41 research outputs found

    Effect of added milk protein concentrates and ultrasonic treatment on the characteristics of set-style yogurt made from goat milk

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    Fermentisani mlečni proizvodi predstavljaju veoma raznovrsnu grupu proizvoda. Zbog dobrih senzornih osobina, lake svarljivosti i odgovarajućih dijetetskih svojstava, proizvodnja i potrošnja ove grupe proizvoda je poslednjih godina u velikom porastu. Takođe, zbog veće nutritivne vrednosti i terapeutskih svojstava potrošnja kozijeg mleka i proizvoda od kozijeg mleka u poslednjim godinama raste. Međutim, specifičan proteinski sastav i puferni kapacitet kozijeg mleka utiču na produženo vreme fermentacije i lošiju strukturu čvrstog jogurta. Kako bi se dobio čvrsti jogurt od kozijeg mleka zadovoljavajućih reoloških karakteristika, neophodno je povećati sadržaj suve materije bez masti što se najčešće postiže dodatkom obranog mleka u prahu, koncentrata proteina surutke, koncentrata proteina mleka, različitih stabilizatora i upotrebom starter kultura koje proizvode egzopolisaharide. Ultrazvuk je jedna od novih metoda koja se može koristiti u različitim procesima u industriji mleka. Ultrazvuk visoke snage se primenjuje kao pomoć kod membranskih procesa, za uništavanje mikroorganizama, homogenizaciju mleka, poboljšavanje teksture mlečnih proizvoda, poboljšavanje funkcionalnih i tehnoloških karakteristika proteina itd. Program istraživanja u okviru ove doktorske disertacije bio je usmeren na ispitivanje primene koncentrata proteina surutke (KPS) i izolata proteina mleka (IPM), kao i ultrazvučnog tretmana snage 200 W i 400 W na karakteristike čvrstog jogurta od kozijeg mleka...Fermented dairy products are a very diverse group of products. Due to good sensory properties, digestibility and appropriate dietary properties, production and consumption of these products in recent years have been increasing. Also, due to the higher nutritional value and therapeutic properties the consumption of goat milk and goat milk products in recent years to grow. However, the specific protein composition and buffering capacity of goat milk are the main reason for prolonged fermentation and weak structure of yogurt. In order to obtain yogurt from goat milk that has satisfactory rheological characteristics, it is necessary to increase solids non-fat content, which is usually achieved by the addition of skim milk powder, whey protein concentrates, milk protein concentrates, various stabilizers and use of starter cultures that produce exopolysaccharides. Ultrasound is one of the new methods which can be used in various processes in the dairy industry. High-power ultrasound is used as an aid in membrane processes, for the destruction of microorganisms, homogenization of milk, and also to improve the texture of dairy products, functional and technological properties of the proteins, etc. Research program in the scope of this dissertation was focused on investigating the possibility of application of whey protein concentrates (WPC) and milk protein isolates (MPI) and ultrasonic treatment with power output of 200 W and 400 W on the characteristics of yogurt made from goat milk. Combining different content of WPC/MPI and ultrasonic treatment 15 variants of milk were obtained in order to produce set type yogurt..

    Od koenigsberških mostova do kineskog poštara

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    U članku se daje kratak osvrt na povijest teorije grafova i u tom kontekstu govori o rješavanju Problema kineskog poštara kao jednog o najpoznatijih problema kombinatorne optimizacije


