57 research outputs found

    The Public Institution for Integrated Maritime Domain Management in Croatia – role and functions

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    The aim of this article is the analysis of the existing maritime domain management system in Croatia, with a special attention to the port system management compared to maritime domain and port management systems in Italy, Spain and France. The research shows that Croatia does not have the strategy for integrated management of maritime domain. In respect of the size of national territory covered by maritime domain and its importance for the general Croatian economy, especially for tourism, we believe that is undeniable that this issue should be regulated as follows: the newly established Public Institution for Integrated Maritime Domain Management should manage the maritime domain and it should have branches on regional level. Thereby the management system of maritime domain would finally be consistent, managed from one place and under management of experts. At the same time, the strategy would be the base for the reform of the existing MDSA or for the completely new law on maritime domain and seaports

    Model based semantic enterprise application integration

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    U sklopu doktorske disertacije izvršeno je istraživanje vezano za automatizaciju integracije poslovnih aplikacija. Prikazani pristup kombinuje model strukture interfejsa aplikacija koje se integrišu sa formalnim opisom njihove semantike, datim u vidu ontologije. Na osnovu ovih izvora, obavlja se automatsko mapiranje među elementima interfejsa koji se integrišu, kao i detekcija i razrešavanje semantičkih konflikata. Razvijena je praktična implementacija predloženog pristupa, koja je korišćena za verifikaciju teorijskih razmatranja, a uključuje adaptivan radni okvir i jezik specifičan za domen. Predloženi pristup je verifikovan na dva realna integraciona scenarija i jednim eksperimentom.This thesis presents a research in the field of automation of enterprise application integration. The approach combines structural models of interfaces of the applications being integrated with a formal specification of their semantics, given in form of an ontology. Using information from these sources, automated interface mapping is performed, along with detection and resolution of semantic conflicts. A practical implementation of the presented approach was developed and used to verify theoretical considerations. The implementation includes an adaptive framework and a domain specific language. The proposed approach has been verified on two real-world integration scenarios and one experiment

    Ethno-demographic changes and (geo)political consequences: The case of a request for the territorial autonomy of the Hungarian national minority in the North of Serbia (2008-2013)

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    In this paper, the aspiration of the Hungarian national minority in northern Serbia (Vojvodina) towards the establishment of the Hungarian Regional Autonomy from 2008 to 2013 and the possible motives of such a request are analyzed. The paper's fundamental thesis is indicative of the fact that the main cause for such a request is a rather observable depopulation trend in the Hungarian community, i.e. the reduction in the Hungarian community's percentage share in the population of the Republic of Serbia and its northern province of Vojvodina. Strategies of the action of the political parties of the Hungarian national minority, directed towards the realisation of the idea of the Hungarian autonomous region are also demonstrated

    Urođeni melanom u tromjesečnog muškoga teleta

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    The clinical, intraoperative and pathological findings taken from a case of melanoma in a 3-month-old bull calf are reported here. The cattle holder did not notice anything unusual when the calf was born, but noticed tumescence on the Achilles tendon at the age of 9 weeks, which increased with time. During surgery, subcutaneous and tendonous invasion by tumorous tissue was detected. Histological findings indicated that the neoplasia was a melanoma, therefore the prognosis was considered reserved. Melanoma is a rare tumour in cattle, often congenital, although already reported in companion species (e.g. dogs and cats) and domestic animals (e.g. some breeds of pigs and horses).Opisani su klinički, intraoperacijski i patohistološki nalazi melanoma uočenoga na tromjesečnom muškom teletu. Vlasnik nije primijetio ništa neobično prilikom teljenja, ali je u dobi od devet tjedana opazio oteklinu na samoj Ahilovoj tetivi koja se postupno povećavala. Tijekom operacije uočeno je da su potkožje i tetiva zahvaćeni tumoroznim tkivom. Histološki nalaz upućivao je da je novotvorina melanom pa je stoga prognoza bila suzdržana. Melanomi su rijetki tumori u goveda, često su urođeni, a opisani su u kućnih ljubimaca (npr. u pasa i mačaka) i drugih domaćih životinja (npr. u nekih pasmina svinja i u konja)

    Professional and scientific papers published by the doctora of Požega hospital from 1936-1996

