952 research outputs found

    Lasten elÀmÀnlaatumittarin (Kid-KINDL-R) sisÀinen yhtenevyys suomalaisessa lapsiaineistossa

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    Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin Kid-KINDL-R-mittarin sisĂ€istĂ€ yhtenevyyttĂ€. Kid-KINDL-R on yleiseen kĂ€yttöön soveltuva lapsen (7–13-vuotiaat) terveyteen liittyvÀÀ elĂ€mĂ€nlaatua (health-related quality of life, HRQoL) kartoittava kysely. Lapsen elĂ€mĂ€nlaatua voidaan tarkastella joko 24 osiota sisĂ€ltĂ€vĂ€nĂ€ summamuuttujana tai kuuden erilaisen osa-alueen muodostamina summamuuttujina. Mittarin osa-alueet ovat: lapsen fyysinen terveys, psyykkinen hyvinvointi, itsetunto, perhesuhteet, kaverisuhteet ja koulunkĂ€ynti. Mittarin sisĂ€istĂ€ yhtenevyyttĂ€ kotimaisessa kliinisessĂ€ lapsiaineistossa ei ole tiettĂ€vĂ€sti aiemmin tarkasteltu. Poikkileikkausaineiston muodostivat Kelassa kĂ€ynnissĂ€ oleviin LAKU- ja EtĂ€-LAKU-perhekuntoutuksen seurantatutkimuksen aloituskyselyyn osallistuneet lapset ja heidĂ€n huoltajansa. Hoito-ohjelmat on tarkoitettu 5–12-vuotiaille lapsille, joilla on diagnosoitu neuropsykiatrinen hĂ€iriö, ja heidĂ€n perheenjĂ€senilleen. Aloituskyselyyn vastasi vĂ€hintÀÀn yksi henkilö yhteensĂ€ 198 perheestĂ€ (LAKU 124 perhettĂ€, EtĂ€-LAKU 74 perhettĂ€). Kid-KINDL-R-mittarin sisĂ€isen yhtenevyyden tarkastelua varten aineistot yhdistettiin, jotta tutkimuksen voima olisi mahdollisimman suuri. Lapsiaineistossa oli mukana 172 kouluikĂ€istĂ€ lasta (poikia 85,3 %, tyttöjĂ€ 14,7 %). Huoltaja-aineistossa oli puolestaan yhteensĂ€ 330 henkilöÀ (186 Ă€itiĂ€ ja 144 isÀÀ). Kid-KINDL-R-mittarin osioiden analyyseissa hyödynnettiin jakaumatarkasteluja ja kuvailevia tunnuslukuja. Eksploratiivisella faktorianalyysilla (EFA) analysoitiin sitĂ€, missĂ€ mÀÀrin havaintoaineistojen korrelaatiomatriisit tuottavat mittarin osa-alueet lapsi- ja huoltaja-aineistoissa. Kid-KINDL-R-mittarin sisĂ€istĂ€ yhtenevyyttĂ€ analysoitiin tarkemmin myös sisĂ€isen konsistenssin menetelmĂ€n ja Cronbachin alfa -kertoimen (α) avulla. Geneerinen 24 osiota sisĂ€ltĂ€vĂ€ summamuuttuja osoittautui reliaabeliksi. Cronbachin alfa -kertoimet olivat lapsiaineistossa 0,83 ja huoltaja-aineistossa 0,86. Osa-alueiden alfa-kertoimet osoittautuivat lapsiaineistossa melko heikoiksi. Lapsi- ja huoltaja-aineistojen EFA:t eivĂ€t tuottaneet aivan tĂ€ydellisesti Kid-KINDL-R-elĂ€mĂ€nlaatumittarin kuutta osa-aluetta. Puuttuva tieto oli ehdollisesti satunnaista. Esimerkiksi lapsiaineistossa osittaiskatoa esiintyi yleisemmin nuoremmilla vastaajilla. SisĂ€isen konsistenssin menetelmÀÀn perustuvat alfa-kertoimet olivat samansuuruiset kuin aiemmissa kansainvĂ€lisissĂ€ tutkimuksissa havaitut alfa-kertoimet. Kid-KINDL-R-mittarin psykometrisista ominaisuuksista tarvitaan kuitenkin huomattavasti enemmĂ€n kotimaisiin aineistoihin perustuvaa tutkimusta. Kid-KINDL-R-mittarin sisĂ€ltövaliditeetista on myös tĂ€rkeÀÀ kĂ€ydĂ€ keskustelua sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon ammattihenkilöiden ja tutkijoiden kesken

