13 research outputs found

    Nalazi dviju nemorskih vrsta puževa novih za Hrvatsku (Mollusca: Gastropoda)

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    Literature data regarding the presence/absence of the land snail Discus rotundatus (O. F. Müller, 1774) in Croatia are discussed, occasioned by its finding on the island of Rab. A second species found on Rab, the freshwater snail Helisoma duryi (Wetherby, 1879), is recorded in this paper for the first time in Croatia.S obzirom na nalaz kopnenog puža Discus rotundatus (O. F. Müller, 1774) na otoku Rabu raspravljeni su literaturni podaci o njegovu postojanju/nepostojanju u Hrvatskoj. Također na otoku Rabu nađen je po prvi puta u Hrvatskoj slatkovodni puž Helisoma duryi (Wetherby, 1879)

    The effect of the thermal component change on regional climate indices in Serbia

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    The study of climate changes is most often based on the analysis of time series of temperature and precipitation in urban areas and the increase in the emission of gases having a greenhouse effect. On the other hand, the selection of representative and relevant stations and comprehensive analysis of climate indicators lead to better and more exact assessments on climate changes at the regional level. In order to connect climate changes with agricultural, biological, socio-economic, and tourism databases, the paper deals with the dynamic analysis of changes in thermal component expressed through the values of regional climate indices in four climatological stations with different geographical positions in Serbia. There are significant differences between the two time series data (1961-1990 and 1991-2013) on temperature and humidity, precipitation, insolation, and wind speed. However, after using the climatic indices as a tool for assessing climate changes, the results of the study suggest the relative influence of the thermal component on the change of climate indices, with a slight increase in the index of significance for human activities. Relying on the results of this alternative approach to the study of climate changes, the fact remains that the climate is not fixed but highly variable factor that should be taken into consideration in terms of monitoring, evaluation, and management of the area

    Combined vitamin silage as supplement in the dairy cows feeding

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    Tokom četiri proizvodne godine (2011-2014), analizirani su reproduktivni pokazatelji iz 123 laktacije 46 umatičenih grla i to 79 laktacija od 30 krava holštajnske rase i 44 laktacija od 16 krava simentalske rase, na dva porodična gazdinstva. Krave su hranjene uz dodatak različitih količina vitaminskih silaža COMBO-VIT-SIL®. Silaže su na bazi šargarepe, tri vrste bundeve i cele biljke kukuruza, svežeg repinog rezanca ili klipa kukuruza. Prva proizvodna godina, 2011. godina, uzeta je kao kontrolna, jer tada nije korišćena vitaminska silaža u ishrani krava. Najveći sadržaj β-karotina utvrđen je u silaži šargarepe i muskatne bundeve: 391,65 mg/kg suve materije. Upotrebom vitaminskih silaža u našem ogledu, postignut je porast prosečnog prinosa mleka, na farmi holštajnske rase, za 1,101 kg , a na farmi simentalske rase za 29 kg, (p>0,05). Prosečan indeks VO smanjen je kod krava holštajnske rase od oko 3,38 doza, na 2,42±1,80 doza, a kod krava simentalske rase od 1,60±1,35 na 1,40±1,26 doza. Servis period je na farmi krava holštajnske rase bio značajno kraći uz silaže sa vitaminskom bundevom (p<0,01), u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu, a na farmi krava simentalske rase, uz dodatak silaže sa muskatnom bundevom, u odnosu na dodatak silaže sa šargarepom (p<0,05). Uz pomenuto, značajno je skraćen i normalizovan međutelidbeni interval, kod krava holštajnske rase od 427±74 dana, na 372±17 dana, a kod krava simentalske rase od 480±124 dana, na 364±38 dana.During four consecutive productive years (2011-2014) reproductive parameters of 123 lactations from 46 cows on two family farms were monitored and analyzed (79 lactations in 30 Holstein and 44 lactations in 16 cows of Simmental breed). Cows were fed with the addition of different amount of vitamin silages COMBO-VIT-SIL®. Silages were produced from, carrot, three different types of pumpkins, whole corn, sugar beet pulp or corn cob with grain. The #irst production year (2011) was taken as a control; animals were fed corn silage during that year. The highest amount of β-carotene was determined in the silage of carrot and Muscat pumpkin (391.65 mg/kg of DM). By the use of vitamin silages in our study average milk yield was higher for 1.101 kg in Holstein and for 29 kg (p>0.05). Average days until #irst arti#icial insemination was shorter for vitamin silages (p<0.01), as well as for silages with Muscat pumpkin ad as well as for the carrot silage (p<0.05). Average insemination index in Holstein supplemented with vitamin silage was lower (2.42±1.80 doses compared to the control 3.38); similarly it was lower in Simmental cows fed vitamin silages 1.40±1.26 versus 1.6±1.35 doses in control. Beside mentioned, intercalving interval was shortened in both Holstein (from 427±74 on 372±17 days) and Simmental cows (from 480±124 on 364±38 days)

    Transplant caging of seabream (Sparus aurata) as a monitoring tool for marine pollution assessment in the Montenegrin Adriatic coast