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    Prva požeška bolnica otvorena je 1836. godine, a današnja moderna bolnica 1936. godine. Prvi stručni rad, nastao u požeškoj bolnici, objavio je u Liječničkom vjesniku 1939. godine njen ravnatelj, kirurg dr. Artur Horvat. Od tada je objavljeno 89 stručnih radova, obranjen jedan doktorat i 11 magisterija, te za kontinuirani stručni rad dodijeljeno pet primarijata. Danas Opća županijska bolnica Požega ima 56 specijalista različitih medicinskih grana i 16 specijalizanata, te vrlo visoki standard glede prostora i medicinske opreme.The hospital in Požega was first founded in 1836 and the present day modern hospital was opened in 1936. Its principal and surgeon Dr. Antun Horvat published the first professional paper made at Požega Hospital in Liječnički vjesnik in 1939. Since then, 89 professional papers were published and one Ph.D. dissertation as well as 11 MA these was defended. Five doctors were awarded the title of primarius for continous professional work. Today Požega Hospital employs 56 specialists in different fields of medicine and 16 residents. It sets very high standards for hospital rooms and medical equipment

    Genesis of the Islamic State and its reflections on the security of Western Balkan countries

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    All Western Balkan countries are, more or less, affected by the problem of modern day Islamic extremism and terrorism, which is, directly or indirectly, associated with the activity of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. The development of this terrorist organization is characterized by specific social conditions, created after the liquidation of Bin Laden, which practically minimized the role of Al-Qaeda as a global representative of Islamic terrorism. State-forming pretensions of the Islamic state, as a militant organization, indicate political goals, among which the most ambitious of all goals stands out - the creation of a Sunni- Muslim state with a Caliphate as the official form of government. The number of combatants, paramilitary and para-state structures indicate an unparalleled level of sophistication and the highest degree of organization that has ever been seen in a terrorist organization. Repatriated combatants from the Islamic State, who originate from the Western Balkans, represent an undisputable security challenge and a generator of violent extremist views, embodied in the examples of last year’s attacks on a police station in Zvornik, and clashes in Kumanovo. The current problem of uncontrolled influx of migrants who arrive from regions which are either under control of the Islamic State, or influenced by it, can reflect significant security consequences on the countries of the European Union, in which these migrants are settling in, but also on the transit countries of the Western Balkans


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    Problematika stečajnih postupaka i stečajne regulative danas je postala iznova aktualna i u tranzicijskim zemljama i u zemljama s tradicionalno razvijenim tržištem. Stečajna regulativa je analizirana u okviru povijesti prava, financijskog poslovanja, ali i širih društvenih utjecaja. S jedne strane stečajni zakon se može promatrati kao savršen weberijanski institut. On utjelovljuje par excellence kapitalističko pravilo: stvaranje kolektivnog mehanizma kojim bi se stečajnim vjerovnicima pružila mogućnost da prepoznaju i odaberu najbolju mogućnost za povrat iznosa koji im se duguju. S druge strane, stečaj ima zanimljiv povijesni trag, počevši od antičkog i srednjovjekovnog. Kasnije, od XVII. do kraja XIX. stoljeća postao je predmet intenzivne javne rasprave koja je povezana s nestabilnošću društvenih institucija i neučinkovitošću stečajnih postupaka (predugo trajanje postupaka, nizak stupanj namirenja vjerovnika i visoki troškovi stečajnog postupka). Stečaj je, dakle, izvanredan primjer ekonomske racionalizacije, koju prati zanimljiv pravni i birokratski razvoj. Ipak ono što je konstanta tijekom povijesti je činjenica da stečaj održava krhku, često nestabilnu interakcije pravnih pravila i pojedinačnih interesa, zakonitosti tržišta i općeg (javnog) interesa. Zbog opsežne problematike, rad analizira tek određenu problematiku i pruža pregled niza pitanja o razvoju stečaju. Ono što autori žele istaknuti, čak i u ovakvom osvrtu, je potreba za analiziranjem stečajnog postupka, i kroz prizmu povijesti.It could be said that today the issue of the bankruptcy proceedings and bankruptcy law legislation has become once again actual, both in transitional states as in states with traditionally developed market. Bankruptcy law legislation has been analysed within the history of law, financial management, but also within wider social impacts. On one hand bankruptcy law act can be observed as a perfect Weberian institute. It incorporates par excellence capitalistic rule: creation of the collective mechanism that would give the bankruptcy law creditors the opportunity to recognise and choose the best option for the return of the amount that is owed to them. On the other hand, bankruptcy proceeding surely has an interesting historical trail, starting from antique and medieval ages. Later, from XVIII to the end of the XIX century it has become the object of the intensive public debate that has been linked to the instability of the social institutions and the inefficiency of bankruptcy law proceedings (the procedures take to long, low level of the creditors settlement and high costs of the procedure). Bankruptcy proceeding is therefore an excellent example of economical rationalization, that has been followed by an interesting legal and bureaucratic development. However, what remains constant throughout history is the fact that bankruptcy reflects a fragile, often unstable interaction of legal rules and individual interests, legality of the market and general (public) interest. Due to the extent of the issue, in this piece it has been possible to analyse only certain problems and give the overview of certain questions about the bankruptcy proceeding development. What the authors would like to highlight is that, even in a review like this one there is a need to analyse the bankruptcy proceeding through the prism of history

