264 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Fluvial-Geomorphology Processes of Carpathian Rivers with the Support of GIS and Hydraulic Models

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    Import 29/09/2010Hlavním tématem této diplomové práce je modelování eroze a odnosu sedimentů s využitím GIS a hydrodynamických modelů na povodí Bečvy. Úvod práce přibližuje možnosti využití geografických informačních systému do studia přírodních věd v současnosti. Další kapitoly popisují geologické, geomorfologické, pedologické, klimatologické, hydrologické, hydrogeologické a další přírodní poměry studované oblasti. Praktická část se zabývá studiem eroze a odnosu sedimentů pomocí hydrodynamických modelů HEC-RAS a MIKE 11. Tato část začíná schematizacemi modelů, jejich výstavbou a následnou vizualizací výsledků analýz. V závěru je zhodnocení výsledků obou modelů.The main theme of this diploma thesis is modelling erosion and transport sediments with using GIS and hydrodynamic models in watershed of the river Bečva. Prologue of the thesis is describing the possibilities of using geological information systems for the study of natural science in nowadays. Next chapters describe geological, geomorphological, pedological, climatological, hydrological, hydrogeological and other natural conditions of studying area. Practical part describes erosion and sediments transport through hydrodynamic models HEC-RAS and MIKE 11. This part starts with schematisations of models, their construction and visualisations of analysis results. In conclusion is evaluation of results of the both models541 - Institut geologického inženýrstvívýborn

    Information Requirements for Natural Resource Management with Regard to Remote Sensing

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    The overall objective of this study is to: identify information requirements of potential user groups of IIASA's Sustainable Boreal forest Resources (FOR) Project; and discuss critical aspects of remote sensing technology transfer. An internal workshop, including researchers of the Institutional Framework Group (Case Study I) and the Carbon Group (Case Study II), was designed as a platform to identify information requirements specific to these groups. The critical aspects of remote sensing technology transfer that were identified served as guidelines for the workshop design. the workshop is evaluated using the results of a questionnaire provided to the participants. The results of this study could be as a decision-support with regard to future remote sensing activities within the FOR project. The critical aspects of remote sensing technology transfer that were identified could serve as guidance for the remote sensing community to improve the potential for remote sensing applications. The author conducted this work during a three-month period as a participant of IIASA's 1999 Young Scientists Summer Program

    Simulation of finding a computer position in Internet

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    V bakalářské práci je probírána problematika přenosu multimediálních dat pomocí protokolu RTP/RTCP s hierarchickou sumarizací. V dalších částích práce je vysvětlen princip a využití tohoto přenosu pomocí stromové struktury. Na závěr je uveden popis aplikace, která vznikla jako simulátor prostředí využívající stromovou strukturu. Pro nejlepší výsledky simulace je používán algoritmus nazvaný „binning“. Aplikace má grafický vzhled, takže není složité se s ní naučit pracovat. V přílohách jsou obrázky grafického prostředí a zdrojový kód aplikace.This bachelor’s thesis puts mind to problematic transmission multimedia data via RTP/RTCP protocol with hierarchical aggregation. In next parts of thesis are explaining design principle and use this transmission via tree structure. In last part is description application in which the simulation ambient uses tree structure. For best results of simulation is use algorithm called “binning”. Application has graphic interface, so that easy manipulation with it. In insertion are pictures and application code.

    Automatic Keystone Correction for Camera-Projector System

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    Tato práce se zabývá problémem lichobežníkového zkreslení projektoru. Jsou zde popsány příčiny vzniku a také různé metody korekce tohoto jevu. Cílem práce bylo vytvořit aplikaci, která pomocí webkamery připojené k počítači a minimálního vstupu od uživatele zkreslení opraví. Toho bylo docíleno pomocí analýzy obrazu z webkamery a grafických transformací obrazu, které jsou v práci také popsány.Causes of the Keystone effect occurence and the effect's diverse correction methods are described. The aim of the thesis is to develop the application capable of correcting distortions using a minimum user input and a webcamera connected to a computer. This was acheived through camera image analysis and the graphic transformations of the image as those methods are also described in the elaborate.

    Opposite effects of two zinc(II) dithiocarbamates on NF-kB pathway

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    Inhibiting nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kB) activation in anticancer and antiinflammatory therapy is of topical interest. Current research in molecular biology has dramatically advanced in the understanding of the cellular events involved in NF-kB induction. Dithiocarbamates, in particular diethyldithiocarbamate and pyrrolidinedithiocarbamate, have been known and widely used as strong inhibitors of NF-kB signaling pathway for more than ten years. Their activity is frequently thought to be due to chelating of zinc or copper present in serum supplemented in the culture medium. Zinc(II) diethyldithiocarbamate (Et2Zn) and zinc(II) dibenzyldithiocarbamate (Bz2Zn) were prepared by direct synthesis in aqueous millieu. They were structurally characterized by X-ray analysis (solid phase) and mass spectrometry (aqueous conditions). Et2Zn and Bz2Zn both in 20 micromolar concentration were applied to HeLa cells. The status of NF-kB signaling was assessed as nuclear translocation of p65 subunit. Surprisingly, Et2Zn activated NF-kB pathway, while TNF-dependent activation of NF-kB was inhibited by Bz2Zn. Our results are preliminary