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    More frequent application of biological parameters beside the conventional chemical parameters in national monitoring for marine ecosystem assessment is supported by UNEP/MAP. Accordingly, to evaluate the possible effects of pollution by determination of trace element content and genotoxicity assessment in marine organisms within the Boka Kotorska Bay, Montenegro (southern Adriatic), we carried a field study which included transplantation of the seabream (Sparus aurata) from aquaculture farm (Orahovac) to more impacted sites (Dobrota and port of Tivat), situated in vicinity of the main ports. On the sampling site Orahovac, the group of seabream specimens were placed in closed fish trap on 5 m depth (O1), another fish trap was placed in Dobrota, while the third fish trap with seabreams was placed at the site port of Tivat. The additional group was sampled from standard aquaculture cage on sampling site (O2) to reduce possible bias in genotoxicity data due to confined space within the fish trap. After two weeks of exposure, blood from fish heart was taken, afterwards muscle tissues were prepared for trace element determination. Genotoxicity was measured by DNA damage induction based on comet (single cell gel electrophoresis) assay parameter – Tail intensity (TI%), while trace element (As, Cd, Pb, Hg, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Zn and V) content was determined by ICP. Mean values of TI% obtained from seabream specimens at the sampling site Orahovac were: 4.26 ± 0.17 – O1 and 2.56 ± 0.11 – O2, while TI% values for transplanted specimens on the sites Dobrota and port of Tivat were 6.38 ± 0.17 and 11.06 ± 0.23, respectively. Statistically significant differences (p<0,05) of TI% were observed between all specimens groups. The group of seabream from port of Tivat showed the highest TI% (higher level of DNA damage), most probably caused by marine pollution. Obtained trace element concentrations in seabream tissues were significantly lower in comparison to values recommended by FAO, EC and national legislatives of Croatia, Spain and Turkey. Since transplanted fish showed a significant response in a relatively short exposure period, our results support the introduction of seabream caging as monitoring tool to reveal marine pollution by multiple biomarker approach. Considering the significant share of aquacultured seabream in human consumption, higher availability for sampling and convenience in application for molecular biomarker analyses in the same samples, such an integrated monitoring approach would contribute to more credible data

    Национална економија

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    Serbian. У овом одељку разматрају се опште карактеристике националне економије. У првом делу приказан је њен историјски развој, који је обухватио привреду у средњовековној српској држави Немањића, преко развоја у оквирима турске феудалне државе, изградње самосталне српске државе након српских устанака и ослобођења од Турске, па до развоја у савременим условима 20. и 21. века. Тај вишевековни развој протицао је у сталним напорима да се превазиђе наслеђена економска заосталост, да се унапреди и модернизује привреда, односно да се претежно аграрна земља претвори у земљу с модерном индустријском привредом, али и уз отпоре изражене у супротној тенденцији да се одржи аграрни, односно сељачки карактер земље. Ипак, био је то процес који се уз мање или више осцилација, али у целини успешно одвијао све до пред крај 20. века. Међутим, почев од последње деценије претходног века земља је током процеса транзиције била деиндустријализована, тако да је сада на нивоу развоја од пре неколико деценија, и стоји пред поновним захтевима за (ре)индустријализацијом. У другом делу разматрају се актуелне карактеристике привреде Србије, подељене у четири сектора. English. In this chapter the main characteristics of the national economy will be considered. In the first part there is explored its historical development. It involves the economy of the middle century Nemanjićs’ Serbian state, through the development in the framework of Turkish feudal state, the building of independent Serbian state after the Serbian uprisings and liberation from Turkey, up to development in modern circumstances of 20th and 21st centuries. This many centuries development characterize constant efforts to overcome the inherited economic backwardness, to move up and modernize the economy, i.e. to transform the predominantly agrarian state to the state with modern manufacturing economy, but also with resistances represented in opposite tendency to keep agrarian, i.e. peasant character of the state. Although, it was the process, that successfully carried out until to last decade of 20th century. But, since this decade the state was deindustrialized through the transition process, so it is now on the level of some decade before, and state is confronted with the repeated need for reindustrialization. In the second part of this chapter the actual characteristics of the Serbian economy are considered, divided in four sectors

    Postmodern Philosophy and the Impact of the Other in Jim Jarmusch's Films

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    Although film history has mostly been understood in national terms, there have also been attempts to present a general history of film styles. The history of film styles can be roughly divided into four distinct phases, each drawing on different aspects of narration. In the beginning, cinema privileged documentation and spectacle, presenting the exhibitionistic aspect of the new medium, whose structural characteristics had yet to be explored. Nöel Burch labeled this pre-narrative style a Primitive Mode of Representation, and this mode defied the narrative aspect of film-making. The shift towards narration occurred in the period between 1907 and 1909, when narrative films became the dominant mode of storytelling. The transition towards narrative cinema was mainly prompted by the demands of the market, which resulted in the gradual predominance of fictional narratives. The new style became known as the classical realist cinema, and Classical Hollywood Cinema became the leading representative

