101 research outputs found

    Raz jeszcze o relacji między polskim aspektem niedokonanym i francuskim imperfectum w ramach gramatyki rozproszonej (franc. grammaire répartie)

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    Artykuł stanowi próbę pokazania, w jaki sposób teoria MIC (Meta-Informative Centering, teoria centrów uwagi) znajduje zastosowanie w porównawczym opisie użyć polskich form aspektu i francuskich form czasu. Analiza dotyczy wypadków trudnych, interpretowanych tradycyjnie jako nietypowe, tj. występowania polskich czasowników niedokonanych w kontekstach "zarezerwowanych" teoretycznie dla czasowników dokonanych, por. Nie czytałem tej książki, Jadłeś obiad? Proponowane przez nas ujęcie, uwzględniające czynniki semantyczne i pragmatyczne (opozycje typu Old/New, Known/Unknown i Anaphoric/Cataphoric) pozwala nie tylko wyjaśnić takie użycia polskiego imperfectum, lecz także skonfrontować je z użyciami francuskich form imparfait oraz innych czasów gramatycznych.The present paper is an attempt to apply the Distributed Grammar (DG) theory which includes both the semantic and the pragmatic (meta-informative) level, to a cross-linguistic, comparative analysis of the use of certain aspect forms in Polish and French. Although the opposition of simple and complex forms of the French verb is often interpreted as aspectual, the existence of aspect in French usually taken for granted, and the Imparfait tense (IMP) described as "imperfective", we propose to revisit the correspondence of IMP and the past forms of Polish Imperfective (IPF) verbs. We shall look particularly closely at cases where the IMP is not a translation equivalent of the Polish IPF, trying to explain these differences referring to both systemic and contextual factors. By reference to the theory of Meta-informative Grounding (MIG), we explain the corresponding uses of the IMP and the IPF by the ontological grounding of situations considered as generic, general, potential or habitual. The other uses of the IPF which do not correspond to the IMP in French can be explained by what we call cognitive and communicative grounding, in other words by the fact that the situation is pictured as known to both the speaker and the hearer or as already mentioned (anaphoric usage). Some other non-corresponding uses of the IPF result from its unmarked character in the Slavic Aspect opposition. Such uses of the IPF (which we call neutral) are motivated by the speaker's intention to (1) "avoid" a specific meaning carried out by the Perfective (PF), or (2) state nothing but the simple occurring of a situation,2 or (3) underline the fact that the speaker was certainly not involved in the situation described by the verb

    Thermodynamically controlled crystallization of glucose pentaacetates from amorphous phase

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    The α and β glucose pentaacetates are known sugar derivatives, which can be potentially used as stabilizers of amorphous phase of active ingredients of drugs (API). In the present work, crystallization behavior of equimolar mixture of α and β form in comparison to both pure anomers is revealed. It was shown that despite the same molecular interactions and similar molecular dynamics, crystallization from amorphous phase is significantly suppressed in equimolar mixture. Time dependent X-ray diffraction studies confirmed higher stability of the quenched amorphous equimolar mixture. Its tendency to crystallization is about 10 times lower than for pure anomers. Calorimetric studies revealed that the α and β anomers don't form solid solutions and have eutectic point for xα = 0.625. Suppressed crystallization tendency in the mixture is probably caused by the altered thermodynamics of the system. The factors such as difference of free energy between crystalline and amorphous state or altered configurational entropy are probably responsible for the inhibitory effect

    Revisiting the correspondence between the Polish Imperfective Aspect and the French Imparfait in the Distributed Grammar (DG) framework

