188 research outputs found

    (De)Secularization in the XXI Century: Empirical Verification of the Revitalization of Religiosity in Serbia

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    The purpos of this paper is a clarification of the terms and proceses of desecularization and modernity, wich are inevitable when one regards religious changes in modern postindustrial societies, as well as in postsocialist ones. Empirical reasrches confirm that even the most secular Western Europe does not have a homogenus religious society. In the second part of the paper the autores will use key empirical research in an attempt to show revitalisation of religion in Serbia as well. The nineteen-nineties brought war, crisis and transition, but they also brought a functional change for the Serbian Ortodox Church. This paper will address some of these changes: 1) religion is not just a personal thing any more, it assumes a certain place in the public sphere; 2) a new law of religious freedom (2006) changed the legal status of religious communities; 3) religious centers and temples are being rebuilt and built; 4) religions have gained their place in the media (public and private), and religious radio and tv stations are also created; 5) religious communities are reciving financial suport, as well as tax brakes from the state, and they are gradually taking control over their property which was previously nationalised. There is also an reemergence of Religious education in Primary and Secondary Schools, religious service in the military and in the hospitals, so it is necessary to monitor these processes in future

    Key Noun + Noun Collocations in the Language of Tourism: A Corpus-Based Study of English and Serbian

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    In this paper, we investigate the main characteristics underlying noun + noun collocations in the English and Serbian language of tourism. Their morpho-syntactic, semantic and communicative features are contrasted and compared in the two languages. Firstly, we compiled two comparable corpora in English and Serbian from the tourism websites of Great Britain and Serbia. Based on their normalized frequencies per 10,000 words, key noun + noun collocations were extracted, using TermoStat Web 3.0 and AntConc. The results showed certain similarities in terms of the prevailing topics in the two corpora, based on the analysis of key noun + noun collocations. However, we found major differences in the two languages in terms of their morpho-syntactic features, communicative focus and the relationship of the collocates. The results of the study have implications for English for Tourism education, tourism discourse studies, language typology and lexicography

    The contrastive analysis of collocations adjective + noun and noun + noun in the corpus of tourism texts in English and Serbian Контрастный анализ коллокаций прилагательное + существительное и существительное + существительное в корпусе текстов в области туризма на английском и сербском языках

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    Најужи циљ овог истраживања је да се издвоје колокације типа придев + именица и именица + именица које су специфичне за језик туризма и могу се окарактерисати као кључне и терминолошке. Полазни језик анализе је енглески језик, а извршена је контрастивна упоредна анализа два корпуса - енглеског и српског, ради утврђивања сличности и разлика у овој области. Корпуси текстова на енглеском и српском језику из области туризма наменски су формирани за потребе овог рада. Колокације су ексцерпиране путем софтверских алата TermoStat Web 3.0 и AntConc уз додатну мануелну обраду коначних корпуса за анализу. С обзиром на то да је укупан број речи већи у корпусу текстова на енглеском језику, извршена је нормализација фреквенција на 10.000 речи. Укупни резултати показали су да је у српском пронађено више тзв. кључних терминолошких колокација које су такође имале већу нормализовану фреквенцију. Анализа је показала да постоје сличности и разлике у морфосинтаксичким, семантичким и лексичким особеностима анализираних колокација, као и у тематским областима у анализираним текстовима. Најзначајније разлике примећене су код колокација типа именица + именица у два језика, а закључено је да ове колокације, због њихове специфичне лексичко семантичке природе, треба посматрати као целину кроз међусобно лексичко, семантичко и структурно прожимање њихових конституената. Сматрамо да ће добијени резултати допринети даљем изучавању и систематизацији лексичких колокација у оквиру језика струке у области туризма, у смислу њихових лексичко- семантичких особености и употребе. Даље, може се очекивати и примена резултата и закључака у развоју комуникативних и културолошких компетенција код нематерњих говорника чија је струка туризам. Крајњу примену видимо у изради листе кључних терминолошких колокација у области туризма у енглеском и српском језику. Кључне речи: контрастивна анализа, колокације, корпусна анализа, енглески језик струке, енглески језик туризма, српски језик, лексичка семантика, интеркултурна комуникација, прагматика.The purpose of this research is to extract collocations of the type adjective + noun and noun + noun that are specific to the language of tourism and can be characterized as key and terminological. Having English as the source language, a contrastive analysis of English and Serbian textual corpora was performed in order to determine the similarities and differences in this field. English and Serbian corpora of texts in the field of tourism were purposely formed for this thesis. Collocations were extracted via the software tools TermoStat Web 3.0 and AntConc with additional manual processing of the final corpora for analysis. Since the total number of words is higher in the English corpus, the frequency was normalized to 10,000 words. The overall results showed a higher occurrence of the so-called key terminological collocations in the Serbian corpus, which also had a higher normalized frequency. The analysis showed similarities and differences in the morpho-syntactic, semantic and lexical features of the analyzed collocations, as well as in the thematic areas of the analyzed texts. The most significant differences were observed in collocations of the type noun + noun in the two languages, and it was concluded that these collocations, due to their specific lexical-semantic features, should be viewed as a whole and through lexical, semantic and structural interweaving of their constituents. We believe that the obtained results can contribute to the further study and the systematization of lexical collocations within the language for specific purposes in the field of tourism, in terms of their lexical-semantic features and use. Furthermore, the results and conclusions of the thesis can also be implemented in the development of communicative and cultural competencies of non-native speakers who are tourism professionals. Finally, results can also be used for the creation of a list of key terminological collocations in the field of tourism in English and Serbian

