18 research outputs found

    Ispitivanje kvaliteta života kod osoba sa malokluzijama predviđenih za lečenje fiksnim ortodontskim aparatima

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    Malocclusions are highly prevalent dentofacial disorders that can significantly affect the function and aesthetics of the orofacial region. Disturbed function and aesthetics in this region have the potential to lead to problems in the domain of psychosocial adaptation, which in persons with malocclusion can negatively affect the quality of life. According to the World Health Organization, the quality of life represents an individual's perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live, in relation to their personal goals, expectations, standards and concerns, and is influenced by the person’s physical health, psychological state, social relationships, personal beliefs and relationships with essential characteristics of their environment. To date, the Quality of Life related to malocclusion has not been examined in our population. The aim of this study was to determine whether, to what extent, and in what domains malocclusion affects the Quality of Life in adults with occlusal irregularities in the Serbian population. Further aims of this study were to establish the correlation between the quality of life of the respondents and: severity of malocclusion, skeletal parameters of malocclusion, psychological status related to depression and anxiety symptoms and to the level of self-esteem, gender and age, and the recommended therapeutic option. The study included two hundred and forty respondents with malocclusion, aged eighteen and older, who needed and required orthodontic treatment and were referred to the Department of Orthodontics at the Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Belgrade. The quality of life and psychological status of the respondents were assessed by administering measurement instruments in the form of questionnaires, filled out by the respondents individually. The Quality of Life related to physical and mental health was assessed with the use of generic SF-36 questionnaire. Malocclusion-related Quality of Life was assessed by using the specific Orthognathic Quality of Life Questionnaire, OQLQ. In the first part of the study this questionnaire was culturally adapted and clinically evaluated in terms of psychometric characteristics, and validated on a sample of patients with orthodontic irregularities...Malokluzije su visoko prevalentne dentofacijalne nepravilnosti koje mogu značajno da utiču na funkciju i estetiku orofacijalne regije. Poremećana funkcija i narušena estetika u ovoj regiji, imaju potencijal da dovedu do problema u domenu psihosocijalnog prilagođavnja, što kod osoba koje imaju malokluziju može negativno da utiče na kvalitet života. Kvalitet života, po mišljenju Svetske zdravstvene organizacije, predstavlja individulanu percepciju osobe o poziciji u životu u kontekstu kulturološkog i vrednosnog sistema u kojem osoba živi, u odnosu na lične ciljeve, standard i brige, na koji utiču fizičko zdravlje, psihološki staus, nivo nezavisnosti, društveni odnosi, lična uverenja i odnos sa bitnim karakteristikama okruženja. U našoj populaciji do danas nije ispitivan kvalitet života povezan sa malokluzijama. Cilj ove studije je bio da se utvrdi da li, koliko i u kojim domenima, postojeće malokluzije utiču na kvalitet života kod odraslih osoba sa okluzalnim nepravilnostima u srpskoj popluaciji. Ostali ciljevi su se odnosili na ispitivanje korelacije kvaliteta života ispitanika sa: težinom malokluzija, skeletnim varijablama malokluzija, psihološkim satusom povezanim sa depresivnim i anksioznim simptomima i nivoom samopoštovanja, sa polom i uzrastom i sa izabarnom terapijskom opcijom. U studiju je bilo uključeno dvesta četrdeset ispitanika sa malokluzijama, uzrasta osamnaest i više godina, koji su se, na Klinici za ortopediju vilica Stomatološkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogrdu, javili zbog potrebe i zahteva za ortodontskom terapijom. Kvalitet života i psihološki status ispitanika su procenjeni instrumentima za merenje u formi upitnika koje su ispitanici popunjavali samostalno. Za ispitivanje kvaliteta života povezanog sa fizičkim i mentalnim zdravstvenim stausom primenjen je opšti upitnik SF--36. Za ispitivanje kvaliteta života povezanog sa malokluzijama primenjen je specifični upitnik za procenu kvliteta života povezanog sa dentofacijalnim deformitetima OQLQ koji je, u prvom delu studije, kulturološki prilagođen, klinički evaluiran po pitanju psihometrijaskih karakteristika i validiran na uzorku pacijenata sa ortodontskim nepravilnostima. Pomoću Bekovih skala depresivnosti i anksioznosti procenjeno je da li kod ispitanika postoje i u kolikoj meri su izražene depresivnost i anksioznost. Primenom Rosenbergove skale samopoštovnja kod ispitanika je izmeren nivo samopoštovanja..

