70 research outputs found
Transcription-Dependent Cytosine Deamination Is a Novel Mechanism in Ultraviolet Light-Induced Mutagenesis
SummarySkin cancer is the most ubiquitous cancer type in the Caucasian population, and its incidence is increasing rapidly [1]. Transcribed proliferation-related genes in dermal stem cells are targets for the induction of ultraviolet light (UV)-induced mutations that drive carcinogenesis. We have recently found that transcription of a gene increases its mutability by UV in mammalian stem cells, suggesting a role of transcription in skin carcinogenesis [2]. Here we show that transcription-associated UV-induced nucleotide substitutions are caused by increased deamination of cytosines to uracil within photolesions at the transcribed strand, presumably at sites of stalled transcription complexes. Additionally, via an independent mechanism, transcription of UV-damaged DNA induces the generation of intragenic deletions. We demonstrate that transcription-coupled nucleotide excision repair (TC-NER) provides protection against both classes of transcription-associated mutagenesis. Combined, these results unveil the existence of two mutagenic pathways operating specifically at the transcribed DNA strand of active genes. Moreover, these results uncover a novel role for TC-NER in the suppression of UV-induced genome aberrations and provide a rationale for the efficient induction of apoptosis by stalled transcription complexes
Quantitative phosphoproteomics to unravel the cellular response to chemical stressors with different modes of action
Damage to cellular macromolecules and organelles by chemical exposure evokes activation of various stress response pathways. To what extent different chemical stressors activate common and stressor-specific pathways is largely unknown. Here, we used quantitative phosphoproteomics to compare the signaling events induced by four stressors with different modes of action: the DNA damaging agent: cisplatin (CDDP), the topoisomerase II inhibitor: etoposide (ETO), the pro-oxidant: diethyl maleate (DEM) and the immunosuppressant: cyclosporine A (CsA) administered at an equitoxic dose to mouse embryonic stem cells. We observed major differences between the stressors in the number and identity of responsive phosphosites and the amplitude of phosphorylation. Kinase motif and pathway analyses indicated that the DNA damage response (DDR) activation by CDDP occurs predominantly through the replication-stress-related Atr kinase, whereas ETO triggers the DDR through Atr as well as the DNA double-strand-break-associated Atm kinase. CsA shares with ETO activation of CK2 kinase. Congruent with their known modes of action, CsA-mediated signaling is related to down-regulation of pathways that control hematopoietic differentiation and immunity, whereas oxidative stress is the most prominent initiator of DEM-modulated stress signaling. This study shows that even at equitoxic doses, different stressors induce distinctive and complex phosphorylation signaling cascades.Toxicolog
Analysis of Gene Expression Using Gene Sets Discriminates Cancer Patients with and without Late Radiation Toxicity
BACKGROUND: Radiation is an effective anti-cancer therapy but leads to severe late radiation toxicity in 5%–10% of patients. Assuming that genetic susceptibility impacts this risk, we hypothesized that the cellular response of normal tissue to X-rays could discriminate patients with and without late radiation toxicity. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Prostate carcinoma patients without evidence of cancer 2 y after curative radiotherapy were recruited in the study. Blood samples of 21 patients with severe late complications from radiation and 17 patients without symptoms were collected. Stimulated peripheral lymphocytes were mock-irradiated or irradiated with 2-Gy X-rays. The 24-h radiation response was analyzed by gene expression profiling and used for classification. Classification was performed either on the expression of separate genes or, to augment the classification power, on gene sets consisting of genes grouped together based on function or cellular colocalization. X-ray irradiation altered the expression of radio-responsive genes in both groups. This response was variable across individuals, and the expression of the most significant radio-responsive genes was unlinked to radiation toxicity. The classifier based on the radiation response of separate genes correctly classified 63% of the patients. The classifier based on affected gene sets improved correct classification to 86%, although on the individual level only 21/38 (55%) patients were classified with high certainty. The majority of the discriminative genes and gene sets belonged to the ubiquitin, apoptosis, and stress signaling networks. The apoptotic response appeared more pronounced in patients that did not develop toxicity. In an independent set of 12 patients, the toxicity status of eight was predicted correctly by the gene set classifier. CONCLUSIONS: Gene expression profiling succeeded to some extent in discriminating groups of patients with and without severe late radiotherapy toxicity. Moreover, the discriminative power was enhanced by assessment of functionally or structurally related gene sets. While prediction of individual response requires improvement, this study is a step forward in predicting susceptibility to late radiation toxicity