    Ispitivanje antivirusne aktivnosti ekstrakata žalfije Salvia officinalis L. (Lamiaceae)

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    In the present study, we examined cytotoxicity and extracellular and intracellular antiviral activity of frac­tionated extracts of wild and cultivated sage Salvia officinalis L. (Lamiaceae) in vitro using the WISH-VSV model system. Extracts were obtained by fractionating depigmented ethanol extracts of sage plants with supercritical CO2 at different pressures. Cytotoxicity was determined by examining cellular morphology in situ with the aid of a colorimetric micromethod and by cell staining with trypan blue. The fraction of distilled cultivated sage obtained at CO2 pressure of 300 bars and temperature of 60°C (149/3) was the most cytotoxic, with CTD10 44 μg/ml. That of non-distilled cultivated sage obtained at CO2 pressure of 500 bars and temperature of 100°C (144/5) was the least toxic (CTD10 199 μg/ml). Moreover, 144/5 had an antiviral effect at the intracellular level: when added 5 hours before VSV infection, it caused 100% reduction of CPE at concentrations of 99.5 and 199.0 μg/ml; when added after virus penetration had occurred, the same concentrations caused 35 and 60% reduction, respectively. The obtained results indicate that antiviral activity of 144/5 involves inhibition of the early steps of the virus infective cycle without a direct virucidal effect. Abbreviations: WISH - human amnion epithelial cells, VSV - vesicular stomatitis virus, HSV - herpes simplex virus, CPE - cytopathic effect, IS - selectivity index, TCID50 - tissue culture infective dose, CTD10 - 10% cytotoxic concentrations.U radu je ispitivana antiviralna aktivnost različito frakcionisanih ekstrakata divlje i gajene žalfije Salvia officinalis L. (Lamiaceae) u in vitro uslovima koristeći WISH-VSV model sistem. Ekstrakti su dobijeni frakcionisanjem depigmentisanog etanolnog biljnog ekstrakta pod različitim pritiskom CO2. Citotoksičnost je određivana praćenjem ćelijske morfologije in situ, i bojenjem ćelija sa tripan plavim. Frakcija gajene žalfije dobijena na CO2 pritisku od 300 bara i temperaturi od 60°C (149/3) je pokazala najveću citotoksičnost (CTD10 44 μg/ml). Frakcija nedestilisane gajene žalfije dobijena na CO2 pritisku od 500 bara i temperaturi od 100°C (144/5) je pokazala najmanju toksičnost (CTD10 199 μg/ml). Takođe, frakcija 144/5 je pokazala i antiviralni efekat na intracelularnom nivou: kada se ćelije tretiraju 5 sati pre VSV infekcije, redukcija CPE je bila 100% na koncentraciji od 99.5 i 199.0 μg/ml; kada se ćelije tretiraju posle ulaska virusa u ćeliju na istim koncentarcijama redukcija CPE iz­nosi 35% odnosno 60%. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da frakcija 144/5 ima antiviralnu aktivnost koja se ostvaruje krozinhibiciju ranih stupnjeva viralne infekcije bezdirektnog virucidalnog efekta

    Equipotence of sets: how to accommodate an infinite number of people in the Hilbert’s hotel which is already full

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    U ovom članku promatramo skupove i njihovu prebrojivost, kroz naivnu teoriju skupova. Prvi, glavni dio rada bavi se jednakobrojnim, odnosno ekvipotentnim skupovima. Nakon toga, bavimo se najbitnijim pojmovima vezanim uz konačne skupove te uz prebrojive i neprebrojive skupoveIn this paper we observe sets and their countability through naive set theory. First and the main part of the paper deals with equipotent sets. After that, we deal with the most important concepts related to finite sets as well as countable and uncountable sets

