1,944 research outputs found

    Solar plasma experiment

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    Solar plasma experiment by Mariner IV space prob

    Donor-Advised Funds: The Case for Consistent Principles

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    Each and every sponsoring organization maintaining donor-advised funds – as well as each donor – is subject to a host of requirements under existing law to ensure that charitable funds are used exclusively for charitable purposes. Beginning with the requirements of the “operational test” for tax exemption and continuing through focused penalty provisions (which are not yet fully implemented), the foundation is in place to enforce compliance and prevent abuses, with much room for additional regulatory guidance and enforcement. Ensuring that charitable funds are properly used depends on rigorous employment and enforcement of these rules of general application, and not on arbitrary classifications and labels imposed on sponsoring organizations

    Abstract Law and Political Reality in the Post-European-Accession British Constitution

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    Abstract Law and Political Reality in the Post-European-Accession British Constitutio

    Solar wind data from the MIT plasma experiments on Pioneer 6 and Pioneer 7

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    Hourly averages are presented of solar wind proton parameters obtained from experiments on the Pioneer 6 and Pioneer 7 spacecraft during the period December 16, 1965 to August 1971. The number of data points available on a given day depends upon the spacecraft-earth distance, the telemetry bit rate, and the ground tracking time allotted to each spacecraft. Thus, the data obtained earlier in the life of each spacecraft are more complete. The solar wind parameters are given in the form of plots and listings. Trajectory information is also given along with a detailed description of the analysis procedures used to extract plasma parameters from the measured data

    The far-infrared/submillimeter properties of galaxies located behind the Bullet cluster

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    The Herschel Lensing Survey (HLS) takes advantage of gravitational lensing by massive galaxy clusters to sample a population of high-redshift galaxies which are too faint to be detected above the confusion limit of current far-infrared/submillimeter telescopes. Measurements from 100–500 μm bracket the peaks of the far-infrared spectral energy distributions of these galaxies, characterizing their infrared luminosities and star formation rates. We introduce initial results from our science demonstration phase observations, directed toward the Bullet cluster (1E0657-56). By combining our observations with LABOCA 870 μm and AzTEC 1.1 mm data we fully constrain the spectral energy distributions of 19 MIPS 24 μm-selected galaxies which are located behind the cluster. We find that their colors are best fit using templates based on local galaxies with systematically lower infrared luminosities. This suggests that our sources are not like local ultra-luminous infrared galaxies in which vigorous star formation is contained in a compact highly dust-obscured region. Instead, they appear to be scaled up versions of lower luminosity local galaxies with star formation occurring on larger physical scales

    The Herschel Lensing Survey (HLS): Overview

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    The Herschel Lensing Survey (HLS) will conduct deep PACS and SPIRE imaging of ∼40 massive clusters of galaxies. The strong gravitational lensing power of these clusters will enable us to penetrate through the confusion noise, which sets the ultimate limit on our ability to probe the Universe with Herschel. Here we present an overview of our survey and a summary of the major results from our science demonstration phase (SDP) observations of the Bullet cluster (z = 0.297). The SDP data are rich and allow us to study not only the background high-redshift galaxies (e.g., strongly lensed and distorted galaxies at z = 2.8 and 3.2) but also the properties of cluster-member galaxies. Our preliminary analysis shows a great diversity of far-infrared/submillimeter spectral energy distributions (SEDs), indicating that we have much to learn with Herschel about the properties of galaxy SEDs. We have also detected the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (SZ) effect increment with the SPIRE data. The success of this SDP program demonstrates the great potential of the Herschel Lensing Survey to produce exciting results in a variety of science areas

    The use of isothermal titration calorimetry for the assay of enzyme activity: Application in higher education practical classes

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    Determination of enzyme activity is crucial for discovery, research, and development in life sciences. The activity of enzymes is routinely determined using spectrophotometric assays that measure rates of substrate consumption or product formation. Though colorimetric-based detection systems are simple, rapid, and economical to perform, the majority of enzymes are unsuitable for this technique as their substrates/products do not absorb in the UV or visible range. This limitation can be addressed by the use of coupled-enzyme assays or artificial chromogenic substrates; however these approaches have their own drawbacks. Here, we describe a method based on the use of an isothermal titration calorimeter (ITC) to measure the heat produced or absorbed during any enzyme-catalyzed reaction. The concept of calorimetric enzyme assays was demonstrated for the determination of enzyme hexokinase activity, which cannot be monitored colorimetrically without first coupling it to another enzymatic reaction. The assay is suitable for incorporation into undergraduate laboratory classes, providing students with an appreciation for; the versatility and ease of use of ITC assays; ITC as a flexible generic method for exploring the functional characteristics of uncharacterized enzymes; an activity detection parameter suitable for enzymes that either have no straightforward colorimetric methods available or require the use of nonartificial chromogenic substrates

    Nutritional status of food consumption patterns of young children living in Western Uganda

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    Objectives: The aim of this pilot study was to compare the nutritional status and food consumption patterns of children under five years. Design: Quantitative, exploratory, cross sectional study. Setting: Kabarole district, western Uganda. Kabarole district is a rural district with subsistence farming as the main income. Subjects: Two hundred and five children between 12 and 72 months of age living in AIDS affected homes versus children living in non-AIDS affected homes were examined. Results: Fifty-five percent of all children were stunted and 20.5% were underweight. There was no difference in the prevalence of malnutrition between children living in AIDS affected homes versus non-AIDS affected homes. Only children between 12-35 months suffered from a daily deficit in caloric intake. The older children consumed the basic recommended daily intake (RDI) for protein, fat, iron and vitamin A. Due to frequent disease episodes and limitations in the estimations of individual total energy expenditure, the results are likely underestimations of the children's true nutritional requirements. The type of foods given to children in AIDS affected homes and controls were quite similar. Conclusion: Young children in Kabarole district suffer from severe chronic malnutrition rates, but rates and feeding patterns are not different in AIDS affected versus non AIDS affected homes. The East African Medical Journal Vol. 83 (11) 2006: pp. 619-62