18 research outputs found

    Strukturni pokazatelji komponenti masnog tkiva kod studentkinja Kriminalističko-policijske akademije

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    The increase in body mass at the expense of fat mass can lead to impaired health, professional-working and morphological status. The aim of this study was to define the descriptive indicators in measured morphological components and the establishment of standards for the initial values of their assessment. The sample of examinees included 144 female students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies (ACPS): Age - 19.7 Ā± 1.1 years; BH - 169.3 Ā± 5.3 cm, BM - 61.3 Ā± -6.9 kg, BMI - 21.2 Ā± 2 kg/m2. The measurements were performed at the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Belgrade, by standardized procedures with multichannel bioelectrical body composition analyzer 'InBody 720'. Variables for classification were: Body Weight (BW, kg), Body Height (TV, cm), Body Mass Index (BMI, kg/m2), Body Fat Mass (BFM, kg), Percent of Body Fat (PBF, %), Visceral Fat Area (VFA, cm2), Fat Control (FC, kg), Trunk Fat (TF, kg) and Trunk Fat Index (TF_BFM, %). Classes are defined by the characteristic seven subclasses: very poor, insufficient, below average, average, over, overly and unacceptable, in accordance with the sport metrology procedures. The results were statistically analyzed using descriptive statistics. Based on the obtained results, the examinees were distributed in the respective clusters. It was found that ACPS students have a distribution of results indicator of body fat shifted toward lower values , but it can be concluded that in general level the examinees belong to a population with normal values in relation to the criteria of the World Health Organization.Porast telesne mase na račun masne komponente može dovesti do naruÅ”avanja zdravstvenog, profesionalno-radnog i morfoloÅ”kog statusa. Cilj istraživanja bio je definisanje deskriptivnih pokazatelja merenih morfoloÅ”kih komponenti i uspostavljanje inicijalnih vrednosti standarda za njihovu procenu. Uzorak ispitanika bile su 144 studentkinje Kriminalističko-policijske akademije: Uzrast āˆ’ 19.7 Ā± 1.1 godina;TV - 169.3 Ā± 5.3 cm; TM - 61.3 Ā± 6.9 kg; BMI - 21.2 Ā± 2 kg/m2. Merenja su obavljena na Fakultetu sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja Univerziteta u Beogradu, standardizovanim procedurama multikanalnim bioelektričnim analizatorom telesne strukture 'InBody 720' Varijable za klasifikaciju bile su: telesna masa (TM, kg), telesna visina (TV cm), indeks telesne mase (BMI, kg/m2), količina masnog tkiva (BFM, kg), procenat masnog tkiva (PBF, %), visceralna mast (VFA, cm2), kontrola masti (KM, kg), količina masnog tkiva na stomaku (TF, kg) i indeks količine masnog tkiva na stomaku (TF_BFM, %). Klase su definisane u sedam karakterističnih podklasa: veoma loÅ”e, nedovoljno, ispod prosečno, prosek, poviÅ”eno, previÅ”e i neprihvatljivo, u skladu sa sportskim metroloÅ”kim procedurama. Rezultati su statistički obrađeni primenom deskriptivne statistike. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata izvrÅ”ena je distribucija ispitanica u pripadajuće klustere. Utvrđeno je da studentkinje KPA imaju distribuciju rezultata pokazatelja masnog tkiva pomerenu ka nižim vrednostima ali se može zaključiti da na generalnom nivou ispitanice pripadaju populaciji sa normalnim vrednostima u odnosu na kriterijume Svetske zdravstvene organizacije

    Strukturni pokazatelji komponenti masnog tkiva kod studentkinja Kriminalističko-policijske akademije

