762 research outputs found

    Are All Successful Communities Alike? Characterizing and Predicting the Success of Online Communities

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    The proliferation of online communities has created exciting opportunities to study the mechanisms that explain group success. While a growing body of research investigates community success through a single measure -- typically, the number of members -- we argue that there are multiple ways of measuring success. Here, we present a systematic study to understand the relations between these success definitions and test how well they can be predicted based on community properties and behaviors from the earliest period of a community's lifetime. We identify four success measures that are desirable for most communities: (i) growth in the number of members; (ii) retention of members; (iii) long term survival of the community; and (iv) volume of activities within the community. Surprisingly, we find that our measures do not exhibit very high correlations, suggesting that they capture different types of success. Additionally, we find that different success measures are predicted by different attributes of online communities, suggesting that success can be achieved through different behaviors. Our work sheds light on the basic understanding of what success represents in online communities and what predicts it. Our results suggest that success is multi-faceted and cannot be measured nor predicted by a single measurement. This insight has practical implications for the creation of new online communities and the design of platforms that facilitate such communities.Comment: To appear at The Web Conference 201

    Preliminary comparison of 3.5-cm and 12.6-cm wavelength continuous wave observations of Mars

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    Radar observations of Mars at Goldstone in 1990 were conducted by transmitting pure sinusoidal signals at 3.5-cm wavelengths and receiving the Doppler-spread echoes from Mars at Earth. Radar transmissions were circularly polarized and the echoes recorded in two senses: depolarized and polarized. Latitudes of the subradar points are between 3.5 deg and 11.1 deg S; longitude coverage is discontinuous. The observed depolarized and polarized echo total cross-sections and their ratios for two wavelengths were compared and discussed

    Environmental pollutants from the Scott and Shackleton expeditions during the ‘Heroic Age’ of Antarctic exploration

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    Early explorers to Antarctica built wooden huts and brought huge quantities of supplies and equipment to support their geographical and scientific studies for several years. When the expeditions ended and relief ships arrived, a rapid exodus frequently allowed only essential items to be taken north. The huts and thousands of items were left behind. Fuel depots with unused containers of petroleum products, asbestos materials, and diverse chemicals were also left at the huts. This investigation found high concentrations of polyaromatic hydrocarbons in soils under and around the historic fuel depots, including anthracene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, benzo[k]fluoranthene, chrysene, fluorene, and pyrene, as well as benzo[a]anthracene, benzo[a]pyrene, and fluoranthene, which are recognized carcinogens. Asbestos materials within the huts have been identified and extensive amounts of fragmented asbestos were found littering the ground around the Cape Evans hut. These materials are continually abraded and fragmented as tourists walk over them and the coarse scoria breaks and grinds down the materials. A chemical spill, within the Cape Evans hut, apparently from caustic substances from one of the scientific experiments, has caused an unusual deterioration and defibration on affected woods. Although these areas are important historic sites protected by international treaties, the hazardous waste materials left by the early explorers should be removed and remedial action taken to restore the site to as pristine a condition as possible. Recommendations are discussed for international efforts to study and clean up these areas, where the earliest environmental pollution in Antarctica was produced

    Screening fungi isolated from historic Discovery Hut on Ross Island, Antarctica for cellulose degradation

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    To survive in Antarctica, early explorers of Antarctica's Heroic Age erected wooden buildings and brought in large quantities of supplies. The introduction of wood and other organic materials may have provided new nutrient sources for fungi that were indigenous to Antarctica or were brought in with the materials. From 30 samples taken from Discovery Hut, 156 filamentous fungi were isolated on selective media. Of these, 108 were screened for hydrolytic activity on carboxymethyl cellulose, of which 29 demonstrated activities. Endo-1, 4-β-glucanase activity was confirmed in the extracellular supernatant from seven isolates when grown at 4°C, and also when they were grown at 15°C. Cladosporium oxysporum and Geomyces sp. were shown to grow on a variety of synthetic cellulose substrates and to use cellulose as a nutrient source at temperate and cold temperatures. The research findings from the present study demonstrate that Antarctic filamentous fungi isolated from a variety of substrates (wood, straw, and food stuffs) are capable of cellulose degradation and can grow well at low temperatures

    Comparison of Inedible Egg Product and Spray-Dried Plasma as Sources of Protein for Weanling Pigs

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    Pigs were weaned at approximately 18 days of age and fed diets containing inedible egg product, spray-dried plasma (SDP), or the combination of both for 2 weeks postweaning. They then received a common diet for an additional 2 weeks after the treatment period. The impact of these dietary ingredients on growth performance was evaluated. Inedible egg product did not improve growth or feed efficiency of pigs compared with those fed the control diet during the 2-week treatment period. However, SDP increased body weight gain and feed efficiency during the treatment period. The improved performance over the control group that resulted from feeding a combination of SDP and egg product was primarily dependent upon the SDP. In the third week, a trend occurred for improved performance of pigs fed the egg product compared with those fed 4% SDP; however, the difference was not significant. During this same period, pigs previously fed SDP gained weight slower and consumed less feed than those that had not been fed SDP. Therefore, the response to SDP was partially lost when it was removed from the diet. In summary, the outcome of this study demonstrated that inedible egg product was an adequate source of protein for the weanling pig but did not provide measurable improvements over the control diet. Inedible egg product did not have an additive effect when combined with SDP. The improved feed efficiency associated with SDP resulted in increased weanling pig growth