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    The present paper is an attempt to apply the Distributed Grammar (DG) theory which includes both the semantic and the pragmatic (meta-informative) level, to a cross-linguistic, comparative analysis of the use of certain aspect forms in Polish and French. Although the opposition of simple and complex forms of the French verb is often interpreted as aspectual, the existence of aspect in French usually taken for granted, and the Imparfait tense (IMP) described as “imperfective”, we propose to revisit the correspondence of IMP and the past forms of Polish Imperfective (IPF) verbs. We shall look particularly closely at cases where the IMP is not a translation equivalent of the Polish IPF, trying to explain these differences referring to both systemic and contextual factors. By reference to the theory of Meta-informative Grounding (MIG), we explain the corresponding uses of the IMP and the IPF by the ontological grounding of situations considered as generic, general, potential or habitual. The other uses of the IPF which do not correspond to the IMP in French can be explained by what we call cognitive and communicative grounding, in other words by the fact that the situation is pictured as known to both the speaker and the hearer or as already mentioned (anaphoric usage). Some other non-corresponding uses of the IPF result from its unmarked character in the Slavic Aspect opposition. Such uses of the IPF (which we call neutral) are motivated by the speaker’s intention to (1) “avoid” a specific meaning carried out by the Perfective (PF), or (2) state nothing but the simple occurring of a situation, or (3) underline the fact that the speaker was certainly not involved in the situation described by the verb

    Finansowe aspekty stabilności makroekonomicznej. Przykład Polski

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    The purpose of the article was to determine whether there is a long-term relationship between the variables of the financial market and the variables characterizing Poland's macroeconomic stability. In the first stage of the research, the stationarity analysis of the variables was carried out using the ADF test, then, for the further stage of research, variables characterized by non-stationarity were selected and an Engle–Granger cointegration analysis was used. The research used data published by the National Bank of Poland, the Polish Financial Supervision Authority and the Central Statistical Offie for the years 2006–2017. The results of the research confirm the existence of cointegration in some variables.Celem artykułu było określenie, czy między zmiennymi rynku fiansowego a zmiennymi charakteryzującymi stabilność makroekonomiczną Polski występuje długookresowa zależność. W pierwszym etapie badań przeprowadzono analizę stacjonarności zmiennych testem ADF, następnie do dalszych badań wybrano zmienne charakteryzujące się niestacjonarnością i zastosowano analizę kointegracji metodą Engle’a–Grangera. W badaniach wykorzystano dane publikowane przez Narodowy Bank Polski, Komisję Nadzoru Finansowego oraz Główny Urząd Statystyczny dla lat 2006–2017. Wyniki badań potwierdziły istnienie kointegracji w przypadku niektórych zmiennych

    Noninvasive evaluation of renal tissue oxygenation with blood oxygen level-dependent magnetic resonance imaging early after transplantation has a limited predictive value for the delayed graft function

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of renal oxygenation assessment using blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the early period after kidney transplantation and to estimate its prognostic value for delayed graft function. Material and methods: Examinations were performed in 50 subjects: 40 patients within a week after the kidney transplantation and 10 healthy controls, using T2*-weighted sequence. Measurements in transplant patients were correlated to basic laboratory parameters in the early period after transplantation and at follow-up. Results: Examinations of seven patients (18%) were rejected due to their poor technical quality. Mean R2* values in transplant recipients were lower than in controls (11.6 vs. 15.9 Hz; p = 0.0001). An R2* value of 0.28 Hz was calculated as the minimal detectable change. There was no relation between R2* values and laboratory parameters. However, patients eGFR ≥ 40 ml/min/1.73 m2 presented higher R2* values than recipients eGFR 0.7). Conclusions: Evaluation of renal graft oxygenation using BOLD MRI is technically challenging in the early period after transplantation. An R2* value of 0.28 Hz may in practice be considered as the minimal detectable change. The delayed graft function seems not to be dependent on early oxygenation values. Further, large-scale studies are necessary to confirm the latter observation

    Pectus Excavatum: A review of current treatment possibilities

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    Anterior chest wall depression known as Pectus excavatum (PE) , is currently the most common congenital chest wall deformation, with incidence estimated at 1/400 births, five times more frequently in boys than girls (5:1 ratio in occurrence). 1 Etiology of this deformity is formed by several hypothesis, including overgrowth of the ribs, developmental failure of the bony thorax or weakness and abnormal flexibility of the sternum. While theoretical concepts of its origin may differ, the common ground is the characteristics of said deformation: a posterior depression of the sternum and the lower costal cartilages. 2Surgical treatment options were described since 1949 with Ravitch procedure and since then a number of new ones has been developed. For many years Ravitch and Nuss procedures were the main way to treat pectus excavatum, with a growing bias towards latter one. Since the Nuss procedure characterizes with less invasive approach and fever overall complications 3 its popularity outgrew Ravitch procedure and currently is described as MIRPE – Minimally Invasive Pectus Excavatum Repair. 4 However afterward then many new techniques were developed, focusing on reducing overall procedure risks, improving patient safety and quality of life and including new technical possibilities. The aim of this study was to gather and evaluate current literature to highlight new treatment options

