9 research outputs found

    Kompleksinis statinių jūros aplinkoje racionalumo pagrindimas

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    Disertacijoje jūros statiniai tiriami ir vertinami daugiatiksliais sprendimų priėmimo metodais. Pasiūlyti jūros statinių (išorinio giliavandenio uosto, dujų terminalo, vėjo jėgainių parko) galimų variantų plėtros analizės ir vertinimo modeliai ir atlikti šių objektų daugiatiksliai vertinimai. Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, trys skyriai, bendrosios išvados, naudotos literatūros sąrašas, autoriaus publikacijų disertacijos tema sąrašas ir priedai. Įvadiniame skyriuje aptariama tiriamoji problema, darbo aktualumas, aprašomas tyrimų objektas, formuluojamas darbo tikslas bei uždaviniai, aprašomas mokslinis darbo naujumas, ginamieji teiginiai. Įvado pabaigoje pristatomi autoriaus pranešimai konferencijose ir publikacijos, pateikiama disertacijos struktūra. Pirmajame skyriuje pateikiama literatūros apžvalga nagrinėjama tematika. Pateikiama uostų infrastruktūros apžvalga, Klaipėdos jūrų uosto trumpas palyginimas su konkuruojančiais Baltijos jūros uostais. Nagrinėjamas suskystintų gamtinių dujų (SGD) terminalo poreikis ir statybos galimybės Klaipėdoje. Apžvelgiamos galimybės statyti vėjo jėgainių parką Baltijos jūroje ties Lietuvos krantais. Skyriaus pabaigoje formuluojamos išvados ir tikslinami disertacijos uždaviniai. Antrajame skyriuje pateikiamos jūros statinių vystymosi ir plėtojimo kryptys, daugiatikslio sprendimo priėmimo sąvoka ir daugiatikslių vertinimo metodų suskirstymas į grupes, taip pat pateikti daugiatiksliai metodai, kuriais vertinami jūros statiniai. Trečiajame skyriuje pateiktas praktinių uždavinių sprendimas skirtingiems jūros statiniams (giliavandenio uosto parinkimas, SGD terminalo vietos parinkimas, vėjo jėgainių modelio parinkimas, statybos eiliškumo nustatymas, vėjo jėgainės pamatų tipo nustatymas). Disertacijos tema autorius paskelbė šešis mokslinius straipsnius, iš kurių 4 referuojami duomenų bazės Thomson ISI Web of Science cituojamuose žurnaluose ir du straipsniai pristatyti tarptautinėse ir respublikinėse mokslo konferencijose

    Multi-person selection of the best wind turbine based on the multi-criteria integrated additive-multiplicative utility function

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    Energy generation and savings is a vital problem for the social and economic development of a modern world. The construction of wind farms is a challenge of crucial importance to Lithuania. Offshore wind farms are one of the possibilities of the multiple use of marine space. Wind energy industry has become the fastest growing renewable energy in the world. An offshore wind farm is considered one of the most promising sources of green energy towards meeting the EU targets for 2020 and 2050. They provide long-term green energy production. The major purpose of this study is the selection and ranking of the feasible location areas of wind farms and assessing the types of wind turbines in the Baltic Sea offshore area. Multi-criteria decision making methods represent a robust and flexible tool investigating and assessing possible discrete alternatives evaluated applying the aggregated WSM and WPM method namely WASPAS. The following criteria such as the nominal power of the wind turbine, max power generated in the area, the amount of energy per year generated in the area, investments and CO2 emissions have been taken into consideration

    Selecting a location for a liquefied natural gas terminal in the Eastern Baltic Sea

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    Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) industry is among the fastest growing energy market sectors. The gas terminal in Klaipėda allows Lithuania to import natural gas from various countries around the world. One of the most debatable subjects is the location of the future terminal. The problem pertaining to selection of construction sites for the LNG terminal should be investigated and solved using the set of multiple conflicting criteria. Many researchers argue that similar problems should be solved by applying several different Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) methods. The research presents the model for application of three different MCDM methods and aggregation of solution results for the problem, which is based both on different objective data and on investigation of expert opinions for determining subjective criteria weights for the problem