    Harnessing Remote Sensing to Accomplish Full Carbon Accounting: Workshop Report

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    The workshop "Harnessing Remote Sensing to Accomplish Full Carbon Accounting" was held on December 9-11th, 1999 at IIASA with the intention of meeting the following objectives: (1) To Promote the mutual interests of remote sensing and carbon science communities by exchanging the ideas regarding the requirements for carbon accounting and the current available products derived from remote sensing land information systems; (2) To produce strategic recommendations on how to improve FCA at different scales with the use of remote sensing tools; and, (3) To develop a Framework to Apply Recommendations for Sub-global and National-Level Case Studies. Although these ambitious targets were only part met, three discussion group sessions resulted in describing: What is required to implement full carbon accounting; How remote sensing can be used to assist this implementation; and, How remote sensing can be used to reduce the uncertainties related to FCA. This report summarizes the presentations, discussions and results of this workshop and outlines the next steps to be taken by IIASA

    Use of Yeast Lysate in Women with Recurrent Vulvovaginal Candidiasis

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    AbstractVulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) affects a significant number of women, especially in working age. In an estimated 75% of women an episode of acute vulvovaginal candidiasis occurs during lifetime and another 5–10% of women develop recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis (RVVC). This is mainly characterized by intense burning, itching, pain, abnormal discharge, dyspareunia. Immune response to candidiasis is both cellular (CMI) (natural protection mechanisms) and humoral (antibody production). Understanding the principles of immunity in candidiasis is also important for development of candida vaccines.CANDIVAC contains lyophilized Candida lysate (C. albicans, C. krusei, C. glabrata) together with immunostimulatory bacterial strain of Propionibacterium acnes. The product is taken orally in capsules for 10 days followed by a 20-day pause. It is administered for 3 to 6 months. The product has been tested in a total of 75 women at the age of 18–45 years. In these women at least 4 episodes of vulvovaginal candidiasis have been microscopically or laboratory diagnosed during the last 12 months. Following CANDIVAC administration, statistically significant changes occurred in the evaluation of subjective and some objective criteria. The most important marker of product efficiency is a significant reduction in recurrence compared to the recent state. This criterion has a fundamental importance in patient satisfaction. Before medication the patients suffered from at least 4 attacks, while after medication an attack occurred in only 31% of women and more than 2 attacks in only 3% of treated women.Compromised balance of immune system plays a major role in recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis. Specific oral product CANDIVAC, prepared from the most common strains of yeast infections, supports immune mechanisms, ensuring resistance of the human organism against yeasts. Its administration significantly prolongs remission, leads to a reduction in application of antimycotics and also changes properties of cellular and humoral immunity in medicated patients

    Analysis of sensory and toxicologically important compounds in beer

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    Jednou z nejvýznamnějších skupin toxikologicky významných látek v pivu jsou N-nitrosaminy. V této práci byla pozornost zaměřena zejména na netěkavé nitroso sloučeniny, jejichž koncentrace v pivu, chemická struktura a biologický účinek nejsou dosud známy. Z důvodu nedostatku znalostí o této skupině látek byla vyvinuta metoda pro jejich citlivou detekci prostřednictvím chemiluminiscenčního detektoru po plynově chromatografické separaci. Tato metoda zároveň umožňuje klasifikovat detekované nitroso sloučeniny do různých skupin (N-nitroso, C-nitroso a kombinace C-nitroso a nitro) a odlišit je od interferencí. Metoda využívá záznamu pyrolyzních profilů jednotlivých chromatografických píků, které jsou zpracovány pomocí diskriminační analýzy. Metoda byla vyvíjena za účelem nalezení a strukturní identifikace těchto dosud neznámých látek. Její aplikace na uměle nitrosovaný vzorek piva spolu s plynově chromatografickou analýzou s tandemovou hmotnostní detekcí vedl k strukturní identifikaci několika zástupců nitroso sloučenin. Senzoricky aktivní látky v této práci zastupují karbonylové sloučeniny a mastné kyseliny. Karbonylové sloučeniny - furfural a hydroxymethylfurfural - byly využity při vývoji mobilní, jednoduché, rychlé a objektivní metody pro in situ stanovení intenzity staré chuti piva, která je odrazem...One of the most relevant group of toxicologically significant compounds in beer are N-nitrosamines. In this thesis, the attention was paid especially on non-volatile nitroso compounds whose concentrations in beer, a chemical structure, and a biological effect has not been known yet. For the reason of the lack of knowledge regarding this compound group, the method for their sensitive detection by chemiluminescence detection after gas chromatographic separation was developed. This method permits a classification of detected nitroso compounds to different groups (N-nitroso, C-nitroso, and combination of C-nitroso and nitro) and distinguish them from interferences. The method is based on recording of a pyrolytic profile of each chromatographic peak, the profiles are then processed by discriminant analysis. The method has been developed for finding and structural identification purposes of these unknown compounds. Its application on an artificially nitrosated beer sample, together with gas chromatographic tandem mass spectrometric analysis, led to structural identification of several representatives of nitroso compounds. Sensory active compounds in this thesis are represented by carbonyl compounds and fatty acids. Carbonyl compounds - furfural and hydroxymethylfurfural - were used during the development...Katedra analytické chemieDepartment of Analytical ChemistryFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult