2,671 research outputs found

    Responses of soil carbon, nitrogen and cations to the frequency and seasonality of prescribed burning in a Cape Cod oak-pine forest

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2007. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Forest Ecology and Management 250 (2007): 234-243, doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2007.05.023.Fire is an important component of the historic disturbance regime of oak and pine forests that occupy sandy soils of the coastal outwash plain of the northeastern U.S. Today prescribed fire is used for fuel reduction and for restoration and maintenance of habitat for rare plant, animal and insect species. We evaluated the effects of the frequency and seasonality of prescribed burning on the soils of a Cape Cod, Massachusetts coastal oak-pine forest. We compared soil bulk density, pH and acidity, total extractable cations and total soil C and N in unburned plots and in plots burned over a 12-year period, along a gradient of frequency (every 1-to-4 years), in either spring (March/April) or summer (July/August). Summer burning decreased soil organic horizon thickness more than spring burning, but only summer burning every 1 to 2 years reduced organic horizons compared with controls. Burning increased soil bulk density of the organic horizon only in the annual summer burns and did not affect bulk density of mineral soil. Burn frequency had no effect on pH in organic soil, but burning every year in summer increased pH of organic soil from 4.01 to 4.95 and of mineral soil from 4.20 to 4.79. Burning had no significant effect on organic or mineral soil percent C, percent N, C:N, soil exchangeable Ca2+, Mg2+, K+ or total soil C or N. Overall effects of burning on soil chemistry were minor. Our results suggest that annual summer burns may be required to reduce soil organic matter thickness to produce conditions that would regularly allow seed germination for oak and for grassland species that are conservation targets. Managers may have to look to other measures, such as combinations of fire with mechanical treatments (e.g., soil scarification) to further promote grasses and forbs in forests where establishment of these plants is a high priority.Funding was provided by the National Park Service, The Nature Conservancy via a grant from the Mellon Foundation, the Joint Fire Science Program, and a grant from the Mellon Foundation to MBL

    Hypergolic ignitor

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    An ignitor for use with the MC-1 rocket engine has a cartridge bounded by two end caps with rupture disc assemblies connected thereto. A piston assembly within the cartridge moves from one end of the cartridge during the ignition process. The inlet of the ignitor communicates with a supply taken from the discharge of the fuel pump. When the pump is initially started, the pressure differential bursts the first rupture disc to begin the movement of the piston assembly toward the discharge end. The pressurization of the cartridge causes the second rupture disc to rupture and hypergolic fluid contained within the cartridge is discharged out the ignitor outlet

    Precision measurements of large scale structure with future type Ia supernova surveys

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    Type Ia supernovae are currently the best known standard candles at cosmological distances. In addition to providing a powerful probe of dark energy they are an ideal source of information about the peculiar velocity field of the local universe. Even with the very small number of supernovae presently available it has been possible to measure the dipole and quadrupole of the local velocity field out to z~0.025. With future continuous all-sky surveys like the LSST project the luminosity distances of tens of thousands of nearby supernovae will be measured accurately. This will allow for a determination of the local velocity structure of the universe as a function of redshift with unprecedented accuracy, provided the redshifts of the host galaxies are known. Using catalogues of mock surveys we estimate that future low redshift supernova surveys will be able to probe sigma-8 to a precision of roughly 5% at 95% C.L. This is comparable to the precision in future galaxy and weak lensing surveys and with a relatively modest observational effort it will provide a crucial cross-check on future measurements of the matter power spectrum.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, submitted to JCA

    Charge Exchange Spectra of Hydrogenic and He-like Iron

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    We present H-like Fe XXVI and He-like Fe XXV charge-exchange spectra resulting from collisions of highly charged iron with N2 gas at an energy of 10 eV/amu in an electron beam ion trap. Although individual high-n emission lines are not resolved in our measurements, we observe that the most likely level for Fe25+ --> Fe24+ electron capture is n~9, in line with expectations, while the most likely value for Fe26+ --> Fe25+ charge exchange is significantly higher. In the Fe XXV spectrum, the K-alpha emission feature dominates, whether produced via charge exchange or collisional excitation. The K-alpha centroid is lower in energy for the former case than the latter (6666 versus 6685 eV, respectively), as expected because of the strong enhancement of emission from the forbidden and intercombination lines, relative to the resonance line, in charge-exchange spectra. In contrast, the Fe XXVI high-n Lyman lines have a summed intensity greater than that of Ly-alpha, and are substantially stronger than predicted from theoretical calculations of charge exchange with atomic H. We conclude that the angular momentum distribution resulting from electron capture using a multi-electron target gas is significantly different from that obtained with H, resulting in the observed high-n enhancement. A discussion is presented of the relevance of our results to studies of diffuse Fe emission in the Galactic Center and Galactic Ridge, particularly with ASTRO-E2/Suzaku.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures (3 color), accepted by Ap