    Production Technology and Competitiveness In the Hungarian Manufacturing Industry

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    Following the big transformations of the 1990s, enterprise structure and technological level seem to have become stabilised in Hungary. Under these circumstances it is especially interesting to identify the elements responsible for competitiveness in general, and the role technology plays in development in particular, according to managers experienced in production and marketing. This empirical study – based on in-depth interviews and field research – summarises characteristics of the technological level in the sectors examined, role of technology and labour in production, effects of foreign direct investment, relations between competition and firm-level factors determining competitiveness, and concludes by summing up those most frequently mentioned proposals that should be incorporated into economic policy according to managers. Main findings indicate that more qualified, more intensive and cheaper labour can be substituted for high technology. The competitiveness of an enterprise is not determined by technology alone, but rather by a combination of technology, the parameters of available labour and the costs of investment increasing productivity. The insufficiency of inter-company relations, together with a shortage of available assets necessary for investment constitute the major threat undermining the competitiveness of enterprises in present-day Hungary

    Physical activity monitoring in Europe : the European physical activity surveillance system (EUPASS) approach and indicator testing.

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    Objectives: The main objective of this paper is to describe the approach and specific findings of the European Physical Activity Surveillance System (EUPASS) research project. In particular, the analysis presented aims at testing the reliability, comparability and predictive power of different sets of physical activity (PA) indicators. Design: First, a panel study based on computer-aided telephone interview (CATI) was designed to report PA data of a representative, selected group of about 100 persons per country at three points in time. Second, a CATI time series survey was carried out with the goal of realising about 100 interviews per month over six consecutive months. Setting: The project was carried out in eight European countries to support the development of the European Union's (EU) Health Monitoring Programme. Subjects: Random population samples (subjects aged 18 years and older) were drawn from each participating country. Results: While many PA indicators used in EU countries to date as well as the psychosocial and environmental measures tested in the present study had acceptable to good reliability coefficients, the test–retest reliability scores of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) version tested (the short (last 7 days) telephone interview IPAQ; IPAQ-S7T) were rather low. The comparability between extant national PA items and the IPAQ-S7T was low for all countries. The strongest predictors of perceived health were the psychosocial and environmental PA indicators. Conclusions: According to the results of the present study, more research is needed to further investigate and improve the quality of the IPAQ. In addition, the specific predictive power of the tested psychosocial and environmental PA indicators on perceived health should be of particular interest for designing health surveillance activities in the future

    On Adaptive Confidences for Critic-Driven Classifier Combining

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    Monimuotoisen neuropsykiatrisen perhekuntoutuksen seurantatutkimus : Tutkimusprotokolla