    Quality of life assessment in persons with malocclusions undergoing orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances.

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    Malokluzije su visoko prevalentne dentofacijalne nepravilnosti koje mogu značajno da utiču na funkciju i estetiku orofacijalne regije. Poremećana funkcija i narušena estetika u ovoj regiji, imaju potencijal da dovedu do problema u domenu psihosocijalnog prilagođavnja, što kod osoba koje imaju malokluziju može negativno da utiče na kvalitet života. Kvalitet života, po mišljenju Svetske zdravstvene organizacije, predstavlja individulanu percepciju osobe o poziciji u životu u kontekstu kulturološkog i vrednosnog sistema u kojem osoba živi, u odnosu na lične ciljeve, standard i brige, na koji utiču fizičko zdravlje, psihološki staus, nivo nezavisnosti, društveni odnosi, lična uverenja i odnos sa bitnim karakteristikama okruženja. U našoj populaciji do danas nije ispitivan kvalitet života povezan sa malokluzijama. Cilj ove studije je bio da se utvrdi da li, koliko i u kojim domenima, postojeće malokluzije utiču na kvalitet života kod odraslih osoba sa okluzalnim nepravilnostima u srpskoj popluaciji. Ostali ciljevi su se odnosili na ispitivanje korelacije kvaliteta života ispitanika sa: težinom malokluzija, skeletnim varijablama malokluzija, psihološkim satusom povezanim sa depresivnim i anksioznim simptomima i nivoom samopoštovanja, sa polom i uzrastom i sa izabarnom terapijskom opcijom. U studiju je bilo uključeno dvesta četrdeset ispitanika sa malokluzijama, uzrasta osamnaest i više godina, koji su se, na Klinici za ortopediju vilica Stomatološkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogrdu, javili zbog potrebe i zahteva za ortodontskom terapijom. Kvalitet života i psihološki status ispitanika su procenjeni instrumentima za merenje u formi upitnika koje su ispitanici popunjavali samostalno. Za ispitivanje kvaliteta života povezanog sa fizičkim i mentalnim zdravstvenim stausom primenjen je opšti upitnik SF--36. Za ispitivanje kvaliteta života povezanog sa malokluzijama primenjen je specifični upitnik za procenu kvliteta života povezanog sa dentofacijalnim deformitetima OQLQ koji je, u prvom delu studije, kulturološki prilagođen, klinički evaluiran po pitanju psihometrijaskih karakteristika i validiran na uzorku pacijenata sa ortodontskim nepravilnostima. Pomoću Bekovih skala depresivnosti i anksioznosti procenjeno je da li kod ispitanika postoje i u kolikoj meri su izražene depresivnost i anksioznost. Primenom Rosenbergove skale samopoštovnja kod ispitanika je izmeren nivo samopoštovanja...Malocclusions are highly prevalent dentofacial disorders that can significantly affect the function and aesthetics of the orofacial region. Disturbed function and aesthetics in this region have the potential to lead to problems in the domain of psychosocial adaptation, which in persons with malocclusion can negatively affect the quality of life. According to the World Health Organization, the quality of life represents an individual's perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live, in relation to their personal goals, expectations, standards and concerns, and is influenced by the person’s physical health, psychological state, social relationships, personal beliefs and relationships with essential characteristics of their environment. To date, the Quality of Life related to malocclusion has not been examined in our population. The aim of this study was to determine whether, to what extent, and in what domains malocclusion affects the Quality of Life in adults with occlusal irregularities in the Serbian population. Further aims of this study were to establish the correlation between the quality of life of the respondents and: severity of malocclusion, skeletal parameters of malocclusion, psychological status related to depression and anxiety symptoms and to the level of self-esteem, gender and age, and the recommended therapeutic option. The study included two hundred and forty respondents with malocclusion, aged eighteen and older, who needed and required orthodontic treatment and were referred to the Department of Orthodontics at the Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Belgrade. The quality of life and psychological status of the respondents were assessed by administering measurement instruments in the form of questionnaires, filled out by the respondents individually. The Quality of Life related to physical and mental health was assessed with the use of generic SF-36 questionnaire. Malocclusion-related Quality of Life was assessed by using the specific Orthognathic Quality of Life Questionnaire, OQLQ. In the first part of the study this questionnaire was culturally adapted and clinically evaluated in terms of psychometric characteristics, and validated on a sample of patients with orthodontic irregularities..

    Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the disease specific questionnaire oqlq in Serbian patients with malocclusions

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    Introduction. Dentofacial disorders may potentially significantly affect the quality of life. Objectives of this study were to validate translated and culturally adapted Orthognatic Quality of Life Questionnaire (OQLQ) on a cohort of Serbian patients with malocclusions. Methods. The questionnaire was validated in 111 consecutive patients with malocclusions, seen between December 2014 and February 2015 at the Clinic of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Belgrade. Clinical validity was assessed comparing the mean scores for the four subscales of the OQLQ and mean PAR pre-treatment score. In order to assess whether the allocation of items in the subscales corresponds to their distribution in the original questionnaire, an exploratory factor analysis (principal component analysis with varimax rotation) was conducted. Results. The results of the internal consistency analysis demonstrated good relationships between the items; Cronbach's alpha coefficients for the four subscales were highly significant (p lt 0.001) (0.88-0.91). All items were significantly correlated between baseline and the retest (6 weeks after). The correlations between the PAR and all four domains of the OQLQ were all significant (p lt 0.01). The loading weights obtained in the exploratory factor analysis showed that this model revealed four factors with eigenvalue greater than 1, explaining the 64.0% of the cumulative variance. The majority of the items (86.4%) in the Serbian version of the OQLQ presented the highest loading weight in the subscales assigned by the OQLQ developer. Conclusions. The psychometric properties of the OQLQ (Serbian version) have exceptional internal consistency and reproducibility as an instrument for evaluation of dental malocclusions. Additionally, this questionnaire may be useful as a supplementary outcome measure in persons with malocclusions

    Prevare u osiguranju u Republici Srbiji od 2010. do 2013. godine

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    This paper deals with us a little-known phenomenona of in­surance fraud which eventually became a real 'hit' in the countries in transition, as is the case in recent years with us. The first section lists the concept, elements and characteristics of fraud in insurance primarily with the crimi­nal justice aspect to the current Criminal code Republic of Serbia. The cen­tral part of the paper addresses the issue of insurance fraud in the territory of the RS and it lists the most important forms, such as improper medical diag­nosis, rigging traffic accidents, agreed car theft, inflated invoices for repairs, later calling the police, fraud in area of property insurance and others. Next follows the statistics insurance fraud and the RS for the period 2010 - 2013 years, the analysis of the structure of registered persons and the relationship to corruption offenses. The final part includes measures and recommenda­tions for the control and prevention of insurance fraud.U radu se obrađuje kod nas malo poznati fenomen prevara u osiguranju koje su vremenom postale pravi 'hit' u zemljama u tranziciji, a što je u poslednje vreme slučaj i kod nas. U prvom delu se navode pojam, elementi i karakteristike prevare u osiguranju sa krivično-pravnog aspekta i prema KZ. Centralni deo rada obrađuje pitanje prevara u osiguranju na teritoriji Republike Srbije i navode se najvažniji pojavni oblici: nepravilne lekarske dijagnoze, lažiranje saobraćajnih nezgoda, dogovorena krađa automobila, preuveličani računi za popravke, naknadno pozivanje policije, prevare u oblasti imovinskog osiguranja i dr. Dalje sledi statistika prevara u osiguranju na teritoriji PC za period 2010-2013. godina, analiza prema strukturi prijavljenih lica i odnos sa koruptivnim krivičnim delima. Završni deo rada obuhvata mere i preporuke za suzbijanje i prevenciju prevara u osiguranju