    Incidencija okluzije središnje mrežnične vene

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    Epidemiologic reports on retinal vein occlusion are quite scanty in the ophthalmologic literature. In the present study, the incidence of central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) was assessed in a defined population of the Split - Dalmatia County, Croatia. The study was designed as a retrospective review of the medical records of inpatients and outpatients with the development of CRVO during a 15-year period (1985 - 1999). Study results revealed CRVO to have occurred in 167 subjects in the population of 465,947 during the study period, yielding an annual incidence of 2.4 per 100,000. The highest incidence of CRVO was recorded above the age of 70. The results of the study should improve the disease evaluation and planning of the ophthalmologic service for better management of this serious disease.U oftalmološkoj literaturi su rijetke epidemiološke studije o okluziji središnje mrežnične vene. U ovoj je studiji ispitana incidencija okluzije središnje mrežnične vene u definiranoj populaciji Splitsko-dalmatinske županije. Studija je bila retrospektivna, a zasnovana je na kartoteci hospitaliziranih i ambulantno pregledanih bolesnika s okluzijom središnje mrežnične vene u razdoblju od 15 godina, od 1985. do 1999. godine. U ovoj studiji je 167 od 465.947 stanovnika dobilo okluziju središnje mrežnične vene za vrijeme ispitivanog razdoblja. Godišnja incidencija bila je 2,4 na 100.000 stanovnika. Najviša incidencija okluzije središnje mrežnične vene zabilježena je iznad 70. godine života. Rezultati ovoga ispitivanja omogućiti će bolju procjenu bolesti i planiranje oftalmološke službe za rješavanje ove ozbiljne bolesti

    Kinetics of C-reactive protein, interleukin-6 and -10, and phospholipase A2-II in severely traumatized septic patients

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    Background/Aim. Injury-induced anergy is one of the key factors contributing to trauma victims' high susceptibility to sepsis. This group of patients is mostly of young age and it is therefore essential to be able to predict as accurately as possible the development of septic complications, so appropriate treatment could be provided. The aim of this study was to assess kinetics of interleukin (IL) -6 and -10, phospholipase A2- II and C-reactive protein (CRP) in severely traumatized patients and explore the possibilities for early detection of potentially septic patients. Methods. This prospective study included 65 traumatized patients with injury severity score (ISS) > 18, requiring treatment at surgical intensive care units, divided into two groups: 24 patients without sepsis and 41 patients with sepsis. C-reactive protein, IL-6 and -10 and phospholipase A2 group II, were determined within the first 24 hours, and on the second, third and seventh day of hospitalization. Results. Mean values of IL-6 and phospholipase A2-II in the patients with and without sepsis did not show a statistically significant difference on any assessed time points. In the septic patients with ISS 29-35 and > 35 on the days two and seven a statistically significantly lower level of IL-10 was found, compared with those without sepsis and with the same ISS. C-reactive protein levels were significantly higher in septic patients with ISS 18-28 on the first day. On the second, third and seventh day CRP levels were significantly lower in the groups of septic patients with ISS 29-35 and > 35, than in those with the same ISS but without sepsis. Conclusion. Mean levels of CRP on the first day after the injury may be useful predictor of sepsis development in traumatized patients with ISS score 18-28. Mean levels of CRP on the days two, three and seven after the injury may be a useful predictor of sepsis development in traumatized patients with ISS score more than 28. Mean levels of IL-10 on the second and seventh day after the injury may be a useful predictor of sepsis development in traumatized patients with ISS score > 28

    Influence of reducing agents and surfactants on size and shape of silver fine powder particles

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    Silver fine powder with different shapes and sizes were prepared by chemical reduction and characterized by scanning electron microscope. In this paper was presented the method for the preparation of the fine Ag powder with particles size smaller than 2.5 µm with suitability for the mass-production scale. Reduction was performed from nitrate solution directly by vigorous stirring at room temperature by three different reduction agents, with and without presence of two dispersants. Scanning electron microscopy revealed the preferred size of the particles obtained in all experiments with aim of the protecting agent. Larger particles and wider size distribution were obtained without surfactants although with average size of about 1 µm and small quantity of larger clusters of primary particles that is out of the fine powder classification. High purity, 99.999%, of silver was obtained in every experiment.  http://dx.doi.org/10.5937/metmateng1402073