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    KansanelĂ€kelaitos (Kela) tĂ€ydentÀÀ sosiaali- ja terveysalan julkisen terveydenhuollon kuntoutuspalvelutarjontaa. Lasten ja nuorten (5–15-vuotiaat) tunne-elĂ€mĂ€n ja kĂ€yttĂ€ytymisen hĂ€iriöiden kuntoutuspalveluihin Kela kehittÀÀ parhaillaan monimuotoista perhekuntoutusta. Vuosien 2010–2018 vĂ€lisenĂ€ aikana kĂ€ynnissĂ€ olevat neuropsykiatrisen perhekuntoutuksen LAKU- ja EtĂ€-LAKU-kuntoutusohjelmat on tarkoitettu perheille, joissa 5–12-vuotiaalla lapsella on todettu neuropsykiatrinen hĂ€iriö ja mahdollisesti muita samanaikaisia psykiatrisia hĂ€iriöitĂ€. Monimuotoisen perhekuntoutuksen kehittĂ€mishankkeiden yleisenĂ€ tavoitteena on kehittÀÀ kuntoutusmalli, joka voisi soveltua Kelan harkinnanvaraisen kuntoutuksen vakiintuneeksi palveluksi. Kelan kehittĂ€mishankkeisiin liittyy aina arviointitutkimus. Monimuotoisen perhekuntoutuksen seurantatutkimuksessa arvioidaan perhelĂ€htöisten kuntoutusohjelmien soveltuvuutta ja vaikutuksia lapsiperheiden psykososiaaliseen hyvinvointiin. Tutkimuksen kohteena on kolme perhelĂ€htöistĂ€ hoito- ja kuntoutusohjelmaa: Kelan kehitteillĂ€ olevat LAKU- ja EtĂ€-LAKU-kuntoutusohjelmat sekĂ€ vertailuaineistona Varsinais-Suomen sairaanhoitopiirin (VSSHP) Turun yliopistollisen keskussairaalan (TYKS) lastenpsykiatrian poliklinikan ostopalveluna hankkima perheterapia. KyseessĂ€ on satunnaistamaton seurantatutkimus. Tutkimusaineisto kerĂ€tÀÀn ensisijaisesti lomakekyselyjen avulla, ja aineistoa tĂ€ydennetÀÀn esimerkiksi perhekuntoutustoimintaan osallistuvien ammattihenkilöiden fokusryhmĂ€haastatteluilla ja työntekijöille kohdistetuilla kyselyillĂ€. Tutkimustuloksia tullaan raportoimaan kotimaisissa ja kansainvĂ€lisissĂ€ vertaisarvioiduissa julkaisuissa

    Attention deficit hyperactivity and oppositional defiant disorder symptoms in adolescence and risk of substance use disorders - a general population-based birth cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Externalizing symptoms are associated with risk of future substance use disorder (SUD). Few longitudinal studies exist using general population-based samples which assess the spectrum of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) symptoms. AIMS/OBJECTIVES: We aimed to study the associations between adolescent ADHD symptoms and subsequent SUD and additionally examine whether the risk of SUD is influenced by comorbid oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) symptoms. METHODS: The Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1986 was linked to nationwide health care register data for incident SUD diagnoses until age 33 years (n = 6278, 49.5% male). ADHD/ODD-case status at age 16 years was defined using parent-rated ADHD indicated by Strengths and Weaknesses of ADHD symptoms and Normal Behaviors (SWAN) questionnaire with 95% percentile cut-off. To assess the impact of ODD comorbidity on SUD risk, participants were categorized into four groups based on their ADHD/ODD case status. Cox-regression analysis with hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were used to study associations between adolescent ADHD/ODD case statuses and subsequent SUD. RESULTS: In all, 552 participants (8.8%) presented with ADHD case status at the age of 16 years, and 154/6278 (2.5%) were diagnosed with SUD during the follow-up. ADHD case status was associated with SUD during the follow-up (HR = 3.84, 95% CI 2.69-5.50). After adjustments for sex, family structure, and parental psychiatric disorder and early substance use the association with ADHD case status and SUD remained statistically significant (HR = 2.60, 95% CI 1.70-3.98). The risk of SUD remained elevated in individuals with ADHD case status irrespective of ODD symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: ADHD in adolescence was associated with incident SUD in those with and without symptoms of ODD. The association of ADHD and SUD persisted even after adjustment for a wide range of potential confounds. This emphasizes the need to identify preventative strategies for adolescents with ADHD so as to improve health outcomes

    From Idea Crowdsourcing to Managing User Knowledge

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    This article explores how technology companies can benefit from user knowledge in product and service innovation beyond mere idea generation through crowdsourcing. We investigate a case from the telecommunications sector to discover the ways a company can overcome the challenges of motivating users to participate in innovation activity and gaining from their knowledge in the innovation process. In particular, we seek to learn how the company has created understanding about the future uses of technology and the developments of the market with the lead users. In addition, we analyze the key means of capturing value from the knowledge gathered from the users, including the essential organizational practices that support user innovation and the ways the company makes sense of the vast volume and variety of user knowledge. Our empirical inquiry increases the understanding of how technology companies can complement and use crowdsourcing to effectively utilize knowledge resident in user communities
