1,224 research outputs found

    Ultra Reliable Closed Loop Life Support for Long Space Missions

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    Spacecraft human life support systems can achieve ultra reliability by providing sufficient spares to replace all failed components. The additional mass of spares for ultra reliability is approximately equal to the original system mass, provided that the original system reliability is not too low. Acceptable reliability can be achieved for the Space Shuttle and Space Station by preventive maintenance and by replacing failed units. However, on-demand maintenance and repair requires a logistics supply chain in place to provide the needed spares. In contrast, a Mars or other long space mission must take along all the needed spares, since resupply is not possible. Long missions must achieve ultra reliability, a very low failure rate per hour, since they will take years rather than weeks and cannot be cut short if a failure occurs. Also, distant missions have a much higher mass launch cost per kilogram than near-Earth missions. Achieving ultra reliable spacecraft life support systems with acceptable mass will require a well-planned and extensive development effort. Analysis must determine the reliability requirement and allocate it to subsystems and components. Ultra reliability requires reducing the intrinsic failure causes, providing spares to replace failed components and having "graceful" failure modes. Technologies, components, and materials must be selected and designed for high reliability. Long duration testing is needed to confirm very low failure rates. Systems design should segregate the failure causes in the smallest, most easily replaceable parts. The system must be designed, developed, integrated, and tested with system reliability in mind. Maintenance and reparability of failed units must not add to the probability of failure. The overall system must be tested sufficiently to identify any design errors. A program to develop ultra reliable space life support systems with acceptable mass should start soon since it must be a long term effort

    The North Carolina Outward Bound School Course Impression Survey: A Psychometric Investigation

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    This study investigated the development and psychometric properties of the North Carolina Outward Bound School Course Impression Survey (NCOBSCIS). The NCOBSCIS measures character development, leadership, and environmental service, and was adapted from the previously established Outward Bound Outcomes Instrument (OBOI). The purpose of this study was to both conduct a psychometric evaluation of the NCOBSCIS and to also describe the processes that were used to develop and validate a series of outcome measures. These processes are applicable to other programs interested in measuring participant outcomes

    Logistics Reduction Technologies for Exploration Missions

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    Human exploration missions under study are limited by the launch mass capacity of existing and planned launch vehicles. The logistical mass of crew items is typically considered separate from the vehicle structure, habitat outfitting, and life support systems. Although mass is typically the focus of exploration missions, due to its strong impact on launch vehicle and habitable volume for the crew, logistics volume also needs to be considered. NASA's Advanced Exploration Systems (AES) Logistics Reduction and Repurposing (LRR) Project is developing six logistics technologies guided by a systems engineering cradle-to-grave approach to enable after-use crew items to augment vehicle systems. Specifically, AES LRR is investigating the direct reduction of clothing mass, the repurposing of logistical packaging, the use of autonomous logistics management technologies, the processing of spent crew items to benefit radiation shielding and water recovery, and the conversion of trash to propulsion gases. Reduction of mass has a corresponding and significant impact to logistical volume. The reduction of logistical volume can reduce the overall pressurized vehicle mass directly, or indirectly benefit the mission by allowing for an increase in habitable volume during the mission. The systematic implementation of these types of technologies will increase launch mass efficiency by enabling items to be used for secondary purposes and improve the habitability of the vehicle as mission durations increase. Early studies have shown that the use of advanced logistics technologies can save approximately 20 m(sup 3) of volume during transit alone for a six-person Mars conjunction class mission

    Logistics Reduction Technologies for Exploration Missions

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    Human exploration missions under study are very limited by the launch mass capacity of existing and planned vehicles. The logistical mass of crew items is typically considered separate from the vehicle structure, habitat outfitting, and life support systems. Consequently, crew item logistical mass is typically competing with vehicle systems for mass allocation. NASA's Advanced Exploration Systems (AES) Logistics Reduction and Repurposing (LRR) Project is developing five logistics technologies guided by a systems engineering cradletograve approach to enable used crew items to augment vehicle systems. Specifically, AES LRR is investigating the direct reduction of clothing mass, the repurposing of logistical packaging, the use of autonomous logistics management technologies, the processing of spent crew items to benefit radiation shielding and water recovery, and the conversion of trash to propulsion gases. The systematic implementation of these types of technologies will increase launch mass efficiency by enabling items to be used for secondary purposes and improve the habitability of the vehicle as the mission duration increases. This paper provides a description and the challenges of the five technologies under development and the estimated overall mission benefits of each technology

    Conservação ambiental forte alcançada através de sistemas agroflorestais multiestratificados: 2 - restauração de paisagens degradadas por meio de agroflorestas.