Mapping Geospatial Processes Affecting the Environmental Fate of Agricultural Pesticides in Africa
The application of agricultural pesticides in Africa can have negative effects on human health and the environment. The aim of this study was to identify African environments that are vulnerable to the accumulation of pesticides by mapping geospatial processes affecting pesticide fate. The study modelled processes associated with the environmental fate of agricultural pesticides using publicly available geospatial datasets. Key geospatial processes affecting the environmental fate of agricultural pesticides were selected after a review of pesticide fate models and maps for leaching, surface runoff, sedimentation, soil storage and filtering capacity, and volatilization were created. The potential and limitations of these maps are discussed. We then compiled a database of studies that measured pesticide residues in Africa. The database contains 10,076 observations, but only a limited number of observations remained when a standard dataset for one compound was extracted for validation. Despite the need for more in-situ data on pesticide residues and application, this study provides a first spatial overview of key processes affecting pesticide fate that can be used to identify areas potentially vulnerable to pesticide accumulation
Developmental defects and male sterility in mice lacking the ubiquitin-like DNA repair gene mHR23B.
mHR23B encodes one of the two mammalian homologs of Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD23, a ubiquitin-like fusion protein involved in nucleotide excision repair (NER). Part of mHR23B is complexed with the XPC protein, and this heterodimer functions as the main damage detector and initiator of global genome NER. While XPC defects exist in humans and mice, mutations for mHR23A and mHR23B are not known. Here, we present a mouse model for mHR23B. Unlike XPC-deficient cells, mHR23B(-/-) mouse embryonic fibroblasts are not UV sensitive and retain the repair characteristics of wild-type cells. In agreement with the results of in vitro repair studies, this indicates that mHR23A can functionally replace mHR23B in NER. Unexpectedly, mHR23B(-/-) mice show impaired embryonic development and a high rate (90%) of intrauterine or neonatal death. Surviving animals display a variety of abnormalities, including retarded growth, facial dysmorphology, and male sterility. Such abnormalities are not observed in XPC and other NER-deficient mouse mutants and point to a separate function of mHR23B in development. This function may involve regulation of protein stability via the ubiquitin/proteasome pathway and is not or only in part compensated for by mHR23A
Substantiate a read-across hypothesis by using transcriptome data—A case study on volatile diketones
This case study explores the applicability of transcriptome data to characterize a common mechanism of action within groups of short-chain aliphatic α-, β-, and γ-diketones. Human reference in vivo data indicate that the α-diketone diacetyl induces bronchiolitis obliterans in workers involved in the preparation of microwave popcorn. The other three α-diketones induced inflammatory responses in preclinical in vivo animal studies, whereas beta and gamma diketones in addition caused neuronal effects. We investigated early transcriptional responses in primary human bronchiolar (PBEC) cell cultures after 24 h and 72 h of air-liquid exposure. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were assessed based on transcriptome data generated with the EUToxRisk gene panel of Temp-O-Seq®. For each individual substance, genes were identified displaying a consistent differential expression across dose and exposure duration. The log fold change values of the DEG profiles indicate that α- and β-diketones are more active compared to γ-diketones. α-diketones in particular showed a highly concordant expression pattern, which may serve as a first indication of the shared mode of action. In order to gain a better mechanistic understanding, the resultant DEGs were submitted to a pathway analysis using ConsensusPathDB. The four α-diketones showed very similar results with regard to the number of activated and shared pathways. Overall, the number of signaling pathways decreased from α-to β-to γ-diketones. Additionally, we reconstructed networks of genes that interact with one another and are associated with different adverse outcomes such as fibrosis, inflammation or apoptosis using the TRANSPATH-database. Transcription factor enrichment and upstream analyses with the geneXplain platform revealed highly interacting gene products (called master regulators, MRs) per case study compound. The mapping of the resultant MRs on the reconstructed networks, visualized similar gene regulation with regard to fibrosis, inflammation and apoptosis. This analysis showed that transcriptome data can strengthen the similarity assessment of compounds, which is of particular importance, e.g., in read-across approaches. It is one important step towards grouping of compounds based on biological profiles
