13 research outputs found

    Increased efficacy for in-house validation of real-time PCR GMO detection methods

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    To improve the efficacy of the in-house validation of GMO detection methods (DNA isolation and real-time PCR, polymerase chain reaction), a study was performed to gain insight in the contribution of the different steps of the GMO detection method to the repeatability and in-house reproducibility. In the present study, 19 methods for (GM) soy, maize canola and potato were validated in-house of which 14 on the basis of an 8-day validation scheme using eight different samples and five on the basis of a more concise validation protocol. In this way, data was obtained with respect to the detection limit, accuracy and precision. Also, decision limits were calculated for declaring non-conformance (>0.9%) with 95% reliability. In order to estimate the contribution of the different steps in the GMO analysis to the total variation variance components were estimated using REML (residual maximum likelihood method). From these components, relative standard deviations for repeatability and reproducibility (RSDr and RSDR) were calculated. The results showed that not only the PCR reaction but also the factors ‘DNA isolation’ and ‘PCR day’ are important factors for the total variance and should therefore be included in the in-house validation. It is proposed to use a statistical model to estimate these factors from a large dataset of initial validations so that for similar GMO methods in the future, only the PCR step needs to be validated. The resulting data are discussed in the light of agreed European criteria for qualified GMO detection methods

    Adaptation and validation of the ACMG/AMP variant classification framework for MYH7-associated inherited cardiomyopathies: recommendations by ClinGen’s Inherited Cardiomyopathy Expert Panel

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    Purpose Integrating genomic sequencing in clinical care requires standardization of variant interpretation practices. The Clinical Genome Resource has established expert panels to adapt the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics/Association for Molecular Pathology classification framework for specific genes and diseases. The Cardiomyopathy Expert Panel selected MYH7, a key contributor to inherited cardiomyopathies, as a pilot gene to develop a broadly applicable approach. Methods: Expert revisions were tested with 60 variants using a structured double review by pairs of clinical and diagnostic laboratory experts. Final consensus rules were established via iterative discussions. Results: Adjustments represented disease-/gene-informed specifications (12) or strength adjustments of existing rules (5). Nine rules were deemed not applicable. Key specifications included quantitative frameworks for minor allele frequency thresholds, the use of segregation data, and a semiquantitative approach to counting multiple independent variant occurrences where fully controlled case-control studies are lacking. Initial inter-expert classification concordance was 93%. Internal data from participating diagnostic laboratories changed the classification of 20% of the variants (n = 12), highlighting the critical importance of data sharing. Conclusion: These adapted rules provide increased specificity for use in MYH7-associated disorders in combination with expert review and clinical judgment and serve as a stepping stone for genes and disorders with similar genetic and clinical characteristics

    Vaccines based on the cell surface carbohydrates of pathogenic bacteria

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    Overview on the detection, interpretation and reporting on the presence of unauthorised genetically modified materials : Guidance document from the European Network of GMO Laboratories (ENGL)

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    Unauthorised GMOs (UGM) and derived materials are not uncommon in products found on the European market. At present there is zero tolerance for UGM in the EU. In most documented cases, the UGM concentration relative to the product in which the UGM material is found, was low. Low level presence will always represent a challenge to analytically based detection, in particular if the UGM is obscured by other GM material. Analytical ad hoc implementation of the zero tolerance for particular UGMs in feed is described in Regulation (EU) No 619/2011. In Europe, GM detection is predominantly achieved with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) derived methods targeting the transgenic construct and insertion site DNA sequences. The increase in number and divergence of GMOs developed and commercialised has gradually forced the GM detection laboratories to rationalise their analytical work, and most laboratories now apply initial PCR based screenings followed by (when appropriate) more specific PCR based identification and quantification. The detection of any GM is dependent on availability of suitable detection method(s) and control materials to verify the performance of the method(s). Other information, e.g. describing the novel trait, introduced genetic elements, etc. may also facilitate detection, verification and identification of the GM. For UGM, this is a major challenge, and the GMOs are therefore classified into four knowledge groups in the present document. This classification may facilitate stakeholder communication and decision making in analytical laboratories. A decision tree is presented, summarising the recommended principles of GM and UGM detection. Notably, the state-of-the-art of GMO analysis is not static, and it is expected that the guidelines and recommendations presented in this document will have to be modified on a regular basis. Finally, the document highlights a number of R&D priorities and points out the need for reinforced information sharing at the global level.JRC.I.3-Molecular Biology and Genomic

    A public resource facilitating clinical use of genomes

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    Rapid advances in DNA sequencing promise to enable new diagnostics and individualized therapies. Achieving personalized medicine, however, will require extensive research on highly reidentifiable, integrated datasets of genomic and health information. To assist with this, participants in the Personal Genome Project choose to forgo privacy via our institutional review boardapproved "open consent" process. The contribution of public data and samples facilitates both scientific discovery and standardization of methods. We present our findings after enrollment of more than 1,800 participants, including whole-genome sequencing of 10 pilot participant genomes (the PGP-10).We introduce the Genome-Environment-Trait Evidence (GET-Evidence) system. This tool automatically processes genomes and prioritizes both published and novel variants for interpretation. In the process of reviewing the presumed healthy PGP-10 genomes, we find numerous literature references implying serious disease. Although it is sometimes impossible to rule out a late-onset effect, stringent evidence requirements can address the high rate of incidental findings. To that end we develop a peer production system for recording and organizing variant evaluations according to standard evidence guidelines, creating a public forum for reaching consensus on interpretation of clinically relevant variants. Genome analysis becomes a two-step process: using a prioritized list to record variant evaluations, then automatically sorting reviewed variants using these annotations. Genome data, health and trait information, participant samples, and variant interpretations are all shared in the public domain - we invite others to review our results using our participant samples and contribute to our interpretations. We offer our public resource and methods to further personalized medical research.close555

    Molecular mechanisms of cardiomyopathy phenotypes associated with myosin light chain mutations

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    We discuss here the potential mechanisms of action associated with hypertrophic (HCM) or dilated (DCM) cardiomyopathy causing mutations in the myosin regulatory (RLC) and essential (ELC) light chains. Specifically, we focus on four HCM mutations: RLC-A13T, RLC-K104E, ELC-A57G and ELC-M173V, and one DCM RLC-D94A mutation shown by population studies to cause different cardiomyopathy phenotypes in humans. Our studies indicate that RLC and ELC mutations lead to heart disease through different mechanisms with RLC mutations triggering alterations of the secondary structure of the RLC which further affect the structure and function of the lever arm domain and impose changes in the cross bridge cycling rates and myosin force generation ability. The ELC mutations exert their detrimental effects through changes in the interaction of the N-terminus of ELC with actin altering the cross talk between the thick and thin filaments and ultimately resulting in an altered force-pCa relationship. We also discuss the effect of mutations on myosin light chain phosphorylation. Exogenous myosin light chain phosphorylation and/or pseudo-phosphorylation were explored as potential rescue tools to treat hypertrophy-related cardiac phenotypes