123 research outputs found

    Nanomolar detection of the antitumor drug tamoxifen by flexible organic electrochemical devices

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    Organic Electrochemical Transistors (OECTs) represent a versatile tool successfully exploited in the field of Bioelectronics. In particular, OECTs have been used for the detection of a wide set of bioanalytes, often showing superior performance compared to that of commonly used sensors. In this study, we propose a flexible, disposable OECT, based on poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS) channels and few layers graphene (FLG) sheets gate electrodes, for the detection of Tamoxifen (TAM), an important antitumor drug widely used in breast cancer therapy. The optimal device operation conditions in terms of sensitivity and limit of detection (LOD) have been investigated too

    PEDOT:PSS Morphostructure and ion-to-electron transduction and amplification mechanisms in organic electrochemical transistors

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    Organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs) represent a powerful and versatile type of organic-based device, widely used in biosensing and bioelectronics due to potential advantages in terms of cost, sensitivity, and system integration. The benchmark organic semiconductor they are based on is poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS), the electrical properties of which are reported to be strongly dependent on film morphology and structure. In particular, the literature demonstrates that film processing induces morphostructural changes in terms of conformational rearrangements in the PEDOT:PSS in-plane phase segregation and out-of-plane vertical separation between adjacent PEDOT-rich domains. Here, taking into account these indications, we show the thickness-dependent operation of OECTs, contextualizing it in terms of the role played by PEDOT:PSS film thickness in promoting film microstructure tuning upon controlled-atmosphere long-lasting thermal annealing (LTA). To do this, we compared the LTA-OECT response to that of OECTs with comparable channel thicknesses that were exposed to a rapid thermal annealing (RTA). We show that the LTA process on thicker films provided OECTs with an enhanced amplification capability. Conversely, on lower thicknesses, the LTA process induced a higher charge carrier modulation when the device was operated in sensing mode. The provided experimental characterization also shows how to optimize the OECT response by combining the control of the microstructure via solution processing and the effect of postdeposition processing

    Aerosol Jet Printed Organic Memristive Microdevices Based on a Chitosan:PANI Composite Conductive Channel

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    In this study we show a chitosan:polyaniline (CPA)-based ink, responding to eco-biofriendly criteria, specifically developed for the manufacturing of the first organic memristive device (OMD) with an aerosol jet printed conductive channel. Our contribution is in the context of bioelectronics, where there is an increasing interest in emulating neuro-morphic functions. In this framework, memristive devices and systems have been shown to be well suited. In particular organic-based devices are envisaged as very promising in some applications, such as brain-machine interfacing, owing to specific properties of organics (e.g., biocompatibility, mixed ionic-electronic conduction). On the other hand, the research activities on flexible organic (bio)electronic devices and direct writing (DW) noncontact techniques increasingly overlap in the effort of achieving reliable applications benefiting from the rapid prototyping to accomplish a fast device optimization. In this context, ink-based techniques, such as aerosol jet printing (AJP), although particularly well suited to implement 3D-printed electronics due to advantages it offers in terms of a wide set of allowed printable materials, still require research efforts aimed at conferring printability to the desired precursors. The developed CPA composite was characterized by FTIR, DLS, and MALDI-TOF techniques, while the related aerosol jet printed films were studied by SEM and profilometry. Taking advantage of the intrinsic and stable electrical conductivity of CPA films, which do not necessarily require any acidic treatment to promote a sustained charge carrier conduction, 10 mu m short-channel OMDs were hence manufactured by interfacing the printed CPA layers with a solid polyelectrolyte (SPE). We accordingly demonstrated prototypes of stable and best performing OMD devices with downscaled features, showing well-defined counterclockwise hysteresis/rectification and an enhanced durability. These properties pave the way to further improving performance, as well as to realizing a direct integration of the devices into hardware neural networks by in-line fabrication routes

    Stable and Solution-Processable Cumulenic sp-Carbon Wires: A New Paradigm for Organic Electronics

