-100pc scale parent stellar populations of type II supernovae and limitations of single star evolution models

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    There is observational evidence of a dearth in core-collapse supernova (ccSN) explosions from stars with zero age main sequence (ZAMS) mass M_0~17-30 Msol, referred to as the 'red supergiant problem'. However, simulations now predict that above 20Msol we should indeed only expect stars within certain pockets of M_0 to produce a visible SN explosion. Validating these predictions requires large numbers of ccSNe of different types with measured M_0, which is challenging. In this paper we explore the reliability of using host galaxy emission lines and the Halpha equivalent width to constrain the age, and thus the M_0 of ccSNe progenitors. We use Binary Population and Spectral Synthesis models to infer a stellar population age from MUSE observations of the ionised gas properties and Halpha EW at the location of eleven ccSNe with reliable M_0 measurements. Comparing our results to published M_0 values, we find that models that do not consider binary systems yield stellar ages that are systematically too young (thus M_0 too large), whereas accounting for binary system interactions typically overpredict the stellar age (thus underpredict M_0). Taking into account the effects of photon leakage bring our M_0 estimates in much closer agreement with expectations. These results highlight the need for careful modelling of diffuse environments, such as are present in the vicinity of type II SNe, before ionised emission line spectra can be used as reliable tracers of progenitor stellar age.Comment: 17 pages and 5 figures (excluding appendix). Replaced to match published version in MNRA

    GRB 081203A: Swift UVOT captures the earliest ultraviolet spectrum of a gamma-ray burst

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    We present the earliest ultraviolet (UV) spectrum of a gamma-ray burst (GRB) as observed with the Swift Ultra-Violet/Optical Telescope (UVOT). The GRB 081203A spectrum was observed for 50 s with the UV-grism starting 251 s after the Swift-Burst-Alert-Telescope (BAT) trigger. During this time, the GRB was ≈13.4 mag (u filter) and was still rising to its peak optical brightness. In the UV-grism spectrum, we find a damped Lyα line, Lyβ and the Lyman continuum break at a redshift z= 2.05 ± 0.01. A model fit to the Lyman absorption implies a gas column density of log NH i= 22.0 ± 0.1 cm−2, which is typical of GRB host galaxies with damped Lyα absorbers. This observation of GRB 081203A demonstrates that for brighter GRBs (v≈ 14 mag) with moderate redshift (0.5 < z < 3.5) the UVOT is able to provide redshifts, and probe for damped Lyα absorbers within 4–6 min from the time of the Swift-BAT trigger

    The Two-Component Afterglow of Swift GRB 050802

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    This paper investigates GRB 050802, one of the best examples of a it Swift gamma-ray burst afterglow that shows a break in the X-ray lightcurve, while the optical counterpart decays as a single power-law. This burst has an optically bright afterglow of 16.5 magnitude, detected throughout the 170-650nm spectral range of the UVOT on-board Swift. Observations began with the XRT and UVOT telescopes 286s after the initial trigger and continued for 1.2 x 10^6s. The X-ray lightcurve consists of three power-law segments: a rise until 420s, followed by a slow decay with alpha_2 = 0.63 +/- 0.03 until 5000s, after which, the lightcurve decays faster with a slope of alpha_3 = 1.59 +/- 0.03. The optical lightcurve decays as a single power-law with alpha_O = 0.82 +/- 0.03 throughout the observation. The X-ray data on their own are consistent with the break at 5000s being due to the end of energy injection. Modelling the optical to X-ray spectral energy distribution, we find that the optical afterglow can not be produced by the same component as the X-ray emission at late times, ruling out a single component afterglow. We therefore considered two-component jet models and find that the X-ray and optical emission is best reproduced by a model in which both components are energy injected for the duration of the observed afterglow and the X-ray break at 5000s is due to a jet break in the narrow component. This bright, well-observed burst is likely a guide for interpreting the surprising finding of Swift that bursts seldom display achromatic jet breaks.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, accepted MNRA

    Prompt optical observations of GRB050319 with the Swift UVOT

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    The UVOT telescope on the Swift observatory has detected optical afterglow emission from GRB 050319. The flux declines with a power law slope of alpha = -0.57 between the start of observations some 230 seconds after the burst onset (90s after the burst trigger) until it faded below the sensitivity threshold of the instrument after ~5 x 10^4s. There is no evidence for the rapidly declining component in the early light curve that is seen at the same time in the X-ray band. The afterglow is not detected in UVOT shortward of the B-band, suggesting a redshift of about 3.5. The optical V-band emission lies on the extension of the X-ray spectrum, with an optical to X-ray slope of beta = -0.8. The relatively flat decay rate of the burst suggests that the central engine continues to inject energy into the fireball for as long as a few x 10^4s after the burst.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, accepted by Ap

