1,156 research outputs found

    Demokratske vrednosti, emocije i emotivizam

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    The aim of this paper is to explore the relation between democratic values and emotions. The author argues that democratic values and emotional judgments are inter-reducible: political agents use emotional judgments to reflexively evaluate normative paradigms of political life. In the first part of the paper, the author describes the state of emotions in contemporary political philosophy and identifies Charles Stevenson's ethical conception of emotivism as the first comprehensive attempt to neutrally conceptualize emotions in moral and political thinking. The second part of the paper explores the shortcomings of emotivism and finds an adequate alternative in Martha Nussbaum's concept of emotional judgment as the one that contains beliefs and values about social objects. In the final part of the paper, the author identifies that moral and political disagreements emerge in democracies from ranking of the importance of political objects. The evaluation criteria for this type of ranking is derived from democratic values which are reducible to agents' emotional judgments.Cilj rada je da istraži odnos između demokratskih vrednosti i emocija. Autor tvrdi da su demokratske vrednosti i emocije međusobno svodljivi: politički akteri služe se emocionalnim sudovima kako bi refleksivno ocenili normativne paradigme političkog života. U prvom delu rada, autor opisuje stanje u savremenoj političkoj filozofiji u vezi sa emocijama i identifikuje etičku koncepciju emotivizma Čarlsa Stivensona kao prvi celoviti pokušaj neutralne konceptualizacije emocija u moralnom i političkom mišljenju. Drugi deo rada istražuje nedostatke emotivizma i nalazi adekvatnu alternativu u konceptu emocionalnih sudova Marte Nusbaum, kao one koja uključuje verovanja o društvenim objektima i njihove vrednosti. U zaključnom delu rada, autor tvrdi da su moralni i politički sporovi u demokratijama rezultat rangiranja političkih objekata po važnosti. Kriterijum evaluacije takvog tipa rangiranja je izveden is demokratskih vrednosti koje su svodljive na emocionalne sudove aktera

    Exploratory Analysis of Pairwise Interactions in Online Social Networks

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    In the last few decades sociologists were trying to explain human behaviour by analysing social networks, which requires access to data about interpersonal relationships. This represented a big obstacle in this research field until the emergence of online social networks (OSNs), which vastly facilitated the process of collecting such data. Nowadays, by crawling public profiles on OSNs, it is possible to build a social graph where "friends" on OSN become represented as connected nodes. OSN connection does not necessarily indicate a close real-life relationship, but using OSN interaction records may reveal real-life relationship intensities, a topic which inspired a number of recent researches. Still, published research currently lacks an extensive exploratory analysis of OSN interaction records, i.e. a comprehensive overview of users' interaction via different ways of OSN interaction. In this paper we provide such an overview by leveraging results of conducted extensive social experiment which managed to collect records for over 3,200 Facebook users interacting with over 1,400,000 of their friends. Our exploratory analysis focuses on extracting population distributions and correlation parameters for 13 interaction parameters, providing valuable insight in online social network interaction for future researches aimed at this field of study.Comment: Journal Article published 2 Oct 2017 in Automatika volume 58 issue 4 on pages 422 to 42

    Sedmi stalni postav Etnografskog muzeja Split

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    The following paper was read at the 2004 “The Best in Heritage” international Conference, held annually in the city of Dubrovnik to celebrate the excellence of the most innovative, inspirational and awarded projects in the field of museums, heritage and conservation. The Conference is organized by the European Heritage Association, a non-governmental and non-profit organization based in Zagreb and dedicated to promoting every aspect of professional excellence in heritage professions. The world’s only survey of the best museums, heritage and conservation projects is held under the patronage of ICOM, UNESCO, EUROPA NOSTRA, ICOMOS, City of Dubrovnik and Croatian Ministry of Culture. The Ethnographic Museum of Split contributed to the proceedings of the 2004 Conference by presenting its award-winning project – the Museum’s seventh permanent display.Ovaj je referat održan u rujnu 2004. god. na međunarodnoj manifestaciji “The Best in Heritage” (“Najbolji u baštini”), što se već treću godinu održava u Dubrovniku pod visokim pokroviteljstvom ICOM-a, ICOMOS-a, UNESCO-a, Europe Nostre, Grada Dubrovnika i Ministarstva kulture RH. Organizira ju Europska udruga za baštinu, neprofitna nevladina udruga sa sjedištem u Zagrebu. Manifestacija okuplja najbolje, nagrađene projekte s područja muzejskoga rada, baštine i konzervacije iz cijeloga svijeta. Etnografski muzej Split predstavio je projekt stalnoga postava, koji je 2002. godine Hrvatsko muzejsko društvo nagradilo godišnjom nagradom “Pavao Ritter Vitezović”

