1,422 research outputs found
Entwicklung neuer Strategien zur Mehrung und optimierten Nutzung der Bodenfruchtbarkeit
In vier Teilprojekten wurden Strategien zur Optimierung des ökologischen Anbaus von Ackerbohnen und Erbsen in Feldversuchen untersucht. Im Fokus stand der Einfluss verschiedener Formen reduzierter Bodenbearbeitung und temporärer Direktsaat im Verbund mit Mulchen, Zwischenfruchtanbau und gezielter Nährstoffversorgung auf Ertragsleistung und Unkrautvorkommen. Das Wachstum von Ackerbohnen und Erbsen war nach Direktsaat im Vergleich zu Pflugbearbeitung retardiert und glich sich erst mit zunehmendem Vegetationsverlauf an. In der Mehrzahl der Versuche wurde bei Nichtvorhandensein perennierender Unkräuter bei insgesamt vglw. niedrigem Ertragsniveau kein fördernder Einfluss der Pflugbearbeitung auf den Kornertrag festgestellt. Nährstoffmangel, bspw. von Schwefel, kann bei Ackerbohnen ertragslimitierend sein und ist durch entsprechende DRIS basierte Düngungsverfahren behebbar. Nichtlegume Zwischenfrüchte erhöhten die N2-Nettofixierleistung von Ackerbohnen. Gezielte Verfahren reduzierter Bodenbearbeitung bzw. temporärer Direktsaat für Ackerbohnen, bspw. mit Nutzung von Strohmulch, sind bei geeigneten Standortbedingungen insbesondere geringer Unkrautdruck ohne wirtschaftliche Ertragseinbußen möglich; im Falle von Erbsen wird das Anbaurisiko deutlich erhöht
Possible large phase in psi(2S) -> 1-0- Decays
The strong and the electromagnetic amplitudes are analyzed on the basis of
the measurements of J/psi, psi(2S) -> 1-0- in e+e- experiments. The currently
available experimental information is revised with inclusion of the
contribution from e+e- -> gamma * -> 1-0- . The study shows that a large phase
around minus 90 degree between the strong and the electromagnetic amplitudes
could not be ruled out by the experimental data for psi(2S).Comment: 4 page
Ratio of Hadronic Decay Rates of J\psi and \psi(2S) and the \rho\pi Puzzle
The so-called \rho\pi puzzle of J\psi and \psi(2S) decays is examined using
the experimental data available to date. Two different approaches were taken to
estimate the ratio of J\psi and \psi(2S) hadronic decay rates. While one of the
estimates could not yield the exact ratio of \psi(2S) to J\psi inclusive
hadronic decay rates, the other, based on a computation of the inclusive ggg
decay rate for
\psi(2S) (J\psi) by subtracting other decay rates from the total decay rate,
differs by two standard deviations from the naive prediction of perturbative
QCD, even though its central value is nearly twice as large as what was naively
expected. A comparison between this ratio, upon making corrections for specific
exclusive two-body decay modes, and the corresponding experimental data
confirms the puzzles in
J\psi and \psi(2S) decays. We find from our analysis that the exclusively
reconstructed hadronic decays of the \psi(2S) account for only a small fraction
of its total decays, and a ratio exceeding the above estimate should be
expected to occur for a considerable number of the remaining decay channels. We
also show that the recent new results from the BES experiment provide crucial
tests of various theoretical models proposed to explain the puzzle.Comment: 8 pages, no figure, 4 table
Hadroproduction and Polarization of Charmonium
In the limit of heavy quark mass, the production cross section and
polarization of quarkonia can be calculated in perturbative QCD. We study the
-averaged production of charmonium states in collisions at
fixed target energies. The data on the relative production rates of \jp and
is found to disagree with leading twist QCD. The polarization of the
\jp indicates that the discrepancy is not due to poorly known parton
distributions nor to the size of higher order effects (-factors). Rather,
the disagreement suggests important higher twist corrections, as has been
surmised earlier from the nuclear target -dependence of the production cross
section.Comment: 19 page
Anaerobic Carbon Monoxide Dehydrogenase Diversity in the Homoacetogenic Hindgut Microbial Communities of Lower Termites and the Wood Roach
Anaerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (CODH) is a key enzyme in the Wood-Ljungdahl (acetyl-CoA) pathway for acetogenesis performed by homoacetogenic bacteria. Acetate generated by gut bacteria via the acetyl-CoA pathway provides considerable nutrition to wood-feeding dictyopteran insects making CODH important to the obligate mutualism occurring between termites and their hindgut microbiota. To investigate CODH diversity in insect gut communities, we developed the first degenerate primers designed to amplify cooS genes, which encode the catalytic (β) subunit of anaerobic CODH enzyme complexes. These primers target over 68 million combinations of potential forward and reverse cooS primer-binding sequences. We used the primers to identify cooS genes in bacterial isolates from the hindgut of a phylogenetically lower termite and to sample cooS diversity present in a variety of insect hindgut microbial communities including those of three phylogenetically-lower termites, Zootermopsis nevadensis, Reticulitermes hesperus, and Incisitermes minor, a wood-feeding cockroach, Cryptocercus punctulatus, and an omnivorous cockroach, Periplaneta americana. In total, we sequenced and analyzed 151 different cooS genes. These genes encode proteins that group within one of three highly divergent CODH phylogenetic clades. Each insect gut community contained CODH variants from all three of these clades. The patterns of CODH diversity in these communities likely reflect differences in enzyme or physiological function, and suggest that a diversity of microbial species participate in homoacetogenesis in these communities
Observation of classically `forbidden' electromagnetic wave propagation and implications for neutrino detection
Ongoing experimental efforts in Antarctica seek to detect ultra-high energy
neutrinos by measurement of radio-frequency (RF) Askaryan radiation generated
by the collision of a neutrino with an ice molecule. An array of RF antennas,
deployed either in-ice or in-air, is used to infer the properties of the
neutrino. To evaluate their experimental sensitivity, such experiments require
a refractive index model for ray tracing radio-wave trajectories from a
putative in-ice neutrino interaction point to the receiving antennas; this
gives the degree of signal absorption or ray bending from source to receiver.