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    Risperidone, as all atypical antipsychotics, can cause hyperprolactinemia which can in turn lead to galactorrhea. Mood stabilizers, one of which is valproic acid and its derivate „Depakine Chrono“, are rarely linked with symptomatic hyperprolactinemia and do not alter prolactin concentrations. This case is based around a patient suffering from a bipolar disorder that has been psychiatrically treated in an outpatient clinic during four years. Bipolar disorder treatment was started with carbamazepine, but later it was discontinued due to adverse events and extreme increase of liver transaminases. Treatment was continued with introduction of lithium, but the patient stated that she could not tolerate it. Subsequently, her endocrinologist advised for lithium discontinuation due to very severe osteoporosis. At the beginning of 2009, lithium was discontinued and Depakine Chrono was introduced. Due to patient’s psychotic decompensation it was necessary to introduce risperidone into treatment and soon afterwards her psychotic symptoms settled. After several months of treatment her mood lowered, she began to feel sedated, psychomotorically retarded and that lead to dose lowering of Depakine Chrono and risperidone, at which point galactorrhea as a serious adverse event occurred. Occurrence of galactorrhea at lower risperidone doses in this case might be partially explained by recent studies that showed that lower doses of risperidone can also improve psychic state, but could also cause adverse events. Although galactorrhea, as a direct consequence of hyperprolactinemia caused by risperidone has mainly been researched with higher doses of this atypical antipsychotic, we have to keep in mind that lower doses could also cause serious adverse events

    Bijeli sirevi u salamuri kao potencijalni izvor bioaktivnih peptida

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    In addition to the nutritional value, cheese and other fermented milk-based products are a good source of biologically active proteins and peptides. Bioactive peptides in cheese are mainly formed during cheese production, especially during ripening, which is one of the most important stages in cheese production. Since the ripening process differ significantly depending on the cheese type, it can be assumed that their bioactivity is also substantially different. White brined cheeses are specific for the region of South-Eastern Europe. They are characterized by relatively intensive proteolysis and as such may be of interest as products with favorable functional characteristics. Yet, their functionality is still insufficiently characterized. This paper presents an overview of the current knowledge on white brined cheese’s bioactive peptides.Sirevi kao i drugi fermentirani proizvodi na bazi mlijeka, osim izražene nutritivne vrijednosti, predstavljaju i dobar izvor biološki aktivnih proteina i peptida. Bioaktivni peptidi sira najvećim dijelom nastaju prilikom proizvodnje sira, a posebno tijekom zrenja, kao jedne od najznačajnijih faza u procesu proizvodnje. Kako se proces zrenja različitih tipova sira bitno razlikuje, može se pretpostaviti da se i njihova bioaktivnost bitno razlikuje. Bijeli sirevi u salamuri specifični su za podneblje Jugoistočne Europe, a odlikuju se dosta intenzivnim procesima proteolize te mogu biti zanimljivi kao proizvodi s povoljnim funkcionalnim karakteristikama. U tom smislu ovaj tip sira još uvijek nije dovoljno okarakteriziran. Ovaj rad predstavlja pregled dosadašnjih saznanja o bioaktivnim peptidima bijelih sireva u salamuri

    Da li postoji povezanost između HER-2/neu statusa i gradusa primarnih tumora dojke?