    'Early classical settlements' and the iron age of the central Balkans: Issues of ethnic identity

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    Ovaj rad iz konstruktivističkog ugla preispituje interpretacije etniciteta u gvozdenom dobu na primeru tzv. ranoantičkih naselja - veoma sličnih utvrđenja lociranih na prostranoj teritoriji kontinentalnog dela Balkana, danas u okviru različitih modernih država. Naselja se okvirno datuju od V do III veka pre n. e. i tradicionalno tumače kao finalna faza etnogeneze paleobalkanskih zajednica za koje se pretpostavlja da u tom periodu žive u 'plemenskim državama', čije stanovništvo je okarakterisano kao 'narod' ili čak 'nacija'. Jasno prepoznavanje etničkih karakteristika, anahronizmi i direktno preslikavanje modernih socio-političkih struktura na zajednice iz prošlosti, koje mogu biti utemeljene na potpuno drugačijim osnovama grupnog identiteta ili političke organizacije, predstavlja osnovnu karakteristiku tradicionalne literature. Pitanje političkih aspekata ovakvih interpretacija u različitim balkanskim zemljama koje favorizuju pojedine paleobalkanske zajednice i pokušaj kontekstualizovanja ovakvih nacionalističkih tumačenja u sadašnjosti predstavlja osnovnu temu ovog rada.In the Balkan archaeologies, ethnic identity has been traditionally treated as a stable and monolithic category, readily recognizable in the material culture. The issue of 'ethnogenesis' of the Palaeo-Balkan 'peoples' is the dominant topic and the basic research subject in culture-historical archaeology, today regarded as the consequence of the modern European nationalisms. Starting from the constructivist point, the paper seeks to examine the interpretations of ethnicity in the Balkan Iron Age, on the example of the so-called 'early Classical settlements' - a series of mutually very similar fortified settlements located in the vast lands of the Balkan hinterland, today in the territory of several modern states. These settlements are broadly dated into the period from the 5th to the 3rd centuries BC, and have traditionally been interpreted as the final phase of the ethnogenesis of the Palaeo-Balkan communities, supposed to have been living in 'tribal states', whose population has been recognized as 'people' or even 'nation'. In the traditional literature, the ethnic characteristics have been readily recognized, projecting directly the modern socio-political structures onto the communities of the past that could have been founded on completely different group identity or political organization. The paper deals with the issue of the political aspects of these interpretations in various Balkan countries, favoring certain Palaeo-Balkan communities, and an attempt is made to contextualize these nationalistic narratives into the present

    Od metafizičkog do političkog - da li političkom kulturom Rolsov princip tolerancije zapada u moralni relativizam?

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze Rawls's conception of political (public) culture, exploring whether his principle of tolerance (Political Liberalism) falls in moral relativism. The analysis consists of three sections. Firstly, the author introduces different critical accounts on Rawls's theory and identifies where they go wrong. Secondly, the author delineates the intellectual tradition of social liberalism from which sprang Rawls's conception, showing that he significantly alters the key ideas of dominant liberal justice of the Western world. In the final section of the paper it is argued that Rawls's idea of political culture is a cornerstone of just society and the spring of tolerance, providing arguments in favor of the idea that Rawls's conception of political liberalism is not morally relativistic but it is, however, in line with liberal pluralism.Cilj ovog rada je da analizira Rolsovu koncepciju političke (javne) kulture, ispitujući da li njegovo načelo tolerancije (Politički liberalizam) zapada u moralni relativizam. Analiza se sastoji iz tri dela. Prvo, autor analizira različite kritičke pristupe Rolsovoj teoriji i pokazuje gde leži njihova greška. Drugo, autor razlučuje intelektualnu tradiciju socijalnog liberalizma iz koje je proizilazi Rolsova koncepcija, pokazujući da je on značajno primenio ključne ideje dominantne liberalne pravde Zapadnog sveta. U poslednjem delu rada nude se argumenti u prilog tezi da je Rolsova ideja političke kulture kamen temeljac pravednog društva i izvor tolerancije, čime se dodatno osnažuje ideja da Rolsova koncepcija političkog liberalizma ne zapada u moralni relativizam već je deo tradicije liberalnog pluralizma

