175 research outputs found

    Dynamic Scaling of Width Distribution in Edwards--Wilkinson Type Models of Interface Dynamics

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    Edwards--Wilkinson type models are studied in 1+1 dimensions and the time-dependent distribution, P_L(w^2,t), of the square of the width of an interface, w^2, is calculated for systems of size L. We find that, using a flat interface as an initial condition, P_L(w^2,t) can be calculated exactly and it obeys scaling in the form _\infty P_L(w^2,t) = Phi(w^2 / _\infty, t/L^2) where _\infty is the stationary value of w^2. For more complicated initial states, scaling is observed only in the large- time limit and the scaling function depends on the initial amplitude of the longest wavelength mode. The short-time limit is also interesting since P_L(w^2,t) is found to closely approximate the log-normal distribution. These results are confirmed by Monte Carlo simulations on a `roof-top' model of surface evolution.Comment: 5 pages, latex, 3 ps figures in a separate files, submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Phase Transitions in Hexane Monolayers Physisorbed onto Graphite

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    We report the results of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of a complete monolayer of hexane physisorbed onto the basal plane of graphite. At low temperatures the system forms a herringbone solid. With increasing temperature, a solid to nematic liquid crystal transition takes place at T1=138±2T_1 = 138 \pm 2K followed by another transition at T2=176±3T_2 = 176 \pm 3K into an isotropic fluid. We characterize the different phases by calculating various order parameters, coordinate distributions, energetics, spreading pressure and correlation functions, most of which are in reasonable agreement with available experimental evidence. In addition, we perform simulations where the Lennard-Jones interaction strength, corrugation potential strength and dihedral rigidity are varied in order to better characterize the nature of the two transitions through. We find that both phase transitions are facilitated by a ``footprint reduction'' of the molecules via tilting, and to a lesser degree via creation of gauche defects in the molecules.Comment: 18 pages, eps figures embedded, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Equivalence of the Falicov-Kimball and Brandt-Mielsch forms for the free energy of the infinite-dimensional Falicov-Kimball model

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    Falicov and Kimball proposed a real-axis form for the free energy of the Falicov-Kimball model that was modified for the coherent potential approximation by Plischke. Brandt and Mielsch proposed an imaginary-axis form for the free energy of the dynamical mean field theory solution of the Falicov-Kimball model. It has long been known that these two formulae are numerically equal to each other; an explicit derivation showing this equivalence is presented here.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, typeset with ReVTe

    Crossover effects in the Wolf-Villain model of epitaxial growth in 1+1 and 2+1 dimensions

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    A simple model of epitaxial growth proposed by Wolf and Villain is investigated using extensive computer simulations. We find an unexpectedly complex crossover behavior of the original model in both 1+1 and 2+1 dimensions. A crossover from the effective growth exponent βeff ⁣ ⁣0.37\beta_{\rm eff}\!\approx\!0.37 to βeff ⁣ ⁣0.33\beta_{\rm eff}\!\approx\!0.33 is observed in 1+1 dimensions, whereas additional crossovers, which we believe are to the scaling behavior of an Edwards--Wilkinson type, are observed in both 1+1 and 2+1 dimensions. Anomalous scaling due to power--law growth of the average step height is found in 1+1 D, and also at short time and length scales in 2+1~D. The roughness exponents ζeffc\zeta_{\rm eff}^{\rm c} obtained from the height--height correlation functions in 1+1~D ( ⁣3/4\approx\!3/4) and 2+1~D ( ⁣2/3\approx\!2/3) cannot be simultaneously explained by any of the continuum equations proposed so far to describe epitaxial growth.Comment: 11 pages, REVTeX 3.0, IC-DDV-93-00

    Short-range correlations in quark matter

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    We investigate the role of short-range correlations in quark matter within the framework of the SU(2) NJL model. Employing a next-to-leading order expansion in 1/N_c for the quark self energy we construct a fully self-consistent model that is based on the relations between spectral functions and self energies. In contrast to the usual quasiparticle approximations we take the collisional broadening of the quark spectral function consequently into account. Mesons are dynamically generated in the fashion of a random phase approximation, using full in-medium propagators in the quark loops. The results are self-consistently fed back into the quark self energy. Calculations have been performed for finite chemical potentials at zero temperature. The short-range correlations do not only generate finite widths in the spectral functions but also have influence on the chiral phase transition.Comment: 40 pages, 23 figures; revised and extended paper, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Particles Sliding on a Fluctuating Surface: Phase Separation and Power Laws