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    HER-2/neu amplification is a marker of poor prognosis in breast cancer. Patients whose tumors show over expression of HER-2/neu have shortened disease-free and overall survival. The aim of this study was to determinate immunohistochemistry HER-2/neu over expression in 121 cases of primary breast cancer. In addition HER-2/neu status was correlated with hormone receptor status, grades and pTNM stage. The both groups of HER-2/neu negative and HER-2/neu positive patients were average ages of about60 years. In all the HER-2/neu groups (negative, 1+, 2+ and 3+) estrogen and progesterone receptor were highly positive in a high percentage of cases. Also in both groups of HER-2/neu negative and HER-2/neu positive invasive ductal carcinoma the most common grades were 2, but in HER-2/neu 3+ group, there were also 30.0% of cases having grade 3. Our results show that there might be a correlation between HER-2/neu over expression and higher grade of breast cancer. The two most common pTNM stages were T1N0MX and T2N1MX. HER-2/neu receptor is important therapeutic target and testing for HER-2/neu status is now recommended as a part of routine breast cancer diagnosis. The role of new biomarkers, such as HER2/neu and clinical value of its determination must be provided by prospective clinical studies.HER-2/neu onkogen u tumorskim stanicama pokazatelj je loše prognoze karcinoma dojke. Pacijenti u kojih HercepTest daje jako pozitivne vrijednosti (3+) statistički imaju kraće vrijeme bez pojave bolesti i općenito kraće preživljenje. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi vrijednosti HER-2/neu proteina u 121 bolesnika s primarnim karcinomom dojke uz pomoć imunohistokemijske analize HercepTest-om. Nadalje su rezultati dobiveni HercepTest-om uspoređivani s vrijednostima estrogenskih i progesteronskih receptora, gradusom i pTNM stadijem tumora. U skupini pacijenata s negativnim, kao i u skupini s pozitivnim vrijednostima HercepTest-a prosječna starost bolesnika kretala se oko 60 godina. U svim grupama pacijenata (grupa HER-2/neu negativni, HER-2/neu 1+, HER-2/neu 2+ te HER-2/neu 3+) imunohistokemijski određeni estrogenski i progesteronski receptori bili su pozitivni u visokom postotku. Najčešće nađeni gradus invazivnog duktalnog karcinoma bio je 2, ali je osim toga u grupi HER-2/neu 3+ karcinoma dojke 30.0% karcinoma bilo gradusa 3. Rezultati pokazuju mogućnost korelacije između 3+ pozitivnog HercepTest-a i višeg gradusa tumora. Pacijentima je bolest dijagnosticirana najčešće u stadiju T1N0MX i T2N1MX HER-2/neu receptor važan je terapijski cilj u liječenju pacijenata s karcinomom dojke te bi HercepTest trebao postati dio rutinske dijagnostike karcinoma dojke. Ulogu otkrivanja novih biomarkera, kao što je HER-2/neu, te njihovu kliničku važnost valja utvrditi prospektivnim kliničkim studijama

    Distribucija sastojaka mleka pri proizvodnji polutvrdih sireva na bazi koagregata proteina mleka

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    During cheese making process milk components proceed into cheese and whey Their utilization is unequal. The amount of the dominant milk components that proceed into cheese and whey is expressed by their distribution. Proteins and milk fat mostly proceed into cheeses and increase their nutritive and energetic values. In traditional cheese making process, about 20% of total proteins cross into whey. Due to this fact, milk proteins during cheese making are always better utalized. Permanent trends in obtaining new technological solutions for better utility of total milk solids are present. A possible way for better utilization of total milk solids and higher yield acquirement is the use of severe heat treatments. Chemical complex between caseins and whey proteins is formed during severe heat treatments. These chemical complexes are known as coaggregates. Due to their formation, better yield and better nutritive value of cheese is obtained. The cheese making process based on coaggregates formation has several technological problems. Also, due to the presence of whey proteins during aging, these cheeses have specific sensory properties. This work discusses the degree of milk solid utilization during semi-hard cheese based on coaggregates production. According to our results, high degree of milk components distribution into cheese is obtained. The average milk fat and total nitrogen content was 92.15% and 90.97%, respectively. Maximum distribution of total milk solids into cheese was 58.89%, which is significantly higher in relation to the traditional cheese making process.U tradicionalnoj proizvodnji sireva oko 50% suve materije mleka odlazi sa surutkom, pri čemu se pored laktoze, gubi i oko 20% ukupnih azotnih materija koje predstavljaju biološki najvrednije proteine, kao i deo mlečne masti. Zbog toga je uvek postojala težnja za pronalaženjem novih tehnoloških postupaka u proizvodnji sireva, koji bi omogućili potpunije iskorišćenje suve materije mleka i veći randman sireva. jedan od načina jeste primena oštrijih termičkih tretmana mleka, pri čemu dolazi do obrazovanja koagreagata proteina mleka, odnosno hemijskog kompleksa između kazeina i serum proteina. U radu je ispitivan stepen distribucije sastojaka mleka u sir, proizveden od mleka u kojem su obrazovani koagregati proteina mleka, i surutku. Praćen je stepen distribucije: suve materije, suve materije bez masti (SMBM), mlečne masti i ukupnog azota nakon proizvodnje sira. Stepen distribucije ukupne suve materije mleka u surutku je u proseku iznosio 42,63%, a suve materije bez masti 56,38%, dok je u sir u proseku prešlo 57,37% suve materije mleka i 43,62% suve materije bez masti. Distribucija mlečne masti iz mleka u sir bila je visoka i u proseku je imala vrednost 92,15%, sa granicama variranja 89,21-94,76%. Stepen distribucije azotnih materija iz mleka u sir je vrlo visok i u proseku je iznosio 90,97%, a u surutku je u proseku prešlo samo 9,03% azotnih materija mleka, što navodi na pretpostavku da najveći deo azotnih materija surutke čini neproteinski azot. U poređenju sa polutvrdim sirevima, izrađenim na tradicionalan način, može se zaključiti da je stepen distribucije suve materije mleka u sir proizveden na bazi koagregata proteina mleka znatno veći, pre svega zbog većeg stepena iskorišćenja sadržaja mlečne masti i azotnih materija mleka

