323 research outputs found

    Defining the Contours of ERISA Preemption of State Insurance Regulation: Making Employee Benefit Plan Regulation an Exclusively Federal Concern

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    Congress enacted the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) in 19741 to address problems in the area of employee pensions and benefits, with which prior federal enactments and complementary state regulation had been unable to cope. ERISA established a comprehensive scheme that placed the regulation of qualified employee benefit plans exclusively in federal hands.\u27 The drafters of ERISA also sought to reserve to the states the power to regulate areas in which they traditionally had primacy--most notably, insurance, banking, and securities. The drafters of ERISA thus attempted to carve out an area of exclusive federal concern, while preserving state regulation of tangential areas, so as not to create a regulatory void, nor to infringe onstate police powers

    Genetic algorithm based method of elimination of residual oscillation in mechatronic systems

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    summary:The paper presents control signals generation methods, preventing the excitation of residual vibration in slightly damped oscillational systems. It is focused on the feedforward methods, as most of the vibrations in examined processes are induced by the control, while the influence of disturbances is mostly negligible. Application of these methods involves ensuring of the insensitivity to natural frequency change, which can be reached in classical approach only by considerable increase of transient response duration. Genetic algorithms can be effectively applied for the numerical optimization of developed shaper while maintaining the insensitivity to parameter change and short time delay

    Genderová schematizace v popisu vlastní osoby

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    Diplomová práca kriticky analyzuje vybrané miery maskulinity a feminity. Zvláštna pozornosť je venovaná predovšetkým inventáru BSRI (Bem Sex-Role Inventory), ktorý je dlhodobo najrozšírenejším, avšak úplne nevalidným nástrojom pre meranie gendrovej identity. Zároveň je predložený návrh alternatívneho prístupu k problematike gendrovej identity založený na aplikácii štatistickej techniky diskriminačnej analýzy na obecne zdieľane stereotypické hodnotenia mužov a žien. V empirickej časti je v praxi úspešne overené vytvorenie indexu maskulinity/feminity podľa tohto návrhu. Výsledky analýz vzťahov medzi takto stanovenou gendrovou identitou a rôznymi inými zložkami systému gendrových presvedčení (kognitívnou gendrovou schematizáciou, explicitnou mierou M/F a gendrovými postojmi) naznačujú validitu takéhoto prístupu. Medzi feminitou (bez ohľadu na pohlavie) a mierou tradičnosti gendrových postojov bol zistený neveľký, ale významný negatívny vzťah (rs = -0,3). Kľúčové slová: maskulinita, feminita, diskriminačná analýza, kritika BSRIThis thesis critically analyzes some measures of masculinity and femininity. Special attention is paid primarily to a BSRI (Bem Sex-Role Inventory), which is the most widespread but completely invalid instrument for measuring gender identity. At the same time, there is presented an alternative approach to the topic of gender identity based on an application of statistical discriminant analysis technique to generally shared stereotypical evaluations of typical men and women. In empirical part, proposed approach is successfully tested in practice by creating an index of masculinity / femininity. Results of analyzes of relations between the determined gender identity and various other components of gender belief system (cognitive gender schematization, an explicit M / F and gender attitudes) suggest the validity of this approach. Between feminity (regardless of sex) and a measure of traditional gender attitudes has been found small but significant negative correlation (rs = -0.3). Keywords: masculinity, feminity, discriminant analysis, critique of BSRIDepartment of PsychologyKatedra psychologieFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Predictors of Bribe-Taking: The Role of Bribe Size and Personality

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    Laboratory studies allow studying the predictors of bribe-taking in a controlled setting. However, presently used laboratory tasks often lack any connection to norm violation or invite participants to role-play. A new experimental task for studying the decision to take a bribe was designed in this study to overcome these problems by embedding the opportunity for bribe-taking in an unrelated task that participants perform. Using this new experimental task, we found that refraining from harming a third party by taking a bribe was associated with lower offered bribes and higher scores of the participants on the honesty-humility scale from the HEXACO personality inventory. A trial-level analysis showed that response times were longer for trials with bribes and even longer for trials in which bribes were accepted. These results suggest that taking a bribe may require overcoming automatic honest response and support the validity of the honesty-humility scale in predicting moral behavior

    The Process of Replication Target Selection in Psychology: What to Consider?

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    Increased execution of replication studies contributes to the effort to restore credibility of empirical research. However, a second generation of problems arises: the number of potential replication targets is at a serious mismatch with available resources. Given limited resources, replication target selection should be well justified, systematic, and transparently communicated. At present the discussion on what to consider when selecting a replication target is limited to theoretical discussion, self-reported justifications, and a few formalized suggestions. In this Registered Report, we proposed a study involving the scientific community to create a list of considerations for consultation when selecting a replication target in psychology. We employed a modified Delphi approach. First, we constructed a preliminary list of considerations. Second, we surveyed psychologists who previously selected a replication target with regards to their considerations. Third, we incorporated the results into the preliminary list of considerations and sent the updated list to a group of individuals knowledgeable about concerns regarding replication target selection. Over the course of several rounds, we established consensus regarding what to consider when selecting a replication target

    Registered Replication Report on Fischer, Castel, Dodd, and Pratt (2003)