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    U radu se polazi od suvremene filozofije tretmana mladih počinitelja kaznenih djela koja se temelji na spoznaji da je najprimjerenija i najučinkovitija intervencija ona koja se oslanja na njihove specifične potrebe i potencijale. Da bi sud za maloljetnike mogao donijeti najbolju odluku o odgojnoj mjeri, potrebni su mu relevantni podatci. U radu su analizirana izvješća centara za socijalnu skrb u smislu njihove informativnosti, te preklapanje prijedloga odgojnih mjera stranaka u postupku s odlukama suda. Prema očekivanju, izvješća su nestrukturirana, neujednačena i nepotpuna. Od 149 očekivanih podataka, sudovima je prosječno dostavljena tek četvrtina. Usprkos tomu, preklapanja prijedloga odgojnih mjera različitih dionika s odlukama suda vrlo su visoka. Svrha je ovoga rada, nakon istraživačkim postupkom utvrđene i opravdano očekivane (ne)adekvatnosti u procesu prikupljanja podataka kao i podataka potrebnih sudovima, ponuditi održivi model koji će rezultirati kvalitetnim prikupljenim podatcima. Model je opisan u radu.Starting point of this paper is the contemporary philosophy of the treatment of young offenders, which recognizes that the most appropriate and effective intervention is one that relies on their specific needs and potentials. In order for the juvenile court to be able to make the best decision on the correctional measure, it needs relevant information. The paper analyzes the reports of social welfare centres in terms of their informative nature as well as the overlap of the correctional measures proposals given by parties to court proceedings with court decisions. As expected, the reports are unstructured, uneven and incomplete. Of the 149 expected data, only a quarter was delivered to the courts on average. Nevertheless, the overlap between the proposals of correctional measures by different parties and the court\u27s decisions is very high. The purpose of this paper was to offer a sustainable model that will result in quality data collected, based on the results. The model is described in the paper.Laut modernster Philosophie der Behandlung von jungen Straftätern sei die passendste und wirksamste Intervention jene, die spezifische Bedarfe und Potenziale der Straftäter berücksichtigt. Damit ein Jugendgericht die bestmögliche Entscheidung über passende Erziehungsmaßnahme treffen könnte, gebraucht es ausschlaggebende Auskünfte. Ausgehend von diesem Hintergrund befasst sich der vorliegende Beitrag mit von den Jugendämtern erfassten Berichten. Letztere werden im Hinblick auf ihre Auskünfte und Übereinstimmung der vorgeschlagenen Erziehungsmaßnahmen der Verfahrensparteien und Gerichtsbeschlüsse überprüft. Erwartungsgemäß sind die Berichte weder strukturiert noch vollständig, und weichen voneinander aus. Von 149 voraussichtlichen Auskünften sei durchschnittlich ein Viertel den Gerichten vorgelegt worden. Nichtdestotrotz stimmen die vorgeschlagenen Erziehungsmaßnahmen mit denen, die aus Gerichtsbeschlüssen ergehen stark überein. Ausgehend von der Analyse der erwartenden (nicht) adäquaten Verfahren der Auskunftserteilung und mangelhaften Auskünfte für den Bedarf der Gerichte wird ein durchführbares Modell der Auskunftserteilung vorgeschlagen. Wie im Beitrag dargestellt wird, würde dieses Modell ermöglichen hochwertige ausschlaggebende Auskünfte zu erteilen.In questo lavoro si parte dalla filosofia contemporanea del trattamento dei giovani che commettano reato. Tale filosofia si fonda sulla cognizione che l\u27intervento più adeguato ed efficace sia quello che poggia sulle loro specifiche esigenze e sui loro potenziali. Affinché la corte possa giungere alla decisione migliore sulla misura educativa, essa necessita dei dati rilevanti. Nel lavoro sono analizzate le relazioni dei centri di assistenza sociale nel senso della loro informatività, come anche della sovrapposizione delle proposte delle parti sulle misure educative con le decisioni della corte. In linea con le aspettative emerge come le relazioni non siano strutturate, non siano uniformi e siano incomplete. Dei 149 dati aspettati, alle corti di media ne perviene appena un quarto. Nonostante questo, le sovrapposizioni delle misure educative proposte da parte dei diversi portatori d’interesse con le decisioni della corte sono molto alte. L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è, dopo avere individuato nel corso della ricerca le (in)adeguatezze, a ragione prevedibili, nel processo di rilevamento dei dati, come pure i dati stessi per le finalità della corte, offrire un modello sostenibile che risulterà in un rilevamento dei dati di qualità. Il modello è descritto nel lavoro

    Specifics of Sex Life and Methods of Birth Control among Students at the University of Osijek

