41 research outputs found

    Studium sekundárních fosfátů s allanpringitem a tvrdýitem z opuštěného ložiska železných rud Krušná hora u Berouna (Česká republika)

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    Při revizi starých lokalit zastoupených historickými vzorky v mineralogické sbírce Národního muzea v Praze byla objevena zajímavá asociace fosfátů v železných rudách z opuštěného ložiska Krušná hora ve středních Čechách. Lokalita Krušná hora se nachází asi 12 km SZ severně od Berouna (30 km ZJZ od Prahy) v ordovických sedimentárních horninách tepelsko-barrandienské oblasti. Fosfáty jsou vázány na trhliny a dutiny v železných rudách (zejména hematitu). Nejčastěji pozorovanými fosfátovými minerály jsou: variscit a strengit, které se zde vyskytují jako bílé až průhledné koncentrické agregáty do velikosti 2 mm; fluorwavellit, který tvoří bílé krystaly jehlice do 4 mm s obsahem F do 1.33 apfu a žlutý až oranžový kakoxen, který se zde tvoří radiální a koncentrické agregáty do velikosti 1.5 mm s obsahem Al až 5.80 apfu. Vzácnější fosfosiderit tvoří bílé až krémové alterované radiální agregáty do velikosti 15 mm a sférické agregáty do velikosti 1 mm, s obsahem Al (metavariscitová složka) až 0.18 apfu. Velmi vzácný allanpringit tvoří žluté práškovité a zemité agregáty ve asociaci s fluorwavellitem; jeho empirický vzorec je (Fe2.80Al0.08)2.89(PO4)2(OH)2.67.5H2O a zpřesněné parametry základní cely jsou 9.778 (2), b 7.352 (3), c 17.883 (4) A, Beta 92.17 (4) ° a V 1281.1 (7) A3. Dále byl zjištěn vzácný fosfát ze skupiny beraunit - tvrdýit, který vytváří zelené až žlutozelené radiální agregáty do velikosti 4 mm ve spojení s mladším žlutooranžovým jarositem; jeho empirický vzorec je (Fe2+0.99Mg2+0.01)1.00 (Fe3+)2.00(Al2.18Fe3+0.68)2.86 (PO4) 4.00(OH)4.57(OH2)4 · 2H2O. Asociace fosfátů z Fe sedimentárních hornin Krušná hora u Berouna je unikátní díky výskytu vzácného allanpringitu a tvrdýitu; pozoruhodný je také zvýšený obsah Al ve fosfátových minerálech na ložisku železa.During the revision of old localities represented by historical samples in the mineralogical collection of the National Museum in Prague an interesting association of phosphate minerals in iron ores from abandoned iron deposit Krušná hora in Central Bohemia was discovered. The locality Krušná hora is situated about 12 km NW of Beroun (30 km WSW of Prague, Czech Republic) in an area of the Ordovician sedimentary rocks of the Teplá-Barrandian unit. Phosphates are bound to cracks and cavities in iron ores (mainly hematite). Most frequently observed phosphate minerals are: variscite and strengite, which occur there as white to transparent concentric aggregates up to 2 mm in size; fluorwavellite which forms white needle crystals up to 4 mm with contents of F up to 1.33 apfu and yellow to orange cacoxenite which occurs there as radial and concentric aggregates up to 1.5 mm in size with content of Al up to 5.80 apfu. Rarer phosphosiderite forms white to creamy altered radial aggregates up to 15 mm in size and spherical aggregates up to 1 mm in size, with content of Al (metavariscite component) up to 0.18 apfu. An extremely rare allanpringite forms there yellow powder and earthy aggregates in association with fluorwavellite; its empirical formula is (Fe2.80Al0.08)2.89(PO4)2(OH)2.67·5H2O and refined unit-cell parameters are a 9.778(2), b 7.352(3), c 17.883(4) A, Beta 92.17(4)° and V 1281.1(7) A3. Tvrdýite - a rare phosphate from beraunite group - was identified there, it forms green to yellow-green radial aggregates up to 4 mm in size in association with younger earthy yellow-orange jarosite; its empirical formula is (Fe2+0.99Mg2+0.01)1.00(Fe3+)2.00(Al2.18 Fe3+0.68)2.86(PO4)4.00(OH)4.57(OH2)4·2H2O. Phosphate minerals assemblage of the iron sedimentary deposit Krušná hora near Beroun is unique due to occurrence of rare allanpringite and tvrdýite; increased Al contents in phosphate minerals from iron deposits are also remarkable

