15,992 research outputs found

    Scattering of 42 MeV /6.7-pJ/ alpha particles from even isotopes of cadmium. Supplement 1 - Absolute cross sections

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    Absolute cross sections for scattering of 42 MeV alpha particles from even isotopes of cadmiu

    Elastic and inelastic scattering of 42-MeV alpha particles from even tellurium isotopes

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    Angular distributions of elastic and inelastic scattering of 42-MeV alpha particles measured for even tellurium isotope

    SAGE 1 data user's guide

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    A guide for using the data products from the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment 1 (SAGE 1) for scientific investigations of stratospheric chemistry related to aerosol, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, dynamics, and climate change is presented. A detailed description of the aerosol profile tape, the ozone profile tape, and the nitrogen dioxide profile tape is included. These tapes are the SAGE 1 data products containing aerosol extinction data and ozone and nitrogen dioxide concentration data for use in the different scientific investigations. Brief descriptions of the instrument operation, data collection, processing, and validation, and some of the scientific analyses that were conducted are also included

    Gamma ray angular correlations following inelastic scattering of 42-MeV alpha particles from magnesium 24

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    Angular correlation between inelastically scattered alpha particles and gamma rays emitted in subsequent nuclear decay of magnesium 2

    Fuel efficiency through new airframe technology

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    In its Aircraft Energy Efficiency Program, NASA has expended approximately 200 million dollars toward development and application of advanced airframe technologies to United States's commercial transports. United States manufacturers have already been given a significant boost toward early application of advanced composite materials to control surface and empennage structures and toward selected applications of active controls and advanced aerodynamic concepts. In addition, significant progress in definition and development of innovative, but realistic systems for laminar flow control over the wings of future transports has already been made

    Investigation of warm fog properties and fog modification concepts

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    Warm fog seeding to determine potential of various sized and unsized hygroscopic chemicals for fog dissipatio

    Delivery performance of conventional aircraft by terminal-area, time-based air traffic control: A real-time simulation evaluation

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    A description and results are presented of a study to measure the performance and reaction of airline flight crews, in a full workload DC-9 cockpit, flying in a real-time simulation of an air traffic control (ATC) concept called Traffic Intelligence for the Management of Efficient Runway-scheduling (TIMER). Experimental objectives were to verify earlier fast-time TIMER time-delivery precision results and obtain data for the validation or refinement of existing computer models of pilot/airborne performance. Experimental data indicated a runway threshold, interarrival-time-error standard deviation in the range of 10.4 to 14.1 seconds. Other real-time system performance parameters measured include approach speeds, response time to controller turn instructions, bank angles employed, and ATC controller message delivery-time errors

    The Case of the Missing Gates: Complexity of Jackiw-Teitelboim Gravity

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    The Jackiw-Teitelboim (JT) model arises from the dimensional reduction of charged black holes. Motivated by the holographic complexity conjecture, we calculate the late-time rate of change of action of a Wheeler-DeWitt patch in the JT theory. Surprisingly, the rate vanishes. This is puzzling because it contradicts both holographic expectations for the rate of complexification and also action calculations for charged black holes. We trace the discrepancy to an improper treatment of boundary terms when naively doing the dimensional reduction. Once the boundary term is corrected, we find exact agreement with expectations. We comment on the general lessons that this might hold for holographic complexity and beyond.Comment: 31 pages, 5 figure

    A target for production of radioxenons

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    A liquid cesium target has been developed which allows the production and separate identification of the neutron deficient isotopes of xenon. The present report describes irradiations utilizing 34 to 41 MeV protons to produce millicurie quantities of Xe-127 and Xe-129m. At higher energies, however, the target could be used without modification to produce xenon isotopes as light as 119