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    The increase in body mass at the expense of fat mass can lead to impaired health, professional-working and morphological status. The aim of this study was to define the descriptive indicators in measured morphological components and the establishment of standards for the initial values of their assessment. The sample of examinees included 144 female students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies (ACPS): Age - 19.7 Ā± 1.1 years; BH - 169.3 Ā± 5.3 cm, BM - 61.3 Ā± -6.9 kg, BMI - 21.2 Ā± 2 kg/m2. The measurements were performed at the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Belgrade, by standardized procedures with multichannel bioelectrical body composition analyzer 'InBody 720'. Variables for classification were: Body Weight (BW, kg), Body Height (TV, cm), Body Mass Index (BMI, kg/m2), Body Fat Mass (BFM, kg), Percent of Body Fat (PBF, %), Visceral Fat Area (VFA, cm2), Fat Control (FC, kg), Trunk Fat (TF, kg) and Trunk Fat Index (TF_BFM, %). Classes are defined by the characteristic seven subclasses: very poor, insufficient, below average, average, over, overly and unacceptable, in accordance with the sport metrology procedures. The results were statistically analyzed using descriptive statistics. Based on the obtained results, the examinees were distributed in the respective clusters. It was found that ACPS students have a distribution of results indicator of body fat shifted toward lower values , but it can be concluded that in general level the examinees belong to a population with normal values in relation to the criteria of the World Health Organization.Porast telesne mase na račun masne komponente može dovesti do naruÅ”avanja zdravstvenog, profesionalno-radnog i morfoloÅ”kog statusa. Cilj istraživanja bio je definisanje deskriptivnih pokazatelja merenih morfoloÅ”kih komponenti i uspostavljanje inicijalnih vrednosti standarda za njihovu procenu. Uzorak ispitanika bile su 144 studentkinje Kriminalističko-policijske akademije: Uzrast āˆ’ 19.7 Ā± 1.1 godina;TV - 169.3 Ā± 5.3 cm; TM - 61.3 Ā± 6.9 kg; BMI - 21.2 Ā± 2 kg/m2. Merenja su obavljena na Fakultetu sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja Univerziteta u Beogradu, standardizovanim procedurama multikanalnim bioelektričnim analizatorom telesne strukture 'InBody 720' Varijable za klasifikaciju bile su: telesna masa (TM, kg), telesna visina (TV cm), indeks telesne mase (BMI, kg/m2), količina masnog tkiva (BFM, kg), procenat masnog tkiva (PBF, %), visceralna mast (VFA, cm2), kontrola masti (KM, kg), količina masnog tkiva na stomaku (TF, kg) i indeks količine masnog tkiva na stomaku (TF_BFM, %). Klase su definisane u sedam karakterističnih podklasa: veoma loÅ”e, nedovoljno, ispod prosečno, prosek, poviÅ”eno, previÅ”e i neprihvatljivo, u skladu sa sportskim metroloÅ”kim procedurama. Rezultati su statistički obrađeni primenom deskriptivne statistike. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata izvrÅ”ena je distribucija ispitanica u pripadajuće klustere. Utvrđeno je da studentkinje KPA imaju distribuciju rezultata pokazatelja masnog tkiva pomerenu ka nižim vrednostima ali se može zaključiti da na generalnom nivou ispitanice pripadaju populaciji sa normalnim vrednostima u odnosu na kriterijume Svetske zdravstvene organizacije

    Management and supply of wild beasts for Roman amphitheatre games: archaeozoological and genetic evidence from Viminacium

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    Wild beast spectacles (venationes) in Roman amphitheatres required a complex network of organization ā€“ from wildlife capturing and transport to their maintenance, displays in the arena, and processing their corpses after death. Numerous depictions in ancient texts and iconography are related to venationes and they give some insight into the supply and management of wildlife used in amphitheatre games. However, these are considered to be highly exaggerated, and they are usually not concerned with the vast majority of provincial amphitheatres, but only to spectacles held in just a few urban centres (e.g. Rome). Archaeozoological data from areas of several Roman provincial amphitheatres have given additional insights into the usage of wild beasts in arena shows throughout the Empire. One of the largest amphitheatre faunal collections originates from the military amphitheatre of Viminacium ā€“ the post of the 7th Claudia Legion, and capital of the province of Moesia Superior. Previous studies on wildlife remains from Viminacium amphitheatre indicated the usage of locally available beasts (brown bears, wild boars and red deer), as well as exotics (big cats). This paper will discuss the supply and management of those beasts through the combination of archaeozoological and genetic evidence. More precisely it will examine their origin via genetic evidence, as well as the way of their use in the arena by examination of skeletal trauma.4th ICAZ Roman Period Working Group Meeting, 9ā€“12th April, Belgrade, Serbi