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    open12siAcknowledgements. E.G.F. acknowledges the support through the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, H2020-FETOPEN-01-2018-2020 (FET-Open Challenging Current Thinking), “LION-HEARTED”, grant agreement no. 828984. C.S.C. acknowledges funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program ERC-Consolidator Grant (ERC CoG 2016 EspLORE grant agreement no. 724610, website: www.esplore.polimi.it). R.R.T. acknowledges funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI). This work was partially supported by the European Union's H2020-EU.4.b. – Twinning of research institutions “GREENELIT”, grant agreement number 951747. GIWAXS experiments were performed at BL11 NCD-SWEET beamline at ALBA Synchrotron (Spain) with the collaboration of ALBA staff. This work was in part carried out at Polifab, the micro- and nanotechnology centre of the Politecnico di Milano. Open access funding provided by Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia within the CRUI-CARE Agreement.Solution-processed, large-area, and flexible electronics largely relies on the excellent electronic properties of sp2-hybridized carbon molecules, either in the form of π-conjugated small molecules and polymers or graphene and carbon nanotubes. Carbon with sp-hybridization, the foundation of the elusive allotrope carbyne, offers vast opportunities for functionalized molecules in the form of linear carbon atomic wires (CAWs), with intriguing and even superior predicted electronic properties. While CAWs represent a vibrant field of research, to date, they have only been applied sparingly to molecular devices. The recent observation of the field-effect in microcrystalline cumulenes suggests their potential applications in solution-processed thin-film transistors but concerns surrounding the stability and electronic performance have precluded developments in this direction. In the present study, ideal field-effect characteristics are demonstrated for solution-processed thin films of tetraphenyl[3]cumulene, the shortest semiconducting CAW. Films are deposited through a scalable, large-area, meniscus-coating technique, providing transistors with hole mobilities in excess of 0.1 cm2V−1s−1, as well as promising operational stability under dark conditions. These results offer a solid foundation for the exploitation of a vast class of molecular semiconductors for organic electronics based on sp-hybridized carbon systems and create a previously unexplored paradigm.openPecorario S.; Scaccabarozzi A.D.; Fazzi D.; Gutierrez-Fernandez E.; Vurro V.; Maserati L.; Jiang M.; Losi T.; Sun B.; Tykwinski R.R.; Casari C.S.; Caironi M.Pecorario S.; Scaccabarozzi A.D.; Fazzi D.; Gutierrez-Fernandez E.; Vurro V.; Maserati L.; Jiang M.; Losi T.; Sun B.; Tykwinski R.R.; Casari C.S.; Caironi M

    Organic Bioelectronics Development in Italy: A Review

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    In recent years, studies concerning Organic Bioelectronics have had a constant growth due to the interest in disciplines such as medicine, biology and food safety in connecting the digital world with the biological one. Specific interests can be found in organic neuromorphic devices and organic transistor sensors, which are rapidly growing due to their low cost, high sensitivity and biocompatibility. This trend is evident in the literature produced in Italy, which is full of breakthrough papers concerning organic transistors-based sensors and organic neuromorphic devices. Therefore, this review focuses on analyzing the Italian production in this field, its trend and possible future evolutions

    Stable and Solution-Processable Cumulenic sp-Carbon Wires: A New Paradigm for Organic Electronics

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    [EN] Solution-processed, large-area, and flexible electronics largely relies on the excellent electronic properties of sp(2)-hybridized carbon molecules, either in the form of pi-conjugated small molecules and polymers or graphene and carbon nanotubes. Carbon with sp-hybridization, the foundation of the elusive allotrope carbyne, offers vast opportunities for functionalized molecules in the form of linear carbon atomic wires (CAWs), with intriguing and even superior predicted electronic properties. While CAWs represent a vibrant field of research, to date, they have only been applied sparingly to molecular devices. The recent observation of the field-effect in microcrystalline cumulenes suggests their potential applications in solution-processed thin-film transistors but concerns surrounding the stability and electronic performance have precluded developments in this direction. In the present study, ideal field-effect characteristics are demonstrated for solution-processed thin films of tetraphenyl[3]cumulene, the shortest semiconducting CAW. Films are deposited through a scalable, large-area, meniscus-coating technique, providing transistors with hole mobilities in excess of 0.1 cm(2 )V(-1 )s(-1), as well as promising operational stability under dark conditions. These results offer a solid foundation for the exploitation of a vast class of molecular semiconductors for organic electronics based on sp-hybridized carbon systems and create a previously unexplored paradigm.E.G.F. acknowledges the support through the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, H2020-FETOPEN-01-2018-2020 (FET-Open Challenging Current Thinking), "LION-HEARTED", grant agreement no. 828984. C.S.C. acknowledges funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program ERC-Consolidator Grant (ERC CoG 2016 EspLORE grant agreement no. 724610, website: ). R.R.T. acknowledges funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI). This work was partially supported by the European Union's H2020-EU.4.b. - Twinning of research institutions "GREENELIT", grant agreement number 951747. GIWAXS experiments were performed at BL11 NCD-SWEET beamline at ALBA Synchrotron (Spain) with the collaboration of ALBA staff. This work was in part carried out at Polifab, the micro- and nanotechnology centre of the Politecnico di Milano. Open access funding provided by Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia within the CRUI-CARE Agreement