    The effect of the thermal component change on regional climate indices in Serbia

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    The study of climate changes is most often based on the analysis of time series of temperature and precipitation in urban areas and the increase in the emission of gases having a greenhouse effect. On the other hand, the selection of representative and relevant stations and comprehensive analysis of climate indicators lead to better and more exact assessments on climate changes at the regional level. In order to connect climate changes with agricultural, biological, socio-economic and tourism databases, the paper deals with the dynamic analysis of changes in thermal component expressed through the values of regional climate indices in four climatological stations with different geographical positions in Serbia. There are significant differences between the two time series data (1961-1990 and 1991-2013) on temperature and humidity, precipitation, insolation and wind speed. However, after using the climatic indices as a tool for assessing climate changes, the results of the study suggest the relative influence of the thermal component on the change of climate indices, with a slight increase in the index of significance for human activities. Relying on the results of this alternative approach to the study of climate changes, the fact remains that the climate is not fixed but highly variable factor that should be taken into consideration in terms of monitoring, evaluation and management of the area. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 176008 i br. III47007

    Single and combined potential of polystyrene microparticles and fluoranthene in the induction of DNA damage in haemocytes of Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis)

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    In this study, the possible ‘vector effect’ within the exposure of Mediterranean mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) to polystyrene microplastics with adsorbed fluoranthene was investigated by applying the multibiomarker approach. The major focus was placed on genotoxicological endpoints as to our knowledge there are no literature data on the genotoxicity of polystyrene microparticles alone or with adsorbed fluoranthene in the selected experimental organisms. DNA damage was assessed in haemocytes by comet assay and micronucleus test. For the assess- ment of neurotoxicity, acetylcholinesterase activity was measured in gills. Glutathione S-transferase was assessed in gills and hepatopancreas since these enzymes are induced for biotransformation and excretion of lipophilic compounds such as hydrocarbons. Finally, differences in physiological response within the exposure to polystyrene particles, fluoranthene, or particles with adsorbed fluoranthene were assessed by the variation of heart rate patterns studied by the noninvasive laser fibre-optic method. The uniform response of individual biomarkers within the exposure groups was not recorded. There was no clear pattern in variation of acetylcholinesterase or glutathione S-transferase activity which could be attributed to the treatment. Exposure to polystyrene increased DNA damage which was detected by the comet assay but was not confirmed by micronucleus formation. Data of genotoxicity assays indicated differential responses among the groups exposed to fluoranthene alone and fluoranthene adsorbed to polystyrene. Change in the heart rate patterns within the studied groups supports the concept of the Trojan horse effect within the exposure to polystyrene particles with adsorbed fluoranthene

    Rezultati lecenja trombozne trombocitopenijske purpure na 36 bolesnika

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    Thirty-six patients (pts.) with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) were treated between May 1990 and May 2003. There were 31 women and 5 men; the average age was 37 years. Twenty-five cases were idiopathic and 11 secondary (3 infection--related, 5 occurred during pregnancy and 3 were drug--associated). The mean lag period between the first symptoms and the diagnosis was 8.5 days (in 14 pts. 5). On diagnosis neurological symptoms were present in 31, bleeding in 33, fever in 21 and renal impairment in 27 patients. The mean hemoglobin was 67.5 g/L, the mean platelet count was 10 x 10(9)/L, and the mean reticulocytosis was 17%. The mean serum LDH was 1457 IU. Treatment included plasma exchange (PE) in 24 pts. and only plasma infusions in 12 pts. There were 24 complete responders (20 on PE) and 12 deaths (4 on PE); PE significantly improved survival (p 5 days), the secondary form of TTP and the absence of coma at presentation. The use of PE significantly improved survival. TTP is a severe disorder requiring early recognition and diagnosis in general medical care facilities, which should lead to the timely treatment with PE

    Evaluation of genotoxic potential of avarol, avarone, and its methoxy and methylamino derivatives in prokaryotic and eukaryotic test models

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    <p>In this study, mutagenic and genotoxic potential of anti-tumor compounds avarol, avarone, and its derivatives 3′-methoxyavarone, 4′-(methylamino)avarone and 3′-(methylamino)avarone was evaluated and compared to cytostatics commonly used in chemotherapy (5-fluorouracil, etoposid, and cisplatin). Mutagenic potential of selected hydroquinone and quinones was assessed in prokaryotic model by the SOS/<i>umuC</i> assay in <i>Salmonella typhimurium</i> TA1535/pSK1002. Genotoxic potential was also assessed in eukaryotic models using comet assay in human fetal lung cell line (MRC-5), human adenocarcinoma epithelial cell line (A549), and in human peripheral blood cells (HPBC). The results indicated that avarol and avarone do not exert mutagenic/genotoxic potential. Among the studied avarone derivatives, mutagenic potential was detected by SOS/<i>umuC</i> test for 3′-(methylamino)avarone, but only after metabolic activation. The results of comet assay indicated that 3′-methoxyavarone and 3′-(methylamino)avarone have a significant impact on the level of DNA damage in the MRC-5 cell line. Genotoxic potential was not observed in A549 cells or HPBC probably due to a different uptake rate for the compounds and lower in metabolism rate within these cells.</p