    Toward ideational collective action: the notions of common good and of the state in late 19th century social liberalism

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze notions of common good and of the state in late 19th century British social liberalism and their relation to collective action of the citizens. The author shows that British social liberals argued for a type of state that uses top down strategy to encourage collective action in order to transform individuals into a socially responsible groups, i.e. good citizens. The paper focuses on philosophical works of F. H. Bradley, ethics of T. H. Green and political philosophy of B. Bosanquet. analyzing their efforts to reconceptualize ideas of classical liberalism and utilitarian doctrine of the individual, society and the state in light of emerging influence of leftist social movements. The author argues that the works of British social liberals are a foundation of the state and society which will dominate liberalism in the second half of 20th century, i.e. the idea of the welfare state

    Levi populizam - demokratizacija i klasna svest

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    This paper analyses the possibility of left populism to trigger class consciousness with what Laclau calls populist subjects. The author argues that populist subjects and class consciousness are not identical nor interchangeable concepts in respect to the classical Marx and Engels notion on the proletarian class. In the first part of the paper, the author sets a description of populism based on its three key features: reaction, the notion of the people, and the struggle. In the second part, the idea of class consciousness is analysed, showing that class consciousness is necessarily political. In the third part of the paper, the idea of left populism is explored by using the findings of the second part of the paper, showing structural inconsistencies in the idea of the populist subject.Rad analizira mogućnosti levog populizma da proizvede klasnu svest kod onih koje Laklau naziva populističkim subjektima. Autor pokazuje da populistički subjekti nisu identični niti međusobno zamenjivi pojmovi u svetlu Marksovih i Engelsovih ideja o proleterskoj klasi. U prvom delu rada, autor postavlja ideju populizma na osnovu tri osnovna elementa: reakcionarnosti, ideje naroda, i borbe. U drugom delu, analizira se ideja klasne svesti i pokazuje da je ona nužno politička. U trećem delu rada, ideja levog populizma se objašnjava zaključcima o klasnoj svesti, gde se pokazuje strukturalna nekonzistentnost ideje populističkog subjekta

    The Classical and Hellenistic Economy and the “Paleo-Balkan” Hinterland. A Case Study of the Iron Age “Hellenized Settlements”

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    Dozens of similar fortified settlements exhibiting a familiarity with some Greek building techniques and traditions existed in some parts of the Balkans during the Iron Age, especially from the fifth to third century BC. The settlements are documented in a vast continental area stretching from modern-day Albania, the FYR Macedonia and south central Serbia to Bulgaria. Archaeological interpretations mostly accept that economic factors and trade with late Classical and early Hellenistic Greece were instrumental in their emergence, and the phenomenon is interpreted as Greek 'influence' and local 'imitation' of Mediterranean culture. Presenting the most influential interpretations of the Classical and Hellenistic economy and some perspectives in economic anthropology, this paper examines the traditional (mostly formalistic) culture-historical understanding of the Balkan 'Hellenized settlements' of the mid-first millennium BC and Mediterranean interrelations. It also looks at the construction and role of status identity as a crucial social factor in shaping the Iron Age communities in the hinterland, and defines possible trade and exchange activities as only one aspect of the identity of a burgeoning elite

    A contribution to shielding effectiveness analysis of shielded tents

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    An analysis of shielding effectiveness (SE) of the shielded tents made of the metallised fabrics is given. First, two electromagnetic characteristic fundamental for coupling through electrically thin shield, the skin depth break frequency and the surface resistance or transfer impedance, is defined and analyzed. Then, the transfer function and the SE are analyzed regarding to the frequency range of interest to the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Community

    The textile industry at Krševica (Southeast Serbia) in the fourth-third centuries B.C.