    Transplantacja nerki jako metoda leczenia nerkozastępczego pacjenta z przewlekłą chorobą nerek

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    Introduction. It is estimated that 500-600 million people are affected by chronic kidney disease. In Poland, 6500 among 4-5 million patients with chronic kidney disease require renal replacement therapy de novo every year. Renal transplant is a well-established treatment of end-stage chronic kidney disease, and the most effective one in comparison to alternatives – hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Aim. Presenting the current condition of knowledge of issues is a purpose of the work to the subject chosen concerning transplanting kidneys as procedures in chronic nephropathy. Review. In this review the author presents the current state of knowledge about selected aspects of kidney transplantation in Poland from deceased and living donors, including transplantations from nonrelated living donors (Kidney Paired Donation program). Conclusions. Renal transplant allows to achieve both longer survival and better quality of life than dialysis and therefore is the treatment of choice in end-stage chronic kidney disease.Wstęp. Szacuje się, że przewlekła choroba nerek stanowi problem zdrowotny 500–600 milionów osób, z czego 4-5 milionów mieszkańców Polski, spośród których rocznie de novo 6500 wymaga leczenia nerkozastępczego. Transplantacja nerek jest uznaną metodą leczenia nerkozastępczego i najskuteczniejszą w porównaniu z alternatywnymi metodami leczenia przewlekłej choroby nerek - hemodializą i dializą otrzewnową. Cel. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie aktualnego stanu wiedzy na temat wybranych zagadnień dotyczących przeszczepiania nerek jako metody leczenia nerkozastępczego w przewlekłej chorobie nerek. Przegląd. W pracy przedstawiono aktualny stan wiedzy na temat wybranych zagadnień dotyczących transplantacji nerek w Polsce od dawców zmarłych i żywych, w tym przeszczepień od żywych dawców niespokrewnionych w ramach Programu Wymiany Par.  Podsumowanie. Transplantacja nerek zapewnia chorym dłuższe przeżycie i lepszą jakość życia niż dializoterapia, dlatego jest metodą z wyboru w leczeniu schyłkowej niewydolności nerek