The gradient in the density profile over the upper 200 meters of Antarctic ice,
coupled with Fermat's least-time principle, implies ray "bending" and the
existence of "forbidden" zones for predominantly horizontal signal propagation
at shallow depths. After re-deriving the formulas describing such shadowing, we
report on experimental results that, somewhat unexpectedly, demonstrate the
existence of electromagnetic wave transport modes from nominally shadowed
regions. The fact that this shadow-signal propagation is observed both at South
Pole and the Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica suggests that the effect may be a
generic property of polar ice, with potentially important implications for
experiments seeking to detect neutrinos.Comment: 33 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in JCA
Sensitivity of the IceCube Detector to Astrophysical Sources of High Energy Muon Neutrinos
We present the results of a Monte-Carlo study of the sensitivity of the
planned IceCube detector to predicted fluxes of muon neutrinos at TeV to PeV
energies. A complete simulation of the detector and data analysis is used to
study the detector's capability to search for muon neutrinos from sources such
as active galaxies and gamma-ray bursts. We study the effective area and the
angular resolution of the detector as a function of muon energy and angle of
incidence. We present detailed calculations of the sensitivity of the detector
to both diffuse and pointlike neutrino emissions, including an assessment of
the sensitivity to neutrinos detected in coincidence with gamma-ray burst
observations. After three years of datataking, IceCube will have been able to
detect a point source flux of E^2*dN/dE = 7*10^-9 cm^-2s^-1GeV at a 5-sigma
significance, or, in the absence of a signal, place a 90% c.l. limit at a level
E^2*dN/dE = 2*10^-9 cm^-2s^-1GeV. A diffuse E-2 flux would be detectable at a
minimum strength of E^2*dN/dE = 1*10^-8 cm^-2s^-1sr^-1GeV. A gamma-ray burst
model following the formulation of Waxman and Bahcall would result in a 5-sigma
effect after the observation of 200 bursts in coincidence with satellite
observations of the gamma-rays.Comment: 33 pages, 13 figures, 6 table
Unraveling acetogen gas fermentation using quantitative systems biology
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A Phenomenological Analysis of Gluon Mass Effects in Inclusive Radiative Decays of the and $\Upsilon
The shapes of the inclusive photon spectra in the processes \Jp \to \gamma
X and \Up \to \gamma X have been analysed using all available experimental
Relativistic, higher order QCD and gluon mass corrections were taken into
account in the fitted functions. Only on including the gluon mass corrections,
were consistent and acceptable fits obtained. Values of
GeV and GeV were found for the
effective gluon masses (corresponding to Born level diagrams) for the \Jp and
\Up respectively. The width ratios \Gamma(V \to {\rm hadrons})/\Gamma(V \to
\gamma+ {\rm hadrons}) V=\Jp, \Up were used to determine and . Values consistent with the current world
average were obtained only when gluon mass correction factors,
calculated using the fitted values of the effective gluon mass, were applied. A
gluon mass GeV, as suggested with these results, is consistent with
previous analytical theoretical calculations and independent phenomenological
estimates, as well as with a recent, more accurate, lattice calculation of the
gluon propagator in the infra-red region.Comment: 50 pages, 11 figures, 15 table
Muon Track Reconstruction and Data Selection Techniques in AMANDA
The Antarctic Muon And Neutrino Detector Array (AMANDA) is a high-energy
neutrino telescope operating at the geographic South Pole. It is a lattice of
photo-multiplier tubes buried deep in the polar ice between 1500m and 2000m.
The primary goal of this detector is to discover astrophysical sources of high
energy neutrinos. A high-energy muon neutrino coming through the earth from the
Northern Hemisphere can be identified by the secondary muon moving upward
through the detector. The muon tracks are reconstructed with a maximum
likelihood method. It models the arrival times and amplitudes of Cherenkov
photons registered by the photo-multipliers. This paper describes the different
methods of reconstruction, which have been successfully implemented within
AMANDA. Strategies for optimizing the reconstruction performance and rejecting
background are presented. For a typical analysis procedure the direction of
tracks are reconstructed with about 2 degree accuracy.Comment: 40 pages, 16 Postscript figures, uses elsart.st
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