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    Na ovom lokalitetu nedaleko od Bujanovca tokom istraživanja 2001-2006. godine otkriveni su značajni ostaci naselja s kraja klasičnog i početka helenističnog perioda. Pored mnogobrojnih nalaza, koji pripadaju IV i prvim decenijama III veka pre n.e, otkriveno je preko hiljadu celih i fragmentovanih tkačkih tegova, pršljenaka i kalemova od kojih je obrađeno 1038 bolje očuvanih i karakterističnih primeraka. Ovom broju treba priključiti i tridesetak komada iz Narodnog muzeja u Vranju koji su prikupljeni i objavljeni posle prvih iskopavanja u Krševici 1966. godine. Osnovne tipološke odlike ovog materijala odnose se na 314 tegova u obliku piramide (tip A - 35%; Cl. 1; T. I-III), tri tega u obliku kupe (T. IV. 35-37), 432 ovalna tega u obliku violine (tip B - 48%; Sl. 2; T. IV. 38-47 V) i 149 diskoidnih tegova (tip C - 17%; Sl. 3; T. VI; VII. 72-76). Pršljenci korišćeni za pređu zastupljeni su sa samo 22 primerka (Sl. 4; T. VII. 77-85) a 118 komada odnosi se na kalemove koji su imali široku primenu, ali se često objavljuju zajedno sa ovom vrstom nalaza (Sl. 5; T. VII. 86). Na izvesnom broju tegova nalaze se oznake ili žigovi urezani ili utisnuti u meku glinu koji su predstavljali "zaštitne znake ", dokaze o vlasništvu, ili su imali dekorativnu ulogu. Prilikom iskopavanja u Krševici tegovi su otkriveni u skoro svim sondama, ali osim manjih koncentracija za sada nisu otkrivene veće grupe koje bi mogle da se odnose na objekte sa radnim prostorom, ili radionicama. Prema stratigrafskim podacima najviše ovih nalaza potiče iz gornjih slojeva. Po svemu sudeći od kraja IV veka pre n.e., pored značajnih građevinskih poduhvata, prosperitet naselja ogledao se i u porastu stanovništva, pa shodno tome u većem intenzitetu tkačke delatnosti. O tome pored velikog broja tegova, dosta govore i paleozoološke analize. Pokazalo se da posle govečeta najzastupljeniju vrstu čine ovce, a vuna je u ovom slučaju predstavljala jednu od osnovnih sirovina. Ne ulazeći u problematiku ove specifične delatnosti, kao ilustraciju navodimo samo dva primera. To su piramidalni tegovi i vertikalni razboj iz kasnog bronzanog doba koji je rekonstruisan prema rezultatima arheoloških iskopavanja na jednom lokalitetu u severnoj Nemačkoj (Sl. 8). Drugi primer je atička vaza iz VI veka pre n.e. sa poznatom scenom gde žene, ili devojke rade na razboju, što živo odslikava intimnu atmosferu grčkog porodičnog domaćinstva (Sl. 9). Sličnosti su očigledne, a tegovi i ostali pribor, uključujući i razboj, bili su uobičajena pojava na svim većim naseljima gde su se obično devojke i žene bavile tkanjem. Materijal iz Krševice ima brojne analogije sa lokalitetima iz Bugarske i Makedonije, ali se sa sve većim brojem nalaza stiče utisak da pored piramidalnih tegova, koji se sreću na daleko širem mediteranskom prostoru, ovalni tegovi u obliku violine postaju karakteristika severnoegejskih, i posebno tračkih, makedonskih i peonskih oblasti. Tako su dolinama Vardara, Strume i dalje sve do Krševice stizali ljudi i roba, gde se potom izrađivao ne samo tkački pribor, već i daleko brojnija i značajnija lokalna "helenizirana" keramika. O značaju ovog za sada jedinstvenog naselja u dolini Južne Morave, koje je održavalo bliske kontakte sa Egejom, pored drugih nalaza svedoče i razvijene delatnosti poput grnčarstva i tkačkog zanata koji su u IV i početkom III veka pre n.e., u najmanju ruku zadovoljavale osnovne potrebe stanovništva.The site of Kale at Krševica, with significant remains of a settlement dating to the late Classical and early Hellenistic periods, has yielded, in addition to other finds, more than a thousand loom weights, spindle whorls and spools of which 1038 pieces are typologically classified. This material provides evidence for the craft of weaving in the settlement in the fourth and early third centuries B.C