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    The aim of this study is to define specifics of sex life and methods of birth control among students at University of Osijek. Participants were students who study at Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek. A newly formed questionnaire containing 31 question was used to for this purpose. The study included 549 voluntairly students, 54,3% of students had first sexual experience between 16 and 18 of age. Most of them were long- term couples, who are managing better with sexual activities then students in short term relationships, who are more stressed because of their studies. When it comes to the type of contraceptives, 71, 9 % of students used some of birth control methods, and most common is condom (75,9 %). However, 27, 9 % of students believe that natural methods of birth are safe enough. There are no significant differences in age at the time of first sexual activity considering gender, year at university and residency. The biggest reason for not using contraception is long-term relationship in which students do not feel fear of sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy

    Assessment of Nutritional Status of Elderly People in a Practice of Family Medicine in Relation to MNA Test, Comorbidity and Chronic Therapy

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    Introduction: Nutrition assessment is one of the biggest challenges in family medicine practice because of the increasing number of older people with more comorbidities and chronic therapy. The MNA(Mini Nutritional Assessment) test has proven to be the most sensitive and exact tool for this type of research. The aim of this study was to assess whether there is a difference in the nutritional status of elderly people, over 65 years of age, with respect to sociodemographic characteristics, number and type of chronic diseases, and number of medications used in chronic therapy. Materials and methods: Research subjects were 207 patients at the age of 65 treated at the Medical Centre Slavonski Brod during a period of 3 months. During the visit, the nutritional status was examined by using the MNA test. The information on chronic diseases and number of medications the patients were using has been collected from the Medicus computer program. Results: According to the MNA test results, 62 subjects (30%) showed risk of malnutrition, average age of the subjects was 72 years and the median of MNA test results was 25.50. Also, multimorbidity is present in 64.73% of the subjects and 42% of them take more than three medications in chronic therapy. No statistically significant difference was found in the results of the MNA test regarding the number of chronic diseases (p =0.89) and number of medications (p = 0.87). Conclusion: It is important to regularly monitor the nutritional status in order to prevent progression of chronic diseases and reduce additional cost of treatment. (Bosnić Z, Miškić M, Veselski K, Vučić D, Trtica Majnarić Lj. Assessment of Nutritional Status of Elderly People in a Family Medicine Practice in Relation to MNA Test, Comorbidity and Chronic Therapy. SEEMEDJ 2019; 3(2); 1-10


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    Svrha je ovoga rada, na temelju rezultata provedenog istraživanja, procijeniti primjenu jednakosti u postupovnom pristupu prema svakom maloljetniku radi osiguravanja pravičnog suđenja i jednakosti svih pred zakonom i s tim u vezi ponuditi konkretne izmjene zakonskih i donošenje podzakonskih propisa. Analiziran je sadržaj izvješća centara za socijalnu skrb (N=59) koja se sastavljaju za potrebe suda pri izricanja odgojnih mjera. Rezultati su pokazali da se izvješća znatno razlikuju te da je, u svakoj od 10 zakonski definiranih kategorija, u prosjeku prisutno između 12 % i 63 % očekivanih podataka odabranih diskrecijskom odlukom izvjestitelja. Time se argumentira zaključak o narušavanju primjene jednakosti u postupovnom pristupu prema svakom maloljetniku u etapi procjene. U radu su navedeni prijedlozi izmjena i dopuna zakonskih i izrade podzakonskih propisa u svrhu poboljšanja primjene jednakosti u postupovnom pristupu.The purpose of this paper is, based on the results of the research, to assess the application of equal procedural treatment to each juvenile in order to ensure a fair trial and equality of all before the law and in this regard to offer concrete changes in laws and regulations. The content of reports of social welfare centers (N = 59) that are compiled for the needs of the court when imposing educational measures was analyzed. The results showed that the reports differed significantly and that, within each of the 10 legally defined categories, on average between 12% and 63% of the expected data selected by the discretion of the rapporteur were present. This argues the conclusion that the application of equality of procedural treatment to each juvenile in the assessment phase has been violated. The paper presents proposals for amendments to laws and drafting bylaws in order to improve the application of equality of procedural treatment

    Procjena nutritivnog stanja osoba starije dobi u ambulanti obiteljske medicine s obzirom na antropometrijske pokazatelje, komorbiditet i bubrežnu funkciju

