466 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Minyak angin aromaterapi merupakan inovasi terbaru dari minyak angin biasa, yakni dengan menambahkan wewangian sehingga bau minyak angin yang kurang begitu enak menjadi tertutupi oleh aroma wewangian. Sebagai gantinya, aroma wangi yang menyenangkan membuat nyaman bila dipakai. Bahan baku yang digunakan dalam pembuatan minyak angin “Re-Fresh” ini yaitu minyak atsiri zaitun, gandapura, menthol, minyak peppermint dan aroma bunga lily. Proses produksi minyak angin aromaterapi ini memalui tahap yang sederhana yaitu persiapan bahan baku, pencampuran, pengadukan dan pengemasan. Pemasaran adalah salah satu kegiatan pokok yang perlu dilakukan oleh produsen baik itu produsen barang atau jasa dalam upaya untuk mempertahankan kelangsungan hidup usahanya. Konsep pemasaran minyak angin “Re-Fresh” ini dengan memasarkan melalui website, media sosial, mengikuti acara bazar dan dengan menawarkan produk secara langsung. Minyak “Re-Fresh” dijual seharga Rp 10.000, dengan R/C Ratio sebesar 1,52. Minyak angin “Re-Fresh” ini diperuntukkan kepada konsumen dikalangan remaja hingga lanjut usia

    Experimental verification of a Jarzynski-related information-theoretic equality using a single trapped ion

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    Most non-equilibrium processes in thermodynamics are quantified only by inequalities, however the Jarzynski relation presents a remarkably simple and general equality relating non-equilibrium quantities with the equilibrium free energy, and this equality holds in both classical and quantum regimes. We report a single-spin test and confirmation of the Jarzynski relation in quantum regime using a single ultracold 40Ca+^{40}Ca^{+} ion trapped in a harmonic potential, based on a general information-theoretic equality for a temporal evolution of the system sandwiched between two projective measurements. By considering both initially pure and mixed states, respectively, we verify, in an exact and fundamental fashion, the non-equilibrium quantum thermodynamics relevant to the mutual information and Jarzynski equality.Comment: 2 figure

    Stargardt macular dystrophy and evolving therapies

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    Introduction: Stargardt macular dystrophy (STGD1) is a hereditary retinal degeneration that lacks effective treatment options. Gene therapy, stem cell therapy, and pharmacotherapy with visual cycle modulators (VCMs) and complement inhibitors are discussed as potential treatments. Areas covered: Investigational therapies for STGD1 aim to reduce toxic bisretinoids and lipofuscin in the retina and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). These agents include C20-D3-vitamin A (ALK-001), isotretinoin, VM200, emixustat, and A1120. Avacincaptad pegol is a C5 complement inhibitor that may reduce inflammation-related RPE damage. Animal models of STGD1 show promising data for these treatments, though proof of efficacy in humans is lacking. Fenretinide and emixustat are VCMs for dry AMD and STGD1 that failed to halt geographic atrophy progression or improve vision in trials for AMD. A1120 prevents retinol transport into RPE and may spare side effects typically seen with VCMs (nyctalopia and chromatopsia). Stem cell transplantation suggests potential biologic plausibility in a phase I/II trial. Gene therapy aims to augment the mutated ABCA4 gene, though results of a phase I/II trial are pending. Expert opinion: Stem cell transplantation, ABCA4 gene therapy, VCMs, and complement inhibitors offer biologically plausible treatment mechanisms for treatment of STGD1. Further trials are warranted to assess efficacy and safety in humans

    Effects of MAOA genotype and childhood experiences of physical and emotional abuse on aggressive behavior in adulthood

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    A functional polymorphism in the monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) gene located on the X chromosome (Xp11.23-11.4) has earned the nickname &ldquo;warrior gene&rdquo; because of its association with antisocial behavior and delinquency. Previous findings on adults and adolescents have found some evidence that the&nbsp;MAOA&nbsp;gene moderates the impact of childhood abuse experiences on the risk of developing aggressive behavior. Thus far, however, attempts to replicate these findings have been mixed. The aims of the present study were to investigate whether the&nbsp;MAOA&nbsp;polymorphism affects aggressive behavior alone and in combination with childhood abuse experiences. We tried to replicate this using a sample of 1447 male and 2179 female Finnish twins and their siblings. In the present study, the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire and Aggression Questionnaire were used. There was a positive correlation between childhood abuse experiences and later aggressive behavior in adolescence or adulthood both for men and women. The results showed the effects of the 4-repeat allele of&nbsp;MAOA&nbsp;promoter polymorphism on physical aggressive behavior for women. It seems that there is an interaction between the 3-repeat allele of&nbsp;MAOA&nbsp;promoter polymorphism and emotional abuse experiences on aggressive behavior for women. In conclusions, this study, using a large population-based sample, found partial support for an interaction between&nbsp;MAOA&nbsp;genotype and childhood abuse experiences on aggressive behavior.</p