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    Foi avaliada a sustentabilidade ambiental em nível da paisagem de práticas de sistemas agroflorestais multiestratificados na região do Vale do Ribeira, SP e PR, na escala da unidade de produção agrícola familiar, baseando-se nos resultados de várias pesquisas publicadas e em mapas georrefenciados de uso e ocupação do solo atual e histórico. As práticas da agrofloresta, através da indução de sucessão agroflorestal e da sucessão florestal secundária natural, resultam em uma paisagem produtiva sob intenso processo de restauração. Assim considera-se o ?land sharing? baseado em agroflorestas agroecológicas como uma promissora estratégia de conservação ambiental.Edição do 1º Seminário de Agroecologia da América do Sul; 5º Seminário de Agroecologia de Mato Grosso do Sul; 4º Encontro de Produtores Agroecológicos de Mato Grosso do Sul; 1º Seminário de Sistemas Agroflorestais em Bases Agroecológicas de Mato Grosso do Sul, 2014, Dourados, MS - AGROECOL

    Winter wheat yield prediction using convolutional neural networks from environmental and phenological data

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    Crop yield forecasting depends on many interactive factors, including crop genotype, weather, soil, and management practices. This study analyzes the performance of machine learning and deep learning methods for winter wheat yield prediction using an extensive dataset of weather, soil, and crop phenology variables in 271 counties across Germany from 1999 to 2019. We proposed a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model, which uses a 1-dimensional convolution operation to capture the time dependencies of environmental variables. We used eight supervised machine learning models as baselines and evaluated their predictive performance using RMSE, MAE, and correlation coefficient metrics to benchmark the yield prediction results. Our findings suggested that nonlinear models such as the proposed CNN, Deep Neural Network (DNN), and XGBoost were more effective in understanding the relationship between the crop yield and input data compared to the linear models. Our proposed CNN model outperformed all other baseline models used for winter wheat yield prediction (7 to 14% lower RMSE, 3 to 15% lower MAE, and 4 to 50% higher correlation coefficient than the best performing baseline across test data). We aggregated soil moisture and meteorological features at the weekly resolution to address the seasonality of the data. We also moved beyond prediction and interpreted the outputs of our proposed CNN model using SHAP and force plots which provided key insights in explaining the yield prediction results (importance of variables by time). We found DUL, wind speed at week ten, and radiation amount at week seven as the most critical features in winter wheat yield prediction

    Trash to Supply Gas (TtSG) Project Overview

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    Technologies that reduce logistical needs are a key to long term space missions. Currently, trash and waste generated during a mission is carried during the entire roundtrip mission or stored inside a logistic module which is de-orbited into Earth's atmosphere for destruction. The goal of the Trash to Supply Gas (TtSG) project is to develop space technology alternatives for converting trash and other waste materials from human spaceflight into high-value products that might include propellants or power system fuels in addition to life support oxygen and water. In addition to producing a useful product from waste, TtSG will decrease the volume needed to store waste on long term space missions. This paper presents an overview of the TtSG technologies and future plans for the project

    Comparison of level discrimination, increment detection, and comodulation masking release in the audio- and envelope-frequency domains

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    In general, the temporal structure of stimuli must be considered to account for certain observations made in detection and masking experiments in the audio-frequency domain. Two such phenomena are (1) a heightened sensitivity to amplitude increments with a temporal fringe compared to gated level discrimination performance and (2) lower tone-in-noise detection thresholds using a modulated masker compared to those using an unmodulated masker. In the current study, translations of these two experiments were carried out to test the hypothesis that analogous cues might be used in the envelope-frequency domain. Pure-tone carrier amplitude-modulation (AM) depth-discrimination thresholds were found to be similar using both traditional gated stimuli and using a temporally modulated fringe for a fixed standard depth (m(s)=0.25) and a range of AM frequencies (4-64 Hz). In a second experiment, masked sinusoidal AM detection thresholds were compared in conditions with and without slow and regular fluctuations imposed on the instantaneous masker AM depth. Release from masking was obtained only for very slow masker fluctuations (less than 2 Hz). A physiologically motivated model that effectively acts as a first-order envelope change detector accounted for several, but not all, of the key aspects of the data
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