    5-micron photometry of late-type dwarfs

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    We present narrowband-M photometry of nine low-mass dwarfs with spectral types ranging from M2.5 to L0.5. Combining the (L'-M') colours derived from our observations with data from the literature, we find colours consistent with a Rayleigh-Jeans flux distribution for spectral types earlier than M5, but enhanced F_3.8/F_4.7 flux ratios (negative (L'-M') colours) at later spectral types. This probably reflects increased absorption at M' due to the CO fundamental band. We compare our results against recent model predictions and briefly discuss the implications.Comment: accepted for the Astronomical Journa

    The influence of managerial optimism and self-regulation on learning and business growth expectations within an emerging economic context

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    This paper examines psychological and behavioral mechanisms that underlie business growth expectations by examining how managerial optimism and self-regulatory focus influence learning behaviors. To empirically examine these relationships, the study situates in a resource-constrained business context by studying managers in two Pacific Island economies. Results indicate that a positive view toward gains encourages exploratory learning in unknown situations; whereas, a less optimistic disposition and avoidance are related to exploitative learning. This finding is consequential as managerial learning that leans toward development of new insights and possibilities is associated with greater business growth expectations versus learning that adheres to familiar and proven ideas and alternatives. The study results have implications for both practice and theory

    The Nova Rate in M94 (NGC 4736)

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    A multi-epoch Hα\alpha survey of the early-type spiral galaxy M94 (NGC 4736) has been completed as part of a program to establish the galaxy's nova rate. A total of four nova candidates were discovered in seven epochs of observation during the period from 2005 to 2007. After making corrections for temporal coverage and spatial completeness, a global nova rate of 5.0−1.4+1.8^{+1.8}_{-1.4} yr−1^{-1} was determined. This rate corresponds to a specific-luminosity nova rate of 1.4 ±\pm 0.5 novae per year per 1010L⊙,K^{10} L_{\odot,K} when the KK luminosity is determined from the B−KB-K color, or 1.5 ±\pm 0.4 novae per year per 1010L⊙,K^{10} L_{\odot,K} when the KK luminosity is derived from the Two Micron All Sky Survey. These values are slightly lower than that of other galaxies with measured nova rates, which typically lie in the range of 2−32-3 novae per year per 1010L⊙^{10} L_{\odot} in the KK band.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal; 18 pages, 4 figures. The revised version includes a few stylistic changes and cleans up some typo

    A search for L dwarf binary systems

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    We present analysis of HST Planetary Camera images of twenty L dwarfs identified in the course of the Two Micron All-Sky Survey. Four of the targets have faint, red companions at separations between 0.07 and 0.29 arcseconds (1.6 to 7.6 AU). In three cases, the bolometric magnitudes of the components differ by less than 0.3 magnitudes. Since the cooling rate for brown dwarfs is a strong function of mass, similarity in luminosities implies comparable masses. The faint component in the 2M0850 system, however, is over 1.3 magnitudes fainter than the primary in the I-band, and ~0.8 magnitudes fainter in M(bol). Indeed, 2M0850B is ~0.8 magnitudes fainter in I than the lowest luminosity L dwarf currently known, while the absolute magnitude we deduce at J is almost identical with M_J for Gl 229B. Theoretical models indicate a mass ratio of \~0.75. The mean separation of the L dwarf binaries in the current sample is smaller by a factor of two than amongst M dwarfs. We discuss the implications of these results for the temperature scale in the L/T transition region and for the binary frequency amongst L dwarfs.Comment: 38 pages, 11 figures; accepted for A

    Meeting the Cool Neighbours, II: Photometry of southern NLTT stars

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    We present BVRI photometry of 180 bright, southern nearby-star candidates. The stars were selected from the New Luyten Two-Tenths proper motion catalogue based on optical/infrared colours, constructed by combining Luytens's m(r) estimates with near-infrared photometry from the 2-Micron All Sky Survey. Photometric parallaxes derived from (V-K), (V-I) and (I-J) colours, combined with the limited available astrometry, show that as many as 108 stars may lie within 20 parsecs of the Sun. Of these, 53 are new to nearby star catalogues, including three within 10 parsecs of the Sun.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, to be published in The Astronomical Journal. More information can be found at http://www.stsci.edu/~inr/nstars.htm