    Protein profiles and total antioxidant capacity of water soluble and insoluble protein fractions of white cow cheese at different stage of ripening

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    This research is focused on proteolysis and total antioxidant capacity of proteins of white brined cheese prepared from overheated (90 degrees C, 10 minutes) cow milk. White brined cow cheese of overheated milk went through specific proteolytic changes during ripening that were result of high level of whey proteins incorporated into the gel matrix. Specificity was reflected through the relatively low level of soluble nitrogen fractions, the intensive and continual decrease of alpha(s)-caseins up to 15.42 % of initial content, slow degradation of beta-casein throughout the whole ripening period and high level of proteolytic products tightly bounded into gel matrix. Strong negative correlations (-0.97, -0.98 and -0.91; p lt 0.05) between ripening time and resudual alpha(s)-caseins, beta-casein and low molecular weight products were observed. Proteolysis also affected the total antioxidant capacity of both water soluble and water insoluble nitrogen fractions, but to different extents and with different trends. Total antioxidant capacity of water insoluble fraction increased slowly during the whole ripening period, wherease significant improvement of total antioxidant capacity of water soluble fraction started after 30 days of ripening. These findings could be useful for better understanding and control of the white brined cow cheese production

    Dinamika kiselosti i mineralnih materija tokom zrenja polutvrdog sira proizvedenog na bazi koagregata proteina mleka