    Membrane Environment Enables Ultrafast Isomerization of Amphiphilic Azobenzene

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    G.M.P. and E.C. contributed equally to this work. G.M.P. acknowledges the financial support from Fondazione Cariplo, grant no. 2018-0979. The authors thank the financial support from the EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 643238 (SYNCHRONICS). The authors also thank Dr. Daniele Viola for helping with the analysis of the TA data.The non‐covalent affinity of photoresponsive molecules to biotargets represents an attractive tool for achieving effective cell photo‐stimulation. Here, an amphiphilic azobenzene that preferentially dwells within the plasma membrane is studied. In particular, its isomerization dynamics in different media is investigated. It is found that in molecular aggregates formed in water, the isomerization reaction is hindered, while radiative deactivation is favored. However, once protected by a lipid shell, the photochromic molecule reacquires its ultrafast photoisomerization capacity. This behavior is explained considering collective excited states that may form in aggregates, locking the conformational dynamics and redistributing the oscillator strength. By applying the pump probe technique in different media, an isomerization time in the order of 10 ps is identified and the deactivation in the aggregate in water is also characterized. Finally, it is demonstrated that the reversible modulation of membrane potential of HEK293 cells via illumination with visible light can be indeed related to the recovered trans→cis photoreaction in lipid membrane. These data fully account for the recently reported experiments in neurons, showing that the amphiphilic azobenzenes, once partitioned in the cell membrane, are effective light actuators for the modification of the electrical state of the membrane.Fondazione Cariplo. Grant Number: 2018‐0979EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme. Grant Number: 64323

    3D printed masks for powders and viruses safety protection using food grade polymers: Empirical tests

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    The production of 3D printed safety protection devices (SPD) requires particular attention to the material selection and to the evaluation of mechanical resistance, biological safety and surface roughness related to the accumulation of bacteria and viruses. We explored the possibility to adopt additive manufacturing technologies for the production of respirator masks, responding to the sudden demand of SPDs caused by the emergency scenario of the pandemic spread of SARS‐COV‐ 2. In this study, we developed different prototypes of masks, exclusively applying basic additive manufacturing technologies like fused deposition modeling (FDM) and droplet‐based precision extrusion deposition (db‐PED) to common food packaging materials. We analyzed the resulting mechanical characteristics, biological safety (cell adhesion and viability), surface roughness and resistance to dissolution, before and after the cleaning and disinfection phases. We showed that masks 3D printed with home‐grade printing equipment have similar performances compared to the industrial‐grade ones, and furthermore we obtained a perfect face fit by customizing their shape. Finally, we developed novel approaches to the additive manufacturing post‐processing phases essential to assure human safety in the production of 3D printed custom medical devices

    The logic of tact:How decisions happen in situations of crisis

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    The mass-migration of refugees in the fall 2015 posed an immense humanitarian and logistical challenge: exhausted from their week-long journeys, refugees arrived in Vienna in need of care, shelter, food, medical aid, and onward transport. The refugee crisis was managed by an emerging polycentric and inter-sectoral collective of organizations. In this paper, we investigate how, during such a situation, leaders of these organizations made decisions in concert with each other and hence sustained the collective's capacity to act collectively. We ask: what was the logic of decision-making that orchestrated collective action during the crisis? In answering this question, we make the following contribution: departing from March's logics of consequences and appropriateness as well as Weick's work on sensemaking during crisis, we introduce an alternative logic that informed decision-making: the logic of tact. With this concept we (a) offer a better understanding of how managers make decisions under the condition of bounded rationality and the simultaneous transgression of their institutional identity in situations of crisis; and we (b) show that in decision-making under duress cognition is neither ahead of action, nor is action ahead of cognition; rather, tact explicates the rapid switching between cognition and action, orchestrating decision-making through this interplay
