Bijeli sirevi u salamuri kao potencijalni izvor bioaktivnih peptida


In addition to the nutritional value, cheese and other fermented milk-based products are a good source of biologically active proteins and peptides. Bioactive peptides in cheese are mainly formed during cheese production, especially during ripening, which is one of the most important stages in cheese production. Since the ripening process differ significantly depending on the cheese type, it can be assumed that their bioactivity is also substantially different. White brined cheeses are specific for the region of South-Eastern Europe. They are characterized by relatively intensive proteolysis and as such may be of interest as products with favorable functional characteristics. Yet, their functionality is still insufficiently characterized. This paper presents an overview of the current knowledge on white brined cheese’s bioactive peptides.Sirevi kao i drugi fermentirani proizvodi na bazi mlijeka, osim izražene nutritivne vrijednosti, predstavljaju i dobar izvor biološki aktivnih proteina i peptida. Bioaktivni peptidi sira najvećim dijelom nastaju prilikom proizvodnje sira, a posebno tijekom zrenja, kao jedne od najznačajnijih faza u procesu proizvodnje. Kako se proces zrenja različitih tipova sira bitno razlikuje, može se pretpostaviti da se i njihova bioaktivnost bitno razlikuje. Bijeli sirevi u salamuri specifični su za podneblje Jugoistočne Europe, a odlikuju se dosta intenzivnim procesima proteolize te mogu biti zanimljivi kao proizvodi s povoljnim funkcionalnim karakteristikama. U tom smislu ovaj tip sira još uvijek nije dovoljno okarakteriziran. Ovaj rad predstavlja pregled dosadašnjih saznanja o bioaktivnim peptidima bijelih sireva u salamuri

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