76 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis of selected programming frameworks dedicated to SPA applications

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    The purpose of this study was to compare two popular programming frameworks dedicated to building SPA applications. Two proprietary applications with identical functionalities were analyzed, one created in React and the other in Angular. A ready-made programming tool was used, an original script comparing the speed of adding elements to the database, and the popularity of the technology was checked on the Stack Overflow website and in the Google search engine

    Plant based diet and cardio-metabolic disease

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    Introduction: Modern lifestyle, especially diet have a great impact on health. The number of people suffering from conditions related to lifestyle is growing rapidly. Illnesses related to lifestyle, specifically to diet are large health and economic burdens, which makes them the leading priorities of our time. Coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke, type 2 diabetes, and obesity are some of cardio-metabolic diseases related to diet.  Plant-based diets are dietary patterns in which  a high intake of plant food is emphasized  and the intake of animal products is limited. Plant based diet was associated with decreased risk of cardio-metabolic disease.The aim of the study: The purpose of this systemic review was to collect and analyse current data of plant based diet and its effect on health.Material and method: Standard criteria were used to review the literature data. The search of articles in the PubMed and Google Scholar database was carried out using the following keywords: plant based diet, vegetarian diet, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, hypercholesterolemia.Description of the state of knowledge: Red meat and, especially processed meat, is source of cholesterol, saturated fatty acids, and sodium, which makes it a risk factors for metabolic disorders.  Healthy plant based diet can positively affect cardiovascular health in many ways. High fiber content makes those diets  low in energy density, flavonoids that are present in fruits and vegetables and also high content of antioxidants. Plant based diet was also shown to be helpful in reducing weight.Summary: Many risk factors of cardio-metabolic disease are related to our lifestyle and dietary choices . Changes towards plant based diet can be beneficial for our health in many ways. Healthy plant based diet should be considered as a nonpharmaceutical approach to prevent and treat cardio-metabolic diseases


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    The article presents the analysis of various kinds of montage applied in the analysis of electroencephalographic data. The present study covers analysis of data obtained as a result of EEG examination of several persons with the age of 23–24 years. Every person has undergone an examination with appliance of 21 electrodes in accordance with classic EEG record method applying the 10–20 system. The examined persons were asked to perform the following activities: sitting steadily with opened eyes, sitting steadily with closed eyes as well as typical cognitive activity i.e. silent reading of given text. Every fragment has been subjected to initial data analysis (filtering, artifact correction) and used for spectral analysis afterwards. The whole analysis has been realized on the basis of four EEG montage examples (two bipolar and two monopolar). For each of them comparative analysis concerning the following points has been carried out: EEG spectra as well as other measures, such as activity maps, diffraction histograms for separate waves and spectrum charts for the selected electrodes.Artykuł przedstawia analizę zastosowania różnego rodzaju montaży w analizie danych elektroencefalograficznych (EEG).Zaprezentowane studium przypadku obejmuje analizę danych z badania EEG kilku osób w wieku 23–24 lat. Każda osoba poddana została badaniu z wykorzystaniem 21 elektrod w klasycznym zapisie EEG z wykorzystaniem systemu 10–20. Osoby badane poproszone zostały o następujące aktywności: spokojne siedzenie z oczami otwartymi, zamkniętymi a także typową aktywność poznawczą – czytanie zadanego tekstu w myślach. Każdy fragment został poddany wstępnej analizie danych (filtracja, korekcja artefaktów) a następnie wykorzystany do analizy widmowej. Cała analiza została zrealizowana w oparciu o cztery przykładowe montaże EEG (dwa bipolarne i dwa monopolarne). Dla każdego z nich zrealizowano analizę porównawczą w odniesieniu do widm EEG a także innych miar, takich jak mapy aktywności, histogramy rozkładu poszczególnych fal oraz wykresy widmowe dla wybranych elektrod