Predicting a local recurrence after breast-conserving therapy by gene expression profiling
INTRODUCTION: To tailor local treatment in breast cancer patients there is a need for predicting ipsilateral recurrences after breast-conserving therapy. After adequate treatment (excision with free margins and radiotherapy), young age and incompletely excised extensive intraductal component are predictors for local recurrence, but many local recurrences can still not be predicted. Here we have used gene expression profiling by microarray analysis to identify gene expression profiles that can help to predict local recurrence in individual patients. METHODS: By using previously established gene expression profiles with proven value in predicting metastasis-free and overall survival (wound-response signature, 70-gene prognosis profile and hypoxia-induced profile) and training towards an optimal prediction of local recurrences in a training series, we establish a classifier for local recurrence after breast-conserving therapy. RESULTS: Validation of the different gene lists shows that the wound-response signature is able to separate patients with a high (29%) or low (5%) risk of a local recurrence at 10 years (sensitivity 87.5%, specificity 75%). In multivariable analysis the classifier is an independent predictor for local recurrence. CONCLUSION: Our findings indicate that gene expression profiling can identify subgroups of patients at increased risk of developing a local recurrence after breast-conserving therapy
Deciphering the RNA landscape by RNAome sequencing
Current RNA expression profiling methods rely on enrichment steps for specific RNA classes, thereby not detecting all RNA species in an unperturbed manner. We report strand-specific RNAome sequencing that determines expression of small and large RNAs from rRNA-depleted total RNA in a single sequence run. Since current analysis pipelines cannot reliably analyze small and large RNAs simultaneously, we developed TRAP, Total Rna Analysis Pipeline, a robust interface that is also compatible with existing RNA sequencing protocols. RNAome sequencing quantitatively preserved all RNA classes, allowing cross-class comparisons that facilitates the identification of relationships between different RNA classes. We demonstrate the strength of RNAome sequencing in mouse embryonic stem cells treated with cisplatin. MicroRNA and mRNA expression in RNAome sequencing significantly correlated between replicates and was in concordance with both existing RNA sequencing methods and gene expression arrays generated from the same samples. Moreover, RNAome sequencing also detected additional RNA classes such as enhancer RNAs, anti-sense RNAs, novel RNA species and numerous differentially expressed RNAs undetectable by other methods. At the level of complete RNA classes, RNAome sequencing also identified a specific global repression of the microRNA and microRNA isoform classes after cisplatin treatment whereas all other classes such as mRNAs were unchanged. These characteristics of RNAome sequencing will significantly improve expression analysis as well as studies on RNA biology not covered by existing methods
Normal tissue complication probability (NTCP) parameters for breast fibrosis: Pooled results from two randomised trials
The RECAP Test Rapidly and Reliably Identifies Homologous Recombination-Deficient Ovarian Carcinomas
Recent studies have shown that the efficacy of PARP inhibitors in epithelial ovarian
carcinoma (EOC) is related to tumor-specific defects in homologous recombination (HR) and extends
beyond BRCA1/2 deficient EOC. A robust method with which to identify HR-deficient (HRD)
carcinomas is therefore of utmost clinical importance. In this study, we investigated the proficiency of
a functional HR assay based on the detection of RAD51 foci, the REcombination CAPacity (RECAP)
test, in identifying HRD tumors in a cohort of prospectively collected epithelial ovarian carcinomas
(EOCs). Of the 39 high-grade serous ovarian carcinomas (HGSOC), the RECAP test detected 26%
(10/39) to be HRD, whereas ovarian carcinomas of other histologic subtypes (n = 10) were all
HR-proficient (HRP). Of the HRD tumors that could be sequenced, 8/9 showed pathogenic BRCA1/2
variants or BRCA1 promoter hypermethylation, indicating that the RECAP test reliably identifies
HRD, including but not limited to tumors related to BRCA1/2 deficiency. Furthermore, we found a
trend towards better overall survival (OS) of HGSOC patients with RECAP-identified HRD tumors
compared to patients with HRP tumors. This study shows that the RECAP test is an attractive alternative to DNA-based HRD tests, and further development of a clinical grade RECAP test is
clearly warranted
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