2,267 research outputs found

    Entanglement induced Sub-Planck structures

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    We study Wigner function of a system describing entanglement of two cat-states. Quantum interferece arising due to entanglement is shown to produce sub-Planck structures in the phase-space plots of the Wigner function. Origin of these structures in our case depends on entanglement unlike those in Zurek \cite{Zurek}. It is argued that the entangled cat-states are better suited for carrying out precision measurements.Comment: 6 pages 2 figures (revised version include more quantitative discussion

    Bilinear generating relations for a family of q-polynomials and generalized basic hypergeometric functions

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    In this paper, we derive a bilinear q-generating function involving basic analogue of Fox's H-function and a general class of q-hypergeometric polynomials. Applications of the main results are also illustrated

    Comparative study of serum urea, creatinine and C-reactive protein level in chronic kidney disease patients with healthy subjects

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    Background: Chronic diseases are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in India. Globally, chronic kidney disease is the 12th cause of death and the 17th cause of disability, respectively. CKD is defined as kidney damage or glomerular filtration rate (GFR) <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 for 3 months or more, irrespective of cause. The present study aimed to find out correlation between serum urea, creatinine and C-reactive protein (CRP) level among patients suffering from chronic kidney disease in an urban based tertiary care hospital in Bikaner, western Rajasthan, India.Methods: This study was conducted at Sardar Patel Medical College and Associated Hospitals at Bikaner, Rajasthan from August 2015 to December 2016. There were 50 cases and 50 controls in the age groups from 10 to 60 yearrs. We took fresh samples and performed required tests following standard protocol. CRP has been done by Antigen Antibody reaction (latex method). RFT has been performed on semi-automatic analyzer.Results: Levels of serum urea and creatinine were significantly raised in CKD patients (p-value<0.005) and CRP level was raised in 52% cases. While 48% cases having normal level %), which requires further study.  Renal function tests were significantly higher in cases than controls.Conclusions: Serum creatinine and urea level were significantly higher in cases as compared to control group

    A Candida albicans CRISPR system permits genetic engineering of essential genes and gene families

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    Candida albicans is a pathogenic yeast that causes mucosal and systematic infections with high mortality. The absence of facile molecular genetics has been a major impediment to analysis of pathogenesis. The lack of meiosis coupled with the absence of plasmids makes genetic engineering cumbersome, especially for essential functions and gene families. We describe a C. albicans CRISPR system that overcomes many of the obstacles to genetic engineering in this organism. The high frequency with which CRISPR-induced mutations can be directed to target genes enables easy isolation of homozygous gene knockouts, even without selection. Moreover, the system permits the creation of strains with mutations in multiple genes, gene families, and genes that encode essential functions. This CRISPR system is also effective in a fresh clinical isolate of undetermined ploidy. Our method transforms the ability to manipulate the genome of Candida and provides a new window into the biology of this pathogen.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (GM035010

    Ionophoretic Technique for the Determination of Stability Constants of Mixed Complexes (M-Nitrilotriacetate-5-Amino Pentanoate Systems)

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    A new method, involving the use of paper electrophoresis is described for the study of the equilibria in mixed ligand complex systems in solution. This technique is based on the movement of a spot of metal ion under an electric field with the complexants added in the background electrolyte at p\u27H = 8.5. Concentration of the primary ligand (NTA) was kept constant while that of the secondary ligand (5-amino pentanoic acid) was varied. The plots of-log [5-amino pentanoic acid] against mobility were used to obtain information on the forma tion of mixed complex and to calculate its stability constants. The binary equilibria M(II)-(5- amino pentanoic acid) and M(II)-NTA have also been studied since this is a prerequisite for the investigation of mixed complexes. The stability constants of the cornplexes, metal-nitrilotriacetate- 5-amino pentanoate have been found to be 5.85, 5.50, 5.22, 3.96 and 3.90 (log K values) for Cu(II), UOz(II), Ni(II), Co(II) and Zn(II) complexes, respectively, at fL = 0.1 mol/L and a temperature of 35 -c

    Theoretical study of pressure dependence of superconducting state parameters of some metals using pseudopotential approach

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    In the present theoretical study, we have calculated superconducting state parameters (SSPs) viz; electron-phonon coupling strength (λ), Coulomb pseudopotential (µ*), critical temperature (Tc), effective interaction strength (N0V) and isotopic effect parameter ( α) of some polyvalent metals (Pb, Ga, In, Sn and Tl) using well-established structured local pseudopotential due to Fiolhais et al. (1995). The pseudopotential with its individual set of parameters has been found to be good in predicting transition temperature Tc for all the metals. Looking to such success, we have extended the present model for the theoretical study of pressure dependence of transition temperature Tc using Debye- Gruneisen model. Our predicted critical volumes using different approaches are well agreed with each other and also with other reported findings. Thus, the present model is consistent and better than nonlocal norm conserving pseudopotentials because it is found to be transferable without any kind of adjustment of its parameters along with its simplicity and predictivity

    Phyllanthus Niruri: A magic Herb

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    Medicinal herbs are significant source of pharmaceutical drugs. Latest trends have shown increasing demand of phytodrugs and some medicinal herbs have proven hepatotprotective potential. Inflammation describes a coordinated series of molecular, cellular, tissue, organ, and systemic responses that drive the pathology of various diseases Inflammation is a finely tuned, dynamic, highly-regulated process that is not inherently detrimental, but rather required for immune surveillance, optimal post-injury tissue repair, and regeneration. The inflammatory response is driven by cytokines and chemokines and is partially propagated by damaged tissue-derived products (Damage-associated Molecular Patterns; DAMP’s). DAMPs perpetuate inflammation through the release of proinflammatory cytokines, but may also inhibit anti-inflammatory cytokines

    Polyethylene Maleate Copolyesters as Coating Materials for Piezoelectric Quartz Crystal-based Chemical Sensors

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    Polyethylene maleate (PEM) was synthesised by direct polycondensation of maleic anhydride and ethylene glycol in toluene under reflux usingp-toluene sulphonic acid as a catalyst. Structure of PEM was further modified by varying nature of diols and acid components, chain length of glycols, incorporation of aromatic and fluorine groups in the chain. Formation of PEM was monitored by gas chromatography. The parameters like degree of polymerisation, number average molecular weight (Mn), and weight average molecular weight (Mw) were calculated from the extent of reaction and stoichiometric ratio of the reactants. The number average molecular weight was also determined using Knauer vapour pressure osmometer. Cohesive energy, volume, and solubility parameters of PEM-based copolyesters were calculated by group contribution method. These PEM-based copolyesters’ have been evaluated as sorbent-coating materials for the detection of organ0 phosphorus(OP)compo using dimethylmethylphosphonate (DMMP) as model compound and piezoelectric crystal detector. PEMbisphenol A is found to be the most sensitive and potential coating material for the detection of OP compounds using piezoelectric crystal detector. Potential PEM-based copolyesters have been characterised by viscosity, infrared spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy, Mn and thermal stability