    Four-way data analysis within the linear mixed modelling framework

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    Cultivars have to be evaluated under different crop management systems across agro-ecosystems and years using multi-environment trials (MET) before releasing them to the market. Frequently, data collected in METs are arranged according to cultivar (G), management (M), location, (L) and year (Y) combinations in a four-way G x M x L x Y data table that is highly unbalanced for cultivars across locations and time. Therefore, we present the restricted maximum likelihood method (REML) for linear mixed models (LMM) with a factor analytic variance-covariance matrix for assessing cultivar adaptation to crop management systems and environments based on unbalanced datasets. Such a multi-environmental trial system has been in operation in Poland for winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in the form of the Post-registration Variety Testing System (PVTS). This study aimed to illustrate the use of LMM in the analysis of unbalanced four-way G x M x L x Y data. LMM analysis provided adjusted means of grain yield for 51 winter wheat cultivars bred in different regions in Europe, tested across 18 trial locations and seven consecutive cropping seasons in two crop management intensities. The application of the four-way LMM with a factor analytic variance-covariance matrix is a complementary and effective tool for evaluating the unbalanced G x M x L x Y table. Cultivars tested had different adaptive responses to the Polish agro-ecosystems separately for each of the crop management intensities. Wide adaptation in both crop management systems was exhibited by cultivars Mulan and Jenga bred in Germany

    Contraindications and factors that rule out patients willing to undergo laser vision correction

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    Laser vision correction is a modern method of eliminating, not just correcting, vision defects. The laser results in the restoration of the patient's eyes, so that he or she gains visual acuity anew. This method is both effective and safe, however, it is not feasible for every person. There are certain restrictions regarding: age, health, type of defect, history of disease, corneal scarring, pregnancy (both during and planned), or breastfeeding. Other rather non-obvious limitations, often overlooked by patients at the qualifying examination, are a metal filing that once found its way into the eye, after which it was removed rather late by a specialist, or current dry eye syndrome. The procedure of laser vision correction, can be carried out only after obtaining both the consent of the doctor conducting the qualifying examination and the interested party himself


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    Background: Neuropsin (NP, kallikrein 8, KLK8) - a kallikrein gene-related (KLK) endoprotease - plays a key role in neuroplasticity processes, since intracellular signal cascades and regulation of gene expression are engaged in long-term synaptic plasticity. The main aim of this paper is to compare expression of the human neuropsin gene on the mRNA level in a group of patients diagnosed with depression and in a group of healthy subjects who have never been treated psychiatrically. Subjects and methods: 291 people, aged 18-67, were qualified to participate in the experiment: major recurrent depression group (MRD) and the control group (CG). Designations were carried out for the human NP gene (hNP). Results: For hNP gene expression at the mRNA level was higher in patients with depression than in the CG (p<0.005). A Spearman\u27s rank correlation analysis did not reveal any statistically significant relationship between the intensity of the disease measured using the HDRS scale and expression on the mRNA level for the hNP gene. Expression for the hNP gene in the entire group analysed increased with age of the examined individuals (p<0.005). Conclusion: Expression of the hNP gene on the mRNA level, evaluated based on peripheral blood, is significantly higher in the patients with MRD than in the healthy subjects

    The problem of tobacco use among students of Lublin universities

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    Introduction. As for operational purposes concerning risk factors and activities in health promotion of the National Health Program, one should find the point of talking about reducing the prevalence of smoking. The main characteristics of tobacco dependence are: inability to stop smoking or significantly reducing it, the emergence of withdrawal syndrome caused by smoking cessation, persistent intake of tobacco, even when serious illness should prompt discontinuation. Aim. The aim of the research conducted among the students of Lublin universities was to identify the level of nicotine use by young people, to find out socio-demographic components of these behaviours and to determine the need for preventive activities in the field of cigarette smoking Meterial and methods. Studies were carried out among full-time students of all the public universities in Lublin: the Medical University (MU), the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (MCSU), University of Life Sciences (ULS), the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (CUL), Technical University of Lublin (TUL). Results.The study shows that 75% of students do not smoke cigarettes at all, while among smokers – 12% smoke regularly and 13% occasionally. We noticed a very interesting relationship - it turned out that women smoke more than men and are more likely to declare regular smoking. Also interesting is the fact that people living while studying in the family home and having parents with higher education smoke more. Conclusions.Nicotine smoking is a serious problem among students of Lublin universities