    Swift-UVOT Observations of the X-Ray Flash 050406

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    We present Swift-UVOT data on the optical afterglow of the X-ray flash of 2005 April 6 (XRF 050406) from 88s to \sim 10^5s after the initial prompt gamma-ray emission. Our observations in the V, B and U bands are the earliest that have been taken of an XRF optical counterpart. Combining the early -time optical temporal and spectral properties with \gamma- and simultaneous X-ray data taken with the BAT and XRT telescopes on-board Swift, we are able to constrain possible origins of the XRF. The prompt emission had a FRED profile (fast-rise, exponential decay) with a duration of T_90 = 5.7\pm 0.2s, putting it at the short end of the long-burst duration distribution. The absence of photoelectric absorption red-ward of 4000 \AA in the UV/optical spectrum provides a firm upper limit of z\leq 3.1 on the redshift, thus excluding a high redshift as the sole reason for the soft spectrum. The optical light curve is consistent with a power-law decay with slope alpha = -0.75\pm 0.26 (F_{\nu}\propto t^{\alpha}), and a maximum occurring in the first 200s after the initial gamma-ray emission. The softness of the prompt emission is well described by an off-axis structured jet model, which is able to account for the early peak flux and shallow decay observed in the optical and X-ray bands.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ; typos corrected and upper limits in table 1 changed from background subtracted count rate in extraction region to the error associated with thi

    GRB 091029: At the limit of the fireball scenario

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    Using high-quality, broad-band afterglow data for GRB 091029, we test the validity of the forward-shock model for gamma-ray burst afterglows. We used multi-wavelength (NIR to X-ray) follow-up observations obtained with the GROND, BOOTES-3/YA and Stardome optical ground-based telescopes, and the UVOT and the XRT onboard the Swift satellite. To explain the almost totally decoupled light curves in the X-ray and optical/NIR domains, a two-component outflow is proposed. Several models are tested, including continuous energy injection, components with different electron energy indices and components in two different stages of spectral evolution. Only the last model can explain both the decoupled light curves with asynchronous peaks and the peculiar SED evolution. However, this model has so many unknown free parameters that we are unable to reliably confirm or disprove its validity, making the afterglow of GRB 091029 difficult to explain in the framework of the simplest fireball model.Comment: Accepted to A&

    Swift-UVOT detection of GRB 050318

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    We present observations of GRB 050318 by the Ultra-Violet and Optical Telescope (UVOT) on-board the Swift observatory. The data are the first detections of a Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) afterglow decay by the UVOT instrument, launched specifically to open a new window on these transient sources. We showcase UVOTs ability to provide multi-color photometry and the advantages of combining UVOT data with simultaneous and contemporaneous observations from the high-energy detectors on the Swift spacecraft. Multiple filters covering 1,800-6,000 Angstroms reveal a red source with spectral slope steeper than the simultaneous X-ray continuum. Spectral fits indicate that the UVOT colors are consistent with dust extinction by systems at z = 1.2037 and z = 1.4436, redshifts where absorption systems have been pre-identified. However, the data can be most-easily reproduced with models containing a foreground system of neutral gas redshifted by z = 2.8 +/- 0.3. For both of the above scenarios, spectral and decay slopes are, for the most part, consistent with fireball expansion into a uniform medium, provided a cooling break occurs between the energy ranges of the UVOT and Swifts X-ray instrumentation.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, ApJ Letters, in pres

    Swift detects a remarkable gamma-ray burst, GRB 060614, that introduces a new classification scheme

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    Gamma ray bursts (GRBs) are known to come in two duration classes, separated at ~2 s. Long bursts originate from star forming regions in galaxies, have accompanying supernovae (SNe) when near enough to observe and are likely caused by massive-star collapsars. Recent observations show that short bursts originate in regions within their host galaxies with lower star formation rates consistent with binary neutron star (NS) or NS - black hole (BH) mergers. Moreover, although their hosts are predominantly nearby galaxies, no SNe have been so far associated with short GRBs. We report here on the bright, nearby GRB 060614 that does not fit in either class. Its ~102 s duration groups it with long GRBs, while its temporal lag and peak luminosity fall entirely within the short GRB subclass. Moreover, very deep optical observations exclude an accompanying supernova, similar to short GRBs. This combination of a long duration event without accompanying SN poses a challenge to both a collapsar and merging NS interpretation and opens the door on a new GRB classification scheme that straddles both long and short bursts.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, accepted in Natur

    Dust and Gas in the Local Environments of Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    Using a sample of gamma-ray burst (GRB) afterglows detected by both the X-Ray and the UV/Optical Telescopes (XRT and UVOT) on Swift, we modelled the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) to determine gas column densities and dust extinction in the GRB local environment. In six out of seven cases we find an X-ray absorber associated with the GRB host galaxy with column density (assuming solar abundances) ranging from (0.8 - 7.7)x10^{21}cm^{-2}. We determine the rest-frame visual extinction A_V using the SMC, LMC and Galactic extinction curves to model the dust in the GRB host galaxy, and this ranges from A_V = 0.12\pm 0.04 to A_V = 0.65^{+0.08}_{-0.07}. The afterglow SEDs were typically best fit by a model with an SMC extinction curve. In only one case was the GRB afterglow better modelled by a Galactic extinction curve, which has a prominent absorption feature at 2175angstrom. We investigate the selection effects present in our sample and how these might distort the true distribution of A_V in GRB host galaxies. We estimate that GRBs with no afterglow detected blueward of 5500angstrom have average rest-frame visual extinctions almost eight times those observed in the optically bright population of GRBs. This may help account for the ~1/3 of GRBs observed by Swift that have no afterglow detected by UVOT.Comment: Corrected typos 13 pages, 8 figures, MNRAS, 2007, 377, 27