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    Institute for Food Technology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Agriculture Belgrade Rheological characteristics of cheese influence sensory properties especially consistency of cheese. Elastic properties are based on protein matrix and mineral complex in cheese. Viscous properties are based on water partly milk fat and proteins which pass into soluble form. The curd elasticity, which depends on mineral matter content, is a significant factor for hole formation in cheese that is characteristic for some cheese varieties, such as Emmental, Gouda, Trapist etc. During cheese production calcium content is in correlation with pH value of cheese, which influences rheological properties of cheese (elastic and viscous properties). Chemical composition, especially water, protein and calcium content, as well as pH value, have great influence on rheological properties of cheese. The initial acidity of cheese in- fluences biochemical changes during cheese ripening. This is why acidity is used as parameter of technological production process and attained ripening grade. Complex changes which lead to desirable sensory and rheological cheese characteristics occur during cheese ripening. Considering great influence on rheological properties of cheese, titrable acidity dynamics and mineral matter content, during ripening of cheese based on milk protein coaggregates, were investigated in this research. pH value of experimental cheese in researched period was 5,55-5,08, and titrable acidity was 112,70-229,50oT, respectively. Comparing to literature data, it could be concluded that pH value of experimental cheese had reduction trend during ripening. After 4 months of ripening, pH value was lower, comparing to Dutch type cheeses made traditionally. Low pH value influenced on changed texture of experimental cheese, which did not have significant plasticity. Calcium content after production was 24,12 mg/g of proteins, and after 2 months of ripening 26,80 mg/g of proteins, respectively. Lower content of Ca/g of proteins in experimental cheeses, comparing to cheeses made traditionally, is consequence of modified production of these cheeses, low pH value at milk coagulation, above all. Comparing to semi-hard cheeses made traditionally experimental cheeses are differ by their sensory and rheological characteristics.Reološke karakteristike sira imaju značajnog uticaja na senzorna svojstva, a posebno na konzistenciju sireva. Nosioci elastičnih svojstava su proteinski matriks i mineralni kompleks u siru, a nosioci viskoznih svojstava su voda donekle mlečna mast i deo proteina koji je prešao u rastvorljivi oblik. Elastičnost sirnog testa, koja zavisi od sadržaja mineralnih materija je značajan faktor za obrazovanje šupljika u siru, koje su karakteristične za pojedine vrste sireva kao što su Ementalski, Gauda, Trapist i dr. Pri proizvodnji sireva, sadržaj Ca u siru je u korelaciji sa pH vrednošću sira što se odražava na njegove reološke karakteristike (elastična i viskozna svojstva). Na reološke osobine sira veliki uticaj ima njegov hemijski sastav a poseban značaj ima sadržaj vode, proteina, kalcijuma, kao i pH vrednost. Početna kiselost sireva u velikoj meri utiče na dalji tok biohemijskih promena tokom zrenja sira. Upravo zbog toga kiselost sireva se koristi kao jedan od pokazatelja načina vođenja tehnološkog procesa izrade sira i dostignutog stepena zrenja. Tokom zrenja dolazi do složenih promena, koje dovode do stvaranja željenih senzornih, kao i reoloških karakteristika sira. U okviru ovih istraživanja praćena je dinamika kiselosti tokom zrenja polutvrdih sireva izrađenih na bazi koagregata proteina mleka, kao i sadržaj mineralnih materija, s obzirom na veliki uticaj na reološke osobine sira. U ispitivanom periodu pH vrednost oglednog sira kretala se u intervalu 5,55-5,08, a titraciona kiselost 112,70- 229,50oT. U poređenju sa literaturnim podacima može se konstatovati da je pH vrednost oglednog sira imala trend sniženja tokom perioda zrenja. Nakon 4 meseca zrenja pH je bio niži u poređenju sa sirevima holandskog tipa, koji se izrađuju na tradicionalan način, što je uticalo na izmenjenu teksturu oglednog sira, koji nije imao izraženu plastičnost. Sadržaj Ca nakon proizvodnje imao je prosečnu vrednost 24,12 mg/g proteina, a nakon zrenja od 2 meseca 26,80 mg/g proteina. Manji sadržaj Ca/g proteina u oglednim sirevima u poređenju sa sirevima izrađenim na tradicionalan način posledica je modifikovanog načina izrade ovih sireva, pre svega zbog niske vrednosti pH pri koagulaciji mleka. U poređenju sa polutvrdim sirevima, izrađenim na tradicionalan način, ogledni sirevi se bitno razlikuju kako po svojim senzornim, tako i po reološkim karakteristikama

    Uticaj koncentrata proteina surutke na karakteristike čvrstog jogurta od kozjeg mleka tokom skladištenja

