330 research outputs found

    Première mention du Marssonina salicicola sur des saules pleureurs au Québec

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    Au cours des printemps 1996 et 1997, des prélèvements ont été réalisés sur cinq sites à Montréal (Québec) pour établir l'étiologie de l'anthracnose des saules pleureurs (Salix alba Tristis' et S. babylonica). Sur les 25 arbres examinés, 21 étaient affectés par une maladie fongique due au Marssonina salicicola qui constitue le stade conidien du Drepanopeziza sphaeroides. Cette détection est la première mention de la présence du champignon au Canada, à l’est des Rocheuses.During spring 1996 and 1997, five sites on the Island of Montreal, Quebec, were examined to study the occurrence of anthracnose on weeping willows (Salix alba Tristis' and S. babylonica). On 21 trees of 25 surveyed, the pathogenic fungus Marssonina salicicola, the conidial state of Drepanopeziza sphaeroides, was found. This report is the first mention of the presence of this fungus in Canada, east of the Rocky Mountains

    Properties of the phi meson at high temperatures and densities

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    We calculate the spectral density of the phi meson in a hot bath of nucleons and pions using a general formalism relating self-energy to the forward scattering amplitude (FSA). In order to describe the low energy FSA, we use experimental data along with a background term. For the high energy FSA, a Regge parameterization is employed. We verify the resulting FSA using dispersion techniques. We find that the position of the peak of the spectral density is slightly shifted from its vacuum position and that its width is considerably increased. The width of the spectral density at a temperature of 150 MeV and at normal nuclear density is more than 90 MeV.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, Poster presented at Quark Matter 200

    CFD modelling of a spark ignition internal combustion engine fuelled with syngas for a mCHP system

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    Micro Combined Heat and Power (mCHP) powered with biomass is nowadays a technology attracting increasing interest to develop a local supply chain to produce, process and valorise the available material in territorial areas as much as possible circumscribed, with a considerable reduction also of the CO2 related to transportation. Application for biomass powered mCHP produces environmental benefits by reducing primary energy consumption and associated greenhouse gas emissions and complies with the need for increased decentralization of energy supply. Of particular relevance is mCHP based on biomass gasification due to the negligible particulate matter release with respect to combustion. The present work describes a 3D CFD model of the spark ignition (SI) internal combustion engine (ICE) fuelled with syngas installed in the mCHP pilot system ECO20 manufactured by the Italian company Costruzioni Motori Diesel S.p.A. (CMD). The considered system is made of a gasifier combined with proper syngas cleaning devices, an ICE and a generator to deliver a maximum electrical and thermal power of 20 kW and 40 kW, respectively. For the proper initialisation of the 3D CFD model, the syngas composition is experimentally characterised using a gas-chromatograph on samples collected under real operation. The calculated pressure cycle is verified by comparison with the one calculated through a properly developed 1D ICE model. Main goals of the performed numerical analysis are to study into detail the combustion process and to assess the engine performance characteristics related to the use of syngas

    Is it possible to formulate least action principle for dissipative systems?

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    A longstanding open question in classical mechanics is to formulate the least action principle for dissipative systems. In this work, we give a general formulation of this principle by considering a whole conservative system including the damped moving body and its environment receiving the dissipated energy. This composite system has the conservative Hamiltonian H=K1+V1+H2H=K_1+V_1+H_2 where K1K_1 is the kinetic energy of the moving body, V1V_1 its potential energy and H2H_2 the energy of the environment. The Lagrangian can be derived by using the usual Legendre transformation L=2K1+2K2−HL=2K_1+2K_2-H where K2K_2 is the total kinetic energy of the environment. An equivalent expression of this Lagrangian is L=K1−V1−EdL=K_1-V_1-E_d where EdE_d is the energy dissipated by the friction from the moving body into the environment from the beginning of the motion. The usual variation calculus of least action leads to the correct equation of the damped motion. We also show that this general formulation is a natural consequence of the virtual work principle.Comment: 11 pages, no figur

    Phi meson production in In-In collisions at ElabE_{\rm lab}=158AA GeV: evidence for relics of a thermal phase

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    Yields and transverse mass distributions of the ϕ\phi-mesons reconstructed in the ϕ→μ+μ−\phi\to\mu^+\mu^- channel in In+In collisions at ElabE_{\rm lab}=158AA GeV are calculated within an integrated Boltzmann+hydrodynamics hybrid approach based on the Ultrarelativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamics (UrQMD) transport model with an intermediate hydrodynamic stage. The analysis is performed for various centralities and a comparison with the corresponding NA60 data in the muon channel is presented. We find that the hybrid model, that embeds an intermediate locally equilibrated phase subsequently mapped into the transport dynamics according to thermal phase-space distributions, gives a good description of the experimental data, both in yield and slope. On the contrary, the pure transport model calculations tend to fail in catching the general properties of the ϕ\phi meson production: not only the yield, but also the slope of the mTm_T spectra, very poorly compare with the experimental observations
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