    Multi-person selection of the best wind turbine based on the multi-criteria integrated additive-multiplicative utility function

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    Energy generation and savings is a vital problem for the social and economic development of a modern world. The construction of wind farms is a challenge of crucial importance to Lithuania. Offshore wind farms are one of the possibilities of the multiple use of marine space. Wind energy industry has become the fastest growing renewable energy in the world. An offshore wind farm is considered one of the most promising sources of green energy towards meeting the EU targets for 2020 and 2050. They provide long-term green energy production. The major purpose of this study is the selection and ranking of the feasible location areas of wind farms and assessing the types of wind turbines in the Baltic Sea offshore area. Multi-criteria decision making methods represent a robust and flexible tool investigating and assessing possible discrete alternatives evaluated applying the aggregated WSM and WPM method namely WASPAS. The following criteria such as the nominal power of the wind turbine, max power generated in the area, the amount of energy per year generated in the area, investments and CO2 emissions have been taken into consideration

    Sequence determining of construction of the offshore wind farm construction applying permutation method

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    Ranking of work or feasible investments is one of high-importance keys for successful economic development. The share of renewable energy sources in the Lithuanian primary energy supply is on the lowest among EU. Only bio fuel, hydro and wind power can be considered as potential renewable energy sources in Lithuania at present time. Wind energy generation mature technology and comparatively low cost make it promising as an important primary energy source in the nearest future. The aim of this paper is to determine the sequence for the wind turbine construction in the waters of Lithuania. The key criteria set for was determined for the problem solution: area of the territory, water depth, distance to shore, average wind velocity, max power on the area, amount of energy per year, investments and CO2. AHP method is used to estimate criteria weights. The problem was solved applying multi-attribute permutation method. This method allows dealing with qualitative and quantitative as well as with linguistic (verbal) data

    Multi-criteria selection of a deep-water port in Klaipeda

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    The Klaipeda port is an arterial transport corridor between Eastern and Western Europe. There is need to develop a deep-water sea port in the Klaipeda region to satisfy economic needs. This problem involves a multitude of requirements and uncertain conditions that have to be taken into consideration simultaneously. This paper proposes an integrated multi-criteria decision-making model to solve the problem. The backbone of the proposed mode consists of a combination of entropy and WASPAS methods

    Selecting a location for a liquefied natural gas terminal in the Eastern Baltic sea

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    Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) industry is among the fastest growing energy market sectors. The gas terminal in Klaipėda allows Lithuania to import natural gas from various countries around the world. One of the most debatable subjects is the location of the future terminal. The problem pertaining to selection of construction sites for the LNG terminal should be investigated and solved using the set of multiple conflicting criteria. Many researchers argue that similar problems should be solved by applying several different Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) methods. The research presents the model for application of three different MCDM methods and aggregation of solution results for the problem, which is based both on different objective data and on investigation of expert opinions for determining subjective criteria weights for the problem

    Sequence determining of construction of the offshore wind farm construction applying permutation method

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    Ranking of work or feasible investments is one of high-importance keys for successful economic development. The share of renewable energy sources in the Lithuanian primary energy supply is on the lowest among EU. Only bio fuel, hydro and wind power can be considered as potential renewable energy sources in Lithuania at present time. Wind energy generation mature technology and comparatively low cost make it promising as an important primary energy source in the nearest future. The aim of this paper is to determine the sequence for the wind turbine construction in the waters of Lithuania. The key criteria set for was determined for the problem solution: area of the territory, water depth, distance to shore, average wind velocity, max power on the area, amount of energy per year, investments and CO2. AHP method is used to estimate criteria weights. The problem was solved applying multi-attribute permutation method. This method allows dealing with qualitative and quantitative as well as with linguistic (verbal) data