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    Cilj istraživanja. Ispitati postoji li razlika u stanju uhranjenosti starijih osoba iznad 65 godina s obzirom na sociodemografske značajke i antropometrijske podatke, broj i vrstu kroničnih bolesti te ispitati postoji li povezanost između antropometrijskih mjera s postignućem na MNA testu. Ispitanici i metode. U presječno istraživanje uključeno je 207 pacijenata u dobi od 65 i više godina u ordinaciji obiteljske medicine Doma zdravlja Slavonski Brod, tijekom 3 mjeseca (siječanj – ožujak 2019.). Prilikom posjete bilježili su se antropometrijski pokazatelji i ispitalo stanje uhranjenosti putem MNA testa, a podaci o kroničnim bolestima i laboratorijskim vrijednostima korišteni su iz računalnog programa Medicus. Rezultati. Prema rezultatu MNA testa, 143 ispitanika (69,1%) pokazali su dobro stanje uhranjenosti, dok su 62 ispitanika (30%) pokazala rizik za pothranjenost. Medijan ispitanika bio je 72 godine, a medijan indeksa tjelesne mase 27,9 kg/m2. U 64,7% ispitanika nađen je multimorbiditet, 42% uzima dugotrajno više od tri lijeka, a u većine je dobro očuvana bubrežna funkcija. Žene starije od 65 godina pokazuju veći rizik malnutricije. Osobe normalne uhranjenosti bile su u prosjeku mlađe i većeg opsega struka od osoba nepovoljne uhranjenosti, koje su u prosjeku starije i manjeg opsega. Većina starijih osoba bila je dobro uhranjena, što odgovara podacima iz dosadašnjih studija. Zaključak. Starije osobe u Domu zdravlja Slavonski Brod pokazuju dobro stanje uhranjenosti prema MNA testu. Važno je redovito pratiti antropometrijske vrijednosti i stanje uhranjenosti, kako bi se spriječilo napredovanje bolesti, smanjilo bolničko liječenje i drugi troškovi. Sustavan alat probira na malnutriciju još uvijek nije uveden u RH

    Procjena nutritivnog stanja osoba starije dobi u ambulanti obiteljske medicine s obzirom na antropometrijske pokazatelje, komorbiditet i bubrežnu funkciju

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    Cilj istraživanja. Ispitati postoji li razlika u stanju uhranjenosti starijih osoba iznad 65 godina s obzirom na sociodemografske značajke i antropometrijske podatke, broj i vrstu kroničnih bolesti te ispitati postoji li povezanost između antropometrijskih mjera s postignućem na MNA testu. Ispitanici i metode. U presječno istraživanje uključeno je 207 pacijenata u dobi od 65 i više godina u ordinaciji obiteljske medicine Doma zdravlja Slavonski Brod, tijekom 3 mjeseca (siječanj – ožujak 2019.). Prilikom posjete bilježili su se antropometrijski pokazatelji i ispitalo stanje uhranjenosti putem MNA testa, a podaci o kroničnim bolestima i laboratorijskim vrijednostima korišteni su iz računalnog programa Medicus. Rezultati. Prema rezultatu MNA testa, 143 ispitanika (69,1%) pokazali su dobro stanje uhranjenosti, dok su 62 ispitanika (30%) pokazala rizik za pothranjenost. Medijan ispitanika bio je 72 godine, a medijan indeksa tjelesne mase 27,9 kg/m2. U 64,7% ispitanika nađen je multimorbiditet, 42% uzima dugotrajno više od tri lijeka, a u većine je dobro očuvana bubrežna funkcija. Žene starije od 65 godina pokazuju veći rizik malnutricije. Osobe normalne uhranjenosti bile su u prosjeku mlađe i većeg opsega struka od osoba nepovoljne uhranjenosti, koje su u prosjeku starije i manjeg opsega. Većina starijih osoba bila je dobro uhranjena, što odgovara podacima iz dosadašnjih studija. Zaključak. Starije osobe u Domu zdravlja Slavonski Brod pokazuju dobro stanje uhranjenosti prema MNA testu. Važno je redovito pratiti antropometrijske vrijednosti i stanje uhranjenosti, kako bi se spriječilo napredovanje bolesti, smanjilo bolničko liječenje i drugi troškovi. Sustavan alat probira na malnutriciju još uvijek nije uveden u RH