    Karakterizacija matičnih ćelija izolovanih iz zubne pulpe mlečnih zuba dece

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    Background/Aim. The last decade has been profoundly marked by persistent attempts to use ex vivo expanded and manipulated mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), as a tool in different types of regenerative therapy. In the present study we described immunophenotype and the proliferative and differentiation potential of cells isolated from pulp remnants of exfoliated deciduous teeth in the final phase of root resorption. Methods. The initial adherent cell population from five donors was obtained by the outgrowth method. Colony forming unit-fibroblast (CFU-F) assay was performed in passage one. Cell expansion was performed until passage three and all tests were done until passage eight. Cells were labeled for early mesenchymal stem cells markers and analysis have been done using flow cytometry. The proliferative potential was assessed by cell counting in defined time points and population doubling time was calculated. Commercial media were used to induce osteoblastic, chondrogenic and adipogenic differentiation. Cytology and histology methods were used for analysis of differentiated cell morphology and extracellular matrix characteristics. Results. According to immunophenotype analyses all undifferentiated cells were positive for the mesenchymal stem cell markers: CD29 and CD73. Some cells expressed CD146 and CD106. The hematopoietic cell marker, CD34, was not detected. In passage one, incidence of CFU-F was 4.7 Ā± 0.5/100. Population doubling time did not change significantly during cell subcultivation and was in average 25 h. After induction of differentiation, the multicolony derived cell population had a tri-lineage differentiation potential, since mineralized matrix, cartilage-like tissue and adipocytes were successfully formed after three weeks of incubation. Conclusion. Altogether, these data suggest that remnants of deciduous teeth dental pulp contained cell populations with mesenchymal stem cell-like features, with a high proliferation and tri- lineage differentiation potential and that these cultures are suitable for further in vitro evaluation of cell based therapies.Uvod/Cilj. ProÅ”la dekada je bila posebno obeležena naporima na polju koriŔćenja ex vivo razvijenih i usmeravanih mezenhimskih matičnih ćelija (MSCs), kao sredstva za različite tipove regenerativne terapije. Cilj ove studije bio je da se utvrdi imunofenotip i potencijal za proliferaciju i diferencijaciju ćelija izolovanih iz zubne pulpe mlečnih zuba dece eksfoliranih u periodu kada je koren zuba bio u poslednjoj fazi resorpcije. Metode. Primarna adherentna populacija ćelija poreklom od pet donora dobijena je metodom eksplanta. Prisustvo progenitorskih ćelija koje obrazuju kolonije fibroblasta (CFU-F) pokazano je u prvoj pasaži. Do treće pasaže ćelije su ekspandirane, a potom koriŔćene za analiziranje. Imunofenotip je određen koriŔćenjem protočne citometrije. Proliferativni potencijal i vreme udvajanja ćelija (PDT) u kulturi je definisano na osnovu apsolutnog broja ćelija na početku i na kraju svake pasaže. Posle tronedeljne kultivacije ćelija u komercijalnim medijumima za stimulaciju osteogeneze, hondrogeneze i adipogeneze, citoloÅ”kim i histoloÅ”kim metodama je određena morfologija ćelija i karakteristike vanćelijskog matriksa. Rezultati. Antigeni koji karakteriÅ”u mezenhimske matične ćelije CD29 i CD73 su bili eksprimirani na svim nediferenciranim ćelijama, dok su antigeni CD146 i CD106 bili eksprimirani na ograničenom broju ćelija. Antigen CD34 (karakterističan za ćelije hematopoetske loze) nije bio eksprimiran. Incidencija CFU-F bila je 4,7 Ā± 0,5/100 ćelija. PDT se nije menjao tokom osam pasaža i u proseku je iznosio 25 h. Posle tronedeljne stimulacije diferencijacije u kulturama sa adipogenim medijumom doÅ”lo je do stvaranja ćelija sa masnim kapljicama, a u kulturama sa osteogenim medijumom doÅ”lo je do formiranja vanćelijskog matriksa sa deponovanim kalcijumovim solima. U kulturama sa hondrogenim medijumom doÅ”lo je do stvaranja tkiva sličnog hrskavici i vanćelijskog matriksa sa glikozaminoglikanima i kolagenom II. Zaključak. Zubna pulpa mlečnih zuba dece sadrži ćelijsku populaciju koja odgovara mezenhimskim matičnim ćelijama prema svojim karakteristikama, ima visok proliferativni potencijal i potencijal da se diferencira u tri ćelijske linije Å”to je čini pogodnom za dalje in vitro analize i evaluaciju ćelijske terapije

    Razvoj Hodžkinovog limfoma u ileocekalnoj regiji pacijenta sa transplantiranim bubregom na dugoročnoj imunosupresivnoj terapiji - prikaz slučaja