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    We study a system of hard-core particles sliding downwards on a fluctuating one-dimensional surface which is characterized by a dynamical exponent zz. In numerical simulations, an initially random particle density is found to coarsen and obey scaling with a growing length scale t1/z\sim t^{1/z}. The structure factor deviates from the Porod law in some cases. The steady state is unusual in that the density-segregation order parameter shows strong fluctuations. The two-point correlation function has a scaling form with a cusp at small argument which we relate to a power law distribution of particle cluster sizes. Exact results on a related model of surface depths provides insight into the origin of this behaviour.Comment: 5 pages, 5 Postscript figure

    Exact time-dependent correlation functions for the symmetric exclusion process with open boundary

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    As a simple model for single-file diffusion of hard core particles we investigate the one-dimensional symmetric exclusion process. We consider an open semi-infinite system where one end is coupled to an external reservoir of constant density ρ\rho^\ast and which initially is in an non-equilibrium state with bulk density ρ0\rho_0. We calculate the exact time-dependent two-point density correlation function Ck,l(t)C_{k,l}(t)\equiv - and the mean and variance of the integrated average net flux of particles N(t)N(0)N(t)-N(0) that have entered (or left) the system up to time tt. We find that the boundary region of the semi-infinite relaxing system is in a state similar to the bulk state of a finite stationary system driven by a boundary gradient. The symmetric exclusion model provides a rare example where such behavior can be proved rigorously on the level of equal-time two-point correlation functions. Some implications for the relaxational dynamics of entangled polymers and for single-file diffusion in colloidal systems are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, uses REVTEX, 2 figures. Minor typos corrected and reference 17 adde

    Improved limits on nuebar emission from mu+ decay

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    We investigated mu+ decays at rest produced at the ISIS beam stop target. Lepton flavor (LF) conservation has been tested by searching for \nueb via the detection reaction p(\nueb,e+)n. No \nueb signal from LF violating mu+ decays was identified. We extract upper limits of the branching ratio for the LF violating decay mu+ -> e+ \nueb \nu compared to the Standard Model (SM) mu+ -> e+ nue numub decay: BR < 0.9(1.7)x10^{-3} (90%CL) depending on the spectral distribution of \nueb characterized by the Michel parameter rho=0.75 (0.0). These results improve earlier limits by one order of magnitude and restrict extensions of the SM in which \nueb emission from mu+ decay is allowed with considerable strength. The decay \mupdeb as source for the \nueb signal observed in the LSND experiment can be excluded.Comment: 10 pages, including 1 figure, 1 tabl

    High-Temperature series for the RPn1RP^{n-1} lattice spin model (generalized Maier-Saupe model of nematic liquid crystals) in two space dimensions and with general spin dimensionality n

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    High temperature series expansions of the spin-spin correlation functions of the RP^{n-1} spin model on the square lattice are computed through order beta^{8} for general spin dimensionality n. Tables are reported for the expansion coefficients of the energy per site, the susceptibility and the second correlation moment.Comment: 6 pages, revtex, IFUM 419/FT, 2 figures not include

    Macroscopic Car Condensation in a Parking Garage

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    An asymmetric exclusion process type process, where cars move forward along a closed road that starts and terminates at a parking garage, displays dynamic phase transitions into two types of condensate phases where the garage becomes macroscopically occupied. The total car density ρo\rho_o and the exit probability α\alpha are the two control parameters. At the transition, the number of parked cars NpN_p diverges in both cases, with the length of the road NsN_s, as NpNsypN_p\sim N_s^{y_p} with yp=1/2y_p=1/2. Towards the transition, the number of parked cars vanishes as NpϵβN_p\sim \epsilon^\beta with β=1\beta=1, ϵ=αα\epsilon=|\alpha -\alpha^*| or ϵ=ρoρo\epsilon=|\rho^*_o -\rho_o| being the distance from the transition. The transition into the normal phase represents also the onset of transmission of information through the garage. This gives rise to unusual parked car autocorrelations and car density profiles near the garage, which depend strongly on the group velocity of the fluctuations along the road.Comment: 12 pages including 15 figures; published version in PR