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    The attentional spatial-numerical association of response codes (Att-SNARC) effect (Fischer, Castel, Dodd, & Pratt, 2003)—the finding that participants are quicker to detect left-side targets when the targets are preceded by small numbers and quicker to detect right-side targets when they are preceded by large numbers—has been used as evidence for embodied number representations and to support strong claims about the link between number and space (e.g., a mental number line). We attempted to replicate Experiment 2 of Fischer et al. by collecting data from 1,105 participants at 17 labs. Across all 1,105 participants and four interstimulus-interval conditions, the proportion of times the effect we observed was positive (i.e., directionally consistent with the original effect) was 50. Further, the effects we observed both within and across labs were minuscule and incompatible with those observed by Fischer et al. Given this, we conclude that we failed to replicate the effect reported by Fischer et al. In addition, our analysis of several participant-level moderators (finger-counting habits, reading and writing direction, handedness, and mathematics fluency and mathematics anxiety) revealed no substantial moderating effects. Our results indicate that the Att-SNARC effect cannot be used as evidence to support strong claims about the link between number and space

    A Novel Mutation in LEPRE1 That Eliminates Only the KDEL ER- Retrieval Sequence Causes Non-Lethal Osteogenesis Imperfecta

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    Prolyl 3-hydroxylase 1 (P3H1), encoded by the LEPRE1 gene, forms a molecular complex with cartilage-associated protein (CRTAP) and cyclophilin B (encoded by PPIB) in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). This complex is responsible for one step in collagen post-translational modification, the prolyl 3-hydroxylation of specific proline residues, specifically α1(I) Pro986. P3H1 provides the enzymatic activity of the complex and has a Lys-Asp-Glu-Leu (KDEL) ER-retrieval sequence at the carboxyl terminus. Loss of function mutations in LEPRE1 lead to the Pro986 residue remaining unmodified and lead to slow folding and excessive helical post-translational modification of type I collagen, which is seen in both dominant and recessive osteogenesis imperfecta (OI). Here, we present the case of siblings with non-lethal OI due to novel compound heterozygous mutations in LEPRE1 (c.484delG and c.2155dupC). The results of RNA analysis and real-time PCR suggest that mRNA with c.2155dupC escapes from nonsense-mediated RNA decay. Without the KDEL ER- retrieval sequence, the product of the c.2155dupC variant cannot be retained in the ER. This is the first report of a mutation in LEPRE1 that eliminates only the KDEL ER-retrieval sequence, whereas other functional domains remain intact. Our study shows, for the first time, that the KDEL ER- retrieval sequence is essential for P3H1 functionality and that a defect in KDEL is sufficient for disease onset

    Surviving Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Is Coupled to Altered Chondrocyte Differentiation and Function

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    In protein folding and secretion disorders, activation of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress signaling (ERSS) protects cells, alleviating stress that would otherwise trigger apoptosis. Whether the stress-surviving cells resume normal function is not known. We studied the in vivo impact of ER stress in terminally differentiating hypertrophic chondrocytes (HCs) during endochondral bone formation. In transgenic mice expressing mutant collagen X as a consequence of a 13-base pair deletion in Col10a1 (13del), misfolded α1(X) chains accumulate in HCs and elicit ERSS. Histological and gene expression analyses showed that these chondrocytes survived ER stress, but terminal differentiation is interrupted, and endochondral bone formation is delayed, producing a chondrodysplasia phenotype. This altered differentiation involves cell-cycle re-entry, the re-expression of genes characteristic of a prehypertrophic-like state, and is cell-autonomous. Concomitantly, expression of Col10a1 and 13del mRNAs are reduced, and ER stress is alleviated. ERSS, abnormal chondrocyte differentiation, and altered growth plate architecture also occur in mice expressing mutant collagen II and aggrecan. Alteration of the differentiation program in chondrocytes expressing unfolded or misfolded proteins may be part of an adaptive response that facilitates survival and recovery from the ensuing ER stress. However, the altered differentiation disrupts the highly coordinated events of endochondral ossification culminating in chondrodysplasia

    Generalized Connective Tissue Disease in Crtap-/- Mouse

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    Mutations in CRTAP (coding for cartilage-associated protein), LEPRE1 (coding for prolyl 3-hydroxylase 1 [P3H1]) or PPIB (coding for Cyclophilin B [CYPB]) cause recessive forms of osteogenesis imperfecta and loss or decrease of type I collagen prolyl 3-hydroxylation. A comprehensive analysis of the phenotype of the Crtap-/- mice revealed multiple abnormalities of connective tissue, including in the lungs, kidneys, and skin, consistent with systemic dysregulation of collagen homeostasis within the extracellular matrix. Both Crtap-/- lung and kidney glomeruli showed increased cellular proliferation. Histologically, the lungs showed increased alveolar spacing, while the kidneys showed evidence of segmental glomerulosclerosis, with abnormal collagen deposition. The Crtap-/- skin had decreased mechanical integrity. In addition to the expected loss of proline 986 3-hydroxylation in α1(I) and α1(II) chains, there was also loss of 3Hyp at proline 986 in α2(V) chains. In contrast, at two of the known 3Hyp sites in α1(IV) chains from Crtap-/- kidneys there were normal levels of 3-hydroxylation. On a cellular level, loss of CRTAP in human OI fibroblasts led to a secondary loss of P3H1, and vice versa. These data suggest that both CRTAP and P3H1 are required to maintain a stable complex that 3-hydroxylates canonical proline sites within clade A (types I, II, and V) collagen chains. Loss of this activity leads to a multi-systemic connective tissue disease that affects bone, cartilage, lung, kidney, and skin