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    Following solid organ transplantation, the patient's management includes the provision of immunosuppressive therapy to the recipient. All kidney transplant recipients require lifelong immunosuppression. Regardless the improving survival following solid organ transplantation, post-transplant complications such as the development of malignancy due to immunosuppression remain to be an issue. One of the most common malignancies encountered in the post-solid organ transplant is lymphoproliferative disorder likely developed as a consequence of immunosuppression. We report a case of plasma cell type lymphoma in the ileocecal region of a 45-year-old male kidney transplant patient who was on a tacrolimus-based regimen for ten years. Although literature data indicate differently localized lymphoma as an adverse reaction to the long term use of tacrolimus, to our knowledge, this is the first described case of lymphoma in the ileocecal region. Serious adverse drug reactions and potential toxicity of tacrolimus emphasize the importance of finding the optimal balance between effective drug concentration and the risk associated with its use.Nakon transplantacije organa, pacijenti primaoci organa se stavljaju na režim imunosupresivne terapije, a u primalaca bubrega ta terapija je doživotna. Bez obzira na poboljÅ”anje preživljavanja nakon transplantacije organa, brojne su komplikacije koje se mogu javiti nakon transplantacije, a razvoj maligniteta usled imunosupresije nastavlja da bude značajan problem. Jedan od najčeŔćih tipova maligniteta koji se srecĢe kod ovakvih pacijenata je limfoproliferativni poremećaj koji se verovatno razvija kao posledica pomenute imunosupresije. Opisan je slučaj limfoma u ileocekalnoj regiji u 45-godiÅ”njeg muÅ”karca sa transplantiranim bubregom, koji je bio na imunosupresivnoj terapiji zasnovanoj na takrolimusu, tokom 10 godina. Literaturni podaci ukazuju na drugačiju lokalizaciju limfoma kao neželjene reakcije nakon dugoročnog koriŔćenja takrolimusa, pa je prema naÅ”im saznanjima, ovo jedinstven slučaj razvoja limfoma u ileocekalnoj regiji. Ozbiljne neželjene reakcije i toksični potencijal takrolimusa naglaÅ”avaju značaj pronalaženja optimalnog balansa između efektivne koncentracije leka i rizika vezanih za njegovu upotrebu

    NOS3 gene variants and male infertility: Association of 4a/4b with oligoasthenozoospermia

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    Results of recent studies confirmed that oxidative stress negatively affects sperm motility and causes sperm DNA damage. Produced by nitric oxide synthase 3 (NOS3), nitric oxide is considered to be one of the important mediators of oxidative stress in testis tissue. The aim of this study was to assess the possible association of three genetic variants (rs2070744, rs1799983 and intron variant 4a/4b) in NOS3 gene and infertility occurrence in two groups of infertile men (idiopathic azoospermia and oligoasthenozoospermia) and fertile controls. Genotypes for the single-nucleotide genetic variants rs1799983 and rs2070744 were determined by PCR-RFLP, while genotyping of intron 4 variant 4a/4b was performed by gel electrophoresis of PCR products. Statistical analysis was performed by SNPStats software. No significant association between the three genetic variants of the NOS3 gene and infertility risk was determined comparing allele and genotype frequencies among group of patients diagnosed with azoospermia and the control group. Nevertheless, there was a significant positive association between 4a/4b and infertility in the group of males diagnosed with oligoasthenozoospermia, under overdominant genetic model. Our findings suggest that tandem repeat variant within intron 4 of the NOS3 gene is associated with an increased risk of infertility in men diagnosed with idiopathic oligoasthenozoospermia.Andrologia (2017): e1281

    Proceedings from the 8th and 9th Scientific Conference Methodology and Archaeometry

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    Methodology and Archaeometry (MetArh) is an annual scientific conference organized since 2013 by the Department of Archaeology of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb, and the Croatian Archaeological Society.The goal of the conference is to entice interdisciplinarity, critical thinking, new insights and approaches as well as new theoretical frameworks in contemporary archaeological science. It offers a wider perspective in observing methodology and methodological practices, also challenging traditional approaches in archaeological research, and following the creative adaptation of methods from other disciplines into archaeology. Also, it enables scholars to present their work, engage in discussion and motivate young scholars and archaeology students to pursue contemporary topics and present their research.This edition of the conference Proceedings contains twelve papers from the 8th and 9th MetArh conference which was held at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb. The 8th MetArh conference was held from 3rd ā€“ 4th of December 2020, and the 9th from 2nd ā€“ 3rd of December 2021 (https://metarh.ffzg.unizg.hr/).Due to COVID-19, both conferences were held on the online platform Hopin.to. It was very challenging to organize and realize the conference in a virtual format but, most importantly, it produced high-quality works some of which are published in this publication. Papers in this volume are focused on diļ¬€erent aspects of archaeological methodology and archaeometry, including case studies from Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and Ukraine.Methodology and Archaeometry (MetArh) is an annual scientific conference organized since 2013 by the Department of Archaeology of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb, and the Croatian Archaeological Society.The goal of the conference is to entice interdisciplinarity, critical thinking, new insights and approaches as well as new theoretical frameworks in contemporary archaeological science. It offers a wider perspective in observing methodology and methodological practices, also challenging traditional approaches in archaeological research, and following the creative adaptation of methods from other disciplines into archaeology. Also, it enables scholars to present their work, engage in discussion and motivate young scholars and archaeology students to pursue contemporary topics and present their research.This edition of the conference Proceedings contains twelve papers from the 8th and 9th MetArh conference which was held at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb. The 8th MetArh conference was held from 3rd ā€“ 4th of December 2020, and the 9th from 2nd ā€“ 3rd of December 2021 (https://metarh.ffzg.unizg.hr/).Due to COVID-19, both conferences were held on the online platform Hopin.to. It was very challenging to organize and realize the conference in a virtual format but, most importantly, it produced high-quality works some of which are published in this publication. Papers in this volume are focused on diļ¬€erent aspects of archaeological methodology and archaeometry, including case studies from Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and Ukraine