    Why We Read Wikipedia

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    Wikipedia is one of the most popular sites on the Web, with millions of users relying on it to satisfy a broad range of information needs every day. Although it is crucial to understand what exactly these needs are in order to be able to meet them, little is currently known about why users visit Wikipedia. The goal of this paper is to fill this gap by combining a survey of Wikipedia readers with a log-based analysis of user activity. Based on an initial series of user surveys, we build a taxonomy of Wikipedia use cases along several dimensions, capturing users' motivations to visit Wikipedia, the depth of knowledge they are seeking, and their knowledge of the topic of interest prior to visiting Wikipedia. Then, we quantify the prevalence of these use cases via a large-scale user survey conducted on live Wikipedia with almost 30,000 responses. Our analyses highlight the variety of factors driving users to Wikipedia, such as current events, media coverage of a topic, personal curiosity, work or school assignments, or boredom. Finally, we match survey responses to the respondents' digital traces in Wikipedia's server logs, enabling the discovery of behavioral patterns associated with specific use cases. For instance, we observe long and fast-paced page sequences across topics for users who are bored or exploring randomly, whereas those using Wikipedia for work or school spend more time on individual articles focused on topics such as science. Our findings advance our understanding of reader motivations and behavior on Wikipedia and can have implications for developers aiming to improve Wikipedia's user experience, editors striving to cater to their readers' needs, third-party services (such as search engines) providing access to Wikipedia content, and researchers aiming to build tools such as recommendation engines.Comment: Published in WWW'17; v2 fixes caption of Table

    LACHESIS restricts gametic cell fate in the female gametophyte of Arabidopsis

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    In flowering plants, the egg and sperm cells form within haploid gametophytes. The female gametophyte of Arabidopsis consists of two gametic cells, the egg cell and the central cell, which are flanked by five accessory cells. Both gametic and accessory cells are vital for fertilization; however, the mechanisms that underlie the formation of accessory versus gametic cell fate are unknown. In a screen for regulators of egg cell fate, we isolated the lachesis (lis) mutant which forms supernumerary egg cells. In lis mutants, accessory cells differentiate gametic cell fate, indicating that LIS is involved in a mechanism that prevents accessory cells from adopting gametic cell fate. The temporal and spatial pattern of LIS expression suggests that this mechanism is generated in gametic cells. LIS is homologous to the yeast splicing factor PRP4, indicating that components of the splice apparatus participate in cell fate decisions

    Analysis of the spectra of trivalent erbium in multiple sites of hexagonal aluminum nitride

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    The 12 K cathodoluminescence spectra of Er3+ doped into single crystals of aluminum nitride (2H-AlN) in the hexagonal phase are reported between 320 nm and 775 nm. The emission spectra represent transitions from the lower Stark level of 2P(3/2) to the Stark levels of the 4I(15/2), 4I(13/2), 4I(11/2), 4I(9/2), 4F(9/2), and 4S(3/2) multiplet manifolds of Er3+(4f(11)). Emission spectra from 4S(3/2) to 4I(15/2) are also reported. All observed strong line emission are accounted for in terms of two principle sites, denoted site a and site b , with a few line spectra attributed to additional sites. A parameterized Hamiltonian that includes the atomic and crystal-field terms for Er3+(4f(11)) (2S+1)L_J was used to determine the symmetry and the crystal field splitting of the a and b sites. A descent in symmetry calculation was carried out to determine if distortion due to the size difference between Er, Al and the vacancies can be discerned. Modeling results assuming C_3v and C_1h are discussed. It appears that the sensitivity to a C_1h model is not sufficient to invalidate the choice of C_3v as an approximate symmetry for both sites. The g-factors reported from an EPR study of Er3+ in single-crystal AlN are in reasonable agreement with calculated g-factors for Er3+ in the a site assuming C_3v symmetry

    Glastuinbouw Waterproof : WP5-onderzoek fase 2 (laboratorium onderzoek)

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    Het KRW project glastuinbouw waterproof substraatteelt kent in de uitvoering van werkpakket 5, Zuivering, 3 fases. De eerste fase betreft een studie van mogelijkheden om het spuiwater uit de kas te zuiveren. Resultaat van deze eerste fase is de selectie van 2 technieken die vervolgens in fase 2 op laboratoriumschaal getest worden. Dit rapport beschrijft in hoofdlijnen de werkzaamheden in fase 2. Resultaat van fase 2 is de selectie van techniek(en) die in fase 3 op pilotschaal getest zullen worden