67 research outputs found

    The Backstroke framework for source level reverse computation applied to parallel discrete event simulation

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    This report introduces Backstroke, a new open source framework for the automatic generation of reverse code for functions written in C++. Backstroke enables reverse computation for optimistic parallel discrete event simulations. It is built over the ROSE open- source compiler infrastructure, and handles complex C++ features including pointers and pointer types, arrays, function and method calls, class types. inheritance, polymorphism, virtual functions, abstract classes, templated classes and containers. Backstroke also introduces new program inversion techniques based on advanced compiler analysis tools built into ROSE. We explore and illustrate some of the complex language and semantic issues that arise in generating correct reverse code for C++ functions

    Tool Support for Inspecting the Code Quality of HPC Applications

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    The nature of HPC application development encourages ad hoc design and implementation, rather than formal requirements analysis and design specification as is typical in software engineering. However, we cannot simply expect HPC developers to adopt formal software engineering processes wholesale, even while there is a need to improve software structure and quality to ensure future maintainability. Therefore, we propose tools that HPC developers can use at their discretion to obtain feedback on the structure and quality of their codes. This feedback would come in the form of code quality metrics and analyses, presented when necessary in intuitive and interactive visualizations. This paper summarizes our implementation of just such a tool, which we apply to a standard HPC benchmark as ''proof-of-concept.'

    An Extensible Open-Source Compiler Infrastructure for Testing

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    Testing forms a critical part of the development process for large-scale software, and there is growing need for automated tools that can read, represent, analyze, and transform the application's source code to help carry out testing tasks. However, the support required to compile applications written in common general purpose languages is generally inaccessible to the testing research community. In this paper, we report on an extensible, open-source compiler infrastructure called ROSE, which is currently in development at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. ROSE specifically targets developers who wish to build source-based tools that implement customized analyses and optimizations for large-scale C, C++, and Fortran90 scientific computing applications (on the order of a million lines of code or more). However, much of this infrastructure can also be used to address problems in testing, and ROSE is by design broadly accessible to those without a formal compiler background. This paper details the interactions between testing of applications and the ways in which compiler technology can aid in the understanding of those applications. We emphasize the particular aspects of ROSE, such as support for the general analysis of whole programs, that are particularly well-suited to the testing research community and the scale of the problems that community solves

    Autotuning Algorithmic Choice for Input Sensitivity

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    Empirical autotuning is increasingly being used in many domains to achieve optimized performance in a variety of different execution environments. A daunting challenge faced by such autotuners is input sensitivity, where the best autotuned configuration may vary with different input sets. In this paper, we propose a two level solution that: first, clusters to find input sets that are similar in input feature space; then, uses an evolutionary autotuner to build an optimized program for each of these clusters; and, finally, builds an adaptive overhead aware classifier which assigns each input to a specific input optimized program. Our approach addresses the complex trade-off between using expensive features, to accurately characterize an input, and cheaper features, which can be computed with less overhead. Experimental results show that by adapting to different inputs one can obtain up to a 3x speedup over using a single configuration for all inputs

    Size-Selective Personal Air Sampling: A New Approach Using Porous Foams

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    Simultaneous sampling of three dust fractions (inhalable, thoracic, respirable) has been achieved using porous polyurethane foams, which serve both as selecting and sampling media. The particle penetration was measured in laboratory tests. Foam geometries were predicted using a semi-empirical model. Prototype samplers were constructed based on the IOM and GSP inhalable personal samplers. Weighing and chemical analysis procedures were checked for the foam

    A fast sparse block circulant matrix vector product

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    In the context of computed tomography (CT), iterative image reconstruction techniques are gaining attention because high-quality images are becoming computationally feasible. They involve the solution of large systems of equations, whose cost is dominated by the sparse matrix vector product (SpMV). Our work considers the case of the sparse matrices being block circulant, which arises when taking advantage of the rotational symmetry in the tomographic system. Besides the straightforward storage saving, we exploit the circulant structure to rewrite the poor-performance SpMVs into a high-performance product between sparse and dense matrices. This paper describes the implementations developed for multi-core CPUs and GPUs, and presents experimental results with typical CT matrices. The presented approach is up to ten times faster than without exploiting the circulant structure.Romero Alcalde, E.; Tomás Domínguez, AE.; Soriano Asensi, A.; Blanquer Espert, I. (2014). A fast sparse block circulant matrix vector product. En Euro-Par 2014 Parallel Processing. Springer. 548-559. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-09873-9_46S548559Bian, J., Siewerdsen, J.H., Han, X., Sidky, E.Y., Prince, J.L., Pelizzari, C.A., Pal, X.: Evaluation of sparse-view reconstruction from flat-panel-detector cone-beam ct. Physics in Medicine and Biology 55, 6575–6599 (2010)Dalton, S., Bell, N.: CUSP: A C++ templated sparse matrix library version 0.4.0 (2014), http://cusplibrary.github.com/Feldkamp, L., Davis, L., Kress, J.: Practical cone-beam algorithm. Journal of the Optical Society of America 1, 612–619 (1984)Ganine, V., Legrand, M., Michalska, H., Pierre, C.: A sparse preconditioned iterative method for vibration analysis of geometrically mistuned bladed disks. Computers & Structures 87(5-6), 342–354 (2009)Hara, A.K., Paden, R.G., Silva, A.C., Kujak, J.L., Lawder, H.J., Pavlicek, W.: Iterative reconstruction technique for reducing body radiation dose at CT: Feasibility study. 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In: Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Computing Frontiers, CF 2008, pp. 87–96. ACM, New York (2008)Krotkiewski, M., Dabrowski, M.: Parallel symmetric sparse matrix–vector product on scalar multi-core CPUs. Parallel Computing 36(4), 181–198 (2010)Lee, B., Vuduc, R., Demmel, J., Yelick, K.: Performance models for evaluation and automatic tuning of symmetric sparse matrix-vector multiply. In: International Conference on Parallel Processing, ICPP 2004, vol. 1, pp. 169–176 (2004)Leroux, J.D., Selivanov, V., Fontaine, R., Lecomte, R.: Accelerated iterative image reconstruction methods based on block-circulant system matrix derived from a cylindrical image representation. In: Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, NSS 2007, vol. 4, pp. 2764–2771. IEEE (2007)NVIDIA: CUSPARSE library (2014), https://developer.nvidia.com/cusparsePan, X., Sidky, E.Y., Vannier, M.: Why do commercial CT scanners still employ traditional, filtered back-projection for image reconstruction? 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