101 research outputs found

    Minotaurus z Tenerife

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    Benefits and complications of surgical treatment of pharmacoresistant epilepsy

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    Cílem diplomové práce bylo zhodnotit přínos a komplikace chirurgické léčby refrakterní epilepsie. Kritériem pro výběr pacientů bylo podstoupení předoperačního dlouhodobého monitoringu. Informace od šesti pacientů byly získány 2-3 roky po operaci pomocí narativního rozhovoru a dotazníku QOLIE 89, který hodnotí kvalitu života. Zatímco informace získané dotazníkem sloužily pouze pro doplnění a porovnání výsledků, rozhovor byl analyzován metodou zakotvené teorie. U pěti z šesti pacientů bylo celkové hodnocení dotazníku QOLIE 89 v normě, což se s výsledky získaných rozhovorů neshodovalo. Porovnáním rizik a komplikací s přínosem operace byla chirurgická léčba refrakterní epilepsie u sledované skupiny prozatím hodnocena jako problematická. Pacienti očekávali pozitivnější přínos léčby a zlepšení kvality života. Klíčová slova: epilepsie, chirurgická léčba, ošetřovatelská péče, kvalita životaThe aim of this thesis was to evaluate the benefits and complications of surgical treatment of refractory epilepsy. The criterion for the selection of patients was undergoing preoperative long-term monitoring. Information were obtained from six patients after 2-3 years r of surgery using the narrative interview and questionnaire QOLIE 89, which evaluates the quality of life. The interview was analyzed using grounded theory while the information obtained from questionnaire were used only as supplement and comparison of the results. Overall evaluation of questionnaire QOLIE 89 was in standard in five of six patients which is against the results obtained in interviews. Comparing risks and complications with benefits of surgical treatment of refractory epilepsy in the observed group was evaluate as problematic. Patients expected more positive benefit of the treatment and improving the quality of life. Keyword: epilepsy, surgical treatment, nursing care, quality of liveÚstav teorie a praxe ošetřovatelství 1. LF UKInstitute of Theory and Practice of Nursing First Faculty of Medicine Charles University1. lékařská fakultaFirst Faculty of Medicin

    Religion and Philosophy of the Aztecs

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    Monitoring mixed neutron-proton field near the primary proton and deuteron beams in spallation targets

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    282-293At the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) we are involved in the Accelerator-Driven-System (ADS) research. We perform experiments with assemblies composed of a spallation target and a subcritical blanket irradiated with high-energy proton or deuteron beams that generate high-energy neutron fields by spallation and fission reactions. In this paper, three uranium assemblies are presented: Energy plus Transmutation (E+T), QUINTA and BURAN. We discuss the results of the E+T and QUINTA irradiations by 1.6 GeV deuterons and 660 MeV protons, respectively. We have focused on the regions close to the primary beam passage through the targets. The field has been measured using activation detectors of 209Bi, 59Co, and natPb. Monte Carlo simulations using MCNPX 2.7.0 have been performed and compared to the experimental results. We discovered that the field intensity near the primary beam is very dependent on the precision of the accelerator beam settings. Therefore, a Monte Carlo-based study of the influence of the uncertainty of primary proton beam parameters on experimental result accuracy of the QUINTA assembly has been carried out. The usage of MCNPX 2.7.0 in the future BURAN irradiations has been assessed.</span

    Experimental investigation and Monte Carlo simulations of radionuclide production inside the Uranium spallation target QUINTA irradiated with a 660-MeV proton beam

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    The accelerator-Driven-System (ADS) is very important to study the neutron field and radionuclide production inside simple-geometry uranium subcritical setups irradiated with high energy particle beams. A subcritical setup QUINTA was irradiated with the 660-MeV proton beam from Phasotron accelerator at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR). The radionuclide production in the region along the beam axis was investigated by the activation technique. The aim was to compare (n,x) with (p,x) reactions using activation detectors of 59Co and natPb, and compare experimental results with the calculated results using Monte Carlo simulation code MCNPX 2.7

    Monitoring mixed neutron-proton field near the primary proton and deuteron beams in spallation targets

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    At the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) we are involved in the Accelerator-Driven-System (ADS) research. We perform experiments with assemblies composed of a spallation target and a subcritical blanket irradiated with high-energy proton or deuteron beams that generate high-energy neutron fields by spallation and fission reactions. In this paper, three uranium assemblies are presented: Energy plus Transmutation (E+T), QUINTA and BURAN. We discuss the results of the E+T and QUINTA irradiations by 1.6 GeV deuterons and 660 MeV protons, respectively. We have focused on the regions close to the primary beam passage through the targets. The field has been measured using activation detectors of 209Bi, 59Co, and natPb. Monte Carlo simulations using MCNPX 2.7.0 have been performed and compared to the experimental results. We discovered that the field intensity near the primary beam is very dependent on the precision of the accelerator beam settings. Therefore, a Monte Carlo-based study of the influence of the uncertainty of primary proton beam parameters on experimental result accuracy of the QUINTA assembly has been carried out. The usage of MCNPX 2.7.0 in the future BURAN irradiations has been assessed
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