    Hydrotreating of waste plastic pyrolysis oil with increased chlorine and nitrogen content

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    Upgrading of wheat/barley and miscanthus bio-oil over a sulphided catalyst

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    In recent years, the production of biofuels from non-food crops wastes and harvesting residues plays an important role in the improvement of the global environment and in the replacement of declining oil reserves1. Hydrogenation of lignocellulosic bio-oil is attracting much attention as a suitable way to produce petroleum-refinery compatible feedstock. Primarily, hydrogenation of bio-oil is carried out under severe reaction conditions in two-stage fixed-bed reactors, filled with a noble metal catalyst in the first zone and with a sulphided catalyst in the second zone2. This setup allows producing low-oxygen upgraded bio-oil, however, it is economically unviable and operationally complicated. Here, we present the results from 80 h long hydrogenation experiments of miscanthus and wheat/barley straw bio‑oils obtained by one-stage condensation (2-5 °C) or fractional condensation (75 °C) ablative fast pyrolysis (AFP). Bio-oils from fractional condensation, in contrast to those from one-stage condensation, were stable and did not separate into an aqueous and organic phase. In that case, operation with these bio-oils was much easier than with bio-oils from one-stage condensation. Upgrading of bio-oils was performed in a one-stage fixed bed reactor filled with a laboratory-made NiMo/Al2O3 catalyst under constant reaction conditions (340 °C, 4 MPa and WHSV 1 h-1), which we identified in our previous research as suitable reaction conditions. Hydrogenated products separated spontaneously into an aqueous phase, formed predominantly by water, and an organic phase. In this work, we used various analytical methods for the determination of physicochemical properties (density, viscosity, elemental analysis etc.) and chemical composition (CAN, Carbonyls by Faix, GC-MS for volatile compounds and hydrocarbons) of the organic products. In addition, we used FTIR in combination with the principle component analysis (PCA) to take a snapshot of the catalyst health and product quality. In all hydrogenated products, we have observed a drop in the quality with the increasing time-on-stream, which may be caused by catalyst deactivation and coke formation, as it shown in Figure 2. Nevertheless, the coke formation and reactor clogging, during the hydrogenation of miscanthus bio-oil, was so high that we were forced to stop the experiment after 36 hours. The observed decrease in Micro Conradson Carbon residues and CAN of the products from wheat/barley straw bio-oil indicated a significant improvement of the product stability. The laboratory-made NiMo/Al2O3 catalyst was suitable for the upgrading of straw bio-oil, from one-stage and from fractional condensation AFP, and can be further developed for the upgrading for other feedstocks. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Molecular structure of the phosphate mineral koninckite - a vibrational spectroscopic study