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    The possibility of whey protein concentrates application in the production of goat milk's set yoghurt was investigated. Three series of samples were produced: A - set- style goat's yoghurt; B - set-style yoghurt from goat's milk supplemented with 0.5% WPC; C - set-style yoghurt from goat's milk supplemented with 1% WPC. Physicochemical properties and viscosity of produced samples were investigated on the 1st, 7th, 14th and 21st day of storage. Due to data analysis it was concluded that the highest viscosity on 1st, 7th and 14th day of storage had set-style goat's yoghurt samples (A), while on 21st day of storage highest viscosity was recorded in samples of set-style yoghurt from goat's milk supplemented with 1% WPCU radu je ispitivana mogućnost primene koncentrata proteina surutke u proizvodnji čvrstog jogurta od kozjeg mleka. Proizvedene su tri serije uzoraka: A - čvrsti jogurt od kozjeg mleka; B - čvrsti jogurt od kozjeg mleka sa dodatkom 0,5% KPS i C - čvrsti jogurt od kozjeg mleka sa dodatkom 1% KPS. Ispitivanje fizičko-hemijskih karakteristika i viskoziteta proizvedenih uzoraka jogurta vršeno je 1, 7, 14 i 21-og dana skladištenja. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata utvrđeno je da su najveće vrednosti viskoziteta 1, 7 i 14-og dana skladištenja imali uzorci čvrstog jogurta (A) dok je 21. dana skladištenja najviši viskozitet zabeležen kod uzoraka čvrstog jogurta proizvedenog od kozjeg mleka sa dodatkom 1% KPS. Najveću sposobnost vezivanja vode tokom celokupnog perioda skladištenja imali su uzorci C, dok je najmanja sklonost ka sinerezisu zabeležena kod uzoraka B

    Nitrogen matter changes during ripening of semihard cheese based on milk protein coaggregates