    Effect of Candida antarctica Lipase B Immobilization on the Porous Structure of the Carrier

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    A series of poly(GMA-co-EGDMA) resins with identical composition but varying particle sizes, pore radii, specific surface areas and specific volumes are studied to assess how Candida antarctica lipase B immobilization affects the porosity of the copolymer particles. Mercury porosimetry reveals a significant change in the average pore size (up to 6.1-fold), the specific surface area (up to 3.2-fold) and the specific volume (up to 2.1-fold) of the epoxy resin. A similar behaviour is observed for glutaraldehyde-modified epoxy resins. The influences of the resin porosity properties on the loading of Candida antarctica lipase B during immobilization and on the hydrolytic activity (hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl acetate) of the immobilized lipase are studied

    Macroporous poly(glycidyl methacrylate-co-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate) resins-Versatile immobilization supports for biocatalysts

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    Crosslinked macroporous hydrophilic poly(glycidyl methacrylate-co-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate)s [abbreviated poly(GMA-co-EGDMA)] with identical chemical structure (60% of glycidyl methacrylate) but with varied average pore sizes (from 30 to 560 nm), specific surface areas (from 13.2 to 106.0 m(2)/g), specific volumes (from 0.755 to 1.191 cm(3)/g) and particle sizes (less than 100-650 mu m) were synthesized via suspension polymerization. The influence of the resin properties on the loading of Candida antarctica lipase B (Cal-B) during immobilization and on the hydrolytic (hydrolysis of para-nitrophenyl acetate) and synthetic (ring-opening polymerization of e-caprolactone) activity of the immobilized CalB were studied. Immobilization of Cal-B was performed at different temperatures and pH values. Cal-B immobilized at 30 degrees C and pH 6.8 was leading to increased activities. By decreasing the resin diameter: (i) the amount of Cal-B adsorbed onto the resin decreases, (ii) the conversion of para-nitrophenyl acetate increases (hydrolytic activity) and (iii) the conversion of epsilon-caprolactone and the molecular weight of the synthesized poly-epsilon-caprolactone increases (synthetic activity). Varying the porosity parameters results in different hydrolytic and synthetic activities. Pore sizes of all synthesized resins (from 30 to 560nm) are big enough to overcome diffusion limitations. Therefore increasing the pore size of the resins resulted in a large increase in the hydrolytic and synthetic activity. Increasing the specific surface area resulted in an increase of activities, as the result of alleviated substrate approach to the immobilized enzyme zones. The obtained results were compared to results from dried Cal-B powder and Novozyme 435. Resin with particle size less than 100 mu m and pore size 48 nm had much higher hydrolytic activity than both dried Cal-B powder and Novozyme 435. Nearly similar trends were observed for the synthetic activity. Via the DMSO leaching technique we could show that about 80% of Cal-B was covalently attached to the macroporous resin. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Effect of Candida antarctica Lipase B Immobilization on the Porous Structure of the Carrier

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    A series of poly(GMA-co-EGDMA) resins with identical composition but varying particle sizes, pore radii, specific surface areas and specific volumes are studied to assess how Candida antarctica lipase B immobilization affects the porosity of the copolymer particles. Mercury porosimetry reveals a significant change in the average pore size (up to 6.1-fold), the specific surface area (up to 3.2-fold) and the specific volume (up to 2.1-fold) of the epoxy resin. A similar behaviour is observed for glutaraldehyde-modified epoxy resins. The influences of the resin porosity properties on the loading of Candida antarctica lipase B during immobilization and on the hydrolytic activity (hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl acetate) of the immobilized lipase are studied