    Experiences of severe childhood maltreatment, depression, anxiety and alcohol abuse among adults in Finland

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    Childhood maltreatment increases the risk of subsequent depression, anxiety and alcohol abuse, but the rate of resilient victims is unknown. Here, we investigated the rate of victims that do not suffer from clinical levels of these problems after severe maltreatment in a population-based sample of 10980 adult participants. Compared to men, women reported more severe emotional and sexual abuse, as well as more severe emotional neglect. For both genders, severe emotional abuse (OR = 3.80 [2.22, 6.52]); severe physical abuse (OR = 3.97 [1.72, 9.16]); severe emotional neglect (OR = 3.36 [1.73, 6.54]); and severe physical neglect (OR = 11.90 [2.66, 53.22]) were associated with depression and anxiety while only severe physical abuse (OR = 3.40 [1.28, 9.03]) was associated with alcohol abuse. Looking at men and women separately, severe emotional abuse (OR = 6.05 [1.62, 22.60] in men; OR = 3.74 [2.06, 6.81] in women) and severe physical abuse (OR = 6.05 [1.62, 22.60] in men; OR = 3.03 [0.99, 9.33] in women) were associated with clinical levels of depression and anxiety. In addition, in women, severe sexual abuse (OR = 2.40 [1.10, 5.21]), emotional neglect (OR = 4.78 [2.40, 9.56]), and severe physical neglect (OR = 9.86 [1.99, 48.93]) were associated with clinical levels of depression and anxiety. Severe emotional abuse in men (OR = 3.86 [0.96, 15.48]) and severe physical abuse in women (OR = 5.18 [1.48, 18.12]) were associated with alcohol abuse. Concerning resilience, the majority of severely maltreated participants did not report clinically significant levels of depression or anxiety (72%), or alcohol abuse (93%) in adulthood. Although the majority of severely abused or neglected individuals did not show clinical levels of depression, anxiety or alcohol use, severe childhood maltreatment increased the risk for showing clinical levels of psychopathology in adulthood

    Single-Atom Verification of the Information-Theoretical Bound of Irreversibility at the Quantum Level

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    Quantitative measure of disorder or randomness based on the entropy production characterizes thermodynamical irreversibility, which is relevant to the conventional second law of thermodynamics. Here we report, in a quantum mechanical fashion, the first theoretical prediction and experimental exploration of an information-theoretical bound on the entropy production. Our theoretical model consists of a simplest two-level dissipative system driven by a purely classical field, and under the Markovian dissipation, we find that such an information-theoretical bound, not fully validating quantum relaxation processes, strongly depends on the drive-to-decay ratio and the initial state. Furthermore, we carry out experimental verification of this information-theoretical bound by means of a single spin embedded in an ultracold trapped 40^{40}Ca+^{+} ion. Our finding, based on a two-level model, is fundamental to any quantum thermodynamical process and indicates much difference and complexity in quantum thermodynamics with respect to the conventionally classical counterpart

    Deconvoluting lung evolution: from phenotypes to gene regulatory networks

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    Speakers in this symposium presented examples of respiratory regulation that broadly illustrate principles of evolution from whole organ to genes. The swim bladder and lungs of aquatic and terrestrial organisms arose independently from a common primordial "respiratory pharynx” but not from each other. Pathways of lung evolution are similar between crocodiles and birds but a low compliance of mammalian lung may have driven the development of the diaphragm to permit lung inflation during inspiration. To meet the high oxygen demands of flight, bird lungs have evolved separate gas exchange and pump components to achieve unidirectional ventilation and minimize dead space. The process of "screening” (removal of oxygen from inspired air prior to entering the terminal units) reduces effective alveolar oxygen tension and potentially explains why nonathletic large mammals possess greater pulmonary diffusing capacities than required by their oxygen consumption. The "primitive” central admixture of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in the incompletely divided reptilian heart is actually co-regulated with other autonomic cardiopulmonary responses to provide flexible control of arterial oxygen tension independent of ventilation as well as a unique mechanism for adjusting metabolic rate. Some of the most ancient oxygen-sensing molecules, i.e., hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha and erythropoietin, are up-regulated during mammalian lung development and growth under apparently normoxic conditions, suggesting functional evolution. Normal alveolarization requires pleiotropic growth factors acting via highly conserved cell-cell signal transduction, e.g., parathyroid hormone-related protein transducing at least partly through the Wingless/int pathway. The latter regulates morphogenesis from nematode to mammal. If there is commonality among these diverse respiratory processes, it is that all levels of organization, from molecular signaling to structure to function, co-evolve progressively, and optimize an existing gas-exchange framewor