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    We have undertaken a study of the mineral koninckite from Litosice (Czech Republic), a hydrated ferric phosphate, using a combination of scanning electron microscopy with electron probe micro-analyzer (wavelength-dispersive spectroscopy) and vibrational spectroscopy. Chemical analysis shows that studied koninckite is a pure phase with an empirical formula Fe3+ (0.99)(PO4)(1.00) center dot 2.75 H2O, with minor enrichment in Al, Ca, Ti, Si, Zn, and K (averages 0.00X apfu). Raman bands and shoulders at 3495, 3312, 3120, and 2966 cm(-1) and infrared bands and shoulders at 3729, 3493, 3356, 3250, 3088, 2907, and 2706 cm(-1) are assigned to the nu OH stretching of structurally distinct differently hydrogen bonded water molecules, A Raman band at 1602 cm(-1) and shoulders at 1679, 1659, 1634, and 1617 cm(-1) and infrared bands at 1650 and 1598 cm(-1) are assigned to the nu(2)(delta) H2O bending vibrations of structurally distinct differently hydrogen bonded water molecules. Raman shoulders at 1576, 1554, 1541, 1532, and 1520 cm(-1) and infrared shoulders at 1541 and 1454 cm(-1) may be probably connected with zeolitically bonded water molecules located in the channels. Raman bands and shoulders at 1148, 1132, 1108, 1063, 1048, and 1015 cm(-1) and an infrared band and shoulders at 1131, 1097, 1049, and 1017 cm(-1) are assigned to the nu(3) PO43- triply degenerate antisymmetric stretching vibrations. A Raman band and a shoulder at 994 and 970 cm(-1), respectively, and an infrared band and a shoulder at 978 and 949 cm(-1), respectively, are assigned to the nu(1) PO43- symmetric stretching vibrations. Infrared shoulders at 873, 833, and 748 cm(-1) are assigned to libration modes of water molecules. Raman bands and shoulders at 670, 648, 631, 614, 600, 572, and 546 cm(-1) and infrared bands at 592 and 534 cm(-1) are assigned to the nu(4) (delta) PO(4)(3-)triply degenerate out-of-plane bending vibrations; weak band at 570 cm(-1) may coincide with the delta Fe-O bending vibration. Raman bands and shoulders at 453, 443, 419, and 400 cm(-1) are assigned to the nu(2) (delta) PO43- doubly degenerate in-plane bending vibrations. Raman bands at 385, 346, 324, 309, 275, 252, and 227 cm(-1) are assigned to the nu Fe-O stretching vibrations in FeO6 octahedra. Raman bands at 188, 158, 140, 112, 89, and 73 cm(-1) are assigned to lattice vibrations

    Revize a nové nálezy fosfátů na historickém nalezišti Černovice u Tábora

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    Zajímavá asociace supergenních fosfátů a minerálů uranu byla nalezena na historické lokalitě Černovice u Tábora (kraj Vysočina, Česká republika). Fosfáty jsou zde vázány na trhliny a dutiny v grafitických rulách a kvarcitech. Beraunit vytváří radiálně uspořádané vláknité zelenavé, zelenohnědé až červenavě hnědé agregáty o velikosti do 1.5 mm. Carnotit byl nalezen jako žluté práškovité agregáty o velikosti do 1 mm v asociaci s metatorbernitem, fosfosideritem a metavariscitem. Historicky známý wavellit byl nově determinován jako fluorwavellit, je nejhojnějším fosfátem ve studované minerální asociaci a obvykle se vyskytuje jako kulovité agregáty o velikosti do 5 mm. Jeho barva je výrazně zonální, od modré v centrech agregátů po žlutou v jejich okrajových částech. Fosfosiderit - metavariscit tvoří světle zelené krusty o síle do 0.1 mm na krystalech křemene. Kakoxen se vyskytuje jako žluté krusty a radiálně uspořádané agregáty o velikosti do 0.2 mm. Kidwellit se vyskytuje jako zelené kulovité agregáty o velikosti do 0.1 mm. Leukofosfit byl nalezen jen velmi vzácně jako žluté a žlutavě zelené tabulkovité krystaly a jejich agregáty o velikosti do 0.01 mm narůstající na polokulovitém beraunitu. Metatorbernit vytváří zelené tabulkovité krystaly o velikosti do 3 mm. Natrodufrénit byl nalezen jako tmavě zelené až modravě zelené agregáty se světle zelenými nebo žlutavě zelenými zónami tvořící radiálně uspořádané agregáty o velikosti do 1.5 mm. Strengit byl pozorován jako kulovité agregáty bílé, světle šedé, krémové nebo žluté až oranžové barvy o velikosti do 4 mm ve čtyřech různých minerálních asociacích. Tyrkys tvoří jablečně zelené zonální krystaly o velikosti do 0.1 mm. Zjištěny zde byly i dvě variety variscitu; bílý variscit vytváří krusty na povrchu kulovitých agregátů strengitu a zelený variscit byl nalezen jako světle zelené krusty o síle do 1 mm. V práci jsou pro zjištěné minerální fáze podána rentgenová prášková data a kvantitativní chemické složení.An interesting supergene phosphate and uranium mineral association was found on the historical wavellite occurrence Černovice near Tábor (Vysočina region, Czech Republic). Phosphates are bound to cracks and cavities in graphitics gneisses and quartzites. Beraunite forms radially fibrous greenish, greenish brown to reddish brown aggregates up to 1.5 mm in size. Carnotite was found as yellow powdery aggregates up to 1 mm accross in association with metatorbernite, phosphosiderite and metavariscite. Historically known wavellite has been redefined as fluorwavellite. It is the most abundant phosphate in the studied mineral association, it usually occurs as spherical aggregates up to 5 mm in size. Its colour is significantly zonal, from blue in the centre of aggregates to yellow in the marginal part. Phosphosiderite-metavariscite forms light green crusts on quartz crystals thickeness up to 0.1 mm. Cacoxenite occurs as yellow crusts and radial aggregates up to 0.2 m in size. Kidwellite occurs as green spherical aggregates up to 0.1 mm in size. Leucophosphite was found only as a very rare yellow to yellowish green tabular crystals and their aggregates up to 0.01 mm in size on hemispherical beraunite.Metatorbernite forms green tabular crystals up to 3 mm in size. Natrodufrénite was found as dark green to bluish green aggregates with light green or yellowish green zones forming radial aggregates up to 1.5 mm in size. Strengite was observed as spherical aggregates of white, light gray, beige or yellow to orange color up to 4 mm in size in four different mineral associations. Turquoise forms apple green zonal crystals up to 0.1 mm in size. Two varieties of variscite was observed; white variscite forms crusts on the surface of spherical aggregates of the strengite and green variscite was found as light green crusts of thickness up to 1 mm in size. X-ray powder diffraction patterns and quantitative chemical composition for determined mineral phases are given in the paper

