11 research outputs found
The Proposal of Electrical Heating Switch of Railway Station
Předmětem této práce je zpracovat teoretický rozbor o elektrickém ohřevu výměn na železnici. Elektrický ohřev výměn zabraňuje zamrzání výhybek v zimních měsících a usnadňuje práci obsluze železniční stanice. V praktické části práce bude zhodnocen stávající stav železniční stanice Kojetín a následně navrhnut projekt nového elektrického ohřevu výměn včetně všech náležitostí ve stupni projektu stavby.The subject of this thesis is to process a theoretical analysis of electrical heating switch of railway station. The electrical heating switch prevents the switches from freezing in the winter months and it simplifies the work of the railway station operators. The current state of the railway station Kojetín will be evaluated in the practical part of this thesis and a new state of the electrical heating switch will be proposed, including all the essentials at the stage of the construction project.410 - Katedra elektroenergetikyvýborn
Lighting of Outdoor Areas in Railway Stations
Předmětem této práce je zpracovat teoretický rozbor o osvětlování venkovních prostorů a osvětlování na železnici. Osvětlení je veřejně prospěšnou službou a pomáhá lidem k pohodlnějšímu a bezpečnějšímu životu na tomto světě. V praktické části práce bude zhodnocen stávající stav železniční stanice Havířov a následně navrhnut projekt nového osvětlení včetně všech náležitostí ve stupni prováděcí dokumentace.The subject of this work is to provide a theoretical analysis of outdoor lighting and railway lighting. Lighting is a public service that contributes to people's comfort and safety in this world. In the practical part of the work, the current state of Havířov railway station will be evaluated, followed by the design of a new lighting project, including all necessary details in the implementation documentation stage.410 - Katedra elektroenergetikyvelmi dobř
Možnosti uplatnění půdoochranných technologií zakládání porostů polních plodin jako protierozní opatření v zemědělském podniku
This bachelor’s thesis focuses on the issue of using soil conservation technologies in terms of anti-erosion soil protection. The surface of agricultural land is threatened 50 % by water erosion and by 10 % by wind erosion. The thesis describes the basic concepts such as soil conservation technology, erosion and other. Next the thesis also describes on farming in the Haná region, Lešany u Prostějova. The theses describes current way of farming agricultural company, focuses on using soil conservation technologies from the perspective of anti-erosion soil protection and suggests another options applying new progresses in protection soil against erosion.This bachelor thesis can be beneficial for agricultural companies that want to start with soil protection technologies or for graduates of agricultural schools who want to get to know with soil protection technologies
The power load model for electric vehicle charging modelling and its utilisation for voltage level studies and cables ampacity in distribution grid
When electrical energy is drawn by electric vehicles from charging stations at charging process the voltage drops and increased current loading of cable lines in distribution grid occur. Inasmuch the electrical grid is insufficiently dimensioned or at large amount electric vehicles concurrently charges without controlled charging system, the voltages could decrease under desired level in grid points. This leads to the deterioration of voltage quality in given grid. The higher cables current loading leads to active power losses increase and decrease their service life. The paper describes the utilisation of modelling the electric vehicles when charging by power load model in physical diagram implemented into alternative simulation software. The created charging station load model is used for solving of voltage studies in distribution grid and for the analysis of cable lines ampacity. The grid contains a small number of points and low penetration of charging stations. Voltage levels are solved when ran-dom operation of charging stations during the working day without controlled system. For other loads, the typified daily loads diagrams of households are used
Vliv vlastností konstrukčního vrubu na jeho chování
Strojní součásti, které jsou opatřeny konstrukčními vruby, mohou být zatěžovány řadou možných zatížení.
V první řadě se jedná o statické zatížení, dale o stálé dynamické zatížení a nakonec o cyklické dynamické zatížení,
které klade nejvyšší nároky na strojní součásti i jejich jednotlivé prvky a tedy i vruby.Projevy cyklicky se měnícího
zatížení lze sledovat při různých kombinacích, například střídavý tah – tlak, míjivé tahové zatížení a podobně.
V praxi se nejčastěji vyskytují zatížení ohybu za rotace, cyklického krutu a především komplexní zatížení součástí,
což lze však velmi obtížně simulovat. Dokončovací technologie má významný vliv na okolí vrubu a samotný vrub.