    Equipotence of sets: how to accommodate an infinite number of people in the Hilbert’s hotel which is already full

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    U ovom članku promatramo skupove i njihovu prebrojivost, kroz naivnu teoriju skupova. Prvi, glavni dio rada bavi se jednakobrojnim, odnosno ekvipotentnim skupovima. Nakon toga, bavimo se najbitnijim pojmovima vezanim uz konačne skupove te uz prebrojive i neprebrojive skupoveIn this paper we observe sets and their countability through naive set theory. First and the main part of the paper deals with equipotent sets. After that, we deal with the most important concepts related to finite sets as well as countable and uncountable sets

    Validation of analytical method for determination of terbuthylazine and S-metolachlor residues in soil

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    Terbuthylazine and s-metolachlor are commonly used herbicides, especially after prohibition of some other triazine and chloracetanilide herbicides. However, often used pesticides pose the risk of soil contamination due to their persistence, toxicity and bioaccumulation. The trace determination of herbicide residues, generally in environmental samples, presents a challenging analytical problem. The present work was carried out to analyze terbuthylazine and s-metolachlor residues in soil based on high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and QuEChERS extraction method. The method was optimized and validated according to the parameters of precision, accuracy, linearity, limits of detection and limits of quantification. Analysis was carried out using an HPLC-UV diode array detection system (Agilent 1100, USA), with an Agilent Zorbax Eclipse C18 column (50 mm × 4.6 mm, 1.8 μm) and mobile phase consisting of ultrapure water and acetonitrile (55/45, v/v). Mean recoveries obtained from soil samples fortified at three different levels ranged from 81 to 92%. The method detection limits ranged from 0.01 to 0.05 mg kg-1 . Obtained results completely fulfilled the SANCO/825/00 rev. 8.1 16/11/2010 criteria

    Expenses of the knowledge-based society in the function of competitiveness growth of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The aim of the paper is to point out to the status, significance and benefits that Bosnia and Herzegovina has from the development of a knowledge-based society. Comparative analysis of key statistical indicators has shown that Bosnia and Herzegovina is in a very poor position compared to other countries, both in terms of investment in knowledge and innovation according to UNESCO statistics and competitiveness, as indicated by the Word Economic Forum and The Global Competitiveness Report. Bosnia and Herzegovina is also far below the performance of the countries of the European Union whose accession it is striving for. The results of the analysis suggest that investments in the development of science, education and innovation in Bosnia and Herzegovina are so low that they do not show correlation with economic growth and foreign investment flows as key indicators of competitiveness

    Zašto, kako i šta ako - mogućnosti primene impakt evaluacije u obrazovnoj politici

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    U ovom radu se bavimo pitanjem evaluacije kao neizostavnim aspektom kvalitetne obrazovne politike. Različitost značaja i položaja koji se evaluaciji u aktuelnim politikama pridaje pojasnićemo osvrtom na višestrukost mogućih tumačenja politike same, i ukazati na moguće tenzije koje ograničeno tumačenje nosi po vaspitno-obrazovnu praksu. Potom ćemo se usmeriti na evaluaciju za kvalitet − konstrukt koji proističe iz paradigmatskog preokreta i nosi mogućnost transformacije obrazovne politike ka demokratičnoj, emancipatornoj i transformativnoj praksi. Aktuelni položaj naše obrazovne politike u odnosu na takvu evaluaciju sagledaćemo kroz analizu strateških dokumenata obrazovne politike Republike Srbije i Republike Irske − kao primera strateškog postavljanja evaluacije za kvalitet, te razmotriti može li strategija impakt evaluacije − kao globalno promovisana i predložena za obrazovne politike, odgovoriti na potrebu uspostavljanja strategije evaluacije za kvalitet

    Intraoral administration of probiotics and postbiotics: An overview of microorganisms and formulation strategies

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    The last decade provided significant advances in the understanding of microbiota and its role in human health. Probiotics are live microorganisms with proven benefits for the host and were mostly studied in the context of gut health, but they can also confer significant benefits for oral health, mainly in the treatment of gingivitis. Postbiotics are cell-free extracts and metabolites of microorganisms which can provide additional preventive and therapeutic value for human health. This opens opportunities for new preventive or therapeutic formulations for oral administration. The microorganisms that colonize the oral cavity, their role in oral health and disease, as well as the probiotics and postbiotics which could have beneficial effects in this complex environment were discussed. The aim of this study was to review, analyse and discuss novel probiotic and postbiotic formulations intended for oral administration that could be of great preventive and therapeutic importance. A special attention has been put on the formulation of the pharmaceutical dosage forms that are expected to provide new benefits for the patients and technological advantages relevant for industry. An adequate dosage form could significantly enhance the efficiency of these products