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    Sirevi proizvedeni na osnovi koagregata proteina mlijeka razlikuju se od sireva proizvedenih na tradicionalan način, kako po tehnološkom procesu proizvodnje, tako i po senzorskim karakteristikama a, prije svega, po teksturi sirnog tijesta i po okusu. U okviru ovih istraživanja pošlo se od pretpostavke, da će primijenjeni način toplinske obrade mlijeka, kao i način obrade gruša, imati odgovarajući utjecaj na karkateristike proteina kao supstrata, koji podliježe hidrolizi tijekom zrenja, zbog prisustva serum proteina koji utječu na smanjenje udjela kazeina u ukupnim proteinima sira. Tijekom zrenja pokusnih sireva, koje je trajalo 4 mjeseca, praćene su promjene dušičnih tvari. Uočene su značajne promjene na proteinima mlijeka, koje su vidljive u povećanju udjela topljivih dušičnih tvari, sadržaja primarnih i sekundarnih produkata razgradnje proteina, kao i dušika topljivog u 12 % trikloroctenoj kiselini (TCA) i 5 % fosfovolframskoj kiselini (PTA). Udjel topljivog dušika nakon proizvodnje, 15., 30., 60. i 120-og dana zrenja iznosio je prosječno: 135,48 mg %, 358,72 mg %, 473,52 mg %, 672,32 mg % i 845,13 mg %. S porastom udjela topljivog dušika, povećavao se i koeficijent zrelosti sira, koji je u istom razdoblju zrenja iznosio u prosjeku: 4,42 %, 10,14 %, 12,95 %, 18,21 % i 23,60 %. Udjel dušika primarnih i sekundarnih produkata razgradnje proteina tijekom zrenja izrazito je rastao od prvog do 120-og dana zrenja. Na kraju ispitivanog razdoblja zrenja, udjel primarnih produkata razgradnje proteina bio je 4,90 puta veći u odnosu na prvi dan zrenja, dok je udjel dušika sekundarnih produkata zrenja bio veći za 13,32 puta. Do najintenzivnijeg stvaranja primarnih produkata došlo je u prvih 15 dana zrenja. U usporedbi s literaturnim podacima pokusni sirevi su se malo razlikovali po «dubini» i «širini» zrenja u odnosu na tradicionalno proizvedene sireve tipa Edamskog, pa čak i u odnosu na sireve koje karakterizira duže razdoblje zrenja, kao što je Čedar. Spojevi topljivi u 12 % TCA i 5 % PTA mogu biti značajan pokazatelj dinamike proteolitičkih procesa tijekom zrenja sireva i mogu vrlo slikovito opisati «širinu», a osobito «dubinu» zrenja sireva. Udjel dušika topljivog u 12 % TCA povećavao se tijekom zrenja. Nakon 120 dana zrenja udjel dušika topljivog u 12 % TCA bio je 19,58 puta veći nego prvog dana zrenja. Dušične tvari topljive u 5 % PTA, kojima su molekularne mase manje od 600, tijekom zrenja stalno su rasle. Udjel dušika topljivog u 5 % PTA u vrijeme zrenja od 1. do 120-og dana imao je prosječne vrijednosti:12,98 mg %, 33,23 mg %, 53,87 mg %, 92,28 mg % i 148,32 mg %. Na kraju ispitivanog razdoblja zrenja udjel dušika topljivog u 5 % PTA bio je 11,43 puta veći u odnosu na prvi dan zrenja. Generalno, može se zaključiti da su promjene na proteinima bile vrlo intenzivne tijekom ispitivanog vremena zrenja, a najintenzivnije su bile u prvih 15 dana.Cheeses made on milk protein coaggregate basis are different than traditionally made cheeses, in technological production process and sensory characteristics, especially texture and taste. In this research it was assumed that applied milk thermal treatment, as well as curd processing, will have appropriate influence on proteins as substratum. During ripening, due to a presence of whey proteins, which influence decrease of casein content in total cheese proteins, substratum is hydrolyzed. In traditionally made cheeses, casein is the basis of protein matrix. In comparison to whey proteins, casein is substantially faster changed during ripening, while whey proteins incorporated in the curd give so called «unspecific» ripening. Besides, application of high temperatures influences decrease of plasmin activity in cheese, regardless of its significant thermal stability. During 4 months of experimental cheeses ripening, changes of nitrogen matter were investigated. Significant changes of milk proteins, such as increase of soluble nitrogen matter content, the primary and secondary nitrogen products of protein breakdown during cheese ripening, as well as non-protein nitrogen (12 % TCA) and phospho-tungstic-soluble nitrogen (5 % PTA) were observed. The average content of soluble nitrogen after production after 15, 30, 60 and 120 days of ripening were: 135.48 mg %, 358.72 mg %, 473.52 mg %, 672.32 mg % and 845.13 mg %, respectively. According to soluble nitrogen content increase, coefficient of ripening also increased and for the same ripening period was: 4.42 %, 10.14 %, 12.95 %, 18.21 % and 23.60 %, respectively. Content of primary and secondary products of protein breakdown during cheese ripening had significant rising trend from the first day of production to 120th day of ripening. At the end of investigated ripening period, content of primary products of protein decomposition was 4.90 times higher compared to the first day of ripening, while content of secondary products of protein decomposition was 13.32 times higher, for the same ripening period. The most intensive primary products formation occurred in the first 15 days of ripening. Compared to the literature, experimental cheeses were similar to traditionally made cheeses in the Edam type, and even to cheeses with longer ripening period such as Cheddar, regarding ripening «depth» and «width». Compounds soluble in 12 % TCA and 5 % PTA can be significant parameters of proteolytic processes dynamics during cheese ripening. Also, they can describe ripening «width», and especially «depth» of ripening. Nitrogen content soluble in 12 % TCA increased during ripening. After 120 days of ripening, nitrogen content soluble in 12 % TCA was 19.58 times higher compared to the first day of ripening. Nitrogen matter soluble in 5 % PTA, with molecule masses less than 600, also had permanent rising trend. Average values of nitrogen content soluble in 5% PTA during ripening period from 1 to 120 days were: 12.98 mg %, 33.23 mg %, 53.87 mg %, 92.28 mg % and 148.32 mg %. At the end of ripening period nitrogen content soluble in 5 % PTA was 11.43 times higher compared to the first day of ripening. Generally, it could be concluded that protein changes were very intensive during investigated ripening period. The most intensive changes occurred during the first 15 days of ripening