    Postawy rodziców wobec dzieci z orzeczeniem o potrzebie kształcenia specjalnego

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    The paper presents the considerations on parents’ attitudes towards children with disabilities. The authors examine the classifications of parental attitudes which appear in the scholarly literature. Then the research results are presented. The research was carried out among parents of children with a statement of special educational needs by using a diagnostic survey with a Parental Attitudes Scale by Mieczyslaw Plopa. The main problem of the research project was what the attitudes of parents towards children with a statement of special educational needs are. It was found that the parents are more often characterized by desirable thaninadequate parenting attitudes in the following scales: acceptance – rejection inconsistency, excessive requirement and autonomy but in the scale of over-protection relatively more parents are characterized by undesirable than the right attitude. It was also proved that parental attitudes vary depending on the type of disability and age of the child, as well as gender, parent’s education, place of living, and the type of school where the child attends. The results also indicate that the sex of the child, the number of offspring, and family structure do not affect parental attitudes presented. The analysis shows the presence of a relatively high intensity of parental attitudes towards desirable among parents of children with a statement of special educational needs. It also points to the large differences in the attitudes presented in the study group. Taking the variables into account might allow a better understanding of the situation of families with children with disabilities and ultimately the choice of adequate support to fulfill their needs.W artykule przedstawiono rozważania dotyczące postaw rodziców wobec dzieci z niepełnosprawnością. Przeanalizowano typologie postaw rodzicielskich, pojawiające się w literaturze naukowej. Następnie zaprezentowano własne badania, przeprowadzone metodą sondażu diagnostycznego za pomocą Skali Postaw Rodzicielskich Mieczysława Plopy wśród 268-osobowej grupy rodziców dzieci z orzeczeniem o potrzebie kształcenia specjalnego. Główny problem badawczy projektu brzmiał: Jakie są postawy wychowawcze, które preferują rodzice dzieci z orzeczeniem o potrzebie kształcenia specjalnego? Stwierdzono, że badani rodzice częściej przejawiają pożądane niż niewłaściwe postawy wychowawcze w następujących skalach: akceptacja – odrzucenie, niekonsekwencja, nadmierne wymaganie i autonomia, jednakże w skali nadmierne ochranianie stosunkowo więcej rodziców cechuje się postawą niepożądaną niż właściwą. Ustalono, że postawy rodziców różnią się w zależności od typu niepełnosprawności i wieku dziecka, a także płci, wykształcenia rodzica, miejsce zamieszkania oraz typu szkoły, do której uczęszcza dziecko. Wyniki wskazują ponadto, iż płeć dziecka, ilość potomstwa oraz struktura rodziny nie wpływają na prezentowane postawy rodziców. Przeprowadzona analiza dowodzi występowania stosunkowo dużego nasilenia postaw w kierunku pożądanym u rodziców dzieci z orzeczeniem o potrzebie kształcenia specjalnego, ale wskazuje również na duże zróżnicowanie w zakresie prezentowanych postaw w badanej grupie. Wzięcie pod uwagę badanych zmiennych pozwolić może na lepsze zrozumienie sytuacji rodzin z dziećmi z niepełnosprawnością i ostatecznie dobór adekwatnego do ich potrzeb wsparcia

    Nutrition Strategies for Optimizing Performance and Health in Young Athletes

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    Introduction: The increasing participation of young individuals in sports necessitates a comprehensive understanding of the intricate relationship between nutrition and athletic performance during the critical adolescent years. This introduction sets the stage for an exploration of the dynamic nutritional needs of young athletes, emphasizing the pivotal role of nutrition in supporting growth, energy metabolism, and overall athletic achievement. Current State of Knowledge: The current state of knowledge encompasses an in-depth analysis of key nutritional considerations for young athletes. Examining energy and macronutrient requirements, micronutrient considerations, hydration strategies, and optimal timing of nutrition, this section synthesizes existing research to provide evidence-based guidelines. Furthermore, it addresses the unique challenges posed by different sports and the importance of tailored nutritional approaches for diverse athletic endeavors. The evolving landscape of sports nutrition is also explored, with a specific focus on the benefits and potential risks associated with protein and creatine supplementation. Summary: In summary, this article serves as a comprehensive resource for athletes, coaches, and parents seeking to navigate the intricate intersection of nutrition and young athletes. By elucidating evidence-based strategies and addressing the potential drawbacks and risks associated with certain supplements, the article aims to empower stakeholders with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions regarding the nutritional well-being of young athletes. It underscores the importance of individualized approaches, recognizing the diversity of young athletes and advocating for adaptable nutritional strategies that contribute to both immediate performance gains and sustained health and athletic success

    Effect of changing P/Ge and Mn/Fe ratios on the magnetocaloric effect and structural transition in the (Mn,Fe)2 (P,Ge) intermetallic compounds

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    The magnetocaloric effect in the MnxFe2-xP1-yGey intermetallic compounds with the amount of Mn in the range of x = 1.05 to 1.17 and amount of Ge in the range of y = 0.19 to 0.22 has been studied. It was found that a higher Ge/P ratio causes an increase in Curie temperature, magnetocaloric effect at low field (up to 1 T), activation energy of structural transition and a decrease in thermal hysteresis, as well as transition enthalpy. Contrary to this observation, higher Mn/Fe ratio causes a decrease in Curie temperature, slight decrease of magnetocaloric effect at low magnetic field, and an increase in thermal hysteresis. Simultaneous increase of both ratios may be very advantageous, as the thermal hysteresis can be lowered and magnetocaloric effect can be enhanced without changing the Curie temperature. Some hints about optimization of the composition for applications at low magnetic fields (0.5 T to 2 T) have been presented