    Impacts of the acid atmospheric deposition and the climate change on hydrology of spruce stands

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    Perception of D3 motorway impacts by municipal representatives

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    Perception of D3 motorway impacts by municipal representatives Abstract The thesis analyzes in detail the perception of the impact of D3 motorway by the representatives of the affected municipalities, who represent three different parts of society - community leaders, a representative of business and general population. The expected impacts of a new motorway in the given area are discussed with technical bibliography, which provided the basis for research questions and hypotheses. Field research was conducted in municipalities, which will yet be affected by the planned D3 motorway, and in municipalities in Central and Southern Bohemia, where part of D3 motorway had already been completed. Semi-structured interviews and questionnaires were used as the main research tools. The finding about the perception of the D3 motorway in the affected municipalities were based on detailed analysis of statistical data and in-depth analysis of the interviews. The findings show that the resulting perception of the impact varies depending on various aspects like geographical aspects, such as the location of the village (with regard to the highway route) or the population size of the municipality. Generally speaking, the motorway is positively perceived by municipalities that are currently substantially burdened by heavy..

    The new legislation of spatial planning in relation to environmental protection

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    Presented thesis deals with the new legislation of spatial planning in relation to issues of environmental protection. Spatial planning is one of the most important tool of environmental protection which is regulated in the Czech legal order. The main law governing the issue of spatial planning is the Building Act, which has been extensively changed by the amendment with effect from 1. 1. 2013. The thesis first gives a brief interpretation of basic terminology used in the thesis and explanation of the objectives whose fulfilment is the task of spatial planning activities. Further is explained issue of entities participating in spatial planning focusing on their role in protecting the environment during the spatial planning process. Special attention is paid to the so-called concerned authorities of state administration and the public, because those entities play an important role in promoting environmental protection requirements into the spatial planning tools. In the following chapter is analyses the link between the process of environmental impact assessment and processes of spatial planning. The main part of this thesis consists of the fourth and fifth chapters in which they are discussed in detail changes in the regulation of the process of taking of spatial planning tools caused by large..

    Local Government's Approach to D3 Highway Construction: Case Study of City of Tábor

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    Local government's approach to D3 highway construction: case study of city of Tábor Abstract This thesis analyzes attitudes by political representatives from local administration of two biggest cities in southern Bohemia towards D3 highway. The main part of analysis focuses on district city of Tábor and partially on regional metropolis of České Budějovice. D3 Highway is supposed to become not only the important intrastate corridor but also the new connection between Czechia and Austria. Projected impacts of highway are compared with literature while the thesis concentrates on perception assessment of D3 highway by political representatives from selected city of Tábor. The main evaluation criterion is the perception of D3 highway as one of the basic requirement for general development of the region. Main research tool of analysis is half-structured interview with representatives of selected cities. Key words: D3 highway, Tábor, České Budějovice, perception, development, intervie