41 research outputs found

    Icodextrin does not impact infectious and culture-negative peritonitis rates in peritoneal dialysis patients: a 2-year multicentre, comparative, prospective cohort study

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    Background. Icodextrin is a glucose polymer derived by hydrolysis of cornstarch. The different biocompatibility profile of icodextrin-containing peritoneal dialysis (PD) solutions may have a positive influence on peritoneal host defence. Furthermore, cases of sterile peritonitis potentially associated with icodextrin have been reported

    Low Serum Potassium Levels and Clinical Outcomes in Peritoneal Dialysis—International Results from PDOPPS

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    Introduction Hypokalemia, including normal range values <4 mEq/l, has been associated with increased peritonitis and mortality in patients with peritoneal dialysis. This study sought to describe international variation in hypokalemia, potential modifiable hypokalemia risk factors, and the covariate-adjusted relationship of hypokalemia with peritonitis and mortality. Methods Baseline serum potassium was determined in 7421 patients from 7 countries in the Peritoneal Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study (2014–2017). Association of baseline patient and treatment factors with subsequent serum potassium <4 mEq/l was evaluated by logistic regression, whereas baseline serum potassium levels (4-month average and fraction of 4 months having hypokalemia) on clinical outcomes was assessed by Cox regression. Results Hypokalemia was more prevalent in Thailand and among black patients in the United States. Characteristics/treatments associated with potassium <4 mEq/l included protein-energy wasting indicators, lower urine volume, lower blood pressure, higher dialysis dose, greater diuretic use, and not being prescribed a renin-angiotensin system inhibitor. Persistent hypokalemia (all 4 months vs. 0 months over the 4-month exposure period) was associated with 80% higher subsequent peritonitis rates (at K <3.5 mEq/l) and 40% higher mortality (at K <4.0 mEq/l) after extensive case mix/potential confounding adjustments. Furthermore, adjusted peritonitis rates were higher if having mean serum K over 4 months <3.5 mEq/l versus 4.0–4.4 mEq/l (hazard ratio, 1.15 [95% confidence interval, 0.96–1.37]), largely because of Gram-positive/culture-negative infections. Conclusions Persistent hypokalemia is associated with higher mortality and peritonitis even after extensive adjustment for patient factors. Further studies are needed to elucidate mechanisms of these poorer outcomes and modifiable risk factors for persistent hypokalemia

    Dialysis-associated peritonitis in children

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    Peritonitis remains a frequent complication of peritoneal dialysis in children and is the most common reason for technique failure. The microbiology is characterized by a predominance of Gram-positive organisms, with fungi responsible for less than 5% of episodes. Data collected by the International Pediatric Peritonitis Registry have revealed a worldwide variation in the bacterial etiology of peritonitis, as well as in the rate of culture-negative peritonitis. Risk factors for infection include young age, the absence of prophylactic antibiotics at catheter placement, spiking of dialysis bags, and the presence of a catheter exit-site or tunnel infection. Clinical symptoms at presentation are somewhat organism specific and can be objectively assessed with a Disease Severity Score. Whereas recommendations for empiric antibiotic therapy in children have been published by the International Society of Peritoneal Dialysis, epidemiologic data and antibiotic susceptibility data suggest that it may be desirable to take the patient- and center-specific history of microorganisms and their sensitivity patterns into account when prescribing initial therapy. The vast majority of patients are treated successfully and continue peritoneal dialysis, with the poorest outcome noted in patients with peritonitis secondary to Gram-negative organisms or fungi and in those with a relapsing infection

    The association of functional status with mortality and dialysis modality change : results from the Peritoneal Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study (PDOPPS)

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    BACKGROUND: Little is known about the prevalence of functional impairment in peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients, its variation by country, and its association with mortality or transfer to hemodialysis. METHODS: A prospective cohort study was conducted in PD patients from 7 countries in the Peritoneal Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study (PDOPPS) (2014 - 2017). Functional status (FS) was assessed by combining self-reports of 8 instrumental and 5 basic activities of daily living, using the Lawton-Brody and the Katz questionnaires. Summary FS scores, ranging from 1.25 (most dependent) to 13 (independent), were based on the patient's ability to perform each activity with or without assistance. Logistic regression was used to estimate the odds ratio (OR; 95% confidence interval [CI]) of a FS score < 11 comparing each country with the United States (US). Cox regression was used to estimate the hazard ratio (HR; 95% CI) for the effect of a low FS score on mortality and transfer to hemodialysis, adjusting for case mix. RESULTS: Of 2,593 patients with complete data on FS, 48% were fully independent (FS = 13), 32% had a FS score 11 to < 13, 14% had a FS score 8 to < 11, and 6% had a FS score < 8. Relative to the US, low FS scores (< 11; more dependent) were more frequent in Thailand (OR = 10.48, 5.90 - 18.60) and the United Kingdom (UK) (OR = 3.29, 1.77 - 6.08), but similar in other PDOPPS countries. The FS score was inversely and monotonically associated with mortality but not with transfer to hemodialysis; the HR, comparing a FS score < 8 vs 13, was 4.01 (2.44 - 6.61) for mortality and 0.91 (0.58 - 1.43) for transfer to hemodialysis. CONCLUSION: Regional differences in FS scores observed across PDOPPS countries may have been partly due to differences in regional patient selection for PD. Functional impairment was associated with mortality but not with permanent transfer to hemodialysis

    IMPROVE-PD Finder: A Web-Based Platform to Search and Share Peritoneal Dialysis Biobank, Registry, and Clinical Trial Metadata

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    Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is a life-sustaining kidney replacement therapy for the increasing number of people with permanent kidney failure across all age groups worldwide. Although PD potentially offers socioeconomic and performance benefits over hemodialysis, both treatments severely accelerate complications of chronic kidney disease, in particular atherosclerotic disease progression that worsens outcomes when compared with non-dialysis patients.1 Improved understanding of the underlying molecular pathogenic mechanisms should help in the design of interventions that improve outcomes.2 Current state of the art in PD research, however, faces major limitations. Although there are numerous in vitro and ex vivo studies on complex cellular and molecular networks active in PD3, 4, 5 and in vivo animal models of PD6, 7, 8 that provide in-depth pathomechanistic insights and allow identification of promising therapeutic targets,9,S1,S2 translation into clinical studies is a major challenge.S3 Patient studies that aim to substantiate experimental findings with definitive clinical outcome data are mostly small. As a result, they have not provided sufficient power to derive meaningful or clinically implementable conclusions.2 Basic PD technique has hardly changed over decades, despite high PD-related complication rates. Randomized prospective trials with hard clinical end points studied with adequate power are difficult to realize in a multifactorial setting with low patient numbers (360,000 worldwide) and are associated with high costs. To overcome these barriers intermediate end points such as PD effluent biomarkers associated (but not necessarily causally related) with hard clinical end points and composite end points are often studied.S4,S5 Equally, combining analyses of existing cohort studies and trial data through collaborative sharing might be of considerable benefit

    Virthuman application for family safety in highly automated vehicle’s frontal crash

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    the European Regional Development Fund-Project “Application of Modern Technologies in Medicine and Industry” No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/17_048/000728