733 research outputs found

    Epididymitis Caused by Coxsackievirus A6 in Association with Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease

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    Two-color QCD via dimensional reduction

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    We study the thermodynamics of two-color QCD at high temperature and/or density using a dimensionally reduced superrenormalizable effective theory, formulated in terms of a coarse grained Wilson line. In the absence of quarks, the theory is required to respect the Z(2) center symmetry, while the effects of quarks of arbitrary masses and chemical potentials are introduced via soft Z(2) breaking operators. Perturbative matching of the effective theory parameters to the full theory is carried out explicitly, and it is argued how the new theory can be used to explore the phase diagram of two-color QCD.Comment: 17 pages, 1 eps figure, jheppub style; v2: minor update, references added, published versio

    Pressure to order g8log(g)g^8*log(g) in ϕ4\phi^4-theory at weak coupling

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    We calculate the pressure of massless ϕ4\phi^4-theory to order g8log(g)g^8\log(g) at weak coupling. The contributions to the pressure arise from the hard momentum scale of order TT and the soft momentum scale of order gTgT. Effective field theory methods and dimensional reduction are used to separate the contributions from the two momentum scales: The hard contribution can be calculated as a power series in g2g^2 using naive perturbation theory with bare propagators. The soft contribution can be calculated using an effective theory in three dimensions, whose coefficients are power series in g2g^2. This contribution is a power series in gg starting at order g3g^3. The calculation of the hard part to order g6g^6 involves a complicated four-loop sum-integral that was recently calculated by Gynther, Laine, Schr\"oder, Torrero, and Vuorinen. The calculation of the soft part requires calculating the mass parameter in the effective theory to order g6g^6 and the evaluation of five-loop vacuum diagrams in three dimensions. This gives the free energy correct up to order g7g^7. The coefficients of the effective theory satisfy a set of renormalization group equations that can be used to sum up leading and subleading logarithms of T/gTT/gT. We use the solutions to these equations to obtain a result for the free energy which is correct to order g8log(g)g^8\log(g). Finally, we investigate the convergence of the perturbative series.Comment: 29 pages and 12 figs. New version: we have pushed the calculations to g^8*log(g) using the renormalization group to sum up log(g) from higher orders. Published in JHE

    Modular Equations and Distortion Functions

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    Modular equations occur in number theory, but it is less known that such equations also occur in the study of deformation properties of quasiconformal mappings. The authors study two important plane quasiconformal distortion functions, obtaining monotonicity and convexity properties, and finding sharp bounds for them. Applications are provided that relate to the quasiconformal Schwarz Lemma and to Schottky's Theorem. These results also yield new bounds for singular values of complete elliptic integrals.Comment: 23 page

    Nanoparticle formation by ozonolysis of inducible plant volatiles

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    International audienceWe present the first laboratory experiments of aerosol formation from oxidation of volatile organic species emitted by living plants, a process which for half a century has been known to take place in the atmosphere. We have treated white cabbage plants with methyl jasmonate in order to induce the production of monoterpenes and certain less-volatile sesqui- and homoterpenes. Ozone was introduced into the growth chamber in which the plants were placed, and the subsequent aerosol formation and growth of aerosols were monitored by measuring the particle size distributions continuously during the experiments. Our observations show similar particle formation rates as in the atmosphere but much higher growth rates. The results indicate that the concentrations of nonvolatile oxidation products of plant released precursors needed to induce the nucleation are roughly an order-of-magnitude higher than their concentrations during atmospheric nucleation events. Our results therefore suggest that if oxidized organics are involved in atmospheric nucleation events, their role is to participate in the growth of pre-existing molecular clusters rather than to form such clusters through homogeneous or ion-induced nucleation

    Spinning Dragging Strings

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    We use the AdS/CFT correspondence to compute the drag force experienced by a heavy quark moving through a maximally supersymmetric SU(N) super Yang-Mills plasma at nonzero temperature and R-charge chemical potential and at large 't Hooft coupling. We resolve a discrepancy in the literature between two earlier studies of such quarks. In addition, we consider small fluctuations of the spinning strings dual to these probe quarks and find no evidence of instabilities. We make some comments about suitable D7-brane boundary conditions for the dual strings.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures; v2 refs added; v3 to appear in JHEP, clarifying comment

    Thermodynamics of Large-N_f QCD at Finite Chemical Potential

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    We extend the previously obtained results for the thermodynamic potential of hot QCD in the limit of large number of fermions to non-vanishing chemical potential. We give exact results for the thermal pressure in the entire range of temperature and chemical potential for which the presence of a Landau pole is negligible numerically. In addition we compute linear and non-linear quark susceptibilities at zero chemical potential, and the entropy at small temperatures. We compare with the available perturbative results and determine their range of applicability. Our numerical accuracy is sufficiently high to check and verify existing results, including the recent perturbative results by Vuorinen on quark number susceptibilities and the older results by Freedman and McLerran on the pressure at zero temperature and high chemical potential. We also obtain a number of perturbative coefficients at sixth order in the coupling that have not yet been calculated analytically. In the case of both non-zero temperature and non-zero chemical potential, we investigate the range of validity of a scaling behaviour noticed recently in lattice calculations by Fodor, Katz, and Szabo at moderately large chemical potential and find that it breaks down rather abruptly at μqπT\mu_q \gtrsim \pi T, which points to a presumably generic obstruction for extrapolating data from small to large chemical potential. At sufficiently small temperatures TμqT \ll \mu_q, we find dominating non-Fermi-liquid contributions to the interaction part of the entropy, which exhibits strong nonlinearity in the temperature and an excess over the free-theory value.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, JHEP style; v2: several updates, rewritten and extended sect. 3.4 covering now "Entropy at small temperatures and non-Fermi-liquid behaviour"; v3: additional remarks at the end of sect. 3.4; v4: minor corrections and additions (version to appear in JHEP

    Mesonic correlation lengths in high-temperature QCD

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    We consider spatial correlation lengths \xi for various QCD light quark bilinears at temperatures above a few hundred MeV. Some of the correlation lengths (such as that related to baryon density) coincide with what has been measured earlier on from glueball-like states; others do not couple to glueballs, and have a well-known perturbative leading-order expression as well as a computable next-to-leading-order correction. We determine the latter following analogies with the NRQCD effective theory, used for the study of heavy quarkonia at zero temperature: we find (for the quenched case) \xi^{-1} = 2 \pi T + 0.1408 g^2 T, and compare with lattice results. One manifestation of U_A(1) symmetry non-restoration is also pointed out.Comment: 25 pages. v2: small clarifications; published versio