To se při chodu zařízení projevuje dobou životnosti a velikostí únosnosti součásti při určitém zatížení. Dokončování
má výrazný vliv na vlastnosti součástí zařízení, které pracujív dynamickém režimu při proměnlivé velikosti
The usage of the power load as a physical diagram for electric vehicle charging modelling
The development of electric vehicles (EVs) brings a lot of new problems from the point of view of the electrical grid. Electric vehicles (EV) charging causes an impact load on the distribution grid, which is often non-symmetrical, and can reach high levels in relevant parts of the grid. This leads to deterioration of the electrical energy parameters, mainly voltage level and its symmetry. The inverters operation in electric vehicle charging stations (EVCSs) generates harmonics, which also leads to deterioration of the voltage quality. In the case of simultaneous charging of a large number of EVs from a poorly designed distribution grid, significant losses inside conductors occur, and the service life of the distribution grid is shortened. In order to find out reverse influences of the EVCSs on the electrical grid when EV charging, it is desirable to simulate these states on a suitable software before installing EVCSs to the grid. This may eliminate problems with the voltage quality during the actual charging. In the paper, the authors deal with the modelling of EVCSs by using an alternative simulation tool when charging them as a power load, which consumes predefined active power with desired level and duration at supply voltage changes in the grid. Such defined load differs from a general load in its behaviour. The authors' created load model is based on the real measured data. The behaviour of the created power load model is verified in the paper on a small distribution grid, where individual power consumers correspond to the standardized daily load diagrams of households and services. The goal of the paper is to verify the proposed power load model. The load model is used for solving active power losses in conductors of the electrical distribution lines, and mainly the levels of supplied voltage
Spawning Performance and Sex Steroid Levels in Female Pikeperch <i>Sander lucioperca</i> Treated with Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) Microparticles
Pikeperch Sander lucioperca is a piscivorous species considered a promising candidate for the diversification of intensive aquaculture. This study aimed to determine the effect of a sustained-release delivery system incorporating mammalian gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (mGnRHa) into poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) microparticles on the sex steroid levels and aspects of artificial reproduction of pikeperch. Fish were divided into four groups and injected with 20 µg mGnRHa/kg, 5-day release microparticles encapsulated with 5 µg GnRHa/kg BW (PLGA 5), 20 µg GnRHa/kg (PLGA 20), or 1 mL/kg 0.9% NaCl (control). Cumulative percentage ovulation was 100% in the PLGA 5 group, significantly higher than in other tested groups. No differences among groups were observed in latency or fecundity. The level of 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) peaked at 40 h post-injection, and was sustained during ovulation, in all treated groups. The 17β-estradiol (E2) concentration increased in the mGnRHa-only group immediately after hormone injection, while both PLGA groups showed a reduction in E2 after injection, continuing to decrease until ovulation. A low dose of mGnRHa in PLGA microparticles significantly improves induction of ovulation and results in acceptable reproductive performance, which may positively affect pikeperch production under controlled conditions
Exploration of Neusilin® US2 as an Acceptable Filler in HPMC Matrix Systems—Comparison of Pharmacopoeial and Dynamic Biorelevant Dissolution Study
Modern pharmaceutical technology still seeks new excipients and investigates the further use in already known ones. An example is magnesium aluminometasilicate Neusilin® US2 (NEU), a commonly used inert filler with unique properties that are usable in various pharmaceutical fields of interest. We aimed to explore its application in hypromellose matrix systems (HPMC content 10–30%) compared to the traditionally used microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) PH 102. The properties of powder mixtures and directly compressed tablets containing individual fillers NEU or MCC, or their blend with ratios of 1.5:1, 1:1, and 0.5:1 were investigated. Besides the routine pharmaceutical testing, we have enriched the matrices’ evaluation with a biorelevant dynamic dissolution study and advanced statistical analysis. Under the USP apparatus 2 dissolution test, NEU, individually, did not provide advantages compared to MCC. The primary limitations were the burst effect increase followed by faster drug release at the 10–20% HPMC concentrations. However, the biorelevant dynamic dissolution study did not confirm these findings and showed similarities in dissolution profiles. It indicates the limitations of pharmacopoeial methods in matrix tablet development. Surprisingly, the NEU/MCC blend matrices at the same HPMC concentration showed technologically advantageous properties. Besides improved flowability, tablet hardness, and a positive impact on the in vitro drug dissolution profile toward zero-order kinetics, the USP 2 dissolution data of the samples N75M50 and N50M50 showed a similarity to those obtained from the dynamic biorelevant apparatus with multi-compartment structure. This finding demonstrates the more predictable in vivo behaviour of the developed matrix systems in human organisms
The Acute Immune Responses of the Common Carp Cyprinus carpio to PLGA Microparticles—The Interactions of a Teleost Fish with a Foreign Material
Poly lactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) particles safely and effectively deliver pharmaceutical ingredients, with many applications approved for clinical use in humans. In fishes, PLGA particles are being considered as carriers of therapeutic drugs and vaccine antigens. However, existing studies focus mainly on vaccine antigens, the endpoint immune responses to these (e.g., improved antibody titres), without deeper understanding of whether fishes react to the carrier. To test whether or not PLGA are recognized by or interact at all with the immune system of a teleost fish, we prepared, characterized and injected PLGA microparticles intraperitoneally into common carp. The influx, phenotype of inflammatory leukocytes, and their capacity to produce reactive oxygen species and phagocytose PLGA microparticles were tested by flow cytometry, qPCR, and microscopy. PLGA microparticles were indeed recognized. However, they induced only transient recruitment of inflammatory leukocytes that was resolved 4 days later whereas only the smallest µm-sized particles were phagocytosed. The overall response resembled that described in mammals against foreign materials. Given the similarities between our findings and those described in mammals, PLGA particles can be adapted to play a dual role as both antigen and drug carriers in fishes, depending on the administered dose and their design